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[size=1] In the future--please explain why the book is so good. Also try to tell a brief synopsis of the story. Say anything that could perhaps get some discussion going--because I've never heard of this book you're talking of, so I'd like to know if it's worth checking out.

Not that you did anything wrong...just post a more in-depth opening post to threads, otherwise the thread will probably go as far as you took it, and in as much depth as you took it--which, in this thread, is not much.[/size]
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I like Tammy. I haven't read Trickster's Choice yet, but I will. I like the main characters. Its so hard to find a good book with female heros.

My favorite has to be either Daine of Allanna. On one side, Daine's ability to talk to animals was really cool. On the other side, Allanna was like a normal girl, as far as love stories go. But she also was extraordinary in fighting and stuff. And it was interesting to watch her fool everyone into thinking she was a guy.

(Keep the newbie's in line, Mitch! ;) )
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[color=royalblue](mitch you are really starting to bug me ::he, he::)
Alright,your royal mitch...

Trickster's choice is different from Pierce's 20 other books, that's where the appeal comes from. In her others, the women are blessed with great strenght and exellent talents that help them in battles (Alanna's sword, Daine's bow, Kel's lance)The characters go head first into any battle, screaming at the top of their lungs. In Trickster's Choice, the main character, Aly, is a thinker. She is extremely intellegent and very devious. She is a great spy (which attracts the attention of the Trickster god) I love how mental the book is, it is not all about battles and fighting. Tamora has yet to write a book like that.

Mitch you should check this book out, but it would be wise to read her other Tortall books so you don't get lost.

One more thing, just because I haven't been here that long, does not mean I need to be "kept in line" I'm new, not stupid :p[/color]
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Lol, you gotta understand that people are really sarcastic around here...

Anyway, I may be a boy, but I'm really into the Circle of Magic series (and it's sequel series "The Circle Opens"). It gives such a different light on what magic could be like if it existed. Not to mention the complexity of writing from four different perspectives in four different books! Of course, my favorite character is Briar (not just because he's a boy). He's got the whole street kid thing goin on. He's rebellious and independent, and I like that in a book character. It's amazing how Tamora can get four different characters, doing essentialy the same thing, and make them so re-readable.

And, of course, it's just really good.
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If Tamora Pierce's books were manga, they would be categorized as shoujo. Her fan base seems to consist mostly of middle-school girls, and with good reason: her most popular novels involve a strong, imperfect female lead, numerous male love interests, and a large dose of girl power.

None of her series are works of genius, but they're certainly fun to read. My personal favorite is the Wild Magic quartet (quadrilogy?), mainly because of the rather scandalous romance between Daine and Numair.

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I like most of her books. The ones revolving around Alanna aren't so good, and don't draw my interest as much, however the Circle of Magic ones, and the Wild Magic ones are definitely good reads. I found the stories very entertaining and interesting to read. She isn't the world's best author in term of character depth etc. however her plots and world are filled with interest, if not depth. A pretty good author, I love her stories.

Personally- I would love to have magic. lol.
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Meh, not all novels have to be works of genius, where's the fun in that. Anyway, I've read all of her works, well aparet from the circle or magic spin-offs those don't really appeal.

I can't wait until 'Trickster's Choice' comes out in the UK, though this will be late in 2004. I love those books and like Dagger said they are fun to read, though she does have a point they do tend to be read mostly by middle-school girls. Which is where I found them incidently ^_^
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Guest sixthcrusifix
Mitch bugs the crap outta me too! My problems are one thing, But mitch, maybe she didn't put a brief synopsis of the book in there, BECAUSE YOUR THE ONLY person in the world who knows what that means! Besides, maybe the thread was targeted specifically to people who have read the book and not you! god,

any way I REALLY like you, I love your attitude! You are just a really col person and I hope to see more of you around. You should check out some of my threads(the ones that didn't get closed :( ) though i can't garuntee that they will interest you.
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[b]syn·op·sis:[/b] A brief outline or general view, as of a subject or written work; an abstract or a summary.


