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Final Fantasy I & II: Dawn of Souls


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I've linked a couple of scans for the game at the end of the post

You'll notice first of all that they've kind of just ditched Amano's artwork for the series. Square is apparently reworking these from the ground up to appeal to new fans of the FF series, which explains that.

Things are being adjusted so people can easily jump into the series, even if they're not familiar with the older titles. For example, FFI is being reworked to include MP instead of its standard magic system.

I think the games look pretty good and I'd have to say they have pretty much a 100% chance of hitting the US.


Thanks to Neo at GA.
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Thats milking it for sure, they've already released 1 and 2 for playstation and now they're remaking them again? Obviously I'd rather see a new story that would appeal more to us oldies that played the first one on NES, but at least it will add to the good GBA games. Its hard to see the game from the small pictures on the scan, but I wonder just how far they will redo it. New dungeons would be cool, if you don't have a map some of the old dungeons just have you wandering around too much and get frustrating.

I don't think I'll buy these games when they come out though, unless they're really a vast improvement. I'm sure they will sell well though.
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[color=indigo]Well, seeing as I've passed on all of the PSX collections, I think I'm going to try and get FFI/FFII when they're released on the GBA. (They [i]better[/i] bring this over to the US). I never have played through the original Final Fantasy on the NES, so it'll be interesting to play through the first two games in the series. Even better if they balance out the game so you don't have to level up as much, and then also using MP instead of the weird system of spells per day in the original.

Those screenshots sort of reminded me of Final Fantasy IV's graphics, though higher quality, which I like. FFIV is one of my favorite games in the series, so a similar look is kind of nice. Though the character sprites look a little weird to me for some reason.[/color]
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Yeah FFIV is my fav of the series so far (even though i havent finished it >_<) but im on the verge of completion.

I never found the magic points system in FF1 too difficult, i find it rather interesting, it has its advantages i suppose but at the same time it probably has much more disadvantages, but thats good if you like a challenge. While on the topic of FF1 i never thought levelling up was a problem, if anything i find levels are gained a bit too easily but i suppose theres bound to be a dungeon waiting for me which is gonna be insanely difficult. Anyway thats my opinion so meh.

Again the remakes of FF 1&2 sound good so i need a GBA, or better yet i think i'll just pick up a GBA player.
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The updated graphics look nice. I passed over Final Fantasy Origins on the PSX, so I might think about picking this one up if the gameplay is updated a bit. Final Fantasy only interests me mildly, but I've heard some good things about Final Fantasy II. If I pick this game up, it'll be mostly for FFII.

If Square is going to remake some of these games for the GBA, though, I wouldn't mind a remake of either FFIV, Chrono Trigger or both, since I still have yet to play either of them (yes, I somehow managed to avoid them both on the SNES and PSX).
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[QUOTE=Semjaza Azazel]I've linked a couple of scans for the game at the end of the post

You'll notice first of all that they've kind of just ditched Amano's artwork for the series. Square is apparently reworking these from the ground up to appeal to new fans of the FF series, which explains that.

Things are being adjusted so people can easily jump into the series, even if they're not familiar with the older titles. For example, FFI is being reworked to include MP instead of its standard magic system.

I think the games look pretty good and I'd have to say they have pretty much a 100% chance of hitting the US.


Thanks to Neo at GA.[/QUOTE]

I cant veiw the Jpgs..... :( Oh well. Ive always got my FForigins, and the original FF I+II. I hope they completly redo them, It'll make it a bit nicer to see new graphics and less confusing equipment screens....I can't stand how you cant know which equipment cann go on which character until you buy it. hahaha :p
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  • 3 weeks later...
New images, I hosted them elsewhere so they can be seen. I didn't know the last host would remove theirs.

These shots show a new dungeon that apparently lets you fight bosses from different games in the FF series. People may recognize some of them.

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Ha, I feel extremely cool because I do recognize those bosses. :P Oh wait ... no.

