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The Animatrix


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[quote]...On June 3rd, Warner Bros will release The Animatrix (SRP $24.98). The DVD includes 9 short films directed by some of the most talented artists working in Anime and CG animation today, written and conceived by the Wachowski Brothers and set in the same universe as The Matrix feature films. The shorts take place in parallel to the stories depicted in the feature films, and tie into them in many ways. One of the shorts, the 9-minute The Final Flight of the Osiris (directed by Andy Jones, animation by Square USA, Inc), is actually a prelude to The Matrix Reloaded. You'll have the chance to see it in theaters on March 21st, attached to Warner's Dreamcatcher. We were able to screen it last night, at a special preview event at the studio for the Enter the Matrix video game. It's a pretty incredible piece of photo-realistic CG animation - think Final Fantasy and you're in the right ballpark (Square produced that film as well).

In addition to The Final Flight of the Osiris, you'll get The Second Renaissance: Parts 1 and 2 (directed by Mahiro Maeda (of Blue Submarine No. 6 fame), animation by Studio4°C, Tokyo), Kid's Story (directed by Shinichiro Watanabe (Cowboy Bebop), animation by Studio4°C), Program (directed by Yoshiaki Kawajiri (Vampire Hunter D and Ninja Scroll), animation by Madhouse Studios, Tokyo), World Record (directed by Takeshi Koike (lead animator on Wicked City), animation by Madhouse Studios), Beyond (directed by Koji Morimoto (animation supervisor on Akira), animation by Studio4°C), Detective Story (directed by Shinichiro Watanabe, animation by Studio4°C) and Matriculated (directed by Peter Chung (creator of MTV's Aeon Flux), animation by DNA, Seoul).

The Animatrix will also include Scrolls to Screen: The History and Culture of Anime, 7 behind-the-scenes featurettes, audio commentaries for The Second Renaissance: Parts 1 and 2, Program and World Record (all in the original Japanese audio with English subtitles), and a look at the making of the Enter the Matrix game, featuring interviews with Jada Pinkett and Carrie-Anne Moss. Audio will be English & Japanese Dolby Digital 5.1. At least some of the shorts (if not all) are anamorphic widescreen. Get all that? Whew![/quote]

Okay, contrary to what I thought... These shorts are being made by actual Japanese studios (well mostly). I figured it would be Western animation copying anime. Glad to see I was wrong.

Anyway, the shorts are debuting on the web first at [url]www.theanimatrix.com[/url] The best thing is that they aren't some crappy low res streams... You can get a nice widescreen video of the first short that's like 640x272 (perhaps anamorphic, I forget the exact comparisions). You'll see that more will be put up in the coming months.

These things are massive though. I have no idea what the smallest version is, but the Medium is about 90 MBs and the Large is like 140 MBs.

[url]http://whatisthematrix.warnerbros.com/index_anime.html[/url] is where they are streamed at.

For those that want the direct downloads...

Medium -

Large - [url]http://progressive.stream.aol.com/wb/gl/wbonline/progressive/thematrix/us/med/animatrixlgfinal_dl.mov[/url]

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There are like 8 shorts, most of which have barely been shown. The first shot I put up there is from the makers of Aeon Flux, which explains its look (that's the one most people seemed turned off by anyway).

I think people should see it before they just too much. It's quite good, and I feel way better than much of the anime I see discussed here. That's my opinion anyway lol.

At least someone else finally replied :D.
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[color=#507AAC]Ah yes...Aeon Flux had a very distinctive style. I remember watching it a little bit when it was on SBS over here.

Anyway, I can't explain how much I'm now looking forward to this DVD. I'm a huge Matrix fan...and I can't wait for the next two movies. The idea of anime studios/creators combining with American production talent to produce The Animatrix is just mind boggling. O_O[/color]
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[color=hotpink][size=1]Wow, I just watched the Matrix this morning. I'm out of school sick and I had nothing better to do. I walked in the living room and one of my sisters had turned it on before going to school. I couldn't resist.

I am not a fan of Aeon Flux. It was not pretty...[/color][/size]
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Well I'm not sure if people are confused or not (it's hard to tell on boards sometimes)... Only ONE episode looks like Aeon Flux. They are all done by totally different studios. The movie I linked to is very standard looking anime, and I thought it was simply gorgeous. There is another that is fully computer rendered.

Anyway, I'm surprised more people aren't interested in this... Hell, this is providing you with a free download of Part 1 of a full episode. It's very worth the time. Oh well, though.
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I would like to see this stuff, but just like most anime, I will not get to see it...

See I have a pretty big hang up about buying anime since there is very little selection in my area and since the people in my area who do sell it will take either an arm or a leg or an equivilent amount of cash.

However, if I by the grace of god, got the chance to see this stuff, I would love to watch it. Even if its not gonna all be straight anime.
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  • 3 weeks later...

They have stuck up the second episode today. Again, definately worth checking out.

