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Sleeping Patterns

Guest cloricus

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Guest cloricus
Tomorrow I have to go back to the normal sleeping pattern rather abruptly as I'm going to my mothers and she doesn't allow "non-normal" sleeping times. (That also includes poly-phasing if any ones interested.) Normally I'd have more warning and I change my current 11am to 3am times back to about 8am to 11pm gradually but I haven't had any this time so I guess I'm going to be tiredish or over awake for the next few days. The reasons for the different times is simple, it?s when all my friends are online and talking as most Australian geeks tend to stay up since most things that happen on the net happen when the northern hemisphere is awake; plus it?s the only time the local radio station plays decent music.

So do you have an odd sleeping pattern or subscribe to alternatives and why?

[edit] By tomorrow I mean today, I keep forgetting that.
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What a coincidence! I have to go back to an "early riser" sleeping pattern soon.

The reason for me changing from my normal sleeping pattern in the first place was Family Guy and Futurama. Yeah, I know how pathetic that is, but it's basically the only hour of TV I ever watch. I was able to change my sleeping pattern because all of my school days started at eleven in the morning. Next semester, they are all at 8! And I commute...

By alternatives I assume you mean coffee and/or soda? No, I don't do either of them. The first sip of soda is always makes my eyes tear, and my body reacts like I just got stabbed. After the first sip, though, everything is fine. Heh, I still prefer OJ and water. Coffee I just can't stand, and I refuse to try any of those coffee derivatives.

I'm just going to switch gradually, and I've never heard of better alternatives. Sorry I couldn't help.
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I wake up at 6.. and I tend to go to bed at 1 in the morning..

Though I'm trying to push for 10 or 11 pm and wake up at 5 (The extra time before work is useful)

I find that the best way to be tired earlier is to wake up earlier, consistently (yes, that includes some of the weekend). Thus if you don't go to bed early you end up getting tired earlier and eventually you might get the right pattern.

Though one thing I'vew noticed is that if I feel tired at 10 but stay up for an hour or two when I do go to bed I can't sleep, so I'm trying to pay attention to when I'm actually tired too.
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Eh... usually, I get to sleep at about four in the morning, only because I've got six weeks off from school because of Christmas, and I'm not working very much at all for some reason.

Usually, in the school terms, I get to sleep at about eleven or twelve at night, and have to be up by seven that morning. We live out of town see, and it takes a while to get into town and get to school.

Though my sleeping patterns aren't all that bad, if you ask me. Maybe a bit too late at night, as the sun starts rising here at around four-thirty. Though I can change from a long sleeping pattern, say about twelve, thirteen hours of sleep every night, to the next night having only five or six hours sleep, and it won't affect me the slightest. That's what I like. :smoke:
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I have odd sleeping patterns as well! I have an odd habit of blacking out at night only to wake up the next morning. It's [i]scary[/i]. Watch me shudder. :nervous:

Typically, I enjoy passing out in the early morning hours and waking up just before noon; lunch is a nifty way to start the day. Mornings are overrated. They're so boring! There's absolutely nothing to keep me occupied. Of course, work and school interfere with that ideal routine.

As a matter of fact, those nuisances have forced me to adapt to an early-morning schedule lately. Because of final exams, I've had to force myself out of bed at six in the morning only to hit the books immediately. Knowledge for breakfast--and short-term knowledge at that.

Now with all that over, I'll probably enjoy a good month's worth of sleeping before suffering through the adaptation process once again when the spring semester begins. But, until then, it'll be nice abandoning the bleary-eyed grizzly bear attitude I've adopted recently. No more pawing away at the dawn for me. No sir!
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Well, i generally go to sleep around 10-12 at night. Weekends, make that 4 in the AM.

But for some reason, my internal clock is random about what time i wake up, if i dont have an alarm. No matte what time i go to sleep, i either wake up at 8 in the morning, or 10. I can't sleep past 10 without waking up, and going back to sleep means i'll ache when i actually get up.

What's really fun is going without sleep.....for 3 days......then sleeping for 1.5 days straight, then eating a nice.....huge.....bowl of cereal.


yeah......very tasty.
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I don't have a set pattern. My main problem is that I stay up so late that I wind up sleeping in the next day. Then I feel like I've wasted half my day, so I stay up late again. You get the picture. It's a cycle, and a very bad one at that.

It doesn't work when I have school the next day, but I wind up staying up late anyway. I feel I do my best work late at night.
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Eh. Normally my mum makes me go to bed at like, 8:30 or something. I normally wake at 6:00 or 6:30 me being a Year 9 schoolie, there isn't too much I can do. Now though, I've had quite a few later nights [10:00ish area] which is good. Feeling a bit bland, but it isn't too bad. I am going to my dads for 2 weeks soon, so 12:00ers and 6:00amers are on the horizon. Full steam ahead.
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[font=gothic][color=indigo]I have three basic sleeping patterns, I think. One of them is going to bed at about 10:30, going to sleep from there at about 1, waking up at about 3:30, going to sleep again normally about an hour later, waking up again at 6:30, then getting up. That's the normal school day one. The average holiday one is normally getting to sleep at about 4, waking up at ten, and staying in bed until at least midday because I'm incorrigably lazy... The third is going to bed and sleeping at four, and getting up at six. That's for when I actually have something to do with my time though...Which is very, very rare....[/font][/color]
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My sleeping patterns are about the same as The Harlequin's, except for getting up at 6:30 on a school day, I still tend to sleep in until some time between 8:30 - 9:30. Which obviously means I'm often late for school, but it's only homegroup and part of first lesson. It hasn't done anything to my grades and no one else seems to care.
Neither of my parents know either, cause mum is at work and dad's asleep.

