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Blue Gender

Queen Asuka

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[color=hotpink][size=1]Well, I got this video for Christmas with the first three episodes of the series and I never got a chance to watch it until last week in the middle of the night when I couldn't sleep. And let me tell you, this series disturbed me.

The gist of the series is that this guy wakes up and finds out that he's been asleep for much longer than he planned (he was cryogenically asleep until they found the cure for a disease he had). When he awoke, he found out the earth had been taken over by these monsters called "Blue." He was saved by a recovery team who had come down to earth from a space station where all inhabitants had evacuated and they were trying to reclaim the place.

This series is very GORY and very MATURE. I would suggest it for the older teen. Has anyone else seen any of this series? I'm sure Kevin has...Heh. ^_^[/color][/size]
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Well I never...Asuka making a thread about a series FUNI edits? ~_^

I saw some previews for it in my old Dragonball Z tapes (...>.>...) and it looked kind of strange. It got me interested, but it deffinitly didn't sound like any anime I've seen before. The preview made it out to be for mature audiences, like you said, so I was quite surprised it was going to be done by FUNI.

So yeah, I've never seen it, but I suppose I would if I got the chance.
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Yeah like QA i only have the first DVD. Its very good and quite violent. The animation is excellent and it has some pretty sweet looking mech designs. I had planned to buy the rest but i **ahem** ran into abit of a cash flow problem :rolleyes:

Anywayz ive read some reviews of what happens latter in the series and it sounds pretty exicting...Id def suggest it if you can get your hands on it :D
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[color=hotpink][size=1]Yeah, the only previews on the video was for DBZ. :rolleyes:

Though, I saw it dubbed, and the voices were not that bad at all. Everyone's voice suited them nicely, especially Marlene's. It's nice to see a decent dubbing every now and then.

I'm not particularly sure I'm ever going to get the next volume, but it was definatley something different, since I'm big on the comedy/romance genre.[/color][/size]
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  • 1 month later...
I heard Blue Gender was a hentai.

Maybe that's just a rumor (I'm hoping it is) but if it's true, I'm wondering what is po$$e$$ing ~.^ CN to air hentai and to drop anime with some artistic merit to make room for it. I mean, that's one line they haven't crossed before, at least as far as I know, and it's one that IMHO shouldn't be crossed because hentai isn't "cool" or "mature," or "cutting-edge," it's trash that any 14 year old boy with hormones and a mind that needs serious psychiatric care could write.

Sorry for the miniature anti-hentai rant LOL.

Anyway, what is BG? If it's true H, I've lost the last remaining shred of respect I had for CN Grr.:flaming:
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[color=hotpink][size=1]It's not hentai.

I have the first volume of this series and I'm not a huge fan, but it's not really that bad. It's futuristic and these beings have overtaken the Earth. It's pretty gruesome, if anything. They're going to have a fun time cutting out all the blood and stuff in that one.

There is one mature scene in the first volume that was a bit of roaming hands, but definately not hentai.[/color][/size]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by aYokano [/i]
[B]May I ask a qustion?What is hentai and can you give some examples.I just don't know what it is. [/B][/QUOTE]

Eh - it's well, ermmm... look it up on [URL="http://www.Google.com"]Google[/URL]. Not allowed to post or talk about it on OB. ^_^
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by aYokano [/i]
[B]May I ask a qustion?What is hentai and can you give some examples.I just don't know what it is. [/B][/QUOTE]
I'm gonna be frank here, but I'm also gonna put it behind a spoiler tag because not everybody'll want to hear it. ^_^ oh, and don;t look on Google, because you'll probably find out in a very....disturbing way, to say the least.
[spoiler]K, basically, hentai is the anime version of porn. Some have "plots". And that's all I'm saying.[/spoiler]
K..hope I don't get into too much trouble for that...:nervous:
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by aYokano [/i]
[B]May I ask a qustion?What is hentai and can you give some examples.I just don't know what it is. [/B][/QUOTE]

it's um..... *bbbbbbbbeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeppppppppp*...and that's it. You should just look it up. ^.^ I don't think it's a very..uh.. proper thing to explain on OB.. heh.
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[color=red][font=times new roman]Yeah im with QA...How come you guys have never heard of this series? Its really great...

