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What if you could go your whole life without Crying?

Sea Of Chaos666

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[COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1]Aye, [COLOR=Plum][B]crying is a good thing[/B][/COLOR]. No one can go through life without crying. I mean, you should've cried a lot when you were a baby...err, right? XP

And from what I remember, Soujiro cried too, didn't he?[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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[COLOR=#B33D79][SIZE=1]I cry over many things: good stories, mushy movies, emotional trauma, what have you. I get a very nice comforting feeling after a good cry (hmm, so maybe it's some kind of a mechanism that helps people comfort themselves).

Crying thresholds, I think, vary from people to people. Soujiro's is just off the scale probably 'cause he got desensitized from all the emotional trauma he went through. Yeah, Soujiro cried after he got defeated by Kenshin's Super Psychological Manipulation?... I think.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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[COLOR=#004a6f]I find it very difficult to control my self when it comes to crying. I find myself very sensitive and the slightest thing can make me cry. It happens alot when I'm around others, and I try my hardest to hold it in, but end up with red eyes anyway. I cry easily from sad, mushy movies.

When I'm on my own though, I love to cry. It's such a good feeling. I feel this release of pressure and anxiety and feel so much better afterwards. I just neal over the sink and let the tears flow in bucket fulls, and wash my face with cold water. Ahhhh....[/COLOR]
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[quote name='Sea Of Chaos666']I belive you should not cry unless your truly misreble.[/quote]
Crying doesn't necessarily mean you are sad. Many people, myself included, will cry when really happy. When my best friend got married I started to cry when they were saying their vows to each other. It was an amazing and wonderful time and I was overcome with happiness for them. I was filled with happiness for her and cried on her special day. I cried tears of joy when my husband proposed to me. I cried but it was all better than good, it was great.

Crying to me is associated with both good and bad things. I wouldn't want to go my whole life without crying.
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[quote name='DeathBug']Well, uh, I haven't cried, ever. (I mean, you know, really cried. Not, like baby stuff.) Does that mean I'm dead inside or some such thing?[/quote]


I cry a hideous amount. I'm very sentimental and I become emotional in the blink of an eye. Even still, I don't cry in public because it's a personal kind of thing. Sometimes it's a release, sometimes it's a nuisance.

Moreover, other people crying is something I can completely deal with. I prefer to see that human side of someone instead of this horrible stoic presence. That makes me feel like the weak one because I cry a lot and people tend to believe I need to be taken care of. [/size]
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I think the reason I don't cry is becaues it's been so long since I have cryed that I have come acusdomed to it. And in my whole intier life I'v never cryed on a happy occasion. I only used to cry when I was sad. I came to hate crying because it made me feel like I was weak...like I could not handle anything.
I geuss you could say I'm a freak for it makeing me feel weak but it just does...
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I don't think I've ever cried on a good occasion, but my mom cried on a happy occason one time infront of me, like a month or two before she died.

But I have cried before. Last time was about three weeks ago, when my best friend moved away. I hadn't cried for months, and haven't cried since. I hardly cry really bad. But I do enjoy crying, when it's a release of something.
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I never really cry when I'm in pain, or something like that, but tears have an annoying habit of coming to my eyes. When I get reall angry or frusturated, my eyes start tearing up. This seems to happen mostly in public, so I try to control it as best I can.

I think that crying as a release is a good thing. Sometimes there's nothing you can do about something, and the only way you can let your anger out is by crying. So basically that's the only time that I really cry. And it tends to be very violent.

I'm always kind of confused by people who cry when they're happy, but I understand the sentiment. I try not to cry for the most part, on male macho principle. Can't control the testosterone.
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I don't get angry. Only for one reason and that is if some one phisicly hurts my friends, and you can't really cry when your fighting for your friends. But, recently I lost all my friends because a friend I trusted talked behind my back. So now I really don't have any thing to cry about. Crying is something that just seems to make me feel weak and get in the way.
My sister always when she is crying askes me "how do you do it?" I'll all say is "I hate it." I hate crying and have swore never to do it again. Sometimes I do feel like crying but never let it out. I'm Just the kind of person who can't stand it.
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[quote name='anatema][size=1']Probably. [/size][/quote]

[color=crimson]I second that. :D

I don't see a problem with crying. If I cry, I cry- that's about the amount of thought I put into it normally. I don't seem to be sensitive to crying, heh. I could give you this melodramatic story about dealing with tons of hardships in this strong way, but that isn't necessary or totally true. Sometimes I cry, sometimes I don't. Once again, pretty simple. Not really sure it's a matter of being weak or strong. Personal strength and willpower is a little bit more complex than that. Seems to just be instinctive. Something moves people in either a positive/negative/whatever way and they shed some amount of tears. Sometimes it's a release, sometimes it's a reaction, sometimes it just happens. If you don't cry, you will eventually. If you think it's wrong to cry [due to whatever reason], then that's your opinion and I respect that.

