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Is the world greedy or what?


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Is the world going greedy or am i the only one with that thought?

apparently this whole month i have been observing people and how they have been acting around christmas time, whats really worrying me is how todays society is so selfish and just plain greedy

around here i saw lots of people literally asking other people to buy them stuff ..its like everyone has become so greedy about christmas...its all about getting a present from someone..
it seems the meaning of christmas is lost.. the meaning? well I consider it either to be the religious meaning or either to be the meaning of giving and thinking of other people.. if you know what I mean?

everyone seems to be rambling about what they just [b]have[/b] to get for christmas and its like "...why does it really matter? you should be content with what you have now".. and then there answer is more likely to be "so you get new stuff? the more the marrier :D"

is it just me or has anyone else observed this?
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[SIZE=1][B]That's one of the reasons Christmas isn't really big to me anymore. It's been about present so much, no one knows the true-true meaning of it. I asked my friend: "What do you think the true meaning of Christmas is?" he said:
"Getting presents." It's not all about that. People are just getting greedy, they don't even care. They don't even care anymore, as long as they get presents Christmas rules, but how about if they don't get squat?

I don't even want presents for Christmas... The whole worlds greedy now, and yeah, some people still know its true meaning.[/SIZE][/B]
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[COLOR=darkred]it really does start to drive you insane and you begin to wonder what the number is of the people who do know the true meaning of christmas...as oppose to the number of people that don't and we all know that don't is also very much more than does..
but really i wonder who here knows the true meaning of christmas?
can anyone answer me in there opinion? [/COLOR]
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I had to work the day after thanksgiving. You know, the rush and all that stuff. I had never been apart of such an awful experience. It was like people just lost their sense of humanity. Two ladies where fighting over something, and we had to call the security to come and break it up! I just thought to myself "gez, people...you need to get a life." i couldn't believe that all that was just because of some stupid doll. Me, there is only one thing i really want for christmas, and that is for my family to finally get along. It seems that my dad and brother are always fighting, and just for once....maybe...they could get together long enough to not shout each other's heads off.

And then i was asking someone whether they were going to go to mass or not on christmas, and he replied "no, it takes to long". I'm sorry, but that is really pathetic, and it just made we want to slap him. I believe that this world has truly lost the true sense and meaning of christmas.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by duorocks17 [/i]
[B]I had to work the day after thanksgiving. You know, the rush and all that stuff. I had never been apart of such an awful experience. It was like people just lost their sense of humanity. Two ladies where fighting over something, and we had to call the security to come and break it up! I just thought to myself "gez, people...you need to get a life." i couldn't believe that all that was just because of some stupid doll. Me, there is only one thing i really want for christmas, and that is for my family to finally get along. It seems that my dad and brother are always fighting, and just for once....maybe...they could get together long enough to not shout each other's heads off.

And then i was asking someone whether they were going to go to mass or not on christmas, and he replied "no, it takes to long". I'm sorry, but that is really pathetic, and it just made we want to slap him. I believe that this world has truly lost the true sense and meaning of christmas. [/B][/QUOTE]

Here here. In my opinion if you haven't gone to any of the advent masses or at [i]least[/i] gone to mass on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day you shouldn't be able to celbrate with the rest. Reminds you of the Hen and the loaf of bread story no? "who will help me plant my weat? Water it? Take away the weeds? Carry it to the mill? Bake it?" Then when it's all done they expect to get some too...mabey I just see it that way cause I figure if I have to go to church(and I mean [i]have[/i] I'm not that fond of it...) then you shouldn't get off without going and still get presents.
It's sad that the Holiday has become all about the gifts. I'm proably in this sate of mind because what I [i]really[/i] want for Christmas isn't an item you can buy in stores or anywhere else for that matter. But still what happened to people not knowing(or forgeting)the meaning of Christmas? I bet if you went up to any 5 or 6 year-old kid and asked them what the meaning of Christmas is they'd simply say "presents" and go on and on about what toy they want Santa to bring them. Now if I tried that with my parents at that age i'll I'd get for Christmas would be a bible. *sighs* Well that's just the way the world is now....and it will get worse before it gets better.
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when I was little I used to think that... I was really spoiled back then... but due to recent (BLANK) events with my father's health and my mother's sanity I'm not excpecting any more then Faerie Wars for my little sister. i'm plannig on getting my mom a big stuffed animal, and my dad a picture frame that I made for him with a picture of all of us in it. i'm not really sopposed to celebrate x-mass, cause i was adopted and my family was jewish, or somthing... its too foggy to remeber. *sighs* oh well, to me it's the giving. I mean I like it when I get a good boow or some fuzzy slipper 'cause i have a cold bedroom, but I really don't mind, I worked alot around my block to save the money to help my mom to pay the bills and help make my dad feel loved, and to keep my sister from trying to run away agian... I have one insane family...
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by MGuyPersonDude [/i]
[B]the world isn't going greedy, its been greedy for a long time.
all living creatures ar naturally selfish. [/B][/QUOTE]