The basic storyline is thus...Sometime in the future the planet earth is invaded by a species of insect invaders called the "blue". Are story starts with one man waking up from a cryopod. It seems that genetic deseases started cropping up all too frequently...With no cure insight many opted to be frozen until a cure could be found. However while these ppl where frozen the invasion happened and these poor souls wake to a horror...The earth is all but deserted and most of humanity lives in a space colony orbiting the earth.

Well without going on for an eternity these cryo sleepers are special and crucial to humanity driving the blue off earth(I wont say anything more then that so as not to spoil :p )

So getting to the point...Its a very violent series inwhich ANYONE can die at anytime(and do) Its very visceral and doesnt blink an eye at any moment...It has wonderful character development and even portrays a realistic romantic triangle...

I just dont see how CN will air this w/o editing the hell of it...Which if they do ill be seriously annoyed...

The only good thing is the whole series is already translated so no stupid stopping in the middle of the story and restarting again :D [/color][/font]
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  • 1 month later...
I have. It's great, I really like the plot. Oh, and go to blue [URL]http://www.bluegender.com[/URL] I can't really say more with out spoiling the story. But you'd have to watch most of the eps. to get it. The site will give just the basic story plot line, and the non-spoiler junk. But if you really look around the site too much, then it may spoil it. So just watch the previews, which just give little things about the plot, and place.
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All right, I guess I'm the odd person out, but I absolutely hate Blue Gender. IMHO, the character voices are mismatched, the anime relies *too* heavily on shock scenes without any reason for their existence, and it's just not something I like.

I actually think that the last episode of Big O was better-at least that had some thought to it, some depth on the character, posed an interesting idea-and managed to do so without (albeit edited) naked women in the ending theme, monsters that looked like hentai, and the main character. . .um, you know.
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[COLOR=orangered]Eh it was OK. First episode was kind of boring though. The story'll probably pick up later so I'll keep on watching. I prefer FLCL though outta the new stuff AS is showing.[/COLOR]:D
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[QUOTE]I actually think that the last episode of Big O was better-at least that had some thought to it, some depth on the character, posed an interesting idea-and managed to do so without (albeit edited) naked women in the ending theme, monsters that looked like hentai, and the main character. . .um, you know.[/QUOTE]

[color=silver][font=times new roman][b]Well I cant let that staement go by without me saying something :D

You shouldnt judge blue gender by the first episode...The series really starts picking up and by the end you will have realized that this series has some of the best characterizations you'll ever see.

I mean if you woke up out of cold sleep into this kinda nightmare what do you think you would do? Pick up a gun and proudly announce "I WILL KILL ALL BLUE" yeah right you go believe that...While a normal person would be scared witless...

What I love about the series is its realism...People die easily and frequnetly like real war...The mecha act and look like mecha...The blue are effectively frightening looking...

I really cant believe that they didnt edit the episode AT ALL except for the credits ofcourse the first ep is one of the tamer episodes...Things get alot more violent in the next ep...

Millie im not trying to attack you for your opinion I just think its abit unfair...Although I will say while big o is ok I wouldnt compare it to something as great as blue gender :p

Now that my longwindedness is over...Let the comments commence :D [/color][/font][/b]
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I liked Blue Gender. It had some pretty good action and that one dude, Joey i think his name was, he was a freakin' psycho! But thats why i liked him. He ran into the place and started to pummel that BLUE monster. I liked it in the fac tthat they don't show the main character as able too adapt right away. I probably would have wet myself as well if i saw a ginat dung beetle roll two militairy guards into a small compact little ball. I like it because it protraise the main character like he really should react too his situation. But i do agree with Millie fan about the naked girl at the end for no apparent reason. Although it is fun to watch. :D
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I watched it... I thought it was pretty good, I had no Idea what it was about, but I think it will turn out to be pretty good. The BLUE are well.... Creepy... I think it was freeky how the crunch to people into little balls, That freeked me out of bed. I think the voices are ok, but the main character (The dude whos been asleep) is ugly. Lose the sideburns. But, from what i'v seen, I think it looks good, even though I dont understand why they cant Nuke all the BLUE, but that would destroy alot of Earth....
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I don't know what episode you guys are on, but I just find it a bit irritating that all the people that the main character and supporting female comes into contact with die. It's a bit depressing, you know? At this rate, the only thing that will keep the human race alive is if the main character and.... that might be what they're aiming for, though.
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