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Blood Virus: Truth be told [PG- VL]

Akieen Cloud

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Lun[COLOR=RoyalBlue]a looked at him with a pissed off face, but she gasped and didn't do anything.

"That's fine, just watch it." Luna said turning away from Aaron.

She had went towards the direction of Mina and went to talk.

"Well what a surprise....I'm going to talk to a vampire without killind you. But anyways I'm sorry you had to find out about such a thing...rumers were flying around saying you were a half breed. Man! If I found that out I would cut there heads off!" said Luna looking towards Mina.

Mina looked up and didn't say a word, but she looked at her with hatred, but at the same time felt happy to have her presence.[/COLOR]
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Mina looked at Luna and glared.
"Your not helping...and the fact that my father kept this from me hurts more thann anything."
Luna looked shocked. Mina stood and moved away from her.
"If anyone asks, I'm gone.TJ knows what I mean."
Luna nodded and blinked.
"I still don't know why your taking it so hard."
"A half-breed is despised amoung my people, thats why. Now if you excuse me."
Mina jumped out the window and ran for the one spot no-one could find her. A small clearing with a little lake in the middle, her and TJ went there when they were children, only he knew about it other than her.
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TJ was walking back through the halls when he was approached by Luna. "What do you want from me? You obviously want me dead...or is there something else?" He asked.

"Yes I would like you dead but I actually have a message for you from Mina. She says 'She's gone' and you'll know what she meant." Luna replied.

"I see...Thank you..." TJ bowed gracefully and disappeared.

Mina was standing alone looking toward the lake. A hand appeared on her shoulder which hadn't startled her or made her retaliate. She knew whose hand it was because of how it was laid upon her shoulder. She turned around to see TJ standing there. "...So I got your message from Luna...Did you want to talk to me?"
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Mina's eyes filled with tears and she launcher her-self into his arms.
"TJ, why? Why was i never told? Why did father find it nesissary for me not to know?"
She buried her-self deeper as if trying to hide from the world."
"All I want to do is lead these people as I should, but they will never respect me as a half breed. As a dirty blooded monster that was just droped onto their doorstep."
TJ held her away from him and looked at her and shook her firmly.
"You are no monster."
Mina sniffed and blinked as the tears continued to flow.
"TJ! I can't so this anymore! I can't pretend that it dosent hurt. What am I gonna do? How can I face my Coven now? Did they know?"
She looked up at TJ her cheelks flushed and eyes ter stained. She sniffed and leaned into him buring her face in his chest.
"Just hold me TJ, Don't leave me alone again like you did before...Don't leave me to do this on my own."
She held onto him as oif her were a lifeline.
"I'm so tired of being alone."
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Aaron had resumed wandering the castle now. He felt he had nothing better to do. He had seen just about everything and knew were just about everything was in relation to each other. He easilly found his room. He went in and settled down on his bed. He lay there, drifting into sleep.

Suddenly, however, a certain thought drifted into his mind. Luna was quite a merited bount hunter. What was she doing there? Aaron stood and made his way out in the castle to find luna. He did find her.

She was standing, looking out a window. He approached her silently. He was quite sure she did not know he was there. He waited until he was right behind her before he spoke.

"What are you doing here?" She turned around, startled.
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[COLOR=DarkRed] Aaron looked at her and gave her an satisfied smirk.

'Well...I was the one who killed her father, Thus I was captured and kept here to study her kind." Aaron said looking deep into her eyes.

"What's with that shitty smirk you gave me? Anyways....congradulations on your success, but it's not something you should glote about. Plus if she hasn't killed you for her father's death, then she pretty damn must take a liking to you....just as you do with [I]her[/I]." Luna aid returning Aaron's satified smirk he once gave her.

" Well first of [U]all don't make assumptions![/U] I'm here to study her kind, not take a liking to her and...." Aarons words were cut off from his thougt. He knew that she was right, but at the same time he didn't know it himself.

"Hump....It's not that I taken a liken, it's just that her clan seems rather interesting that is all." Aaron said still looking deep into Luna's eyes. He knew that she felt some discomfert.

"Well I must agree with you on that." Luna said smiling at Aaron.

"What you agree with me? Well I say we did get off on a bad start...tell me why ae you here?" Aaron said with curiosity.

