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what video game do you think would make a good anime


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I definitely agree with that :), Xenosaga for the ps2 would make a great anime. Another one that would be a great anime, in my opinion, would probably be anyone of the Castlevania games. This might seem strange, but I also would like to see Armored Core games as animes, as long as they dont turn out to be Gundam Wing ripoffs. Heh.
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I would personally love to see Final Fantasy VII made into a twenty-six episode anime show. Although this would probably never happen, I'm sure that such a show would have a built-in fan base, not to mention an obscenely large budget. I've always felt that the game's second and third discs aren't nearly so well plotted as its first, so it'd be nice if its storyline was expanded.

Final Fantasy VII has many of the elements of a great anime: drama, a compelling and interesting premise, action, and engaging characters. Although some of these characters aren't very well developed during the actual game, they're certainly well-loved, and--if properly done--a TV series would give them their chance to shine.

Okay, so my last statement ended up sounding incredibly corny, but you know what I mean. ^_~

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Personally (and I'm not sure whether or not this has happened, as I do not follow anime news at all) I'd love to see a Castlevania anime, specifically Castlevania: Symphony of the Night.

Symphony of the Night has several awesome characters, an easy premise to build a story on and lots of action. That practically spells great anime. Plus, I'd love to see people experiment with the dark ambience of the game, especially relating to the architecture (Symphony of the Night's castle ruled) and music (SotN had some damn amazing music).

Plus, since Art History class has turned me into a total Art nut, I'd enjoy seeing all of the details and little touches that would go into the architecture. A Symphony of the Night anime would be truly amazing if all of the elements could be pulled off well. Trust me on this one.
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Guest MetalSonic700
The game that should have its own anime..... is Metroid Fusion. I know I know, all metroid games would be good animes, but this one has sci-fi in spades. Awesome battles, Sweet story, cool as crap action, And it would fit nicely in 13 to 26 episodes.
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[QUOTE]personaly i could really see a xenogears/saga making a good anime[/QUOTE]

[color=crimson]Actually, a Xenosaga anime is in the works. :) I'm exited about it. I think it will work well since 'saga had the sort of story/characters you'd expect to see in a good sci-fi anime. And it basically played out like a 3D anime. Lots of cutscenes. (note: I haven't played 'gears as of yet so I can't really comment on it now. *will pick it up soon*)

I'd also love to see an FF7 anime(if it was done well) for the same reasons as mentioned by Dagger. But I doubt it'll happen anytime soon since we have Advent Children coming. (I guess that could kind of be considered an anime...?)[/color]
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I think the Golden Sun series would make an awesome anime series. It's half-way anime, in a sense.
The only problem would be with the voices. I have this certain sound wave in my head as what all the voices would sounds like, and the dubbers would probably ruin it. *cries as she imagines Piers's voice*
(Although, as mentioned on the Mercury Lighthouse tagboard, if somebody was to make an anime series out of Golden Sun and it's sequel, they'd probably ruin it.)
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phantasy star online (PSO for short)

the game pwns ye and is more valuble to me than any one persons life for those of you who dont know about it cheak it out some time

anywho back to topic it has fan made mangas that are fun reading material but to see an anime of it would kick so much *** i would give it a blood sacrifise
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I think any of the FF would make a great video game. A Xenosaga anime would be cool, and if it's true they are coming out with one, i can't wait to see it. I can just imagine a Zelda anime. That would be cool. Oh! An Anime of Pacman!! That would be hilarious! or Joust! (ok, no one knows what i'm talking about, but they are really fun atari games)...but Joust wouldn't really have a point...but it would be funny, nonetheless!! :)
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[size=1] I'm a huge fan of the Zelda series, so I'd like to see one of the N64 Zelda games to be created into a video game. But first of all, I'd rule out Ocarina of Time and go with Majora's Mask. Ocarina of Time is a great game; I actually prefer it to Majora's Mask, but it would be...very long. I dislike extremely long anime series that have episode counts that stretch over 40, and to actually go into detail in Ocarina of Time through everything would take a long time. Besides, anime shows like to stretch things out so that the audience will anticipate the next show. Come on, just imagine it. Episode one: Link talks to Saria and has a nice stroll in the woods for 30 minutes. Episode Two: Link walks around a bit more and finds the Deku shield. Hurray, Link will meet the Deku Tree two episodes later! Episode 74: Link is forced into an engagement.

So on and so forth.