[COLOR=darkred]thats not entirely true... about christmas? i am probably the least bit selfish because i dont care about gifts.. but i mean a part of me is like ":D Presentttssss" but as i have grown older i've learned to snuff that flame out and not like that

and it has been greedy for quite awhile...

and i wish there was some way to change that =\
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The only reason my family celebrates Christmas is for the gift giving aspect. We don't believe in the religious meaning behind Christmas, so basically we just do it 'cuz everyone else does. It just sorta happened.

It truly wouldn't matter if I got nothing, but I have to admit I really like the feeling of getting something. I enjoy it more than any sort of church service or the meal my mother cooks. I like seeing all the nice glittery packages with perfect bows all neatly tucked underneath the tree. It's one of the only moments when we truly get to splurge and go all out. I'm extremely happy to say that this year I have the most presents under the tree and I'm not ashamed. I like getting gifts, it's the best part of Christmas to me. I'm no liar, at least.

I also have to question this whole greediness thing you're talking about. I mean, if you really think about, these two women are fighting to get the best for their loved ones, to make them happy. They risk life and limb to get the person they love what they asked for. Sure it's stupid, and I'd never do it, but it always depends from what point you see it.
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[FONT=arial]indeed. presents bring out different.... personalities in different people. of course you're going to think about getting presents at some point if that's what you've gotten every Christmas for however long you've lived. some people just go overboard with it and are ungrateful or throw fits if they don't get exactly what they want. that's what you've gotta watch out for. I don't think there's anything that bad about any suspense of "hmm, I wonder what I'm getting for Christmas...", as long as it's not done to an extreme.

but I also find that one of my favorite parts about Christmas is buying everybody's presents and wrapping them to go under the tree. I like getting people stuff, and Christmas is a good excuse to do it. hopefully a lot of other people feel the same way. :P[/FONT]
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[COLOR=darkred] Well what i am trying to say is of course we are all greedy about christmas in one way or another but when are we overdoing it?
when has it become too much when you start asking a random person to buy you this and they must and then get mad if they dont? i mean i think its wrong.. its overdoing it and people are just forgetting the whole meaning..
like you said you dont believe in the whole religious thing but there is also that other meaning of the joy of giving and recieving even the stupidest gifts even if they come from the heart.. should matter
i don't know..
i must confess even though i really wanted only two things for christmas i ended up haveing the most gifts under the tree..but then again i didnt ask for any of them they just gave them to me and i am sure i'll appreciate them whatever they are the same as i would of what i wanted because they came from my parents hearts when they could of gotten me nothing at all..

anyways my only hope is that people dont overdue greedyness such as i stated..

and erm Ami ^^ i agree with everything you said >_>[/COLOR]
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The reason why I have the most gifts under the tree:

My sister was going to get me $150 perfume and I asked her not to. I asked her to surprise me with many smaller presents that way I'd feel like I had more and I'd be all loved and the like, lol. My other sister gave me more presents in exchange for babysitting. I really don't care what the presents are, but the thought of having a lot of presents makes me feel all loved.

I do not like to ask for things, I like to be surprised because I like to see how much a person knows about me. Thus, I never get a person what they ask for. I surprise them, I like to see how much I know about other ppl by buying them what I think they'll like. And if I get it right then people get happy and they love me more. Christmas to me is about giving Sarah (that's me, btw) all the love, presents make this possible.
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Funny you should say. I'm not getting anything for Christmas, not because of my parents, but because I choose not to. No, I don't believe the world has gone greedy or that everyone has forgotten the true meaning of Christmas, I guess they just need to be reminded. Personally, I don't celebrate Jesus's birthday, so I don't deserve presents. In the modern times, Christmas has no moral value anymore. It's all materialistic now, but the eagerness is the same as before. I also don't want to get presents because I'm a Marxist, and If I get presents, I would seem like a hypocrit in a holiday that has no true meaning, except for gifts any more.