Luna did not reply to him immediatly she just looked away from his eyes, because she didn't like anyone looking into her eyes trying to figure out some hiiden mystery.
While Luna didn't reply, he started to wonder about her and came up with some explanation to her being here.

"She sure was kinda of bitchy in the begining, but know she acting like some fragile creature...Damn just answer me this simple question." Aaron said desperatly searching for her reply.

"well...I was going to save you without knowing why, but since I found out about Calek's daeth it gave me more the reason to come nad find out whats happening." Luna said only saying part of her answer.

"But the other part of me really came to find out what's happening to me? my body functions ar becoming abnormal and I can do things I never could do before....." Luna suddenly snapped out has Aaron put his hand on her shoulder.[/COLOR]
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(While I don't mind you putting thoughts into my character, I would appreciate it if you didn't make me swear. Thanks.)

Aaron put his other hand under luna's chin and turned her face towards hers. He gazed into her eyes. He almost shivered, but managed to suppress it. He saw somehthing there that scared him. He had seen it so many times before. He brought himself together and took his hands away from her. Luna looked puzzled.

"I must admit I wasn't straightforward with you. There is another reason I am sticking around mina." Aaron hesitated. He did not wish to go on. At last, he was able to speak. "Please don't make assumptions."

He turned and left her standing there.
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[COLOR=DarkRed][QUOTE]"Sorry about that, well I changed it for you. It's underlined. Again sorry."[/QUOTE]

Luna looked at Aaron while he left her side and she was almost in tears once he left from her sight.

"Why am I crying?" Luna said has she placed her delicate finger on her tears.

Luna then looke out the window and wondered off in her thoughts, until she sensed danger was coming near by. So she left Mina's place and went walking towards village.[/COLOR]
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(Alright thanks. I hope I don't sound picky or anything. I just don't like to swear. I appreciate it. Thanks again.)

Aaron went back to his room. He lay there thinking. First, mina refuses to kill him and instead tells him to live umongst her people. Next Luna shows up there. He had heard of Luna. She was a great vampire hunter, only second in reputation to himself... and just barely. That's why he was so startled to see what he saw in her eyes. She said she was undergoing some changes. She had been right. In those bueatiful eyes he saw the eyes of a vampire. If he had not had so much experience, he would have missed it entirely. He lay down on his bed. He began to drown himself in his thoughts.
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TJ stood there for a moment simply letting Mina hold him. He hesitated to do so but he wrapped his arms around her to comfort her. "Mina...I'm sorry I left...I'll never leave you again...I promise I will always be by your side." Upon saying this TJ remembered another time where they seemed to be in this same posoition and place. "Mina....I remember back when we were only children, and I was of course younger but was still to watch over you. I had left you in this place to be safe when I heard that Vampire Hunters were about and decided to leave you behind to take care of them. It only took me but two hours but when I returned you were crying in my chest asking me 'Where were you?' or 'Why did you leave me behind?'" TJ smiled upon these memories.
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Mina choked on a sob and nodded.
"I remeber...I was so frightened. I'm much older now and those are not troubles that worry as much as back than. My worries are that my people will not respect me or dislike me for the fact of that I am a half-breed...TJ what was mother like? Was she pretty?"
Mina looked up at him and blinked as more tears trailed down her cheeks. She wiped them away and blushe in embarssesment.
"I'm so sorry, I shouldn't ask you that..."
Mina looked away from him and sniffed.
"I miss him TJ, father always knew what to do and now that I am alone...other than you, I have no clue where to go from here...I'm scred TJ, I don't know where to go..."
Mina wiped her eyes and looked at the sun as it begane to hit midday.
"I just feel so lost..."
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[COLOR=RoyalBlue] Luna arrived at the village where she spotted a vampire lurking in the shadows.

"That vampire is not of Mina's clan.......so I'll have no sympothy for killing this fool." Luna said as she jumped on top of the roof of a house.

She followed silently and awaited the right time to strike. The mysterious vampire had stopped walking, because he knew he was bieng followed. As he stopped Luna jumped on top of him, sending him face down on the dirt.

"Why are you here vampire? Are you spying on Mina.....tell me you fool!" Luna said ready to cut his body into peices.

"No you're wrong....hahhahah......I'm here to kill her!" The vampire said with a wicked laugh.

