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~*Anime Girl*~

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hmmm............ I have three, all from my highschool years:

Ms. Scamihorn- the best drama teacher there ever is/was, along with the most eccentric, weirdest, strictest, and most difficult.

Ms. Murphy- Lit teacher in 9th and 11th (she teaches Honors, that's why), very open-minded, and encourages us to form and state our own opinions about things. Our who class gets involved in these deep conversations, it's really fulfilling.

Mrs. Saunders- History and Government teacher. She has a very positive attitude, and isn't afraid to pack on the work. Thing about her tho, is that you [i]want[/i] to do the work, for her. It's a very rare person that gets me to work for them....
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I really liked my second grade teacher, Mrs. McGinnis, she was so nice, and she alsways used to call me spider monkey(don't ask, a little inside joke thing.) She always played rainforest music, opened the blinds and turned out the lights while we worked, it was peacefull. a soft light somming in thorugh the windows, hehe.
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Mrs. G, she was my gym teacher, that was really nothing, but she gave us lessons on life, and how it is, and how to deal with difficult problems. Shequit though, cuz some parents had issues with her.:( she was my gym teacher from kindergarden to 6th grade, boy that was long long ago.
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Guest Master O Beans
Mrs. Blackford (or Mrs. Bluechevy ....as we liked to caller her.) was my FAVOURITE TEACHER OF ALL TIME! She teached Fourth grade and I still remember her quite well. And best of all, my parents surprised me by inviting her to my Graduation Open House!! I was soo excited :D ....and she's still as hott as I remember :D :eek: :love: :D
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my teachers suck(ed). the ones in school anyway. most of em haven't taught me anything worthwhile. they are all the same lazysystematicpreachingtools dressed in different garb. there are some exceptions though, ones that actually opened my mind and taught against the 'rules'. mr. ramiscal and mr. oishi. sophmore year history and english.
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Well, my fravorite teacher is Mr. Mead, My science teacher. He is hilarous (It also helps that sciece is my favorite subject). We had to cover are books, and decorate them and we had a contest, first place got a 6pack of soda:D. And one of the books said "GIMME MORE" and "MUST HAVE" when he read that he asked if the kid was on drugs!:laugh: :laugh:
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[COLOR=blue]I'm in seventh grade now, but none of my teachers so far are as great as my fifth grade teacher, Mrs. DeGroote. She teaches Social Studies and makes learning seem like a big ol' party. Which is a good thing, since I'm not too fond of Social Studies...[/COLOR] :D :rolleyes:
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-my band teacher Mr. Johnson from 6th grade. he was a really good teacher and was funny, but had high blood pressure and a bit of a temper, and some of the kids in band that year were....:flaming::devil:
-my band teacher Mr. Johnson from 7th and 8th grade (the other one quit, probably for description stated:p ). he too is great, and you can talk to him like a regular person and not a teacher (last year was his first year teaching, BTW)
-my 8th grade english/literature teacher, Mr. Combs. he's pretty strict, but he's good at explaining what he teaches, and he'll have class discussions on stuff ranging from politics to sports to just plain stupid quirky stuff
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