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First I would like to say, HAPPY EASTER PEOPLES!!! Now I would like to ask about your holidays and why and how do you celebrate them. Like for instance:

I celebrate Christmas, Thanksgiving, Halloween, Easter, Mother and Father's day, Presidents day, 4 of July, New Years, mainly because many english christians celebrate Thanksgiving, Easter, and Christmas, and I'm one to celebrate those other holidays cause i love a good day off. I'm pretty sure everyone knows how to celebrate all those holidays.

So, what about you and your traditional holidays?
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Happy Easter to you too. And everyone.

I celebrate any time I'm given off school. Simple as that. I have no other reason. Christmas? I'm not religious. Same goes for Easter.

Mother's Day and Father's Day? Well, I get them presents because they expect it, but I don't CELEBRATE them. They are very much commercial things after all. It's all getting a bit out of hand really. About a month ago I saw a sign in a card shop window saying
"Don't Forget Secretaries' Day"

Now if that isn't getting a little ridiculous...

Oh, and I don't know any English people who celebrate thanksgiving, and I know quite a few English people, what with living here and all.
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[color=green] Heehee, HAPPY EASTER![center]()()
Heheh...had to make it, in case you can't tell it's a rabbit.^^() Anyways, I'm religious, so I celebrate Easter and Christmas, with the Christian meaning that is.^^() I'm also American, so I celebrate Thanksgiving and the 4th of July, plus Presidents Day, Veterans Day....and so on so forth.Oo I don't really celebrate Halloween, but I do dress up.^^ I also celebrate Mother's/Father's Day...just because I love my parents.^~ I guess holidays are pretty much either a time off, or a celebration of something great.^^() I enjoy them all any way I can.[/color]
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I look at Christmas and Easter as two times of year in which to specifically reflect upon the events celebrated on those days.

All other holidays are just holidays to me. Thanksgiving is a time to eat a lot, Halloween is a time to eat a lot of thing that aren't too particularly good for you, Independence Day is a time to celebrate the freedoms I so enjoy, and my birthday isn't anything too particularly special at all.

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Oh, yeah I celebrate friends birthdays, but they aren't really holidays, as such. I wish they were, so I could spend, well, all my time off school. 1000 people in the school, 365 days a year, I just have to befriend the right people at the right times of year! Hoorah!
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[COLOR=royalblue]Heh, Happy Easter![/COLOR]

[COLOR=royalblue]I celebrate Christmas, Thanksgiving, 4th of July, Presidents Day, Mothers/Fathers Day, Easter, Halloween and of course birthdays. There are more holidays I didn't mention but their all well known so no need to mention, besides I can't remember them all. ^^; [/COLOR]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Wintermute [/i]
[B]Oh, yeah I celebrate friends birthdays, but they aren't really holidays, as such. I wish they were, so I could spend, well, all my time off school. 1000 people in the school, 365 days a year, I just have to befriend the right people at the right times of year! Hoorah! [/B][/QUOTE]

"Ok, who has a birthday today?"
"Ooh ooh I do I do!"
"Happy Birthday! And might I just add, those are some mighty fine shoes ya got there."
"Thanks! Would you like to be my friend?"
"Ok. Hey, teacher, it's his birthday and I'm his friend! Do I get the day off?"
"Eh...What I mean is, I celebrate friends birthdays as a holiday. And holidays are when you don't go to school. So let me off, I'm celebrating a holiday."
"[B]...*Sigh* Fine.[/B]"
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[font=Kabel Bk BT]
I pretty much celebrate everything everyone has said. Christmas and Thanksgiving are my favorite. Thanksgiving because all I do is eat, then take a nap, get up eat sum more. Christmas, presents but then getting to go to my grandparents house and see all of my cousins and family.:)[/font]
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[color=ff00cc] [size=1]Happy Easter!! ^ .^

We don't celebrate holidays very often. On New Year's Eve, we go out on the beach, and watch the fireworks, and all, but we really don't celebrate much at home. Since we don't go to church anymore, we don't have anything too special planned.

