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Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes


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[size=1][color=blue] Today Metal Gear Solid: Twin Serpants a remake of the original Metal Gear Solid for the PSX was announced as the Gamecube exclusive MGS game. It is being developed by Silicon Knights the people who developed Eternal Darkness it will use a revamped version of the Metal Gear Solid 2 engine. When I heard they were making a Metal Gear Solid game for the Gamecube I hoped it would be a new title or a side story but this seems like a good idea if they do it right and keep the aspects of the original game the same. I hope they leave in the two alternate endings depending on your desicions in the game. I just hope that this game wasn't the new Metal Gear title Kojima promised to show at the E3.[/size][/color]
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I was just about to post this. Anyway, I heard that Shigeru Miyamoto and the creator of MGS was looking over the production of this game. I'm so excited, I haven't been able to play the original so I could finally play it on my gamecube.
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It's funny seeing it called Twin Serpents instead of Twin Snakes, but what's the difference.

I mentioned the name of this game in the Billy Hatcher thread, that's been known for quite some time. I'm still rather surprised by the fact that Silicon Knights is doing this though...

Hideo Kojima is a bit of a control freak, so I'm sure he'll make sure that SK gets the best game possible out.
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[color=#808080]The idea that this game is in development is nothing particularly surprising. But the idea that Silicon Knights is developing it [i]is[/i] surprising. I don't think anyone saw that coming. o_O

In any case, IGN's saying that it could potentially look better than MGS2, which would be pretty amazing.

I feel sure that SK can do this game justice, especially when you consider their masterful storytelling ability and their knowledge of "cinematic elements" in games. I wonder how different it will be to the original though (ie: Resident Evil PSX compared with Resident Evil GCN).[/color]
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[font=trebuchet ms][color=darkblue]Metal Gear is my favorite gaming series, so I'm keeping a close watch on this title. A different developer may damage the series, as the current gameplay formula is excellent. If they plan to change the game, the likelihood of it equaling or surpassing previous entries is very slim.

I also wish for the controls to be good. I was quite upset at the awkward controls in Substance for the X-Box, mainly because the controller has only 2 shoulder buttons.[/color][/font]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cyke [/i]
[B][font=trebuchet ms][color=darkblue]...A different developer may damage the series...
[/color][/font] [/B][/QUOTE]


Seriously though, Hideo Kojima is the creator of Metal Gear, and he's just being assisted by (arguably) the best game designer in the world.
If there's something I'm really excited about, its seeing some of Silicon Knight's style in a classic franchise.
I was very pleased with Retro's adaptation of Metroid, so I don't doubt that this new, super-talented team will deliver more than expected.
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[color=#808080]Well, when you consider that many Metal Gear purists disliked MGS2...I don't think there is any danger of MGS: TTW being bad.

And when you consider that you've got Miyamoto AND Kojima supervising the title, plus the absolutely awesome talent of Silicon Knights...I think that if anything, our expectations should be pretty high.[/color]
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[size=1][color=blue]Dont worry Cyke I have heard that Miyamoto and Kojima are both somewhat of control freaks so I doubt thjey would release the game if it wasn't up to their expectations and Silicon Knights is probably one of the best Gamecube developers out there. There is no way they can mess this up.[/color][/size]
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[color=royalblue][size=1]Truer word have never been spoken, Kojima and Miyamoto are somewhat control freaks and it is guaranteed that the game will not see the light of day until they are happy with it.

However that is all the more reassuring that you have two of the most brilliant gaming minds in the world working on a Gamecube only game, I hope it knocks the crap out of MGS2[/color][/size]
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I am happy to hear they are remaking Metal Gear Solid, that was an awesome game. Making improvements upon it would only make it better. I severely hated that ghastly excuse of a sequel called Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty. Don't get me wrong I love Metal Gear, and Snake but Metal Gear Solid 2 was a joke.

It only let you play as Snake for about fifteen minutes, and the rest you played as that chump Raiden. Thanks to him being made the main character for the rest of the game the players had to put up with his nonsense conversations with his girlfriend Rose. Those are two huge aspects of the game I hated. The game really made up for it though with awesome graphics, and terrific gameplay. Those are the only reasons I even kept playing, but even with such great things going for a game a horrible plot can kill it. The games unfolding plot was great--that is until you reach the last sections of the game. The plot got so ridiculous, and so far out it was impossible to like anything about the game after that. The way they screwed with your head also ruined the feel of the game, after playing for so long I was terribly pissed off by the sudden strange, for lack of a better word, messages that kept popping up.

That really took me out of the game, and I just could barely finish the game without just getting rid of it. Also the last boss, or rather bosses, were totally and utterly overdone. If you've beaten the game, then you know exactly what I am referring too. I actually consider Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty to be the biggest let downs of all time, and it ranks up their with ET for the Atari as one of the worst games [b]ever[/b].

However, I did love Metal Gear Solid and so I know I will love the remake aptly called The Twin Snakes. The Playstation version totally blows Sons of Liberty out of the water even with the dated graphics, and there is no doubt in my mind that The Twin Snakes will too.

This is my opinion, and I am not sure how many of you actually agree with it. But I think we are all in for a treat with this remake.
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So, is Dyack in lead of the project? Konami is just publishing, so does that mean SK's top man will totally control the project? This may seem bad that Kojima isn't at the helm, but I have faith in Dyack and his team.

I don't really like stealth games, so I won't be anticipating this as much as others. I'm glad that GCN has an exclusive MGS, as that will help increase it's numbers hopefully. I can't wait to see some shots, as it is supposed to be prettier than MGS2!

So it sounds interesting, we'll just have to see. And yes, it comes to USA in 03, but Japan won't get it until next year.
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