I still haven't read Trickster's Choice, which is odd, since I usually buy Ms. Pierce's books the moment that they're released. In the interest of saving money, I suppose I'll either check it out from the library or wait until it's released in paperback.

I didn't like The Circle of Magic books or their various sequels, perhaps because those seemed to be aimed at a younger audience. I was also [i]very[/i] disappointed with Lady Knight--while it wasn't a bad novel, I felt that its ending was a pretty big let-down.

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Guest sixthcrusifix
Thank you fore telling me what a.. thanx anyway. by the way, this is totaly off the subject and i don't know if its lagainst the rules, but i am writing a long fanfic, And i just wondered(since your smart book people) What you think of it. [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?threadid=35190&goto=newpost[/url]

By the way, I know of a book that you may like, It is called DIADEM, Im not sure, but you should check it out, Its not focused twords kids, And it slighly reminds me of .HACK// or is it .HACK\\ ?
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dagger IX1 [/i]
[b]I was also [i]very[/i] disappointed with Lady Knight--while it wasn't a bad novel, I felt that its ending was a pretty big let-down. [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=333333][i]What[/i] ending? It didn't end, it just....stopped.

I started reading Tamora Pierce's stuff...six years ago? (Has it really been that long?) Of the quartets I've read ([i]Circle of Magic, the Circle Opens, Song of the Lioness, the Immortals[/i] and [i]Protector of the Small[/i]) I think my favorite is a toss-up between [i]Lioness[/i] and [i]Immortals.[/i]

I guess I'm a big fan of characters. I love Numair; he's just so cool. He's very protective of Daine, in an odd sort of way. Their relationship was very interesting to follow. Numair seemed the perfect mentor for her; I especially thought it was interesting how protective he was of her. (How angry he was when [spoiler]Daine stopped her heart while listening to the whales[/spoiler] is the earliest example I can think of.)

There's a quote from the end of [i]Wolf Speaker[/i] that I really liked. It's not exactly a brilliant quote, or especially descriptive, but it really struck me as a good example of Numair and Daine and how they got along.

This is Tristan [strike]talking[/strike] yelling at Numair at the beginning, by the way:

[spoiler]"You and your 'honor codes,' your sermons on what we owe the unGifted--you made me sick in Carthak, and you still do. Well, you will [i]not[/i] walk away unscorched!" He pointed at Daine, and the funnel lept for her.

[i]She fired; Numair said a word that made the air scream. The tornado vanished. Her bolt plunged into the tree that was now Tristan Staghorn.[/i][/spoiler]

A paragraph and a half, heh, but for me that was the climax of the book. I guess it really struck me because of how reserved Numair tends to be, and yet he actually used [spoiler]a word of power[/spoiler] to protect Daine. [i]Very[/i] interesting. (And at the same time, Daine was being sensible and doing what she could to deal with the situation.)

I also thought Daine's brush with insanity was very interesting. (The badger, heh. What a loveable old grump [i]he[/i] was.) Daine really fought her magic for a while there. You can't really blame her; what she's got is unlike anything else in Tortall (well, to an extent), and while it helped her survive [spoiler]when her family was killed[/spoiler], it nearly got her killed itself.

If anyone bothers to read this, I'll post more later. :p[/COLOR]
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Yeah, Lady Knight just wasn't one of the better ones... Did anyone else notice she didn't even mention, think, or do anything about her family? Its like her mom and dad and brothers all disappeared in the last book.

I'm waiting for Shatterglass and Trickster's Choice to come out in paperback, but Shatterglass hasn't yet.... :(

I liked Daine and Numairs relationship, despite the OBVIOUS age difference.

Sixxy, don't post your thread here. This is a disscussion for Tammy's books. If you've read the books, tell us what you think of them. Just a pet peeve, sorry. Don't get mad at me. Wait, I guess its too late. I think you pretty much hate me.

I, for one, love Mitch! :p
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[color=333333]You know, for all that people seem to laud Pierce for her "strong female characters"....I want to read more about the boys! Neal, Cleon, Raoul and Gary... Even Prince Roald, even though we read hardly enough about him to even begin to be interested.

