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Has anyone just had like a mental breakdown and like just felt like they wanted to cry and like just didnt know what to do. Or just like had a mental breakdown and felt like they were like "excluded" from society. Just a quick question maybe I can get an opinion on.
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[COLOR=indigo]Honestly I think almost everyone (if not everyone) past the age of 14 has had some sort of mental breakdown.

Sure some people have had worse cases of it than others but I think everyone HAS expierenced it. I know that I expierenced it, did two days ago, but thats another story.

I don't know you won't find as many guys admitting it in real life as you will girls simply because we still have that guys have to be masculine stereotype going on. Masculine meaning cold, heartless, strong, and emotionless.

But yes to answer your question, yes I've had a mental break down.[/COLOR]
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Well actually here and there I do, I am normally quite outgoing, but then I get into large groups and I just, for no reason, feel like I no longer belong. Well after that happens I just shut up and exclude myself from the group.
This causes problems because then the other people think I'm pouting or am just in a bad mood.
I'm really trying to get over that, but it just happens...I don't know.

(I think this is sort of what you're talking about, correct me if I'm wrong, I don't want to cause the topic to go off subject and close!)
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Hataki Vash [/i]
[B]Has anyone just had like a mental breakdown and like just felt like they wanted to cry and like just didnt know what to do. Or just like had a mental breakdown and felt like they were like "excluded" from society. Just a quick question maybe I can get an opinion on. [/B][/QUOTE]

[COLOR=green]I really don't think that feelings of helplessness, sadness and exclusion qualify as a mental breakdown. A mental breakdown, to me, would be something medically treatable or "losing it" [Crazy]. I'm no expert on the subject, but that's just my take on it.

I've felt like an outcast fairly frequently, as I move around a lot. Moving into a school system midyear, especially in a private school where all of the kids have known each other since preschool, is one of the hardest things I've done. It's very hard to break into a clique and find your friends in such a situation.

So, by your definition, I've had a mental breakdown.[/COLOR]
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[size=1]I love having breakdowns, Im not sure what trigger mine but I wish I could have them all the time. Great feeling, hard to explain how it feels. I've tried explaining the feeling before to friends and I would just be going on forever.[/size]
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Guest rttocs77
I used to turn to my good friend Mr. Klonopin when times got tough. I have had mean a breakdowns. I always rebound quickly from them, so just hang in there.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wrist cutter [/i]
[B]I don't feel cool anymore, I haven't had a breakdown. Hopefully I'll have one this week. [/B][/QUOTE]

That's one of the best things I've ever read here.

In any case, I severely doubt most people have experienced a breakdown at all... especially with the age group at OB. Breakdowns are far more excessive than people seem to believe.
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Guest PersianMistress
Info on breakdowns? Try this...in 9th grade, I realised thet my whole class hated me, the one person I have loved dearly since 5th grade dispised me, I hated myself, I hated everyone, My parents told me to move out, my brother started to beat me up, all my friends moved or went to the opposing high school, and I ended up in the hospital for five days due to half a bottle of tylenol. That's pretty much what I think a breakdown is. I hope no one has to ever go through anything like this! Trust me it sucked! That's why I try to keep more of a upbeat attitude nowadays. Everything is going better...just dont loose faith! Keep your self esteem up!!!! ^_~
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There's a difference between mental breakdown and teenage angst, regardless of the rediculous actions some teenagers take due to the latter.

Much as I know none of you want to accept it, I doubt that many-if any of you have actually had a mental breakdown.

The closest I ever got to a mental breakdown was the climax of a three week period where I was stealing money from work and I got sacked. I knew I'd let everyone down, and I had absolutely no-where to go, no-one I knew, cos my work-mates were the only guys I really knew other than people at uni- and uni had finished for the year already.

That and with the amount I stole I could have faced police charges.

And you know what?.. that was not a mental breakdown. My perception of things was such that I thought I was on a downhill for the rest of my life- something I didn't even consider to be beyond the present time. But I didn't have a mental breakdown- I just went through some difficult stuff.

You guys seem to be pretty much the same- but like most teenagers going through the whole thing, you exaggerate a lot of it to an un-necessary level.

[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Hack Helba [/i]
[B][size=1]I love having breakdowns, Im not sure what trigger mine but I wish I could have them all the time. Great feeling, hard to explain how it feels. I've tried explaining the feeling before to friends and I would just be going on forever.[/size] [/B][/QUOTE]

No offence, but you clearly haven't a clue..

if it's something you enjoy going through then I highly doubt it's a mental breakdown you keep experiencing. I don't even know what that is.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dan L [/i]
[B]There's a difference between mental breakdown and teenage angst.[/B][/QUOTE]

[color=deeppink]I think that's definitely the best way to say it.

