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At what age did you start watching anime?


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I started watching anime when i was about 10 or something and it was only DBZ and pokemon and (no offence to anyone) stupid stuff like that. My brother started watching anime when he was 4 and not the crappy stuff I watched! I think the first anime he saw was Inuyasha, then Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, FLCL, Blue Gender, and every thing that's every been on Adult Swim and Toonami, he's also lerning how to read through Manga. (He's 5 yars old.)
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Guest gendou ikari
I started watching anime at the young age of 5,watching things like transformers though I thought they were mere,cartoons back then :rolleyes: I relised what anime was at the age of eight. At first I watched repetitive animes like Dragonball Z, but as I grew older (10) I developed and started to like Gundam (ya think it would take shorter than 2 years to realize its very recognisable repetivness :rolleyes: )I took up Gundam Wing,Gundam 0080,Gundam 0083, and the original ,0079.Realizing its repetivness(though I still like it)I grew to like Evangelion(at the age of 11) and soon I grew to like the following at the age of 12,Evangelion(because of its compelling religious aspect and it's likable,realistic characters)Love Hina(basically because it's funny),Rurouni Kenshin(because of the likable realistic characters,powerful plot and Historically based story)Rahxephon,Z.O.E,and Outlaw Star.I became a fanatic at the age of 10

Oh Yeah! The first anime I ever saw was, Transformers.And I gotta end this post. Im goin to eat blue berry muffins :tasty: !
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Guest ScirosDarkblade
I was 19 or 20 years old (I started watching last school year). So I haven't watched too much, but I have at this point seen a good deal of the more "popular" or "important" anime out there. At least as far as older kids are concerned (i.e. not DBZ or Yu-Gi-Oh!).

I started watching it because I found some manga I was interested in. We had P2P shared networks at the dorm, so I went on an all-out downloading spree looking for "good" anime. You wouldn't believe how much of it I did not like. The first one that I enjoyed was Oh My Goddess! the movie, and the first series I liked was Love Hina. Though it's not like I prefer romantic comedy animes; I don't care about the genre. I just wasn't happy with the other ones I sampled.

I had watched Princess Mononoke a while ago, but I don't count that as "starting to watch anime," really, because it didn't spark my interest in it in the least.

But since then I've watched Trigun, Evangelion, Cowboy Bebop, a bit of Witch Hunter Robin, and some of Noir, as well as Spirited Away, FLCL, Grave of the Fireflies, Ghost in the Shell (which I hated, actually), and a horrendous Revolutionary Girl Utena movie which I will never forgive my class instructor for showing to us.
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I started when I was like 9 and a half 10. I too started with Pokemon(though i watched it at 7 and 8 as well) and dragonballz Etc. Now I watch basicaly any, I love to read manga, I lve all anime an Manga I guess you could say.
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Well technically the first time I ever watched anything that was anime, I'd have to say I was 4... But I never really started watching anime in my own free time until... I was 12 or 13.... Don't get me wrong, I did watch anime... I just wasn't obsessed with it or anything like I am now... And I never really became [I]obsessed[/I] with anime until two years ago (I think that puts me at 15...?) The first anime I got hooked on was Transformers from when I was four... It was the latest Transformers series at the time and my brother was really into Transformers at the time so that was like 10 years ago... Then there was Speed Racer and (I think it was called) G-Foce... More recently I got into DBZ and Inu Yasha... ever sense I came upon Inu, I've literally [I]thrown[/I] myself into anime whenever I can... My mom thinks I'm waisting my money sometimes, but for the most part she understands... hehe.. It's fun... But yeah, I was about 15 when I truely became a fanatic.
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Haha i watched DragonBall Z, Pokemon and Digimon as some of my first anime (and it lead to my obsession :D ) but i must admit now i dont like things like Pokemon and Digimon it seems to emm........childish (i hope no1 takes offense to that) im into da more emm aggressive ones :devil:

[FONT=Century Gothic]Dark Kakashi Out[/FONT]

[COLOR=Navy]Yes, but at what age did you begin watching these shows? When participating in a thread, be sure to answer the question originally posed by its creator.

