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Party Over Here- New Years, Baby!

Dragon Warrior

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Okay, I never do jack on New Years, but I'm thinking of trying to do something. I remember that I'm usually at home and that's no fun while my parents go to a box social and my sister parties. I mean, the most exciting experience on New Years was when my cats puked all over my bed. Fun! That was the 2000 New Years too, the one that was a huge party night. Oh well. This year my Lan buddies and I might have a special Lan. Hopefully that works.

What about you folkies?
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Whee. It will be the first time that I'll actually celebrate New Year's Eve at home. We always spend it at grandma's place before and though it's fun there, nothing could ever replace celebrating at home... with my kitty! Yay, it's the first time she'll be celebrating New Year, lol.

Anyway, New Year's a time for round fruits. They say it brings good luck for the coming year so we always have grapes and oranges lying around the house. Then we all get tipsy after eating too much grapes, lol. >.>
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[quote name='Hevn']Anyway, New Year's a time for round fruits. They say it brings good luck for the coming year so we always have grapes and oranges lying around the house. Then we all get tipsy after eating too much grapes, lol. >.>[/quote]
[font=Arial][size=1]I don't see how that's possible, seeing as there are no alcoholic substances in grapes... might be possible, I dunno.[/size][/font]
[font=Arial][size=1]We do absolutely nothing for New Year's. I'd like to have a few Smirnoffs, kick back with some friends, play some drunk games... but no. Not happening this year.[/size][/font]
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[font=comic sans ms][color=blue]Most likely I will go over to my friends Jeff & Adriane's house, and see whatever they've got planned for the evening. My other friend Keith most likely would be out in the City at a bar, where I can't get in (being only 20)...Ralph & Kenyatte might have a party, but I wouldn't want to be in their neighborhood late at night unless I was getting a ride with someone.

So I really don't know. Guess we'll see.[/font][/color]
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New Years Eve this year my mom is hosting a party at the house. So she's been cleaning and all since erm ... December 20th. That's from 4pm to 7pm. Then my family goes to a party from... 7pm to whenever we manage to stumble out of the house, usually around 1 or 2 in the am.

Good times, New Years is. The only thing is, it's the landmark before I go back to school. This holiday reminds me that I need to undust my books. Man...
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[color=darkred]I'm almost always in London for new year's ever, as my dad likes to go there to spend time with his brother and his family. They're okay, I suppose, I tend to get along with them, but I can't actually remember the last time we spent it here where I live.[/color]
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[color=#9933ff]Yay for DragonWarrior - no drunkenness = smarts! ^_^

I don't know what I'm doing for New Year's. I'm either staying home or spend it at my Aunt's house in Massachusettes. If I'm staying home (or if I can be on her computer for a while), I was thinking of celebrating New Year's with all the Otakuites who aren't doing anything either. I was going to name the chat "Obers n friends New Years Eve" - it's an option for anyone who wants to join (and your friends can come too). *shrug*[/color]
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[quote name='Dragon Warrior'] I mean, the most exciting experience on New Years was when my cats puked all over my bed. Fun! [/quote]
[color=green][font=trebuchet ms]:rotflmao: Aww man DW, that's rich!!

*Phew* Anyway, this year for new years, I might be goin out with my friends, actin a fool, and thanking God that I'm still here. Hopefully, 2005 is better than 2004!! :cool: [/color][/font]
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Whooooo! Paaarrtyyyy!!!!

I, like most great Americans, will be goin' out to party, get drunk, hit on many womens, and end up doing something I will regret.
Hopefully the mass consumption of alcohol will erase any memories that will be too disturbing.

Wish me luck, I may need it. :D
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[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Times New Roman]Well me and my family where thinking of going to universal studios but that change do to the fact that my father has to work :(
So we will probabily go to the party at our apartment complex. Which I probabily wont go beacuse i dont know many people there.

So new years eve ill spend in my balcony drinking what ever is on the fridge!
Good times![/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
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[FONT=Georgia]Well, this New Year's, it's a choice between my best friend's party (the first one she's ever had)my grandma's party, which my family goes to every year, or my other best friend's party. She's had a few of those, but I've never gone. I'm thinking that this will be the year for change, but I feel kind of bad, leaving my family behind. You see, this will be my last New Year's party in this state.