During the holidays I stay up till what ever hour I become tired and don't leave my room until some time past 12. Unless I have to be some where.

I hate when I'm sick and I go to sleep in the afternoon and wake up at 9pm or something and be really confused as to what day it is. I usually fall asleep on the couch sometimes after school or if I'm really tired after coming home from a friend's.
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I have a few different sleeping patterns. The holiday/summer one, I stay up till 2 in the morning, and wake up about 9 AM. During the school week, I either go to bed at 10:30 PM, or 11:30 PM, and wake up at 6:45 AM the next morning. That is basically it, though sometimes I go to sleep at different times on a school night. I all depends on what is happening and how much homework that I have that I've been procastinating to do for the majority of that night. heh...So, my sleeping patterns are quite odd.
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My sleep schedule is strange. normally i goto to bed bout 2am and wake up bout 9 or 10 in the morning. If im sick i sleep all day and stay up all night long. If i go to school or work i wil go to sleep at 9PM a and wake 1 1/2 hours before i go do my task
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My sleeping patterns I cannot explain. As of now, 11:00 AM, I have not slept at all. I'm not sleepy either. I cannot blame caffeine because I haven't touched the stuff in a long time. Basically, I'm just lying awake a lot for no reason. I always mean to sleep, it just never happens. I do sleep, just sporadically. In history, in the car ride to school, an hour to two hours before I have to get up to go to class. Then there are days when I crash and burn. I'll sit down to watch a movie or something and not get up for the next twelve hours. I really can't explain what's wrong, I'm some weird breed of insomniac, I guess.
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I have to get up at 7am during the week to get to school on time, but I usally don't fall asleep until 12-2am, and my parents get mad if I go downstairs to watch Inuyasha if i'm still up then(which I usally am), so I just play Pokemon Sapphire, or read. During the summer I usally go to sleep around 2:30-3:30am, and sleep until around 1-3pm.
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On weekdays, I go to bed at midnight and wake up at around 6:00 in the morning. I usually have enough energy to make it through the day, but there are times when I sleep through classes or skip sports practice because I feel too tired and apathetic. This is, of course, entirely my own fault--after years of fighting with my parents over bedtimes, I'm glad that they've decided to let [i]me[/i] determine how much sleep I get.

On the weekends, I tend to stay up later (but not much later than 3:00), and wake up at approximately 8:00 or 9:00. I often have things to do on Saturday and Sunday morning--irritating though that is--and I don't think I'd be capable of sleeping in, after training myself to roll out of bed at 6:00.

During the crew season, I have to wake up at 4:00 in order to attend practices at 5:25. So when March rolls around, I'll definitely make an effort to get more sleep.

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My sleeping pattern controls me, and I don't control my sleeping pattern.

Weekdays: 11:30-6:43 sometimes 4:46 PM- 11:38 PM. Ending up all wonky

Saturdays: 12:00- 10:58, I need to sleep ealier...

Sunday: 10:30- 6:38

As you can see, my sleeping pattern is random, I can't control it, but probebly my sleeping drug can (If I even have one -_-)
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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest twilightstar
i love my sleeping schedule!!!! course i love the night, always have!! i usually go to bed around 9, wait for the parents to fall asleep then get up and sneek out or(like now) get on the internet!!!:) :) now its kinda hard to sneek out, we moved into a new house(moved across the stupid country:mad: )and there's an alarm so i cant sneek out cause it beeps everytime you open a door or window:flaming: :mad: oh well, i'll just spend more time on the internet!:) but ne way, i usually go to bed around 11 or 12 and wake up at 5 for school and 7 on weekends. okay i'm tired!! its 1 AM and i been up for 2 days straight and working and loads of stuff:p
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My sleep pattern is mostly built off school and family.

I have a mother who have to get uo early, so she usually goes to bed around 10:00-10:30, then I have a 8 years old sister who's up around 6:00/6:30 [B]every sick[/B] morning.

It has to be said I can't have "not total" sleep (AKA, half-awake sleep, which I find just as good as profound sleep) with the noise my goddamn sister makes in the house (I hate kids, you have no idea how much I do).

Result: I can rarely wake up nearly as late as I would like to. If my family is there, 9:30/10:00 is the latest I can go before I can't bear it and decide I get up. If the family's gone, i can go up to 12:30 (like this morning).

Also, for some reason, I can go to bed at ANY hour, I'm still awake at 6:00 AM for at least 20 minutes. Internal clock does that. *ythrow internal clock on the wall*

So that's it for my sleep pattern.
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When I have school I usually don't go to bed untill about 10:30 p.m. - 11:00 p.m, and I wake up at 5:45a.m. I don't like that at all. Sometimes I'll go to bed at 10:00 if I'm really tired.

If I don't have school that day I stay up gradually till about 11:00 p.m-1 a.m, and wake up about 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
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