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Guest Seraph
I don't think it is possible for me to actually rember how old I was when I started watching anime, I kinda aways did. My dad has watched the extreem few anime that had made it to the U.S. back in the 70's. So I was kinda born into it. The first anime I can actually rember watching were Voltron and Battle of the Planets, I think I was around 5 or 6. So it's been at least 18-20 years of actual rembembered anime watching.
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I am like Seraph, I have been watching anime for as long as I can remember. My family in Japan would send us video tapes of tv shows and anime for us to watch here in the states. I have been watching anime in Japanese for many years. The very first would be Doraemon.

As for dubbed animes there were the animes that came out in the 70's/80's like Robotech and Transzor-Z. I thought they were great since they were in english! Anime in english AND on television here in the United States! I thought I had died and gone to heaven!

I guess for a specific age answer as to when I started to watch anime I would go with 9 years old since that is when I really, obsessively, started to watch anime. Before then it was just something that was on tapes that I would watch because it was there. I could take it or leave it before Robotech came out when I was 9 years old. Started when I was 9, still going at 28, I don't think it will end anytime soon. Hey, there are worse things to be obsessed with!
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I started watching anime with my best friend at about 8... She was nine though. =^n_n^= heh, we'd always try to catch the latest showing of Sailor Moon at 3:00 on Cartoon Networks Toonamie.

...I was real upset when they took it off. It's funny though, because recently I found my friend again, and I went babbling about all the latest anime I'd seen thinking she was still into it... She gave me the weirdest look and said, "aren't you a little OLD for that stuff?"
Of course, I began to laugh on the spot. =^n_-^=V
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[color=darkviolet]Because depending on the type you're talking about the age can vary greatly.

For example if you want to know the first anime I watched knowing it was anime. I'd have to say sixteen/seventeen because it was SailorMoon on Carttoon Network at 4:00 pm. And I say 16/17 because it was the summer before I started my senior year. I was enjoying it a lot too, before I learned how badly chopped up it was in dub form.

But if you want to know like Transformers and Speed Racer (they showed it on Mtv after BEvis and Butthead when I was twelve) the age varies.

Okay well, now that I've finished my mission, I can go destroy and stuff...[/color]
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Guest shikamaru
well i have start watching long time ago when i was about 7 years old but i didnt knew what i am looking at ..as i remember it was the SIMPSON cartoon or my batman .... :rolleyes: i liked them very much.. i couldnt understand what they were saying i was just lookinng to their funny movement :laugh: thats it ...

when i got internet i have searchin for every cartoons name and day by day i started learning them .... now i got it...well the most one i like the cartoon called hazeem u raad translate into english tunder killer... may you know there was name of charecter...semonie lalan shaheen isseen seeseen.. cowbow queen sangarkusay ....ok friends seems i have make it so long ...

chaw chee

[COLOR=Navy]Hey there! ^_^ If English isn't your first language, I would be more than happy to help you work on improving your post quality. If, however, you [i]are[/i] a native speaker... well in that case you have almost no excuse for using improper grammar, punctuation, etc. It'll only make your replies confusing and difficult to read. So in the future, please pay more attention to those kinds of details.

Thank you for your time. ^_^

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I started at the age of 4. The first anime I watched was Weiss Kreuz, something my aunt bought for me for fun. Finished the first season then head for Sailor Moon. Didn't like it but I did draw some characters. The third one was Ninja Cadet at the age of 6. I got so hooked on the way a ninja lived that I've been a ninja freak/wannabe since.