I love celebrating holidays at school, though. Especially Valentine's Day! ^^[/color] [/size]
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I used to live in Hong Kong, and holidays there were often celebrated in VERY good ways. On Chinese New Year, there were firecracker chains, fireworks, food, Dragons and Lions dancing down the street...
My personal favourite was the Moon festival, where everyone went down to the beach with candle lanterns, on a full moon, and sat in the sand surrounded by a ring of candles.... from a distance it was quite staggeringly beautiful.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dragonballzman [/i]
[B]Not religious, so Christmas to me is just an excuse for getting presents (same goes for Easter, just with Eggs). [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]You're that fond of eggs?

Heh. [/SIZE]
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[color=ff00cc] [size=1]*shudders* I really, really hate eggs. They're so squishy and... weird. o_o;

Chocolate eggs are good, though. And painting regular eggs is fun. Whenever I go Easter Egg hunting, I always give my eggs to someone else. Bad experience. x.x;

I forgot all about Chinese New Year!! That's the biggest celebration in my family. (Since I'm Korean... Koreans make a big fuss over Chinese New Year). I have to wear my han-bok, (Traditional Dress), which is extremely uncomfortable, and bow in front of the elders. Usually, I have to bow at least fifteen times. And after each bow, I get some money- as a present. This year, I think I got... $275-ish, though I only bowed four times. o.o;[/color] [/size]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Juuthena [/i]
[B][color=ff00cc] [size=1]
This year, I think I got... $275-ish, though I only bowed four times. o.o;[/color] [/size] [/B][/QUOTE]

...I wanna be Korean. XD jk

But seriously...how much money!? O.O I mean, other people do it too, right? How many elders are there? Srry if I'm getting a little hyped, but that really surprised me...o.O
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[color=ff00cc] [size=1]Umm... by elders, it's just older people your family is close to. Mainly middle-aged people. Just to show respect.

I usually have to bow at least fifteen times to get around $275, but this time, my uncle gave me alot. ^^;;[/color] [/size]
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Easter is always good. I wind up getting a few hundred dollars from relatives for god knows what reason.

I have no real attachment to any holidays myself. We have no real traditions, other than going to certain people's houses on certain days.
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Jeeze...now I'll tell you about my easter day.

So I drive around with pa for a half an hour, looking for something to do. hen we go to this crowded restaurant with a whole lot of family, half of them i didn't know. Then my grandma gives me raisins and a 10 dolla check. Boy, this was some day.
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This easter, I sat at home on my own, (parents and sister all went to different parts of the country) ate lots of food and chocolate, and sat on the computer. Listening to and d/ling music, sitting on OB and the various other websites I live on, then rang some friends for a spell.

Good, honest, slightly lonely fun!
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[B][COLOR=royalblue]Eastah ^_^[/COLOR][/B]
Well another holiday has come and gone. Its always kind of depressing when it does.

Anyhoo for Easter I got candy.. Way too much candy! >.< I had fun though. My grandma, uncle, aunt, and two of my dads friends came over. One of my dads' friends brought a little boy, Fred(7 yrs old). Hes smart for his age. We all ate then went to the park and hiked. It was really nice out. Fred loved climbing the mountains and followed Larry, my dads' other friend up this huge hill. I had to go with him since no one else really could/wanted too. Of course him and I got really dirty, but it was fun. I carried him on my back most of the way back. He kept getting way too close to the edge near a waterfall, big drop too. Once we all got back to my house it started pouring rain. That screwed up our plans to play basketball. Once the rain stopped my brother and I played hide and seek with Fred untill he had to leave.

I had a great Easter, way better than last year. ^_^
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Christmas, Easter, Halloween, Thanksgiving, The 4th of July, St. Patrick's Day (I've got a lot of Irish in me, so this is a large celebration), Mother's Day, Father's Day, the list goes on and on. Of course, I celebrate all religious holidays that come with being a Roman Catholic. Most holidays my whole family just gets together and does stuff retaining to the holiday. I don't really celebrate Valentine's Day, though. It's too commercial when you think about it.
Same with Mother's and Father's Day, But I have to celebrate those. The rest of my family does, so it means that I have to drop my opinion on the matter and buy presents for my parents. It's not that bad, I guess.

I didn't get much money this Easter....only about 45-50 dollars. At least I got the C.D. I wanted.
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[color=black][size=1][font=rockwell] Holidays really don't mean much to me; especially, speaking of it, the religious ones. Such as Easter and Christmas.

Holidays to me are just another excuse to be selfish to myself. Someday I hope to change that and just buy everyone else I know or care for presents instead of the other way around.[/color][/size][/font]
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