Here is the direct link for the large version: From: [url]http://progressive1.stream.aol.com/wb/gl/wbonline/progressive/thematrix/us/med/program0xA3B1____640_dl.zip[/url]

It clocks in at about 150 MBs.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Sushi
This is really good news for me, I thought I was going to see that stupid movie Dreamcatcher to see the Final Flight Of Osiris. I saw a thread about it on Gaming Age forums, and I watched the first episode.

I wasn't sure about buying it untill I read your quote. If the people who worked on Ninja Scroll are working on it, I am interested. ^_^
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  • 4 weeks later...
[url]http://progressive1.stream.aol.com/wb/gl/wbonline/progressive/thematrix/us/med/detect_640_dl.mov[/url] - Hi res, 117 MBs

[url]http://progressive1.stream.aol.com/wb/gl/wbonline/progressive/thematrix/us/med/detect_480_dl.mov[/url] - Mid res

This one is from Shinichiro Watanabe, and is simliar to Cowboy Bebop. I'm sure many would like this one.
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Guest Super Ryaman
Too much pink...
The anime looks alright......(hehehehe)
I liked the anime short before the movie "Dreamcatcher" better than the actual "Dreamcatcher" movie. Hmph...I think I would pay another six $ just to see the anime again....(hehehehehe)
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I've been trying for the last few days to find a copy of Final FLight of the Osiris online but no one seems to have it anywhere... not even a crappy theater version... I dunno if I plan on buying the DVD or not... are they gonna put the other 4 episodes online as well or just these first 4?
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I remember seeing a trailer for Osiris, but not a full version. If I find it, I'll let you know. I forget where I saw it, but it most likely was at [url]www.apple.com.[/url]

From what I can tell, they are just putting the first four up. 3 are available for download, the fourth will be put up for download next month... That's all they have space for on the main page... by then the DVD will be out.
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  • 1 month later...
I was going to make my own thread in the Music/Movies forum about The Animatrix, because I really feel it belong there, alongside The Matrix discussion, but alas, Sem has already made one here. Its a shame no one is talking about it now though.

I've seen the full Animatrix with all the 9 pieces, and, to quote Neo, "Whoa".

The animatrix was conceived essentially as a marketing ploy to wet the appetites of the fans for the upcoming Matrix Reloaded and Revolutions. But it has done that and more. It is an amazingly piece of anime in itself, worthy of a standalone collection.

All the pieces are well conceived and executed. No doubt people will have their favourites, depending on what they like, the styles and characterisations. But all 9 (well actually 8 cos the Second Renaissance was actually split into two parts) shorts were well conceived, produced and executed.

If you're a fan of anime, and in particular, sci-fi anime, then you can do a lot worse than have this in your collection. An understanding of the Matrix is, I believe, helpful for full appreciation, but not essential.

The colors are vibrant, the stories are short and sweet, sad and provocative, the characterisations complex and intricate, and the styles of animation vary greatly from one piece to the other. But all are done with daring and verve.

The most captivating piece for me was Mahiro Maeda's absolutely stunning Second Renaissance two-parter. The layouts were impossibly gorgeous, the colors spring out, the pace and flow flawless, and the documentary nature well suited for the purpose.

The Final Flight of the Osiris was all done in 3D. Very slick and beautiful, but alas, I'm not a fan of 3D animation that tries to capture reality. Its produced by Square, so if you've seen Final Fantasy: Spirits, you'll get the idea. I don't think its as good as Spirits, but the first scene in the dojo is very well done, and sexy as hell.

I could go on, but really all of them were good. I normally don't like 'dirty' animation. I like my frames to be clean cut, lines clear, not smudges and blurry lines, but even this 'realism' style in the last piece, 'A Kid's Story', was handled well.

As a sidenote, Keanu Reeves and Carrie-Ann Moss actually do some of the voice acting in reprising their roles. And the music kicks major ***.

I could go on and on. But heck, just go buy the DVD. You won't regret it. And if you do, you can always send it to me. :)

[EDIT]Oh yes, and I found that the 9 pieces actually worked quite well together. Each are separate but each added a different texture to the world of the Matrix. SO if you've only seen one piece, and didn't much care for it, I suggest you see a few more. Also, a word of warning, the production value is quite high, so downloading poor samples is not a good indication of the actual product.[/EDIT]
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  • 3 weeks later...
Is the Animatrix good?

[color=indigo][size=1]Please put a wee bit more effort into your posts, [hypnotizing voice]elaboration is good, good...[/hypnotizing voice][/size]
~HC, your friendly neighborhood mod[/color]
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the animatrix is actually a bunch of different animation styles, so it's hard to say whether it's good or bad. Overall, I think the animatrix is great, it's got something for everyone. If you're willing, just buy it when it's out on dvd. I'm sure as hell going to.
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The Animatrix is good. Go see it. For a more in-depth critique, see the Animatrix thread in the Anime Lounge. Actually I was a little bit disappointed with the lack of a reaction for the Animatrix thread. Seeing how popular The Matrixs, I am somewhat confused as to why that thread illicit such a lack of discussion, considering it combines the Matrix universe with the anime universe. I would have thought it would be a boon for discussion. :)
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