Yeah... But, I don't any special from watching young. Not to brag, but, I was once jealous of my friend. She lived with a family who watches anime plentifully that she started watching since the age of 2! O_o Umm... Yeah... Anyways, laters.
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[font=Verdana][size=1]I suppose I would have been 11 - 12 when I first began watching Anime when it was airing on Cartoon Network, at the time I think they were only airing [b]Dragonball Z[/b] ([/size][/font][font=Verdana][size=1]At least that's the only one I remember watching)[/size][/font][font=Verdana][size=1]. I was unfortunate enough to fall in directly in the middle of the [i]Frieza Saga[/i] so I had to do a bit of research before I fully understoof what was happening in the series. H[/size][/font][font=Verdana][size=1]owever this didn't deminish my enjoyment of the series one bit and contrary to what most people here have said I found Dragonball Z to be one of the best Animes I've ever seen.[/size][/font]
[font=Verdana][size=1][b]Pokémon[/b] and [b]Digimon[/b] began to air on the on Sky One and Network 2 (a National Channel) respectively and I began to follow them, in the beginning I preferred Digimon because it had a more mature plot to it and Pokémon just seemed to be slightly immature in my opinion. But I gave them both a chance and watched them with equal interest but quite quickly I grew bored of both and concentrated all my efforts on watching Dragonball Z which would air for 3 hours on a Saturday morning and 2 on a Sunday.[/size][/font]
[font=Verdana][size=1][b]Zoids: Chaotic Century [/b][/size][/font][font=Verdana][size=1]began to air on Sky One in the mornings when I was about 14 as I remember it (again I have quite a bad memory) and I was no longer able to watch Cartoon Network due to the channel being scrabled by my local service provider. I found it reminded me of the Tranformers which I had worshipped as I child and I followed it with great interest until it ended abruptly about 5 or 6 episodes before the end of [b]Zoids: Guardian Force[/b] and Sky One began airing [b]Zoids: New Century Zero[/b]. [/size][/font][font=Verdana][size=1]I found Zero to be interesting enough although it took a more light hearted approach than Chaotic Century or Guardian Force had.

I began missing episodes of NCZ right and left due to it being aired at 8 am and me having to leave the house for school at 7:30 so I missed the rest of the series after that point. After this most Anime apart from Pokémon (which I had been casually watching) was either moved to a later time or removed totally so I was left without much to watch.

I began to watch Yu-Gi-Oh when it started about a year and a half [/size][/font][font=Verdana][size=1]ago (would that be right ?) and found it to be decent enough although I prayed that the characters would become slightly less Pokémon-ish as had been indicated by the Pilot-Episode. Thankfully my wish was granted and I began watching it with more interest as the series progressed, however as is normal with Sky One when they stopped having episodes to show they'd start the series over again (which was a rightious pain).

Zoids started airing again mind-last year and I started watching[/size][/font][font=Verdana][size=1] it again, this time I was lucky enough to catch all of [u]both[/u] series CC/GF - NCZ and I was once again dissapointed that it was taken off the air after finishing. Basically since then Yu-Gi-Oh has been my basic Anime staple since most of the other stuff has either been taken off the air or (in the case of Pokémon) I've lost interest.

I've never been fortunate enough to see most of the other Anime that airs on Toonami although I would guess that eventually I will. Anyway I suppose I've answered the question asked of me.[/size][/font]
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When I was six, my father (in his ultimate wisdom) took me to see My Neighbor Totoro, the Hayao Miyazaki children's classic. I remembered the incident only as an unusually charming film until I began to watch Digimon in 4th grade. These big-eyed people look fundamentally familiar, I thought to myself, but otherwise disregarded such thoughts in favour of a _complete and total_ obsession with one of the characters (unnamed). The next year, I discovered Tenchi Muyo! (which I loved) and Outlaw Star (which I should have loved but wasn't appreciative enough of) were more-than-viable substitutes to the second season of Digimon. From there, it was not a slippery slope but more of a greased-rubber cliff covered in ice, jelly, and marbles over which I tumbled, blissfully unwitting, into my current passion for the anime genre.
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I started watching anime at about 8th grade. At first, I had always thought anime was just cartoons. Nothing special. But FORTUNATELY, my brother introduced me into some better animes than Zoids. (Don't get me wrong. I think Zoids is okay, but it's just not on the top of my list.) I first found Outlaw Star, which is my fave (not that anyone cares), then I got into Inuyasha, Cowboy Bebop, Akira, etc. It kinda took me a while to realize there was manga. I didn't know until last year! My best friend bought me one and I was so surprised! Now.... anime's always in my head.
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I'd say I started watching anime at the age of 4. That was my Sailor Moon age. At age 7 I slowly made the transaction into DBZ, when my family moved and my dad's colleague's sons got me into it, saying that it was very deep...But anyway, after DBZ it was YuYu hakusho for about a week, when I discovered Inuyasha. That was 11. Now, I'm getting into more anime, mainly Rumiko Takahashi shounen (I'm a girl though) because of the Inuyasha influence, and am exploring others. I'm a sucker for fluff, since I only watched Sailor Moon for the romance (-_-) and turned it off (I was 4) when they had their little transformations. Some of the fights were ok...mainly just the 'ultimate battles' - going OT...back on topic. Anyways, I been watching anime for 9 years now, though I've only made it into an obsession since last year.