In Majora's Mask, Link has a bunch of side-quests and stuff, but he only really has three main....things..he has to get through. Eh...I probably have no idea of what I'm talking about, but I just think Majora's Mask would make a better anime series. Although, there are a series of Zelda mangas that are completely awesome, and the artist does an excellent job of cutting down the story and still make it entertaining. *shrugs*

I think any good RPG game could be made into an anime [don't even start with the Final Fantasy Games], but I think most of them wouldn't turn out as good as most people would expect.

[i]I would personally love to see Final Fantasy VII made into a twenty-six episode anime show. Although this would probably never happen, I'm sure that such a show would have a built-in fan base, not to mention an obscenely large budget. I've always felt that the game's second and third discs aren't nearly so well plotted as its first, so it'd be nice if its storyline was expanded.[/i]

That [i]would[/i] be nice....^_^ They're making a CGed movie called Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children, in case you didn't know. But it would still be cool if it was actually made into an anime series.[/size]
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[size=1]Ah yes, I think many would love to see FFVII continue on in any way shape or form. ^_^ Advent Children will do it justice, hopefully, and it'll have to do, since we can't have our anime out of it.

I love the Zelda games, too, and I have to agree with Maladjusted on the Ocarina of Time one - too much to cover. Although my friends and I have always thought that the first Zelda would make a fantastic theme park. All of them could, really - all the different lands, different creatures and people and all that. I mean you've already got the music to go with it, and people in the park could dress up as characters and whatnot... Talk about your interactive adventure.

On a different note, I would [i]love[/i] to see a Dynasty Warriors anime. It's based in history, and there's a book about the three Kingdoms already, but the characters are so interesting already. I would love to seem them become more developed in a show or something. That would rock. ^_^[/size]
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I'm [i]incredibly[/i] excited about Advent Children, and I do hope it'll provide a satisfactory sequel to one of the greatest RPGs ever made.

XxmagentaxX, you mentioned that a Kingdom Hearts anime is currently in the process of being made. As a fan of the game, I'd be very interested in hearing more about this. Could you provide any further information (or perhaps links to some sites)?

Had you not said that, Kingdom Hearts would have been my second choice, after Final Fantasy VII. I think it would translate very well to anime form, although I'd hope that the Japanese artists would collaborate with Disney character designers in order to perfect the necessary blend of anime and American animation. In my opinion, the game itself was actually pretty weak, but I loved its characters (and particularly the fact that some of my favorite people from old FFs made cameos).

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Two other games that I'd like to see make the trip to the small screen.

1) Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem. ED has a fantastic story built on suspense and psychological intrigue. Plus, I think that the Sanity effects could be built on and used very well in an anime. Furthermore, the game is full of action and all that other good stuff that people enjoy seeing in anime. Also, Silicon Knights said that they have enough material for several ED sequels, so the anime wouldn't have to follow the beaten path of the game.

2) Skies of Arcadia. I'm telling you, this would be an awesome anime. Pirates, airships, great characters and an amazing story all equal a great anime. The game has a very lighthearted feel, while also being able to retain a sense of seriousness when Vyse and his cohorts are faced with the destruction of the world. Good stuff. And there wouldn't be an overabundence of random battles in the anime. lol
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Guest Jingle_Boob
The Zelda games wouldbe a super cool anime. I don't know why, but maybe Super Smash Bro.'s would be a good anime. kinda like Ultimate Muscel or something. I don't know. I think it would be kinda cool to see it. Link kicken Mario's butt, or Mario kicken Link's butt.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shinmaru [/i]
2) Skies of Arcadia. I'm telling you, this would be an awesome anime. Pirates, airships, great characters and an amazing story all equal a great anime. The game has a very lighthearted feel, while also being able to retain a sense of seriousness when Vyse and his cohorts are faced with the destruction of the world. Good stuff. And there wouldn't be an overabundence of random battles in the anime. lol [/B][/QUOTE]

[size=1]Plus, it has the word [i]Arcadia[/i] in it. You know that can't be bad. :p

Dagger, you brought up an interesting point with the animation aspect concerning Kingdom Hearts. That was one of things I did like about the game - they didn't change any famous Disney characters to fit Square, or any Square characters to fit Disney standards.. Hopefully an anime would keep the same theme going. ^_~[/size]
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[size=1] For the whole Kingdom Hearts anime thing: I'd agree with Arcadia on this one, but Dagger has a good point. If the cartoon series were to be released in America, a blend of American cartoons and Asian cartoons wouldn't hurt it. But like Arcadia said, the Disney characters weren't changed and I don't think the original characters/existing characters for Kingdom Hearts weren't changed to fit American audiences, either. I think a lot of people just don't watch some things because it's styled in anime and they're reminded of some bad anime series. *coughs violently*

It reminds me of the whole Crash Bandicoot thing. *shrugs*[/size]
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