But at my grandma's, we usually sit in the jacuzzi and my mom lets me "not" drink a little champagine... ;) ;) (hehe...wink wink!)[/FONT]
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[size=1][color=royalblue]Psh, y'know what? I'd love to see a drunken Dragon Warrior someday. ^_~* Interesting, to the last.

...I don't do jack-squat on New Year's or get to go anywhere, unless one or more of my offline friends ever bother to include me in their plans, or they bother to allow me to include them in my own...

...which is never.

...Yeah. Bloody fun, eh?[/color][/size]
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[size=1]Feh, I planned sitting in my room while maybe watching to countdown on TV (with the big glass ball in NY), having a bottle of sparkling apple cider. (You can't steal alcohol from my mom, she'd notice it real quickly if one of her beers or any other alcoholic drink is missing). And once it reaches zero, I planned on throwing crap out my window, mostly bottles of random stuff. Hey, it's New Years.

That won't be the case anymore, I'm just gonna go to an old friend's house.

(I feel like I've posted this before. O_o Ah well...)[/size]
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[color=#BD4D86][SIZE=1][quote name='Hevn']Anyway, New Year's a time for round fruits. They say it brings good luck for the coming year so we always have grapes and oranges lying around the house. Then we all get tipsy after eating too much grapes, lol. >.>[/quote]
Yes, hmmm... As for us we hang grapes in bunches of 12 on all doors and windows. Complete waste of good food considering how many grapes that task alone requires. It'll probably rain wine this New Year's at my house.

Love and Peace!
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[color=darkviolet]Well, originally I was just going to sit at home with my daughter, watch anime and 80's cartoons (Jem rocks!) and see if I can manage to stay up until past 12AM and actually notice it (last new years eve I was up past 12 AM, but I didn't know it untill 1:45 when our ritual was over and the one before that I fell asleep at 11:30 PM CST...but hey, that time I stayed up until it was 2003 in NYC!

Anywasy, this year I'm getting together with a bunch of friends...mostly people I can't remember the names of, and goin' bowlin'. I haven't bowled since i was two months pregnant. I wonder how I'll do with Abby screaming her head off. Oh Well, wish me luck[/color]
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[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]I celebrate the Lunar New Year, or usually referred to as the Chinese New Year.

Thus, I spend the first and part of the second week of February sending red envelopes, buying fruit, and do some mad cleaning. Write around 50 Danzi Bos' with friends, run around like crazy apologizing to those of which I think that I may have hurt at any point in their life.

Then...Come Feb. 9, I'll be at a gathering helping to send of fireworks. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
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My hubby and I are going to [U][URL=http://www.surrealistball.com/]The Surrealist Ball[/URL][/U] to ring in the new year. It should be interesting. This will be the first time I have ever gone to anything like this to ring in the new year. It should be a very interesting experience. The mix of art, music and performance should keep me entertained for the evening.

I usually ring in the new year by sitting infront of the tv in my jammies watching the ball drop in NYC. I am not a drinker so going out to a bar or anything on New Year's Eve really has never been too appealing to me. The most I will drink will be a toast at midnight. We are taking a cab there and back so no worries about us drinking and driving. I am a responsible adult!

Whatever you guys do to ring in the new year be safe and have lots of fun! Happy New Year everyone!
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I'm gonna take Rin to see Phantom of the Opera and then to dinner in the lo-desert. Then get home before the gunfire starts. That's a major problem here, every Alpha Hotel with a firearms feels the need to go shoot it off into the air. Last year there were a couple of injuries. The families on our road usually come over for champagne and cheer around 2300 and this year I have a block of 500 firecrackers from mexico I'm going to lightoff. that should go for quite a while.

Happy New Year

Ranger and Lady Rin
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Ahh... well it's already happened. I went to a 'party' at a friend's place. Nine people turned up, heh, not much of a party. But still, it was alright. And I got to get closer with her, so that was good. The thing was, I felt kind of guilty, considering the tsunami disaster and everything. My mindset was, what right did I have to be spending $20 on alcohol when at least 150,000 people have died and a few million more are without food or accomodation? I'm getting a bit off topic here, sorry. What I'm trying to say is, my night's enjoyment was ultimately subdued by thoughts like these. Still, an enjoyable evening.
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