Anyway, FFII was definitely my favorite of the early Final Fantasy games, and it might actually be my favorite of all the Final Fantasy games ... (yeah, I'm one of [i]those[/i] people). So I'll definitely pick this up if/when it does come over to the States.
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[color=indigo]Heheh. . . . [url=http://img4.imageshack.us/img4/4636/FFVI-Chupon.gif][u]Chupon[/u][/url] of FFVI, [url=http://img4.imageshack.us/img4/654/FFIV-Kainazzo.gif][u]Kainazzo[/u][/url] of FFIV, and [url=http://img4.imageshack.us/img4/2808/FFIV-Valvalis.gif][u]Valvalis[/u][/url] of FFIV. Don't recognize the ninja-ish looking guy, though. (I'm thinking maybe it's from FFV? I'm pretty sure it's not from FFIV or FFVI).

Oh, and the updated sprites for Kainazzo and Valvalis look really good. Also, the art for Kainazzo is just freaky looking. I must try and find that picture by itself.[/color]

[color=seagreen]Ah . . . so it does say FFV in front of him. Must've missed that. :twitch:[/color]
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The ninja guy is from FFV. Hell it even says so right in front of him heh.

Word has it that this dungeon is supposed to be as big as the rest of the areas in the game put together. Contains its own towns, shops, inns and so forth. Pretty insane.
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Both games promise new additions to their game play, and the graphics and artwork seem much more crisp.
The new dungeon added to FFI is the "Soul of Chaos", which is home to new items, difficult bosses, and four Chaos Spirits.

Though I can't say I'm more excited about one than the other, I'm really looking forward to the new chapter added to FFII. It's called "Soul of Rebirth", and will contain brand new events, items, and monsters - rather than re-introducing them.

As for the release date, Japan will get theirs in July, though a US release hasn't been announced yet, it is still expected.
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  • 4 months later...
[color=#4B0082]Well, this game finally has an official title and a US release date. According to [url=http://www.nintendo.com/gamemini?gameid=39e68dfb-62b6-4799-9b73-fbffa804378b][u]Nintendo.com[/u][/url], Final Fantasy I & II: Dawn of Souls will be released on November 29, 2004.

Personally, this is my most anticipated GBA game that's set to be released during the rest of the year. (Sadly, Zelda: The Minish Cap is set for a January 2005 release.) And I haven't bought a new GBA game since Metroid: Zero Mission, so this will definitely be up there on my "to buy" list. Looks like I'll be shelling out $80 come November, combining this with Metroid Prime 2 Echoes.

I've actually thought off and on about playing the original NES version of FFI, but the large amount of leveling required to make any progress has always put me off from the game. So this remake will be really nice, since I'll get to play through the game with improvements made to the battle and magic systems.

And it'll be interesting to play FFII, which will also be a new experience for me (as I said earlier in the thread, I skipped the PS1 compilations), as well as the extra additions to the games. I've always wondered about the storylines of the first three games in the series, as well as the origins of some of the things that have come to represent Final Fantasy itself, such as Chocobos, so it should be fun to finally learn the stuff I've wondered about.

Anyone else looking to pick this title up in November?[/color]
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Actually, I'm torn whether to buy this or not, considering I already have the PS1 version, which I haven't beaten yet. I've heard there's a secret dungeon in this game which isn't in the PS1 one and that's what's making the chance of me getting it higher as well as the other changes. Considering that its release date is near Christmas, I might add it to my list.
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[quote name='Desbreko][color=#4B0082']I've actually thought off and on about playing the original NES version of FFI, but the large amount of leveling required to make any progress has always put me off from the game. So this remake will be really nice, since I'll get to play through the game with improvements made to the battle and magic systems.[/color][/quote]

This is what has put me off the older games. I have never ever been able to play FFV and put up with it at the same time, simply because it's just too slow for me. I just haven't got the patience for that, as I've been spoiled by the luxuries of more faster and rapid gameplay. That aside, though, I'll be picking up these babies for sure. Two FF games in one = bargain.
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[quote name='digitalshadow']Actually, I'm torn whether to buy this or not, considering I already have the PS1 version, which I haven't beaten yet. I've heard there's a secret dungeon in this game which isn't in the PS1 one and that's what's making the chance of me getting it higher as well as the other changes. Considering that its release date is near Christmas, I might add it to my list.[/quote]

The second dungeon is talked about earlier in the thread. I remember mentioning it.

