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Have you ever hated someone so much their pressence makes you want to go insane?


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I just moved into a new house back in November. Not long after we arrived, my brother made friends with a kid named Zack. Zack isn't a bad kid. He loves video games (a personal trait), doesn't cuss, and seems nice. But there's a dark side. He is the most annoying, argumentive brat I have ever met.First of all, theres my 7 year old brother Shade. He and Zack are mortal enemies. Now, I will admit, Sahde is a selfish, bratty, spoiled pain in the *****, but I can still get along with him. Zack on the other hand can't stand to be around him and is always insulting him. There is another major problem. I have to babysit my two brothers, and all day everyday Zack is over. Theres no way to get rid of him, because as far as hes concerned I have no power over him. His most annoying trait, though, is that he likes something everyone must like it. For instance, he is OBSESSED with Neverwinter Nights, the PC game. If you even mention another game to him, it will instsntly be compared with Neverwinter Nights. He refusses to believe anything is better. My brother bought it and hated it and took it back. Zack kept telling him, "It gets better! "You dont hate it!" but my brother, who can hardly type worth crap, wouldn't listen. Zack thinks that he's my friend, but I'm constantly telling him I'm not. I usually insult him for being stupid and he says "your gay" and things like that that make him seem stupider.

Can anyone help me with this?

Have you ever had a similar situation?
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[FONT=book antiqua][SIZE=2][COLOR=blue]Kick his ###. It's as simple as that. There are people you can reason with, and then there are those who listen better when you literally jam it into their heads. That'll show your authority.

There are a ton of people I know who are like this. Trust me when I say that reasoning through with the person won't work, as they'll just conclude that you are an idiot if you feel otherwise. Take your Neverwinter Nights example. If you sit down and play it, and then come to the conclusion, "this is nothing special, Game X is better, just like I said." Then that person will just say, "well then you are just stupid." As I can tell, that's exactly what happened with you.

He'll get over the game thing only with time. But him not respecting your authority will require you to do something about it. To say things as bluntly as possible, just forcefully toss him out the next time he gets rowdy.

I've had my fair share of idiots who would come to my house and refuse to leave (brother's friends, people from my class, etc.). When I show them that I'm willing to forcibly toss them out of my house when they overstay their welcome, they come back the next time much more humble.

Try it, you won't be disappointed. If you don't want to use force, try yelling at the least. Show that you are willing to resort to physical means to get him out of the house if he doesn't stand down and leave.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
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[QUOTE=ThatOneOddDude]I just moved into a new house back in November. Not long after we arrived, my brother made friends with a kid named Zack. Zack isn't a bad kid. He loves video games (a personal trait), doesn't cuss, and seems nice. But there's a dark side. He is the most annoying, argumentive brat I have ever met.First of all, theres my 7 year old brother Shade. He and Zack are mortal enemies. Now, I will admit, Sahde is a selfish, bratty, spoiled pain in the *****, but I can still get along with him. Zack on the other hand can't stand to be around him and is always insulting him. There is another major problem. I have to babysit my two brothers, and all day everyday Zack is over. Theres no way to get rid of him, because as far as hes concerned I have no power over him. His most annoying trait, though, is that he likes something everyone must like it. For instance, he is OBSESSED with Neverwinter Nights, the PC game. If you even mention another game to him, it will instsntly be compared with Neverwinter Nights. He refusses to believe anything is better. My brother bought it and hated it and took it back. Zack kept telling him, "It gets better! "You dont hate it!" but my brother, who can hardly type worth crap, wouldn't listen. Zack thinks that he's my friend, but I'm constantly telling him I'm not. I usually insult him for being stupid and he says "your gay" and things like that that make him seem stupider.

Can anyone help me with this?

Have you ever had a similar situation?[/QUOTE]
situations like this are a pain to get out of. here's how i dealt with mine:

i have a katana in my room whitch i keep for it's asthetic value. well, my brother had a friend, who was obsessed with my room. the house rule is that no-one, not even my parents is allowed to go into my room, except if i invite them.

this kid kept asking my brother questions like "what's in there?" and "why wont ur brother let anyone in there?"

he gave my brother hell untill my brother agreed to ask me to let this gobshite in. i said no.

when i went to get a grink from the outside refregerator, this kid went in, and saw what was in there. he took particular interest in my katana, and was reaching for it when i walked back into the room. i yelled at him, drew my katana, and chased him from the room, wildly swinging my katana over my head. i caught up with him, slammed him against the wall, and put the tip of my katana to his throat, and said "if you ever come near to thinking about coming anywhere near my house again, you'll taste the steel of my katana".