"Ahhh!" said the vampire as she sliced his throat and peirced his heart.

"Well i think it gives me reason to head back and tell her of this.....wait why the hell am I going to help her? Somehow I feel sorry for her......damn this isn't good." Luna said heading back to Mina's house.[/COLOR]
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Aaron saw her approaching. Luna seemed happy, almost. He went out to meet her. He didn't know why he felt he needed to, but he did anyways. He made his way through the castle. It took him quite some time. It was a spacious building. He noticed that many of the vampires looked at him with a look of contempt. He knew that he could kill at least half of them, but he let it slide. As he exited the castle, he saw luna and went towards her.
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[COLOR=RoyalBlue]Luna made her way to the castle and suddenly stopped at the site of seeing aaron walk towards her.

"Humm..Is he walking towards me? Does he want to speak to me......I can't really face him after I went all balistic on him and......after he left I..I..I was crying. Why....why! Why is that I arrive here and I get all screwed up inside...its like I'm fighting with myself." Luna said looking at her hands as if there was blood on them.

She then began to walk and see if Aaron would approach her with conversation. Then a thought returned to her about mina.

"Wait....Why would that bloody vampire want to kill her now....could it be that his clan wants to take over or is someone afraid of her?" Said Luna looking dumbfounded.[/COLOR]
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Aaron hesitated for a moment. He didn't understand why, however. He couldn't quite place how he felt about Luna. He considered her highly ubnoxious at first. He then realized that there was something more earlyier that day when he looked into her eyes. He stopped altogether. He looked at her for a second. She, too stopped and looked at him. Aaron couldn't decide what to do. He had planned on asking her where she'd been, but now saw no real purpose. He nodded and turned to his left, walking to no particular destination.
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Mina looked up at TJ and wiped her eyes.
"I think we'd better head back, it's getting dark."
"We've been here that long?"
Mina nodded.
"Yes, but I think that the others will come looking ofr us if we don;t leave soon."
TJ nodded.
"I suppose your right."
Mina smiled and kissed TJ's cheek.
"Thanks TJ, your always there."
SHe turned and ran torards the castel smileing sadly.
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[COLOR=DarkRed] Luna had returned from her thoughts to only see Aaron looking at her. Silence was between them for a few short seconds, then aaron turned left and walked like he didn't want to bother with her.

"Well that was rude didn't even say hi...well what do I expect he has no business with me, so why should he stop and say hi." said Luna as she regained the strength to walk again.

"Why do i care about such minor implications....ohhh! Just forget about it Luna, you have a mission and you must accomplish it and put away anything that doesn't have to do with this." Luna whispered to herself.

She arrived at Mina's place to tell her of what she encountered and what was said. [/COLOR]
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Aaron sat down, being sure he was out of site of Luna. He placed his head in his hands and silently cursed himself. He could kill vampires, werewolfs, harpies, you name it. However, it seemed that he just couldn't talk to Luna. He didn't know why. It all seemed unreasonable. He sat there for several minuets, and then noticed it was getting dark. He stood and made his way towards the castle.

Once inside, he went straight to his room. He lay down on his bed and stared at the ceiling. He was lost in thought until a knock at the door brought him back. He turned as a servent of Mina's entered. "Time for dinner, sir." The servent left. Aaron continued to lay there, thinking.
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[COLOR=RoyalBlue] Luna had been walking around the castle in searching for Mina to tell her about the incident. At times she paused and had second thoughts about telling the half vampire.

"Oh...the hell with this, did I just forget what I said to myself a moment ago?" Luna said in frustration.

