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Red Dwarf


whats your favorite Red Dwarf character  

12 members have voted

  1. 1. whats your favorite Red Dwarf character

    • Lister
    • Rimmer
    • Criton
    • cat
    • other

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Are there any Red Dwarf fans out there? Yeah its kindof an old show, especially to all of you in the UK, but i live in the US. The show is so awesome. My favorate character is Lister he' is soooo cool so what are your faves? I like criton too. The show is so funny my favorite episode is the one with the aliens that can look like beautiful women and they eat ya. god that episode is hilarious, Lister thinks it's cochansky(did i spell that right?) and then he snaps out of it and he's kissing this ugly alien god it's funny.:laugh:

they're is probably another thread like this but oh well so whats your favorie episode and character?
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You forgot Kochanski and Holly.

In my years of watching public broadcast television, this is probably the first British show I've ever grown to love. It takes so many sci-fi cliches, twists them around, and turns it into one hell of a comedy. I like that there's no definable heroic leader. You've got a slob, a coward, a narcesistic cat, and a senile computer. Then later, the droid and only woman, both struggling to keep their sanity.

Pretty much everybody lacked common sense. Remember that time machine they used to go back in time to wreck the JFK assassination, yet it never occured to them they could use it to stop their ship from getting stolen? Everybody just sat around and made personal attacks toward one another. Then some strange crap would happen (like the white hole episode), and they'd have to bumble their way out of it. The series was pure camp, and I loved it. It was smeggin' sweet.
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[QUOTE=Manic Webb]You forgot Kochanski and Holly.

In my years of watching public broadcast television, this is probably the first British show I've ever grown to love. It takes so many sci-fi cliches, twists them around, and turns it into one hell of a comedy. I like that there's no definable heroic leader. You've got a slob, a coward, a narcesistic cat, and a senile computer. Then later, the droid and only woman, both struggling to keep their sanity.

Pretty much everybody lacked common sense. Remember that time machine they used to go back in time to wreck the JFK assassination, yet it never occured to them they could use it to stop their ship from getting stolen? Everybody just sat around and made personal attacks toward one another. Then some strange crap would happen (like the white hole episode), and they'd have to bumble their way out of it. The series was pure camp, and I loved it. It was smeggin' sweet.[/QUOTE]
yeah i hear ya, and i love the word smeg. have you seen the episode where time runs backwards, i love that one. it's so funny. I loke cat too, he's awesome. I'd have to agre with it being the best british show on public television,,, although my hero is pretty funny as well but thats for another thread^_^
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I own four seasons of this show and I freaking love it esoecially ole Curry Stains or the Cat though there was a minor character that i loved in the form of the Polymorph because when you first see it they put the scary horror music then you see it and you think " THe bloody hell is that". It has many likeable characters but most memorable is Hitler in the WaX World episode.
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[color=green][font=trebuchet ms]I am soooo glad that this thread was made!!!! Mad props goes out to you Miryoku ol buddy!! :D

Lister is also my fav character because he's just so damn funny!!Oh yea, you left out another character...Captain Ace Rimmer!! Although he doesn't make many apperances, he's still kind of funny when he makes the regular Rimmer seem all wimpy. Unfortunately, that show doesn't come on anymore over here in Atlanta... :( . Maybe I'll go to netflix and rent it... :p [/color][/font]
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  • 1 month later...
[color=DarkGreen][size=1]Oh come on! Rimmer's a far funnier and more interesting character than Lister. He's got more neuroses than I've had hot dinners. Plus, the only form of humour he understands is degrading sarcasm, the best kind of humour around!

If you enjoyed the series, try reading the books too. There are four, [i]Infinity Welcomes Careful Drivers, Better Than Life, Backwards [/i]and [i]Last Human[/i]. They're written by the creators of the series and they really flesh out the characters and their backgrounds. Plus, [i]Better Than Life[/i] gives you a fantastic glimpse into Rimmer's psyche; it's based around a game that creates your own personal Heaven by looking into your subconscious, [SPOILER]but Rimmer's subconscious hates his guts so it all goes horribly wrong...[/SPOILER]

.:Edit:. It's 'Kryten' by the way, in case you were interested.
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[font=Verdana][size=1]Y'know, I've seen one episode of Red Dwarf and really quite liked it. I think at the time the only reason I watched it was because my then-boyfriend saw it was on and then told me I was a heathen for never having watched it, and made me watch it. [/size][/font]
[font=Verdana][size=1]That said, it was really funny. I think it was some episode to do with time travel or something, I'm not entirely sure, but I really liked the quite perverse humour and the twists in cliches, as Manic said. [/size][/font]
[font=Verdana][size=1]So if I do flick through the channels and realise that it's there, it's definately one I would watch, even though I don't understand it all that much, heh. :) [/size][/font]
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[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=2][FONT=Arial Narrow]I love [I]Red Dwarf [/I] sooooo much! It's such a good show. I mean, there are better comedies out there ([I]Black Books[/I], [I]Spaced[/I], [I]Green Wing [/I] etc.) but [I]Red Dwarf [/I] is really the only sci-fi comedy out there, or at least the only one thats any good.

My all-time favourite episode is easily [I]Quarantine[/I], where Rimmer gets a holo-virus and goes completely nuts, and ends up wearing a red-and-white gingham dress and army boots, and has a penguin glove puppet named Mr Flibble. Its very funny, and if you haven't seen it you really should.

As for the favourite character, mine would have to be Rimmer for some of the pure comedy one-liners and that stupid moronically smug face he puts on sometimes, although the tough-talking conversation between Lister and a hologram in [I]Holoship[/I] is pure class.

I hope my opinion is valid, and its great that people love this show as much as me![/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
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[QUOTE=liam mc]One of my favourite episodes is when the group find a parrelel universe:
Women are men and men are women.
You have to see it to understand, plain hilarious.[/QUOTE]
Ah, I remember that episode. The Series 2 finale, I think. It led to what I like to call Series 3's "Ultimate Star Wars-esque Opening Crawl of Death." You have to actually own the episode on DVD or VHS, and pause just to read it.
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[COLOR=DarkGreen]I love [COLOR=DarkRed][I]Red Dwarf[/I]![/COLOR]

Can't think of anything intelligent to add...I was just so surprised and pleased to see a thread about it.

Have to admit I haven't seen all the eps...and now that it's available on DVD there goes another bit of my meager earnings...

While were on the subject of Brit Com, anyone like [I]Black Adder[/I]?

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[QUOTE=Cazzilla]Red Dwarf is my reason for living...
Black Adder rocks..but nto as much as red dwarf.

Lets face it. All British Comedy rocks! red dwarf, porridge, Black Adder, My Family..Its all great ^^[/QUOTE]

You forgot to mention Only Fools and Horses, Little Britain and Bottom *lol*

But overall Red Dwarf is one of the top 5 classics :animesmil

i watched an episode of Red Dwarf the other day [spoiler] Kriton becomes human. He keeps asking questions about his private parts. Let's just say Lister wasn't impressed *lol*[/spoiler]
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