i've never seen him since. my brother says i traumatised him.

so there you go, that's how i dealt with my same situation, maybe you should try it my way. (but don't get caught by police or anything. if you do, i had nothing to do with it!)
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[size=1]Don't open the door? I mean, it seems a lot simpler and I really don't think there's a need to kick anyone's ***. If you don't want to hang out with someone tell them so, bluntly. "I don't like you as a person and I'd like it if you never came over again. I won't open the door next time you do." I've never had a friend I didn't want because I let people know as openly as I can whether or not I like them. Doing otherwise results in messes like these. Why complicate things? So yes, tell him to go away forever and don't let him in.[/size]
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[color=#404142]I can most definitely relate to this. Now, I've not discussed this openly, and I won't explain details. So, this will be cut and dry, but it will give you enough.

Two years ago, I fell for this guy. His name, is Butthole [we shall name him this for obvious reasons that will unfold]. He and I real pretty good friends. We always hung out, always together, never argumentive. Well, one night, we went out to dinner and to play some pool. He confessed that he really liked me and that he wanted to kiss me. Now, he was 21 and I was 17. I never had any real experience with relationships. I was naive. However, I retorted in the fact that he had a girlfriend. Butthole then proceeded to spill his guts about how bad their relationship was, how badly she got on his nerves, how he was seriously thinking of breaking it up. I told him once he does that, then maybe we could talk something.

However, me being a stupid, unexperienced teenager, Butthole decided that he wanted to screw with my mind. Promises of being together, of how much he really cared about me, all he whispered to me for many nights. And I, being a stupid, unexperienced, hopeless romantic, I waited on those promises and whispers. He gave me so much attention, so many promises...only to be crushed with a year of hoping and dreaming. He never left his girlfriend; he only used me.

No matter how hard I tried to get away (which I succeeded for a short two months), he always pulled me under. It seemed I couldn't get away from him, no matter what my heart and mind told me. So, I left for the Air Force. It was there, in Basic Training, I realized how f^Ck#ng idiotic I was. I had wasted an entire year of my life; and I was emotionless--well, almost. I grew up in Basic Training, and I only thought of one thing. I was [b]not[/b] going to be subjected to my stupidity again. There is no way in Hell I would allow it. And when I got back, I didn't. He attempted to come around me; but quickly realized my hatred for him.

To this day, his very [real] name makes me furious. It was wrong of him to even start anything. And what probably pisses me off, is myself. For allowing myself to become victim to that entire year. Everytime his name is mentioned, everytime I'm reminded of him, I'm reminded of my shame.

Scarred? Most definitely. But scars don't kill. There's only one for me..one who's helped me to heal my wounds. And he's 1,982.2 miles away.[/color]
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I cant just not let Zack in, as he and my bro are the best of friends, and like I said, he isn't a bad kid, therefor my parents would never let me kick him out. I cant threaten or beat him op because he could sue the crap out of me, and I believe his parents would do it. Adding to that, Im not very strong, and the kid is around my height. Also, sometimes I want him to come over, becaus emy house gets really boring without other people, but I just end up hating him more by the time he leaves. He isn't evil, hes just a pest.

Oh, and AW, he WONT get over NWN. Hes been playing the D@/ \ /\n game for 3 and a half years and STILL hasent gotten over it!
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[COLOR=Blue]At the last school I was at, there was this one kid I couldn't stand. His name was Alderson, and he was a ******* moron. He was totaly obsessed with Peter Pan, the movies "Daddy Day Care", and "Richie Rich", and Ashton Kutcher. He also thought EVERY MOVIE IN THE WORLD WAS A COMEDY! Let's see..he thought "Kill Bill", "Robocop", "Das Boot", "The Texas Chainsaw Massacure" were all comedies. He really got me mad when he though that one of the only movies that can make me cry "Schindler's List" was a comedy. I'm serious. I few of us were watching it, and he comes in. "What are you watching?" "Schindler's List". "Is it a comedy?" :animeangr :mad: :flaming: :cussing: What? "NO IT IS NOT A ******* COMEDY YOU ******* ****!" I had to put up with him asking me that question every day for NINE months. I was at my breaking point. No, beyond it. Not just that, but three or four of my dorm mates who were watching with me were Jewish. I nearly beat the crap out of him that day.

