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chek it.ma sig


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never used color dodge on this one lol its grown old to me but i just dont feel like making another one right now seeing how im at school and i need some time to make it. and what style u talking about?

[color=teal]Please try to improve your post quality. I don't mean it has to be perfect, but at least add sufficient grammer, punctuation, and capitolization so that members can better understand what you are trying to say. I can barely find where one sentence ends and one begins. -Syk3[/color]
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Y'know what... I for one like it... It's really interesting *sits and stares at it for a few moments* Woo it boggles your mind! In a good way ;)

I'm thinking the "spectral view" text is in a little too much from the left... not much, just a tad... but that's just my opinion and I'm [i]really[/i] nitpicking. I'm not really in a position to critisise. That's amazing compared to what I manage to come up with O_o An example of which is "find pretty picture > change it somehow > add text"

heh heh, so, overall I like! ^_^
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using the wave filter is not a style and spoono has nothing that looks like this, the last time i went there.... oh and about the grammar its cause ive been at another forum (DevilForums) and they dont have all these rules you have to follow...and yet theres alot of order there and people actually like it unlike some places..but i should stop this is kinda spamming..
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Proper grammar should be a given it shows intelligence, and the all-mighty ability to spell rofl...

I also checked out DevilForums... hmm there are some nice things there but the people voting on the graphics are a little weird (no offense), I looked in some thread Eye-Kyu (sp?) vs. Dmack, and Eye-Kyu's render/model of that face was clearly better than those random filters Dmack used -_o;. I'm sorry that just had to be pointed out.
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Before you all get into a discussion about 'DevilForum' I'm just going to ask that you please stay on topic here. Any and all posts devoted to and regarding this will be closed. Thank you for your attention.
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though eye kyu's modeling may have been better its more of what people like to see.what people take a liking to. and using good grammar may show intelligence but one reason why alot more people like DF better than OB is because they do not really care about it and so u are able to have fun there but here there so many dumass rules..like no having 2 images in ur sig??? if u make a size limit on the banners then they would be 2 sigs...thats why DF and Anikey are better than this piece of **** board with so many fags on it who are all like "plz dont comment someones gfc by saying that suks or i like it but give a reason why," thats so dum its like this board is made by an 11 year old boy whos parents are constantly watching him on the internet so he has to make a board and tell people no profanity,dont talk about drugs,or guns,or gangs,or cars, but talk about cartoons and everyone be nice...god thats so dum what losers...u cant talk about jak here...this place used to be cool about 2-3 years ago now its just a kiddy place..change the name from otakuboards to Kiddy Kitty Licking Homo Boards. Now Dont be Hatin, cause im the shiznit
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[color=#808080]Actually, [i]you[/i] are sounding like the 11 year old boy here.

I couldn't even understand most of your post.

At OtakuBoards, we pride ourselves on good quality -- members, discussions, etc

It doesn't mean you can't have fun. Just look at our RPGs and such -- people can have fun without acting like total nutcases.

If you prefer a board with less spam control, that's fine. But when you're on [i]our[/i] boards, you'll respect [i]our[/i] rules or you will not be welcome. Simple as that.[/color]
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[b][size=1]The rules are on Otakuboards are there for a good reason.

Clearly, you can't abide by them, especially judging by your last post. You were asked to follow some simple rules and a request by Syk3, yet you decided to be abusive instead.

We can, and do talk here. If you took more than five seconds to read some of the topics here, you'd see intelligent discussion regularly take place.

There was quite a heavy debate and talk about drugs, sex and various other things, you just haven't seen them.

And... you might be the shiznit, but now you're the banned shiznit.[/b][/size]
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[color=black][size=1][font=rockwell] The font on there is horrendous. It ruins the entire image for me, it doesn't work. But the background is a high point, I suppose.

And Griff, I'll see you in the grains of sand. James already took care of what I would've said, so there and there. I'll see you when you're gone.[/color][/size][/font]
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