P.S. I'm sorry if I happened to offend anyone, I know not everyone has forgotten what Christmas is about.
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[size=1] And your point with this thread is..?

People are greedy. Get over it. Jesus is dead. Get over it. Christmas is just a holiday. Get over it.

Let people be greedy. Is there anything you can do about it? No. Does saying that people are greedy mean you're doing something about it? No. It only means you're complaining, and not taking action. If it's such a big deal, then act, instead of pointing fingers

I'm greedy. As much as I want to say Christmas is about family, as well as the religious aspects I differ on, it isn't. To me it's always been about getting presents. It's just like having a birthday--only better. Any person that actually is true to themselves will honestly say this to an extent.[/size]
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I think generalizations should never be made. Did anyone ever think that people getting AS well as giving presents and showing people the appreciation for those gifts and thinking enough of someone to get them a gift is not a bad thing. And as for children, that is what most of them are raised to belive christmas is about. And I do not know who said it but someone said if someone does not go to church they should not be able to celebrate Christmas. That is quite possibly the most absurd statement I have ever heard. Alot of people are raised in the Catholic church beliveing that a building is not needed in order to be close to "god".

Neway, just thouhgt I would make me point, I am agnostic, so I only exchange gifts and have a dinner with my family and friends, the religious aspect is not neccesarily there for me. For me Christmas is more of a time to show your appreciation for people and for your family to get together.
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Guest Crimson Spider
For christmas, I try to be nice to people and give people gifts, which I actually try to do 365 days a year. IMO: if it weren't for Santa Claus, the real meaning and purpose of christmas would be a whole lot more apparant.

But as far as gifts go, I first have to think of one since I'm actually happy with what I have, then afterwards I really don't care if I get one or not because not only did I really not need it, but atleast my mother had tried. Right now, I'm dirt poor, and yet I'm happy. *even though the house fell through for christmas, so now I'm gonna have quite the cash soon*

But people are over-generalizing the bad crowd. Because that is what many of us seeked to believe, the evidence for our case becomes more apparant. Very similar to the "Everyone smokes" phrase. They actually just stand out more. Relating this to those 2 women fighting. They stand out more, though it is a rare-occurence.

But a third dimension makes this a little tougher. Question that isn't often asked is WHY they were fighting for a doll or action figure? Sure, it was a material possession, but they obviusly were trying to make their daughter or son happy... at the expense of another. So christmas is quite selfish, there is more of the good side than we give credit for.
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The majority of people don't celebrate Christmas. They celebrate some kind of materialism day or maybe a day or unselfish gift giving.. but they only celebrate "Christmas" because it just so happens that their day is derived from this religious celebration on the same day.

What I'm saying is that you may celebrate Christmas by name, but the whole point of Christmas is "Christ-mass". Thus if you don't do the whole Christ thing, then Christmas isn't really "Christ-mass" but.. well.. I dunno how you would go about defining it.

The meaning of Christmas is simple.. "Christ-mass".. it's in the word.. The whole gift giving thing is derived from Christ being a gift from God to set people free of their slavery to sin. Hence gifts were given to others as a demonstration.

There may be lots of other meanings to this gift-giving day of which you speak, but when it comes to Christmas itself there is only one.

[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SasukeUchiha [/i]
[B]And I do not know who said it but someone said if someone does not go to church they should not be able to celebrate Christmas. That is quite possibly the most absurd statement I have ever heard. Alot of people are raised in the Catholic church beliveing that a building is not needed in order to be close to "god".[/B][/QUOTE]

Most religious festivals or celebrations kick off with a meeting of the community of the religion- like a Church service. You don't need a church building in order to be close to God, but then, you don't need to celebrate Christmas either.

And let's be honest now.. how many people exactly are "close to God" when they celebrate Christmas these days.. not many.. which kind of nullifies your point.
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[color=#707875]I don't think that everyone is greedy. Some are greedy, some aren't.

But giving and receiving gifts doesn't make you greedy. I [i]like[/i] giving gifts to people, because it's a token of my appreciation for them themselves. And basically, it's nice to do things that make others happy. I think it's pretty harmless; it only becomes crazy when people really [i]do[/i] start to become entirely materialistic over it.

For me, Christmas is a family time. It's a time that I enjoy for that reason; my family comes together, in a way that they generally don't during the rest of the year. So it's a convenient time to have that experience and to appreciate family.