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[quote name='Cahoots34']From there, it was not a slippery slope but more of a greased-rubber cliff covered in ice, jelly, and marbles over which I tumbled, blissfully unwitting, into my current passion for the anime genre.[/quote]
Quite an interesting way of describing it.. I think that's quite humorus... (^^)

[COLOR=Navy]Cahoots never fails to amuse. ^_~ However, please try to avoid getting off-topic; you could easily have told her this through PM.

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[FONT=Comic Sans MS]when i was pretty young (i don't remember how old), i started watching DBZ at 6 am on the international channel in Spanish. my mom encouraged it, even though she didn't approve of the violence.

then i turned eleven, and started watching Sailor Moon every morning before i'd leave for school... then Pokemon came on when i was twelve, and i'd watch that with mom each morning (it was time for just me and her).

i remember though... when i was REALLY young (four or five) my dad rented Akira and showed it to my brother and me. i had nightmares for two weeks after that >.<[/FONT]
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Guest shikamaru
well i have start watching long time ago when i was about 7 years old but i didnt knew what i am looking at ..as i remember it was the SIMPSON cartoon or my batman .... i liked them very much.. i couldnt understand what they were saying i was just lookinng to their funny movement thats it ...

when i got internet i have searchin for every cartoons name and day by day i started learning them .... now i got it...well the most one i like the cartoon called hazeem u raad translate into english tunder killer... may you know there was name of charecter...semonie lalan shaheen isseen seeseen.. cowbow queen sangarkusay ....ok friends seems i have make it so long ...

chaw chee

[quote=Dagger IX1]Hey there! ^_^ If English isn't your first language, I would be more than happy to help you work on improving your post quality. If, however, you are a native speaker... well in that case you have almost no excuse for using improper grammar, punctuation, etc. It'll only make your replies confusing and difficult to read. So in the future, please pay more attention to those kinds of details.

Thank you for your time. ^_^


i really want that person ...

thank you for your help i am non english speaker ...thats why i got lots of mistakes..

if you dont mind add me


i think i am gonna learn from ya the english :rolleyes:
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I first started watching anime at 8, but I didn't know what it was Sailor Moon, Tenchi Muyo, and Pizza Cats. I finally heard it was called anime at the age of 12 during the summer of 2001 I saw Adult Swim for the first time it was real funny I spent that whole summer nights watching Inuyasha, Outlaw Star, Trigun, Big O, Flcl, and more animes. I am waiting till I can get a job at Suncoast and get a anime discount or I may work at The Deep Anime and Games.
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I kinda get upset at dubbies that think they know everything. Although it's a shame to say I was originally like that.

My first anime like many here was only what was on television. Most probably was Sailor Moon. Oh, I still love that show... NO It'S NOT JUST FOR GIRLS! And I tried waking up really really really early for Dragon Ball and Samuri Pizza Cats... Wow, the spelling of "Samuri" annoys me now. XD

I never really learned, though, that what I was watching was Anime (or even Japanese!) until around Grade Six or Seven. Then came the dubby years... This was around the Pokémon craze, where _everybody_ was into it. I didn't like PKMN too much but fell into Digimon and Akira Toriyama again, this time with DBZ.

Then I met a Yu-Gi-Oh fanatic. Two or three years before Seto Kaiba was even *heard* of in the Western World I was into Yu-Gi-Oh and learned about dubbing, and the original content in the Japanese medium...

That is when I crossed the threshehold... but that's a different story.

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Hm... I don't remember, but the first animes I actually saw and liked were: OutlawStar, Trigun, Gundam Wing, and .hack//sign. Yes, I saw them all on Cartoon Network, and I still like all of them today! lol I'm a die hard OutlawStar and Trigun fan, and Gundam wing, but last time I got to watch it was about a year ago... Anyway... I think I was 5 when I saw my first anime... I think it was... Something... but it was in japaese and my brother's friend was translating it into french (that was all I spoke at the time!) I don't remeber linking it, too girly I think... (And the scary thing is, is that now I like shojo,^^;;) At the time I was into Power Rangers: Mighty Morphin'. 0.o I still like that show thank you, Amy is the best! Pink Ranger 4ever! lolz

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