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well, I was bored and saw a thread somewhere about megaman and someone said they hardly ever see teh old school megaman.

Well I thought i'd make a quick banner dedicated to the oldy one. Nothing fancy, and its a little big, you'll have to excuse the top left, its kinda blank.

Anyways, here it is. Comment if you want. :/
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Its a little big to use here but yeah if someone wanted to put their name on it then go ahead, giving me credit under it or whatever, a link to my profile would be nice also. But sure go ahead.

For the record I didnt leave the space for a name to be honest but I see no reason why you couldnt.
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well, instead of making a thread that keeps being left to the bottom, i'll just post everything in this thread.

So, heres my latest banner, the icon's meant to look like a butterfly landed on the K. Most people know me as kenji anyway so I might aswell use it. But I think thats going to be little logo thing. The butterfly and funky J.

What you think?

(it has a white border before anyone says.)
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[color=gray]The megaman one is really good, yet the plainness to the left seems disturbing. maybe cut down the height a bit.

The second one is really nice, and I was just about to begin about the border if you hadnt warned ^_^
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[color=navy]Heh, I really like your megaman banner. And, if I'm not mistaken,(please correct me if I am) you were probably talking about my Megaman thread.

The blankness on the top left could be fixed by putting in a user name yes.

I'm agreeing with boo here, another way to get rid of some of that would have been to cut down on the size.

The Kenji banner was very good. I loved the background and the butterfly landing on the K was a cool thing.

All in all: I love your banners. They are awesome. If I ever get a better program to make banners with I hope to someday be as good as you.[/color]
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Wow, thanks for the comments everyone, and im flattered that you like my work so much. Thanks dragon girl also, im just so .........well ...... flattered. u-u;.

Feedback is good.

Anyway, enough of my lameyness, this is the banner I entered in Adams little 10,000 member thing. I was really pleased with how this turned out, but I dont think im going to win.

I know her eyes look a bit weird but I think the character looks pretty cool, she looks all manga like. Anyway, I thought i'd post it here to get some feedback.

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*laughs* I haven't been keeping up with the 10'000 member thread, but I think you have a fantastic chance of winning it. The sharp tones are brilliant and really eyecatching, and you certainly have a very good grasp at using colour successfully and powerfully. I don't think her eyes look so strange. Isolated like that, you wonder where the red light is that's reflecting in them - I'm not sure I'm convinced that it's emanating from her clothes. Pfft, doesn't matter though. It's fantastic.

From the third to the first - well, okay, I think Megaman may well be one of the dumbest looking video-game characters ever created, but that doesn't affect how much I admire this banner. Again, great grasp of colours - the icy blues and black give it a real snap. I also like the way you've bisected the text and inserted the Japanese like that. It's fine to leave some of it blank - busy banners usually don't work to the best effect. Yeah, the frosting effect around Megaman himself is great. How did you do it? Just a scattery white line?

And the second banner - the butterfly's a cute little touch, and it's nice how you play with the text. Well done! ^_^
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I have already spoken with you about your 10,000 members banner-but I have two other areas that I think could be improved on. I really really don't like the gun. It- looks fake. Now, I know it probably isn't supposed to look real, but the plain, crappy looking cylindrical design for the barrels irks me. I know it's not your fault, but I just don't like the character. Now, the only improvements would be with the text. I think 'my Otaku' could be a little thicker, but the font itself is gorgeous. Maybe I am half blind, but it is hard to make out the letters in the bottom. I think you could increase their size a bit. Overall I love your work, still. Heh.

Is that a border? Oddest border I have ever seen ^_^. Anyway, it looks good. Cross-sectioning is oten really effective.
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Well, to address Barons comment, I really like the character, I think the gun looks really cool but...it wouldn't do for us all to be the same now would it. ^_^ I personally loved the handwriting font but I see what you mean with the pixel font.

As for the border, check out Shrooms myOtaku page to see how he used it.

This next banner is quite a bit different from my usual banners, its very simple but I think its pretty good. Nice and ... playful >>;


EDIT: I just noticed how crappy the text looks, the "Kenji" text I mean, so if you could just ignore that, that'd be great. lol
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Ah the wonderful works of Kenjeh. ^_^

I love the way you have the text, tis' so eye catchy. The love the right side but the left is disturbing. I don't like how just bit of blue is shown at the bottom of that corner, it looks uneven or something.

This is uniqe. That butterfly on the K and the way the J leads off the banner is very creative. Is there anything specific in the background?
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No there isnt anything specific in the background, just some abstract thing.

