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New Love Hina avatar


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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Hittokiri Zero [/i]
[B]The text layers need to be nudged one pixel to the right and one pixel down. ALthough it was purposley done this way it's skippy so i don't really like it =P. But if it was fun I guess it's aiite. :therock: [/B][/QUOTE]
I was going from my test on the longest name, in this case, Naru Narusegawa, and made sure that there was a pixel from the edge on each side. If I moved it down, the 'g' would come into contact with the line, and if I moved it over, it would come into contact with the red line. I'll try to move the red line over and move the box a little higher and see how that looks.

EDIT: Maybe something like this?

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[size=1]It might just be the computer I'm on, but the avatar seems to be a little pixelated...

Anyway, I like it. Simple avatars usually work the best, especially with animated ones. Sadly, I have never seen Love Hina even though everyone tells me how great it is. Maybe when I can find it for a little cheaper than 25.99 a DVD, ergh.

You need to make me a Kaworu avatar one of these days.

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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shyguy [/i]
[B][size=1]It might just be the computer I'm on, but the avatar seems to be a little pixelated...

Anyway, I like it. Simple avatars usually work the best, especially with animated ones. Sadly, I have never seen Love Hina even though everyone tells me how great it is. Maybe when I can find it for a little cheaper than 25.99 a DVD, ergh.

You need to make me a Kaworu avatar one of these days.

-Shy[/size] [/B][/QUOTE]
If it does seem pixelated, it's because my animation program automatically does that for some reason, even on the highest quality. *shrug* If I could change it, I would. lol

I know where to find the Love Hina season and OVA on DVD dubbed for $35. ;) Bah, I know how to find everything, don't I?

As for the Kaworu avatar, all you have to do is ask. :)
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Syk3 [/i]
[B]I know where to find the Love Hina season and OVA on DVD dubbed for $35. ;) Bah, I know how to find everything, don't I?

As for the Kaworu avatar, all you have to do is ask. :) [/B][/QUOTE]
[size=1]You DO know everything, and it's very annoying. PM me with the name of the site, since that is an excellent deal.

And I don't know if I want to force you into making me a Kaworu avatar. It isn't like I have a shortage of them *points to stack of Kaworu and/or Shinji avatars* Maybe I should move on to a new anime... nah.

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[color=ff00cc] [size=1]That's really neat! ^^
I don't know much about Love Hina, but those are really cute pictures. ^^;

I like the cheeful-ness of the avi. The pictures all seem to really fit in with each other.

9.6/10.[/color] [/size]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Juuthena [/i]
[B][color=ff00cc] [size=1]That's really neat! ^^
I don't know much about Love Hina, but those are really cute pictures. ^^;

I like the cheeful-ness of the avi. The pictures all seem to really fit in with each other.

9.6/10.[/color] [/size] [/B][/QUOTE]
Yeah, I actually tried to make some sort of an average Love Hina story out of it. For the girls, I found a cheerfull picture of all of them smiling, wearing these towels in a hot spring. So, I went through the girls, and then you see Keitaro (a [i]guy[/i]), so he get's punches into outer space for walking in on them in an all-girls hot spring. Yeah...something like that. o_O

[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Krillen [/i]
[B]You could have used a better font but when its that small its kind of hard.[/B][/QUOTE]
What are you talking about?! That bitmap font is the shizzle, lol.
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I have heard of the show, never seen it.

*is watching the avie animation skip just before the thread inserted animation* Heh.

Very clean, with a common theme running through the whole animation. My fav image is the very last one, with the blue sky and the lines. Dunno why. *shrugs* And kudos on keeping all the text justified in the same way. That was well thought out.

Nifties! 9/1o.
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