She took a deep breathe and made her way to the entrance of the castle, hoping that she would at least be welcome there. Luna was feeling tired from all the walking and the fight with the vampire. Suddenly Luna's slender body began to feel faint and before you knew it she collapse on the floor. But somehow that had to do with her body changing inside.[/COLOR]
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Mina arrived back at the castel in time to see...nothing.
"Where is everybody?"
She yelped as a blade sunk next to her foot. TJ was by her side instantly.
"Are you alright?"
"Yes, I'm fine. I'll be right back."
SHe slipped arund the corner and onto the roof where Talik stood looking for her.
"Where did she go?"
"Behind you you traitor!"
He turned and paled as she advanced on him eyes glowing menacingly blue.
"I'll kill you for this Talik."
"No, Mina please..."
"Beg all you want. That was a deliberate attempt to kill me. Do NOT think that you will get away with that."
She grabed his collar and threw him over the edge into the grass below and jumped down doing a heel drop in the middle of his chest breaking all his ribs anf crushing his heart. He gasped for breath as he died and reached for her, she kicked his hand away and spit on him.
"You were warned Talik, I told you not to mess with me."
He closed his eyes slowly as the life left him. Mina sighed.
"I hate doing that....thats the fourth time this month...Oh TJ am I that hard to follow?"
She looked back smileing, her adreniline rushing, her eyes glinting with the thrill of death.
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[I]Marious Watches Mina From The Top of A Giant Boulder Hoping That She Would Not Spot Him[/I]
[COLOR=Purple]"No reason to hide Marious, I know your there."[/COLOR]
"WHOA!"[I]Marious Loses His Balance And Falls Off The Boulder Onto A Thorn Bush[/I] "OWW OWW OWW!"
[COLOR=Purple]"Im sorry that I scared you Marious, But..."[/COLOR]
"SCARED ME! I WASNT SCARED! I SLIPPED!!" [I]Mina Giggles Becouse She Knows He Didnt Slip[/I] [COLOR=Purple]"Ok Marious I believe you."[/COLOR]
"So I see youve killed Talik, I really wish you wouldve let me torture him for awile before you did. [COLOR=Purple]"Same old Marious, You wouldve been able to torture him if you showed up 5 seconds earlier... But he tried to kill me, and you know what i do to people who try to kill me."[/COLOR] "Yes.. Infact I know all to well."
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[color=black][font=Verdana]Tibias sat at the table working on some new gear for Dregen. Just then the window opened and Dregen stepped through it. How was the hunt did you get any information from this one? Tibias asked. Yes unlike the others this vampire was soft and it hardly took any convincing. Dregen answered back. I've finally found her my sister Mina. She is the only family I have left I must see her talk to her if only for a short.... At that moment the door was lit blaze by rounds gunfire. Dregen drew his one of his guns and shot back as he made his way toward Tibias. He grabbed the older man up as if he was nothing more then a child. Dregen jumped through the window, as glass shattered everywhere. He landed on the roof of the next building. He put Tibias down and without thinking he was back in their Hotel room. There were now five men in the room wrecking it looking for him.[/font][/color]
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Aaron left his room to find that someone had tried to kill mina. He had not thought that anyone would strike so soon, but he seemed to be wrong. He quickly hurried to find mina. After several minuets he pulled aside one vampire who was hurrying along the corridor. "Excuse me, do you know where I can find mina?" He asked.

The vampire pushed him away. "I do not talk to your kind." He hurried off. Aaron was tempted to draw his crossbow and send a bolt in the general direction of the retreating vampire. However humorous the idea was, he thought better of it. He turned and continued his search.
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Mina looked around her councilo and smiled warmly.
"I'm glad you've all come, as you've heard, yes there has been an attempt on my life."
Many gasps filled the room.
"I belive someone was pulling the strings behind Talik, I plan to find out who and why...where...has anyone see Aaron, Luna or Buron?"
Buron opened the door and stepped through.
"You summoned me m'lady?"
"A while ago. Sit so we can finish here."
SHe began to explain the stuation to the others around her TJ by her side.

*sorry so short guys and gals gotta movie to attend!
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Aaron was still wandering the hallways. A vampire walked up to him. It was the same one that had been so rude to him earlier.

"You, human." He said, with a note of upmost disgust. Aaron turned and looked at him.

"Yes?" He asked politly.

"Lady Mina wants you. Although I don't know why she would want the likes of you in her prescence."

As the vampire started to turn to walk away Aaron drew his stake with lightning speed and had it pointed at the vampires heart, against his chest, before he could move. "If you have not forgotten, you wouldn't be the first vampire I've killed." Aaron made references to MIna's father in a low, threatening voice. "I demand some respect. Now, thank you for letting me know she wanted me. Where might I find her?"

"Innn.. In the council hall."

"Thank you. That wasn't so hard was it?" Aaron sheathed his stake and patted the vampire on the cheek. He walked away, happy with himself.
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