This is my latest piece and im particularly proud of it. Took me quite a long time to get it how I liked it but the thing that does it for me personally is the border. I dunno, im just weird >>;

Anyway, rate, comment, whatever.



EDIT: For the record, a friend helped me out with the top left since I dont have 3Dsmax or anything like that for making 3D renders. So I suppose its more of a collab really. Mostly my work though. >>;
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1. I really like this banner, although it's a bit bigger than usual. It could be used for a website header-thing, which would be nice. To clear up the blank-ness that is the left side, maybe you could add another picture of him in there. Rating: 8.9/10

2.This one is.. good. It's not bad in any way, shape, or form, but it's kinda of.. scratchy? A bit pixely, too, whether or not you did that on purpose. o.O It deserves a black border indstead of white. And maybe, if you could find some way, you could put a small black outline on the text and butterfly. Rating: 7.6/10

3. I seriously like this one. It's superb, and deserves to win the myOtaku thing (if it didn't, it should have!). The picture quality is top-notch and the purple-ness of the background and text go good with it. All I have to suggest is maybe a slight black drop shadow for the my Otaku part, or maybe even a dark purple. Rating: 9.9/10

4. I like this one, although the jumbled stuff at the right really bugs me. o_0 Maybe you could shorten the length and add one line of text vertically? It'd be better, in my humble opinion. And make the border less thick. ~_^ Rating: 8.5/10

5. Mawhaw. It's certainly interesting, yes it is, but it's.. missing something. Maybe a main point? Like, maybe you can get someone holding their head and screaming and fade it into the background. That's just me, though. The white kind of ruins the 'mental outburst', or so I think, because you think of the mind being dark and.. shady? Anyways, maybe turn it into maybe a dark maroon? I don't know on this one. Rating: 9.1/10

Overall, good work. ^_^

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Thanks for the comments everyone.....all two of you >>;

Anwyay, still comment on the other piece, but this is a new banner type thing.

This banner is to go with the new little project im doing, the


project. Basically a graffiti/grungey bunch of images really.

As for the banner, I might add some more text perhaps but my font sizes are all screwed up at the moment.

Comment and such?
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With mental.outburst I can really only pick out bits and pieces of it that I like. The main thing with it is that the whole abstract art bit has kind of faded on me a bit =\ I can still be wowed with it but other than making prints and posters there's not much practical use for it. Anyway I like the way you did the border on the image and the typo looks pretty okay. Is that font "BASE02" or something -_o because I do believe I have the same one XD. I'm not quite liking the thin japanese text that much though, and the way it's centered under "MentalOutBurst" Is kind of weird too. As for the background itself really my problem is with the center and upper right there is so much white and after looking at it for a while the whole subtlty of it gets absorbed in the white-ness =O. The lower right or bottom of the image is probably my favorite part though it has all this outbursting chaos feel to it but you can see alot of subtle things and circles and st00f like that XD. Anyway border is shnazzy.

[quote]Thanks for the comments everyone.....all two of you >>;[/quote]

I know how you feel I know how you feel...

Just wondering what you did to the banner anyway... Is it just a bunch of meshed images or what? Well I do like it simple banners like that have always been attracting to me also if you can't blend any text seamlessly (sp?) into the image don't bother because it looks nice as it is =]. Although I would like to see it with a 1 pixel black border just to see which one looks better =O.
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Yes, the banner is just a mixture of brushes and cut out images. I know what you mean with the simpleness of banners aswell.

Thanks for your input on the other piece also, I was wondering whether to take out the japanese text but its too late now, all saved and what not. I never save the .PSDs or whatever they are :/ Mebbe I should start. Anyways, thanks again.
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I really like Mental.Outburst. It is an awesome piece- to me it shows what looks like a dark machine head with light pouring out the sides. The creature is siezed by a mental outburst, a revelation. It looks just fine how it is, and looks wonderful at that. 9/10

I love Aerosoul. it is beautiful. This stuff really draws me- it entrances and interests me in it's style. The deeper you look, the more rises to the syurface, like the text udnerneath. It reminded me off Munche's Oddysee- with the drink can thing. Wonderful piece. It is great. 9.5/10
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Well, I havent made anything new for the aerosoul project, but I have done a little remake of the original banner I posted. I like it but I think its better than the green one. I just wanted to see what it'd look like with some more colours and what not.

I also added a little thing to the border, nothing great. Anyway, here it is.
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Lol, yeah I know, I meant to say the green one was better in my other post but got messed up somewhere. The edges ae more jagged because I used a lot of colour dodge and effects like that.

I quite lik the jaggedy look, but like I was meant to say, its not as good as the original.
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