I was really pleased that Roaul (I'm sure I just spelled that wrong) had such a large part in [i]Squire[/i]. I really liked him and Gary in the [i]Lioness[/i] books. It's too bad we didn't get to read more about him as a young man, though. (Although Cleon did remind me of him, heh.)

And I would have liked to have at least [i]one[/i] more contact with Cleon before [i]Lady Knight[/i] ended. I mean...geez! I know that [spoiler]his and Kel's relationship was over[/spoiler], but he was such a fun character. "Teardrop of my heart," and all that. *crooked smile* The way [i]Lady Knight[/i] ended really irked me. I realize that "real life" doesn't tie up neatly at the end of things, but for crying out loud...that's why I read books.

Yes, I did want to read more about Neal... :toothy: He was so much fun, too. I was glad we got to see more of him in [i]Lady Knight,[/i] but still.

Ah, well. That's why I have an imagination, I suppose.[/color]
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[size=1]I agree with Sara. I didn't like the way that [u]Lady Knight[/u] ended. I did, however, absolutely [i]love[/i] the [u]Protector of the Small[/u] series. I thought Kel was down to earth in a way that Alanna and Daine weren't. Not that those two weren't down to earth, but Kel was in a different way; largely to do with that fact that she didn't have any magic. And I loved the supporting characters -- they were much more in the picture than some of the other quartets.

As for the Circle of Magic and sequels, they didn't appeal to me as much, because they were written for a younger audience. They seemed more juvenile.

That's my two cents.[/size]
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[color=royalblue]Protector of the Small was one of my favorite quartets because Kel didn't have magic and wasn't blessed by the gods, it was all her.

I love daine and numair's relationship NOW, though I did think it creepy when I first read it. Mainly because of the kissing scenes. Nothing breaks the mood more by explaining how they "Came up for air". Their kissing, not swimming. I guess I just wanted more romance.

The Circle of Magic books didn't really do it for me. I loved Tris and Briar, so I read their books all the time, but Sandry and Daja annoyed me. I totally can't wait for "The Circle Reforged" (which comes out in 2005). It will be a single book that has them all as adults (I want to see if there is any romance. What can I say, I'm a sucker for it)

Lastly, I looked at her plans for future books. There is Trickster's Queen, which comes out in October 2004, The Circle Reforged, The Provosts Dog( takes place 200 years before Alanna. The Lord Provost trains a girl for police work. I believe it will be a three part series), and plans for Numair, the early years. I think the latter sounds funny but if it actually comes out, it won't be until 2009-ish.[/color]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by sixthcrusifix [/i]
[B]Mitch bugs the crap outta me too! My problems are one thing, But mitch, maybe she didn't put a brief synopsis of the book in there, BECAUSE YOUR THE ONLY person in the world who knows what that means! Besides, maybe the thread was targeted specifically to people who have read the book and not you! god,

Okay you, I'm going to have to grab you by the ear and pull you aside for a moment.

Mitch is only doing his job; he's thoughtfully asking the individual that initiated this discussion to provide further elaboration on the subject and he's also introducing suggestions to increase the relevancy of their posts. I fully support him in this situation.

And, quite frankly, it's this sort of attitude that you're displaying that really bugs the crap out of me. I appreciate member insight on how our staff operates, but you're being blatantly rude and ignorant.

If you have a problem with how Mitch applies the rules, you can either speak with me directly or approach Mitch himself. Either way your concerns will be met. Public sarcasm is neither mature nor desirable in this circumstance.

