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Jet Set Radio Future

Haruhara Haruko

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It's a good game, I suppose.

I remember when I got the original game, Jet Grind Radio, on the Dreamcast. It's still my favorite game on the system. It looked great, the style was excellent, the levels were well designed, the music rocked and the game was challenging.

JSRF, in a sense, was a disappointment. The game obviously looks amazingly good and the style is still there. I'm not as fond of the music as in the original though, which brings it down a bit.

The main problem was all the ideas from the first that I loved that were totally removed. First, in JSRF when you tag... you just press the button and that's that. On JGR, you had to move the stick around in certain ways to actually finish the tag.

This was made more frantic by the fact that the Rokaku Police were actually in the level almost the entire time. In JSRF, there's no one. You can just aimlessly skate around and that's that. The sense of challenge was completely lost, and the resulting boss fights were really lame overall.

Then there was the removal of the time limit. I'm sure many liked this, but I didn't. When I have goals in a level, I'd rather have a time to do them in. In JGR this added even more challenge to the game, something that is just nonexistant in JSRF. You have all the time in the world, and coupled with the fact that you basically cannot lose, makes the game just seem so much more dull by comparison.

It's still good, but I much prefer the first.
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[size=1][color=darkblue] Well, as I never owned a Dreamcast, I can't really compare JSRF to JGR. However, I am a dedicated XBox gamer, and I know the difference between a good game, and a...not so good one.
I got JSRF when I first bought my XBox, as in the UK, you get it free with the console, along with Sega GT 2002. It's a good deal, as these are both good games. I don't know if I would have bought it, but I probably would have, because it's one of the originals on the 'Box, and a must-have in my opinion. There is also no other game like it (except for, obviously, JGR)
I like the game because the graphics are superb, it's very colourful, the controls are fairly easy to use, and the aspect of the game is fun. However it does have some bad points. As Semjaza mentioned before, there is a lack of a challenge, no time limit, only one task at a time etc. This doesn't bother me much, but it does make the game a lot less challenging. The soundtrack is a bit poor, even though it is catchy. A custom soundtrack option would have made the game a lot more enjoyable. It is also very repetitive, and you can get easily fed up with the same style challenges.
Other than those bad points, I love the game. It's stylish, fairly easy, and suitable for almost everyone, so if you don't have it, look in bargain bins, as you can usually pick it up for around $20 dollars, and I think it may be 'X Box Classic' now too.
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  • 4 months later...
Has anyone played Jet Set Radio Future?I have and I think it's cool.I like that it's realistic and the cops do come after you.You join a gang called the GG's and you have to go around spray painting your turf.The cops though,have a nasty leader(I forgot his name) and they also have a crazy captin.He has a gun and he shoots at you.The way to beat the cops is to spray paint them.You also get new members for the team if you beat their chalenge.They have the same characters from the first game Jet Grind Raido.If you haven't played Jet Grind Raido,I suggest to get that one first to be more familer with the characters.Jet Grind Raido is on Sega Dreamcast,and Jet Set Raido Future is on Xbox.I highly recomend these two games.If you don't have a Dreamcast,just get Jet Set Raido Future.If you don't have an Xbox,just get Jet Grind Raido.I also like the game because it takes place in the future of Tokyo and it looks cool.
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I havn't played the new one of Jet Set Radio because I dont have the system it goes with it *tear*. But I did love the original for Dreamcast...it was my all time favorite with the different peolle and the diferent challenges it had. those were some good times...I was expecting them to make a part 2 for Dreamcast, but they stopped production which stunk. Oh well, :)
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[font=Georgia][color=blue]Although I would have agreed with the majority when I first played JSR:F, I have to say, the game really grows on you.[/color][/font]
[font=Georgia][color=#0000ff]There's no denying the fact that JSR:F's difficulty is stuck on "loser," but when you play the game just for mindless grinding and gaming, it beats out its predecessor. Yes, I know it's stupid how you can't lose in those "fights" against rival gangs, but look past that for a moment.[/color][/font]
[font=Georgia][color=#0000ff]The original was so much harder, and so playing through the game's story was always fun, not soporific. On the other hand, JSR:F's true claim to fame is when you have completed the game and just try to unlock all the secrets and do the tricks. You could even do that while playing through the story, but the point is, it's the extras that make JSR:F fun, whereas the original was fun for it's innovative core design.[/color][/font]
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[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]I have it and I liked it I never beat it though cause it got kind of repeatative for me. I just got tired of grinding on rails for hours on end trying to find that one last goal. The music is great and the characters are really cool though. It makes for a great multiplayer game when i have a bunch of friends come over too. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
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I never played the first one. I own the second one. I got it with my Xbox. I think it is an amazing game! I love the tricks you can do. and i LOVE how it is Cell Shaded. It makes the game look soo much better! I love using Corn. Hes the tall opne who has some awesometacular stunts!
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  • 2 months later...
Guest gamefreak13
dude i am so stuck in jsrf i have beat the golden rhinos and now i am going threw and finishing all the tricks that i did not compleat i thought that when u get a jet ranking in a place new chacters appear so i hope that someone can help me.
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[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]i played a demo for jsrf a little while back. it was awesome, any game that can make cging look so cool like that deserves a defenite look by me. I liked the music that was on jgr, so the music on jsrf was just as great. (my personal favorite's include the theme in the garage and Got a hot hand). the music is obviously a large influence in the game, but the music is upbeat and it definitely got my foot tappin'. i would definitely suggest this game to others.[/COLOR]
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