He would also point out the obvious. The painfully obvious. "It's a book!" "That's a tree!"
"That's called a computer!" "It's a lamp!" etc.

And he would humilate me. He would rock back and forth and yell out "Vee! Vee! Vee! Vee! Buh! Buh! Buh! Buh! Daddy Day Care! Daddy Day Care! Daddy Day Care! Daddy Day Care!" Or "I want Ashton Kutcher as my brother. He'd understand me."
Many, many times.

And when I'd go home, (or anyone else for that matter), he's say: "Are you taking the Peter Pan bus home? Off to Never Land! You'll never grow up there! " and he'd start singing "You can Fly." :animeangr

I was happy I got to leave. I never want to see him, or hear his annoying voice EVER.


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[quote name='kabapu']when i went to get a grink from the outside refregerator, this kid went in, and saw what was in there. he took particular interest in my katana, and was reaching for it when i walked back into the room. i yelled at him, drew my katana, and chased him from the room, wildly swinging my katana over my head. i caught up with him, slammed him against the wall, and put the tip of my katana to his throat, and said "if you ever come near to thinking about coming anywhere near my house again, you'll taste the steel of my katana"[/quote]

This is the most irresponsible post I've seen in a long time. You threatened a kid with a katana? You pinned him down and held it to his [i]neck[/i]?

You sure are a [i]big[/i] man taking down those kids that are smaller than you. Really cool job there, let's threaten to cut someone with a blade for merely reaching/touching your posessions.

Grow up. Seriously, grow the hell up. You aren't an Anime character, you aren't a samurai... i know katanas are "cool" and you probably gave attention to the fantasy of yourself fighting off whatever "bad guy" with it. But threatening little kids? That's a bully.

With the exception of Annie and Anatema, it sounds like this thread is a bunch of kids trying to deal with younger kids. Your suggestions (beating the kid up, yelling at him) are all signs of your own personal immaturity and inability to cope with life's problems.

Want to know the solution? Patience. Try a little patience. Why don't you call the kid's parents and explain the situation to them? Tell them that you are uncomfortable having Zach over while you have to watch your brother? Why don't you tell your parents?
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I DID talk to my parents! And hey, didn't I already say I didn't want to hit him? Besides, he may be almost 2 years younger than me, but he's my height, and around twice my strenght. Zack is a bully, and to stand up to a bully you sometimes have to be a bully.

His and my parents don't really care because, for the FOURTY BILLIONTH TIME he is my brothers best friend. Only I hate him. Also, as I said he isn't a bad kid. He doesn't really do anything wrong, hes just annoying as crap.
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OH YES! There is a lot of people I know that I can't stand whatsoever! I have a similar story, when we moved to a new part of are town, there was this kid, I think his name was Darrine, oh well who cares, and he would call every freaken' second even if my brother wasn't home, to see if ha can come ove and play with my brother. He was weird too, he talked weird and wanted to do the strangest things that I can't even descrabe. It was everyday I had to live with that. Then we moved, now I haven't seen him in forever! :animesmil
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[FONT=book antiqua][SIZE=2][COLOR=blue]Kuraineko's got a good idea: move. But yeah, I guess that's a little bit of a stretch (strange story, though).

As for the NwN game, it's a Massive Multiplayer RPG, so maybe it's not as easy to get over. I knew a kid since Freshman High School who hasn't stopped playing Everquest yet (he's now in college). I guess it's just an addiction - like crack. Everything supposedly seems less rewarding/interesting after you try crack. O_O

He's stronger and younger than you... Ouch. That's gotta suck, haha. But for the record, you aren't supposed to get your parents' permission to beat others up. Also, if you aren't an adult, beating up someone wouldn't result in being sued - at least not when I was in HS and below. It'd be kind of weird if it did. O_o

And if you've never been in a fight, it's something you, as a boy, definately have to do. You can't just, not have ever been in a fight. Don't get me wrong: it's not like I've been in a million brawls or actively sought blood, but even I, a nerd among nerds, have gotten into fist fights every now and then. They just have to happen, haha - not anymore, though. College has those legal issues you mentioned.

Just so we have a better scope of the situation, how old are you, and how old is the kid, and then how old is your bro? Also, do you really have to socialize with the kid if he is in your house?[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
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[color=#B0251E]If the problem is just his annoying behavior, then there are only a couple of things you can really do (if you avoid the katana method, lol). You can simply avoid him as much as possible, or you can try to occupy him with something (ie: set up Neverwinter Nights at home and let him play it until he leaves...or something).