Plus no load times. Woo!

I think I'll be getting it.
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Though this has been said a thousand times before , between both games on the cart, practically everything has been revamped; the music, the artwork, the battle system and plenty more.

What's cool is the Monster Collection feature that's available amongst both games, which basically displays all the creatures you meet throughout them. If there's anything I love, it's collecting stuff and showing it off. So cool.

[quote name='Semjaza Azazel']Plus no load times. Woo![/quote]

Save anywhere. Woo!
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  • 2 weeks later...
[SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting.

Well this is definitely something I'm going to look out for if the games make their wake across the Atlantic, something that always seems to take ages or never happen at all. I was too young to catch the originals on the NES and as Wingnut has said they've revamped pretty much everything about the game itself, and the fact that there are no load times makes this one sweet RPG, even for a Final Fantasy Game.[/SIZE]
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  • 2 months later...
[color=darkred]I've never played any of the original NES Final Fantasy games, so I don't really know where Dawn of Souls stands right now, but one thing for sure is that it's definitely worth your money; not as a Final Fantasy game, but as a GBA game. Really, I wish games like this were released more often for the GBA. It really impresses me how Square have revamped a lot of the stuff and have gone so far as to add new, bigger dungeons to both games.

Currently, I'm playing through FFI, though I'm not yet too far into the game, and I've played just a little of FFII, only to test it out, but I haven't actually started it as of yet. I haven't found anything worth complaining about FFI, because it's just the way all GBA RPGs should be, I think. The visuals are awesome, and like Desbreko said, they're a tuned-up version of FFVI's graphics, particularly the character sprites. Like with most other FF games, the catchy music is there, too, but most of all, I love the music that plays when you open up the menu, which is the same as the shop music, I think.

And finally, the Bestiary, also known as the "Monster Collection" which I referred to earlier on in the thread. Right now, I've only defeated 10% of the monsters within what little of FFI I've gone through so far. I dunno though, it doesn't feel like I've beaten that many... I've obliterated one boss, and the rest were all small-fry monsters, but I digress. There is a total of 195 monsters for FFI, which is okay I suppose, as I'm guessing there wasn't as many in the original version of the game. As for FFII, I can't tell; the Bestiary is separate for each game, and FFII has a different display format to FFI. Mine has a big fat [b]Empty[/b] in the centre of it. :(

I highly recommend this game to anyone who owns a GBA. Like FFTA, I think that Dawn of Souls definitely makes it as one of the highlights of the year. Also, it is two games in one... how can you possibly NOT want it?[/color]
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  • 3 weeks later...
FF 1&2: DoS is pretty good so far for me. THough I've devoted a lot of hours maxing out my hp in FF2 that i've already gotten 5000 HP before I even got minwu!

In FF1, well, i've beaten SOul of Chaos effortlessly (Master + hasted + tempered * 30 = 60,000+ damage :) ) and I think Soul of Rebirth is going to be pretty hard (it's FF2's version of Soul of Chaos. Basically it takes all of the characters that were "temporarily" in your team in FF2 and put them in a dungeon. It get their stats by copying the last time you've sued them. If your [spoiler] Minwu [/spoiler] only had 3000 HP when you left it. It will have 3000 HP in SoR :).

My team in FF1

Master lv 99
Ninja lv 99
White Wizard lv 99
Red Wizard lv 99
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  • 2 weeks later...
[size=1]Has anyone else picked this game up yet? I have, and I absolutely love it. Well, FF1, anyway. I don't know why, but FF2 just isn't doing anything for me. Overall though, I'm glad I bought the game. I love being able to pick up a simple rpg that requires nothing but tappin the 'A' button continuously. I need one of those every so often. The gameplay is fun, the characters are classic, and you'll eventually imagine yourself as very clever and witty for naming your Black Mage "Dragon Warrior", or "DW". Trust me, I've been there.[/size]

EDIT: Ack, sorry to the Moderator who merged this! I guess I overlooked this topic when I scrolled through the thread titles...ugh. Again, sorry for making you fix that, whoever you are.

- Dane
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