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Voices of Summer


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The title has no relevance to the piece what-so-ever. I just couldn't think of a title (because this piece wasn't meant to have a symbolic meaning), and looked at the title of my current techno song, lol. Anyway, this is what I have been working on for the past, like, 4 days or something off and on (because there's no way I'd have the patience to do this thing the whole way through in one sweep). It was originally 2022x1212 or something like that, but I rotated it 90º and resized it to 3000x5000 because I want to sell it as a print on deviantART some day. Anyway, it looks better horizontal than vertical, but I have to do it this way to sell it as a print on DA.

But, like I said, it's 3000x5000 and is 4.5 megabytes. That's why I'm showing you the semi-thumbnail view, lol.

Full-View is a must for the details though. You can barely make them out at this size. At some later date I'll post the smaller (horizontal) version.

Actually, I'll try uploading it here, one sec. Nevermind, no luck there. I'll try my host.

[url=http://chriscole.250free.com/techbbox.png]Small Horizontal Image[/url]

[u][url="http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/6134745"]Semi-Thumbnail of Large Vertical Image[/url][/u]
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[color=gray]I really don't like your new style... It looks so... Blegh... Not cool lol.
Of course it's just a matter of taste, but its like you spend no time at it at all. The blue(purple) is just one color blue(purple), as goes for the other colors. Put a fancy BG behind it and a few lines through it and its done.

I'm sure you spend more time on it than I just said, but well yeah. This is what I think it looks like o-o;;[/color]
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[QUOTE=Boo][color=gray]I really don't like your new style... It looks so... Blegh... Not cool lol.
Of course it's just a matter of taste, but its like you spend no time at it at all. The blue(purple) is just one color blue(purple), as goes for the other colors. Put a fancy BG behind it and a few lines through it and its done.

I'm sure you spend more time on it than I just said, but well yeah. This is what I think it looks like o-o;;[/color][/QUOTE]
I spent like 9 hours on it ^_^;

That's your opinion though. Abstract backgrounds are overrated and dead. The point is not for it to look cool, but to be a good design (by art standards). I mean for it to be slightly aesthetically pleasing, but that's not the point.


Check out that gallery. Some day, I'm going to take a step into that field, as that is the most pleasing to me, but I'm just testing my abilities relating to that area before I plunge headfirst into it.
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[size=1][color=darkred] I can't say that I like this a lot. As I have said before...it doesn't really do much for me. It looks alright...but yeah. The more I look, the more detail I see, and it closely resembles pipes. I understand that this must have taken...woah. An enormous amount of time and patience. It seems to grow on me, but I don't think I'll ever really love this style. I must say, it does look cool in some bits, but overall does little for me.

I do admire how much effort you put into this though. Good stuff.[/size][/color]
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[QUOTE=Baron Samedi][size=1][color=darkred] I can't say that I like this a lot. As I have said before...it doesn't really do much for me. It looks alright...but yeah. The more I look, the more detail I see, and it closely resembles pipes. I understand that this must have taken...woah. An enormous amount of time and patience. It seems to grow on me, but I don't think I'll ever really love this style. I must say, it does look cool in some bits, but overall does little for me.

I do admire how much effort you put into this though. Good stuff.[/color][/size][/QUOTE]
Thanks for the comment :) And I was expecting people to not like it much, but to more appreciate the patience it took and the design value. It was sort of a work of virtue, testing my patience (patience is a virtue, right? Lol). Anyway, I'll try to stay away from the boring stuff from now on :p
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[size=1][color=darkred]As the image loaded (the horizontal one) I was reminded of a playground. You know those metal frames that you grab a hold of with your arms and swing about like a monkey on ? Or hang upside-down on and still look like a monkey *lol*

I agree with Baron, that it looks like a lot of piping. Sort of like a blue-print, hehe.

The three stripes of color on the background are lovely, very soft. If you took away the "piping", you could do something else with that background ?
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[QUOTE=Mimmi][size=1][color=darkred]As the image loaded (the horizontal one) I was reminded of a playground. You know those metal frames that you grab a hold of with your arms and swing about like a monkey on ? Or hang upside-down on and still look like a monkey *lol*

I agree with Baron, that it looks like a lot of piping. Sort of like a blue-print, hehe.

The three stripes of color on the background are lovely, very soft. If you took away the "piping", you could do something else with that background ?
Lol, I could try that. I haven't really done a soft, mellow piece yet. I just added the background in there to give it some depth though. That part only took me about 30 seconds ^_^;

I was also reminded of a blueprint in a way. The look I was going for was more of a technological one though. I don't know what kind of technology, but whatever :p
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