[quote name='Lord Rannos']I'm always kind of confused by people who cry when they're happy, but I understand the sentiment[/quote]

Yeah, same here. I don't think I've ever cried from large amounts of happiness. I suppose that might happen eventually. First time for everything.[/color]
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[COLOR=Blue]I never cry. I haven't cried since, um, I can't remember when, but I was very little. The way I show I'm sad is I just have a sad look on my face. Besides, I'm way too evil to cry. I'd make someone else cry before me if anything. :P
So, I guess living without crying would be fine with me. I think my evil black hole of a heart sucked up all the water in me. heheheh....Anyway, I don't really cry because well, I have no reason too. Even if its a really sad thing, I won't shed a tear. Well, I almost did today though. But I had a good reason! Someone at my school broke my Gaara key chain! They took his gored off! But that's a different story....[/COLOR]
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[quote name='Ryoko T.D.C.][COLOR=Blue'] But I had a good reason! Someone at my school broke my Gaara key chain! They took his gored off! But that's a different story....[/COLOR][/quote]

OH! I would have Killed the man!!! But your right If you don't have a reaon to cry thensimpley don't do it. If you do go on ahead. Well, you guys can go on ahead I not going to. I just hope some guy dosen't come up to me and make me crack like Kenshin did to Soujiro.
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[color=hotpink][size=1]I cry, but only when something REALLY gets to me. Last time I cried was actually this past Sunday and I cried harder and louder than I ever have before. I almost threw up. Someone actually came and knocked on my door (needless to say, I didn't answer it). Most of the time when I cry, it's when I've been hurt, scorned, or embarrassed. If someone I look up to is disappointed in me in ANY way, I'll cry. Examples: when I was in high school the captain of the dance team my first year on it was my IDOL. One day she just said "SHH!" to me and I started crying. Another time was last semester at work I was pissed and flicked off another employee. The told on me and Adam, my manager, took me in his office and was really nice and didn't get on to me or anything, but afterwards I went to the bathroom and cried for like fifteen minutes.

I don't cry at movies and such. But yeah, I DO cry. And it hurts me to cry, physically, for some reason. I always get really nauseous.[/color][/size]
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Eh... I havent really cried in like 5 years... There was one time but it wasnt like a serious cry it was just a tear before i shook my head and went right into phase two.

You see when I am sad... I skip sad and go straight to mad... So mainly Im in a bad mood for the rest of the day. Not crying though. And I have yet to feel the need to cry at anything happy or joyful. My sisters wedding nope, My friend getting news his girlfriend was having a kid nope, them finding out its a boy nope, and almost every other wedding baby or anniversary i have heard of.

I call myself heartless (Im not talking about the organ of course)... Though my only friend on the planet seems to dissagree with me... He argues the point quite alot actually. The main point though is that... I dont seem to cry much... Perhaps its because I had a wierd childhood and told myself crying was for babies and htat I had to be stronge and keep my feelings well hidden... Except for anger hehe... I cant control that one. Most of the others are a bit well... Eh not to noticable. I dont cry at movies or at funerals... Like i said... I think I am heartless.
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You see when I am sad... I skip sad and go straight to mad... So mainly Im in a bad mood for the rest of the day. QUOTE]

See that's exactly how I am. I get Mad when ever I want to cry. Most of the time to me Crying just gets in the way. People at my school would also make fun of me when I cry. But, I'm always picked on, but if I cryed It would get wores! At that I just get angry and picked on less.
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[color=darkviolet]I couldn't go without crying. I'm quite emotional.

I cried when I got back to my riding lessons and found out that my favorite mare had to be put down whil ei was away.

I cried when Lincoln came home from Iraq.

I cried when he left.

I cry when I read about kids losing their parents because our stuoid president has a really stupid foreign policy and it's hurting people.

I cried when I was having post partem depression and abby wouldn't stop crying.

Like someone else mentioned on the first page, you can't go without crying. Your eyes need tears to stay moist and comfortable. Even tearing up is good.[/color]
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