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I remembered something really weird about what Misty said in one of the episodes.

Ash: Can't beleive Brock is going to be married

Misty: Just like we're going to some day

Ash: HUH?!

To refresh which episode it was..... Brock broke a fall of a girl. Then she fell in love with him and started making up weird fantasies. I forgot what her name was ( it was parts of pokemon names that her parents describe her as ). But then James broke her fall later in the episode. Then she fell in love with him. Team Rocket used it as an advantage to steal her father's pokemon because the girl's father was a Pokemon Researcher. After Team Rocket was once again defeated the girl fainted. The father explained why she fell in love with a guy so quickly. And Brock was left dateless and wasn't married.

So it left me with one explaination. Misty likes Ash. Manga series sort of supports it ( and it made Brock look like a serious pain in the behind ). How would you think of it? ( Hopefully the conversation would be good so this wouldn't be closed)
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Guest Crimson Spider
You noticed that too, eh? I laughed my head off when I saw that. I remeber that girl kept making wierd mixed pokemon names for Brock and James.

Kinda reminds me of the episode with the 2 nidorans and the trainers that hate eachother. A certain phrase that sticks in my mind is when Ash says that if kissing really would change someone, and Misty repiles like "Well, we will just have to find that out, won't we?" or something to that effect.
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[color=indigo]In the second movie, didn't Misty also refer to Ash as her boyfriend, late in the movie? That kind of caught my eye, since there isn't really much to suggest something between the two in the first season. (I've only seen a few episodes of the second and third, and none from anything beyond that).[/color]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Desbreko [/i]
[B][color=indigo]In the second movie, didn't Misty also refer to Ash as her boyfriend, late in the movie? [/color] [/B][/QUOTE]

[color=royalblue]Yeah, but most people would probably write that off as jealousy towards Melody, or whateveer her name was. (Can't remember that far back).

I think it would be interesting to see those two in an actual relationship. Their personalities given, the things that could happen would be endless in a one-sided perspective.[/color]
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Misty's aways like this. Sometimes you see her on the episodes stareing at Ash. And shes always next to him when thay travel. And on the movie she says;
"Ash is never alone because he's got...me." Weird. You think she really is in love with him!
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[color=indigo]Maybe they decided to scrap the idea, but they were already too far along with it to just stop it, so they just dropped Misty and Brock from the show? (For that season, anyway). I don't know, really; that's a good question. Maybe Misty and Brock will still be in the movies.[/color]
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[color=royalblue]According to the research I've been doing, I know why Misty left, but not Brock. Take a look, if you want:[/color]

[spoiler]The reason why Misty left is because her sister's decided to take thier show on a world tour, and Misty has to return to Cerulean to run the Gym. Ash gives her his hat as a way to remember him by, which is why he get a wardrobe change, most likely.[/spoiler]

[color=royalblue]That little fact can push the belief that there's something between them even farther. *shrugs*[/color]
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[color=indigo]Well, so much for my previous idea. :whoops:

I was kind of wondering why Ash had a different hat in the few pics that I've seen from the new series. I guess that explains it. [spoiler]I wonder if Misty is going to actually wear Ash's old hat, though? That would look kind of funny, heh.[/spoiler]

After hearing this, though, I can't help but think that Misty will show up again some time either in this new season or in the next season. It'd be really annoying to just leave the whole thing hanging like that.[/color]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Crimson Spider [/i]
[B]Kinda reminds me of the episode with the 2 nidorans and the trainers that hate eachother. A certain phrase that sticks in my mind is when Ash says that if kissing really would change someone, and Misty repiles like "Well, we will just have to find that out, won't we?" or something to that effect. [/B][/QUOTE]

The qoute is something like this:
Ash: *after the Nidoran's evolve* I wonder if people change when they kiss...
Misty: We'll just have to find out ourselfs, won't we?
Ash: Huh?

Bleh. Anyway, Ash and Misty would make a good couple but... Ash is too bull headed to admit his feelings to Misty and vice versa. Yet, Misty kinda-sorta told someone that she likes him, but now denies it. (Reminds me of the situation between me and the guy I like, as my friends would say.)
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Logan [/i]
[B]I really hope they get new trainers with him this time that have GOOD Pokemon. I mean, Ash, he gives his away, so you can't count on him.

Hopefully someone with a Jigglypuff or Nidorino... [/B][/QUOTE]

He'll get all the starters from Ru/Sa most likely. The only trainers he's with is another Misty named May. They met the same way Misty met Ash with the same reason to follow him. [spoiler] to pay back their bikes!!! hahahhahaha [/spoiler]

May doesn't ahve a NIdorino and a Jigglypuff. She has a Torchic.And don't diss Ash. He only gave away pokemon that didn't really matter (except that Primeape DAMN YOU!!!! ). He didn't really gave away Charizard [spoiler] Charizard came back to him and Ash used him to win the last gym badge in the Johto League series. So Ash might keep him at that time [/spoiler] So I really think that he'll get good pokemon ( who knows, one of his pokemon might end up like Charizard. Hahahahaha!!)
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