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Guest Projekt[Navi]

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Guest Projekt[Navi]
I know at least some of you guys in this board like RahXephon .. and may even name it as the next " Eva " but I think RahXephon lacks is what Eva doesn't. That is how the animation fares. I mean for real, RahXephon was created like a few yrs after Eva was created .. and RahXephon lacks too much of animation that I would'nt call ... Akira-worthy. Heh ... but thats *my* opinion anyway ..
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It is true that the basis for every series comes from another, but I doubt I would go so far as to call it the next Evangelion.

In any case, I don't see any intelligent conversations coming from this. Sorry, topic closed. :whoops:
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[color=#507AAC]Syk3, please try to be a little less overzealous in your Moderating. I am noticing a few cases where you are closing threads and editing posts a little too readily. Please pull back a little bit.

This topic is fine and should remain open. We should encourage discussion about new anime that people may not yet have seen.[/color]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i]
[B][color=#507AAC]Syk3, please try to be a little less overzealous in your Moderating. I am noticing a few cases where you are closing threads and editing posts a little too readily. Please pull back a little bit.

This topic is fine and should remain open. We should encourage discussion about new anime that people may not yet have seen.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE]
I'm sorry James, it's just...well, I'll be more careful. I felt that the initial point of this thread was comparing Neon Genesis Evangelion to RahXephon, and saying that RahXephon was not the next Evangelion. Basically, I thought that he was trying to see who agrees with him on this stand point. But, of course, if I had seen this thread in another light -- one that encouraged discussion about RahXephon, I would not have closed it. Sorry, again.

On topic, I believe that I've heard of RahXephon, but havn't actually seen it. You say that it's similar to Eva? In what ways?
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  • 1 month later...
Guest Anakin Solo
Has anyone seen this? If so what did you think about it? And could you tell me what it is about? A friend of mine told me about it, but never told me what it exactly is about. Any help would be appreciatied. :D
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I've not seen it... But I've been told that it's very reminiscent of Evangelion. Only supposedly even more complicated.

I've not seen Evangelion either, I only know what Shy's mentioned to me. However, I was under the impression that RehXephon was very well liked by those who saw it.

So yeah... That didn't help much :D.
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I've seen a couple episodes of RahXephon. I really liked it, more than Evangelion personally, but you'll probably never hear that from anyone else. -_-

From what I can tell so far, RahXephon is about a boy who can pilot this mech, I guess, called RahXephon, and it was rather complicated. He lives in this city and they're being attacked by somone, and these other two girl-statue mechs come out and start destroying the planes with songs, and then you see a government building with the girls controlling these mechs, and everything is rather odd. >.< I don't know how to explain it, really, but I liked the show a lot, and I recommend it. I thought it was really cool. ^^
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God, I have seen some shots of it and WOW. It looks mind blowing. Many people say it sucks and it will never be as great as NGE, but others are in love and say it surpasses EVA. I guess it is one of those series where there isn't an in-between. You love it or you hate it.

From what I have read it'll be appearing on ADV's anime channel, so I guess I'll wait untill then. On that subject does anyone know when the anime channel will be coming out?
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  • 1 month later...
I've seen that this new anime ia about to come out... Does anyone hold any good information on it...

Athough I know its be released in Japan...this month it'll be released in US.

Also has anyone heard of Noir...I saw a trailer and it looks pretty darn good!!!!!
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There have been a few RahXephon threads now... *nods*

I personally like RahXephon. Itriguing plot, wonderful graphics, pretty music, cool mechs. It's all there. lol. I recommend it if you like stuff like that? I personally don't like mech anime that much, but I still enjoyed this. I thought it was better than Eva, but no one else will second that... >.>
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Guest Hikaru Ichijyo
RahXephon, is a great anime that hopefully will get the attention it deserves in America. Many say that it's the next Evangelion but in certain aspects its quite better. The mech designs are rather intriguing not to meantion rather original. Also the storyline and animation style is far superior to most animes that are out right now.

If you really want to see an what a great mech anime should be like check out RahXephon!
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Rick Hunter [/i]
[B]RahXephon, is a great anime that hopefully will get the attention it deserves in America. Many say that it's the next Evangelion but in certain aspects its quite better. The mech designs are rather intriguing not to meantion rather original. Also the storyline and animation style is far superior to most animes that are out right now.

If you really want to see an what a great mech anime should be like check out RahXephon! [/B][/QUOTE]
;_; *tears of joy* Wow, it's great to hear that someone besides myself thinks it's better. I personally didn't like Evangelion that much, actually. But RahXephon hooked me with the first episode. It's very impressive, and I'm not really a mech person, so for someone like me to get drawn in so fast, that's impressive. ^_-
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  • 1 month later...
I don't know if there is already a thread about this, if so feel free to close it, but has anyone seen this new anime released by ADV, called RAHXEPHON?

I just bought the first DVD a while ago, not expecting much, and was suprised by how good it was. It has a good story, and some cool mech designs. I see it as mix between the Matrix and Evangelion.

So, have anyone here seen this series, or am I the only one who cares? :(
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[FONT=arial]haven't seen it, but I've heard it's pretty good from multiple other people who have seen it. I almost ended up buying the first volume, but I saw Kare Kano and my decision was swayed. maybe next time I get some money I'll pick it up ^_^.[/FONT]
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[size=1]I bought the first DVD, and it came with a t-shirt, heh.

RahXephon (Rahxephon?) is a really good series, and simiilar to Eva in some ways. The mech designes are interesting, but I just hope that the series doesn't turn into a generic "Monster of the week" sort of show. The action of the show isn't it's highlight in my opinion, I enjoy learning more about the huge cast of characters.