Teenage angst is such an ugly thing, too. It's unpleasant for both the giving and receiving ends, but it's also avoidable. There [i]are[/i] ways to make yourself happy during those angst-prone years, or at least keep yourself occupied enough to stop dark thoughts from roaming around in your head.

Contrary to the angst situation, I'm assuming that mental breakdowns are triggered by things that someone has trouble controling or are impossible to overcome. And while they're maybe avoidable in certain situations [ie. causing oneself too much stress], in other cases they may not.

I obviously do not know from experience what a mental breakdown is like, and I am quite honestly glad of that ^_~. Even under the whole situation of my brother passing away, I'm surprised with how well I've dealt with how deep in denial I am about the whole ordeal. It's amazing that I haven't had some sort of emotional collapse from it all.

But you know what? I think it's because I am so very happy with my life that even the dark periods are pretty easy to overcome. You just have to look at things from their good side, not their bad side. It takes some getting used to, but it's so much better than letting angst get the better of you. Just some words of wisdom, I guess. Didn't mean to turn it into a motivational speech >.>.

Heh :whoops:[/color]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Hack Helba [/i]
[B][size=1]I love having breakdowns, Im not sure what trigger mine but I wish I could have them all the time. Great feeling, hard to explain how it feels. I've tried explaining the feeling before to friends and I would just be going on forever.[/size] [/B][/QUOTE]

At first I hoped that you were being sarcastic, but after re-reading this, I get the sense that you're speaking in earnest.

Helba, having a mental breakdown is one thing; experiencing simple emotional release is something else altogether. Many teenagers find rather extreme ways to vent their rage and sadness, but throwing a tantrum (or, for that matter, dinner plates) does [i]not[/i] mean that you won't be fine and dandy in a couple of hours. From what I understand, actual breakdowns are debilitating, [i]extremely[/i] painful, and continue to affect your life long after you finally recuperate.

Maybe you've suffered through some truly terrible situations. I have no way of knowing. But look at what Dan L and BabyGirl were forced to endure. [i]They[/i] didn't have breakdowns. Claiming that you "wish [you] could have them all the time" only serves to mock the pain of others--not only theirs, but the anguish that every victim of a real breakdown must experience.

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We all have bouts of depression now and then. It's part of being human. You can't fully control your emotions, and sometimes we have down time. Sometimes, we just need to be alone. It's completely and perfectly natural. In a house like mine, ten kids (I'm the oldest), alone time is something you crave. But it's not safe to cut yourself off from other people for too long. I've noticed a [i]lot[/i] of angsty people at this site (and a lot who, as far as I can tell, wish they were angsty.) All humans need to have connections with other humans. Some need less than others, but community is a central aspect of humanity. There are many dangerous risks that arise from total isolation. Sure, have your alone time, but don't let it consume you.
Hmm....I think, we may be speaking more of psychological breakdowns...I guess it's pretty close to a mental breakdown...*shrugs* I don't know if I've really helped anyone. If you (anyone of you) really need someone to talk to, PM me. I'll at least be a listening ear. :)
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[color=blue]i'm forced to endure many emotional moments, and different types of breakdowns. i've only had two in my life. one was just an emotinal release though. but the other, well it was extremely painful as DaggerIX1 thought and i was debilited afterwards. i couldn't take being near someone, so i ran to the first place i could. my friends closet. that was the worst part, i was at a friends house. i began punching the walls almost going completely mental. i literally went crazy for a short peroid.it still affects me even today because i almost did something i regret. time stoppd for me that moment, and made me think . i chose to live when i could have died.
my life actually is a lot like persianmistress, though i haven't consumed a half-container of tylenol. i'm bound to though, but i'm keeping my hopes up, hoping and praying life gets better. faith is what keeps me going on, along with the help of the only friends i have got.
i feel excluded out from everything. nobody will invite me to anything and when i am invited, i feel "out of place" 24/7. lord, even the teachers didn't like me. they pushed me, snapped, swore, and threw me agaisn't walls. the students and other class mates were the same way, but i took the abuse and stood my ground.sure i fought back, but in a different way. a way stronger force than what they could ever behold. i know how persianmistress felt, and she is right, it ain't a day in the sun.i also sought help from reliable resources but it helped little, but i made friends who at least seem to care. at least i have at least a little light from what i believe .[/color]
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I think mental breakdown is way to strong a phrase to use as people have said. I have seen somone who was slowly having an emotinoal breakdown which lead her to have many psycological problems that she is currently medicated for. There is definitly a difference in depression and despair and actually getting to the point of a breakdown.
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Guest rttocs77
I still suggest going for the benzodiazipines (I think I spelled that wrong towards the end) It's the easy and mellowing way out.
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