Now, if [i]I'm[/i] "bugging the crap" out of you, be sure to let me know and we'll see what we can do about that chief.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ashley_the_blr [/i]
[B][color=royalblue]Nothing breaks the mood more by explaining how they "Came up for air". Their kissing, not swimming. I guess I just wanted more romance.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE]

[COLOR=333333]*laughs* Okay, you've got me there.[/COLOR]

[B][color=royalblue] and plans for Numair, the early years. I think the latter sounds funny but if it actually comes out, it won't be until 2009-ish.[/color] [/B]

[COLOR=333333]*perks up* Really? Hm. I don't know whether I should be interested or not. On the one hand, it would be so cool to read more about him. On the other, I don't want "actual" history to ruin my concept of him. He's one of my favorite characters.[/COLOR]
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Going back in time to see my favorite character's stories scares me, too. I mean, if a book like that came out, I'd have to buy it. There'd be no resisting! But I have a bad feeling that one of the books about them may be like Lady Knight. I will never go back and reread that book, though I've read both PotS and The Lioness books at least ten times through. Lady Knight just really disappointed me.
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[color=royalblue]I loved Lady Knight all the way until the ending. I hate when she does that. She also did the same thing with Trickster's Choice, but at least there we will eventually find out what happens next ,even if we have to wait until October. (I am just grateful she is not like the author Garth Nix. In Lirael, he just made a complete cliffhanger, plus the book was 400 and something pages. Grrrr...)

I am excited about the Numair book, mainly because the Immortals hints he was quite the ladies man. It will be fun to read...

One last thing, I found out that in the circle reforged, Tris disquises herself, then goes to Lightbridge University so she can study like a normal person. Why... i don't quite know. I don't know about the others, though.[/color]
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Wow. I can't believe people have read her books besides me and my friend.
Anyways, I haven't read Pierce's newest series yet, but I plan on doing so. In the mean time, I've read the Wild Magic, Lioness, and the first three books in Protector of the Small (cause the school library doesn't have the fourth ~_~).
I started reading the Wild Magic series in fourth grade. Yep, fourth grade, nine years old (yeah, I'm young). And I totally fell in love with them.
They're just so creative and have really nifty plot lines to them. I especially liked the Lioness Quartet, seeing Alanna struggle to live amongst boys as a boy.
And that leads Kel. She was a girl living amongst boys, and had to be just like them. And, in her mind, better than them.
I really like these books because of the good plotlines, the nifty characters, and such. I appreciated the fact that Tamora Pierce didn't go too deep into romance, seeing as how I can't stand the crap, and I love the medieval setting. SWORDS! ^^
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[COLOR=darkblue]I've read all of Tamora Pierce's books and I'm a huge fan along with one of my friends.

My favourite series was out of the Circle of Magic and the Circle Opens, Wild Magic and Protector of the Small. Very good quartets.

Circle of Magic was the First Series I read and captivated me into the world of Winding Circle, then Circle Opens showed how their powers had grown and how they changed from being students to teachers.

Wild Magic was one of my favourites because of how she can communicate with animals. One of my favourite powers. I'm very much an animal lover. Especially a Wolf Lover so when I read the second book, it captivated me as she felt herself taken over with her wolf side.

Protector of the Small was good because as ashley says, It's all her, she's not blessed, no magic powers, and she overcome every challenge Lord Wyldon threw at her and never gave up.

I think Song of the Lioness was good but lacked the interest. It was too usual, the part I enjoyed was that she had to hide her gender from the boys for most/all of her Page years until she was discovered.

I can't wait for the next book of Trickster's Choice to come out. and I also want to read Numair's book.
I must say that there were a few good couples in the series that never ended up together.

Daine and Numair would have made a good couple, seeing as they both liked each other but thought that they would see differently. I think the relationship could have progressed more.

I have an argument for people. Some people think Kel and Cleon make a good couple. Honestly, I think Kel and Neal would make a better couple.

Who else do you think would have made a good couple in the different series and why?[/color]
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O_o Did I hear a sequel series to The Circle Opens?? PRAISE THE LORD! Ahem, excuse me. An interesting fact, I actualy read The Circle Opens first, not knowing that it was a sequel series. Then I saw the back of the last book. Lo and Behold, there's a prequel! No... this ones a sequel! Imagine that...

Anyway, I had no idea that Tamora had made so many books. I've only ever heard of the Circle of Magic books... until now that is. I guess I'm just ignorant sometimes...

It's interesting the way she writes all her books about magic. Then again, it's a pretty good idea.
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