Right now Ayato is my favorite character, but I have only seen the first volume so far. I believe that the second DVD is being released on Tuesday.

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Well ive heard numerous favorable comparisons of it to evangelion...So being the Eva freak i am ill probly have to check out the series :D

I like the look of the main mecha alot. But i havent gotten to see any of the enemies yet. The intial storyline sounds interesting also. I wonder if the series has a manga adaption of it... :demon:
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  • 1 month later...
I know there hasnt been a reply to this in a while so i justed searched for a thread instead of making a new one.

Anyway though i just bought the first DVD of this even though it was my third choice of a new series to buy, and i was quite impressed. I dont usually like mobile suit type anime series, since i dont like the fighting that much. Nonetheless i loved the plot in this anime, it really is like the Matrix which someone stated early along with a little bit of the Noir/Cowboy Bebop type anime in the sense the main character Ayato needs to find out about his past. Even though i have only seen the first DVD and only the dubbed version of it, i think after watching the whole series ill go back and watch it subbed as well.

And BTW the english voice actors are astounding in this anime.
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  • 4 months later...
Yea ive been getting into this anime for a while now (about 4 months) and its been an enjoyable series so far. I currently have the first 5 DVD's and soon ill probably buy the 6th one once i get the money (the whole series is 7 DVD's). So ill go by category on this one:

Some of the Main Characters:

Ayato Kamina - Instrumentalist of the RahXephon and loves to draw. Is confused about what is reality and can trust very few people. Struggles thourgh random times of depression and searches only for the truth of himself and the world around him.

Haruka Shitou - 2nd lieutenant to the intelligence division of TERRA. She doesnt fight using any type of mechs, but mostly uses martial arts or her pistol. Has feelings for Ayato and is the one who first met Ayato from beyond Tokyo.

Megumi Shitow - Little sister of Haruka and is a pilot in training for TERRA. In some aspects i think of her as Asuka from Eva. but more low toned.

Quon Kisaragi - This is probably my favorite character as of right now. Shes got a unique personality, never revealing enough about herself, but enough to understand what her basic motives are. She is also an instrumentalist and likes to play the violin. She is sorta like Chloe from Noir in that she says few words, but when she does speak she has a chilling, creepy type of voice.

Reika Mishima - As of now from what i have seen, is a random girl that only Ayato and Quon could see.

There are so many characters in this that i could basically go on forever just listing them, but these are the ones seen mostly throughout the series.


Basically there are two worlds: Tokyo and i guess the easiest way to explain it is the rest of the world. Tokyo was invaded by beings called the Mu and from then on Tokyo is basically surrounded in a sphere, separated by a 12 year difference from outside Tokyo (Yea i know it kinda sounds confusing but its not when you watch the series). Ill go only a little bit into the first episode to just get a jist of the series. You first meet a young boy named Ayato he seems to be having a normal day at first and then chaos breaks loose in the city of Tokyo which is being under attack. His only hope is to escape from where he is right now and when doing so he stumbles upon RahXephon. Without getting to much into it ill just leave it off by saying Ayato breaks out of the city of Tokyo and into the "real world". Wow this does sound confusing when i read it but its really not when you watch the anime.


I did a little backround on this and found out that the singer is Ichiko Hashimoto. I never usually care who the singer is most of the time, but this music kicks. Theres usually 21 new songs in each DVD and all of them are extremely well done. Flows perfectly along with the series.

All in all i have to say this resembles Evangelion a lot, even though there are more characters in RahXephon. Each character so far seems to be fulfilled with enough information about themselves and until i see the rest of the series i can only say its a must have.

So i want to know what people might think of the series and if they might want to get it or not. Plus if you do have it what you though about it. Thx
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I absolutely adore RahXephon. Sadly, I've only been able to see the first nine episodes--but hopefully, given enough time, I'll be able to get my hands on the rest of the series. It has the best characterization of any anime I've ever had the pleasure to watch, which is an impressive feat, considering just how many characters there are.

The plot can be a little confusing, and it does require thought, but it's so rewarding when everything finally falls into place. And the score is both amazing and addictive. I can't stop humming the opening song ("Hemispheres").

Not only that, but RahXephon's action and animation leave nothing to be desired. It's gorgeously and vividly drawn, with creative fight scenes and well-designed enemies. I agree, this show is definitely a must have.

And the dub ain't half bad, either.

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I've watched the first ten episodes of the series over the past couple weekends. And was contemplating making a thread on the series after I'd finished them ... searching through I saw about five old threads that had all died out rather quickly. Maybe we can keep this one alive :D.

Anyway ... I do like it a lot. For one thing, it's one of the few animes my boyfriend and I can watch together, since I don't generally give mecha anime much of a chance :p I'm bad, I admit it. But I'd heard so much about RahXephon that I gave it a chance anyway ... and it's quite interesting.

I'm really wondering what the significance of Mishima Reika will end up being. My boyfriend's hypothesis is that she's somehow the [spoiler]human incarnation of RahXephon ... In episode 10 (I think) you find out that she's ... damn, I forget the name. Osiris or Isis or something? Some ancient name that is reminiscent of an Egyptian queen. Or something ... I could be getting this entirely wrong.[/spoiler] :p

I also wonder of the relationship of Quon to [spoiler]Orins, and stuff like that. And what an Orin really is.[/spoiler] Quon and Reika are the biggest points of interest for me right now.
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Yea ive been wondering about the significance of Mishima Reika as well. I like your theory cause it would make a really good major plot development. The only other possibility i can see it being is (only read if you've really seen up to the 5th DVD) [spoiler] Ayato's actually real mother.....i dont really want to get to into it since it kinda ruins a lot of things but its a possibility [/spoiler].
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