Christmas itself has different meanings to different people. I mean, of course it is based upon a religious observance. And that itself is based upon some sort of pagan-based ritual/ceremony even earlier, although I haven't done enough research myself to know everything about it.

In my case, Christmas is more a cultural than a religious thing. My family never celebrated it in a religious context, but always as part of my own country's national culture. In that sense, it's evolved and become something far more inclusive.

So, I don't see that as right or wrong. That's just how things are here in my own country. And that's fine; it's nice to have a cultural tradition to take part in. I don't tend to get bogged down in technicalities -- I respect people's decision to celebrate whatever holiday for whatever reason. Some take Christmas as a very serious religious holiday, while others enjoy it in different ways. Basically, I'm not too worried about what other people choose to do.[/color]
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James just to tell you it [i]IS[/i] based on a Pagan ceromony, *watched the Histoy Channel all day*

And I like to give gifts, and get them, i don't really make friends easily *glares at random passerbys* so getting a gift show they atleast can stand me enough to think of me durring the holidays.

But my FAVORITE thing to do is handmake gifts, personalized them for my friends and family, so far I've spant $60 on the suppplies to make them, and over 8 hours working on them, some poeple call me nice, but some say thats a bland word, and say insted that I'm kind, genorus and odd... but I like that, they're haveing an argument on what word descibes me.

But people when they are little or big, will no matter what be greaddy at one point. I don't know whay, but hey, its not my world, I can't controll it.

And by the way, this is going of topic, insted of disussing greedyness in gerneral, your now focussing on chistmas greedyness.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ryu_Sakura [/i]
[B]And by the way, this is going of topic, insted of disussing greedyness in gerneral, your now focussing on chistmas greedyness. [/B][/QUOTE]

I thought that was the general gist of the first post..

OK, there have been some posts about just greediness in general, but the topic started from an observation of people being greedy at Christmas, so that's kind of the way it's gone ;)
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Justin [/i]
[B]Read the Bible[/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]*teases* That's quite a hefty piece of literature, Justin. Any particular place you'd like to direct him to?

[b]around here i saw lots of people literally asking other people to buy them stuff[/b]

Well, yeah. Someone asked what people wanted for Christmas, and people answered the question. Heh.

I've talked with a couple people about Wish Lists, and I was surprised to find out that not all of my friends make them. My family's required to, heh. This year they're posted [url=http://www.sit.wisc.edu/~johnmartin/giftlist/familygifts.html]online[/url] so everyone has easy access to them. (Hosted by my uncle, who is a very interesting person...)

There's nothing wrong with asking for things. It's obvious that some people get carried away, but at the same time...*shrugs*

I know I love finding gifts for people, and it sure is nice when they've actually [i]asked[/i] for something, so I know which direction I need to go, heh. If you know someone and their likes and dislikes well enough, you can figure out what you'd like to get them. If not, well, it's nice to have some suggestions.[/SIZE]
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I don't want to seem edgy but this world is greedy.
No one cares about who lives who dies.
no one cares about who is crying who has no mother or fathere or what not
the only thing that matters is money
how do i look
oh she's/he's hot

here is a quote from my song america's anthem

all the pretty expensive stuff cars dimond rings
is more important than a child dying
i wanna live i wanna breathe
can't cost to much don't got the money
no one cares everyone lies
hospital bills still being paid afetr you already died
i'm sorry this is all so wrong
sing the anthem the song
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Megumi momo [/i]
[B]I don't want to seem edgy but this world is greedy.
No one cares about who lives who dies.
no one cares about who is crying who has no mother or fathere or what not
the only thing that matters is money
how do i look
oh she's/he's hot

here is a quote from my song america's anthem

all the pretty expensive stuff cars dimond rings
is more important than a child dying
i wanna live i wanna breathe
can't cost to much don't got the money
no one cares everyone lies
hospital bills still being paid afetr you already died
i'm sorry this is all so wrong
sing the anthem the song[/B][/QUOTE]

On the whole, and with regards to human nature, what you said is true, but someday maybe you'll realise that some people can surprise you.

Sure, the world is messed up. I know that- anyone who doesn't, hasn't looked hard enough. But just because it's messed up doesn't mean there's no good in it at all.

Unfortunately a lot of good goes un-noticed because people aren't usually paying a lot of attention to the little areas of life, the small acts of kindness which go on everyday and make a lot of difference to some people but never get noticed by the news and never go recorded.
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