Other than that I really don't know. Part of growing up is dealing with annoying people who are less reasonable than yourself. It sucks mightily, but it's a reality that we all have to deal with at one time or another.[/color]

[quote=AzureWolf]And if you've never been in a fight, it's something you, as a boy, definately have to do. You can't just, not have ever been in a fight. Don't get me wrong: it's not like I've been in a million brawls or actively sought blood, but even I, a nerd among nerds, have gotten into fist fights every now and then. They just have to happen, haha - not anymore, though. College has those legal issues you mentioned.


Good job. Great advice for teens. lol[/color]
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Im thirteen, Zack turns 12 next month, and my brother just turned 12. I can't really ecape him for a few reasons.

1. My house is tiny and privacy is 100% impossible. Seriously, I can't even lock my own frikkin door.

2. I am ALWAYS hanging out with my bro. We're practically inseperable.

3. Even if my brother ain't here, he'll find some way to talk me into letting him in.

4. I don't condone violence. If I were to fight him, I would be riddled with self-hipocracy.

5. When he comes over, he wants to play OUR games, not NWN. He takes a particular liking to Sonic Adventure 2 Battle. If he comes over, and nobody wants to hang with him, he'll sit there and play SA2B alone. I usually tell him he needs to go play it on his own Gamecube, but my broter wants him to stay, and he has a smaller TV so he wont leave.

*********** ********* ******* *** **** ***** ****** *******er
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[color=#B0251E]So you can't just go outside or to another room while he's playing the game? You've already said that he'll sit there and play it alone when nobody wants to hang out with him.

Even if you're in the same room as him, if he's occupied playing the game...what's the issue? ^_^[/color]
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[QUOTE=ThatOneOddDude]Im thirteen, Zack turns 12 next month, and my brother just turned 12. I can't really ecape him for a few reasons.

1. My house is tiny and privacy is 100% impossible. Seriously, I can't even lock my own frikkin door.[/quote]

[color=#404142]"Impossible"? Nah, improbable maybe. Just go into the bathroom and make some grunting noises.[/color]
2. I am ALWAYS hanging out with my bro. We're practically inseperable.[/quote]

[color=#404142]How sweet. But, there comes a time in your life when you have to seperate. Otherwise, you'll want to kill each other...trust me.[/color]

[quote]3. Even if my brother ain't here, he'll find some way to talk me into letting him in.[/quote]

[color=#404142]Nope, you're just a pansy. Be tougher, and just tell him to go away. Then, ignore him. It's annoying, I know this; but if you don't wish to be violent with him, then you'll have to resort to other methods of cruelty. And depriving younger children of attention is very effective.[/color]

[quote]4. I don't condone violence. If I were to fight him, I would be riddled with self-hipocracy.[/quote]

[color=#404142]Kids hate the quiet game.[/color]

[quote]5. When he comes over, he wants to play OUR games, not NWN. He takes a particular liking to Sonic Adventure 2 Battle. If he comes over, and nobody wants to hang with him, he'll sit there and play SA2B alone. I usually tell him he needs to go play it on his own Gamecube, but my broter wants him to stay, and he has a smaller TV so he wont leave.[/quote]

[color=#404142]That's when you get up and you leave the children to play.[/color]

[quote]*********** ********* ******* *** **** ***** ****** *******er[/QUOTE]

[color=#404142]Grow up.[/color]
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[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Be an ignoramus at the door and tell him that it isn't a good time and come back in some other lifetime. Whatever he says, respond "it's a bad time." I'm sure you can feign being too busy to let him in.

It's good you and your brother are close, but don't you ever want alone time? To yourself where you're alone and just, need to be alone? Just because you can't lock your bedroom door doesn't mean you don't have a door you can't close. I close my door all the time. Sometimes it helps to put a sign on it telling people you need alone time.

And to respond to your question to do with hating someone..

Yes just the one. Although I wouldn't call it hate. I think it's an allergic reaction since any sort of communication with him or just the sight of him makes me feel sick enough to puke. It's hillarious to think about it later though ^^"

On an unrelated note: *half sarcastically* Yes Azurewolf, no man is a man if he hasn't been in a fight. What machoism, what hotness.lol.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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oh, those star were just me... making.. stars, they aren't real cuss words...

It IS impossible to have privay. Going to the bathroom just results in someone picking the lock and flinging open the door. Im not aloud to lock the door to my own room.

I like to hang w/ my bro's because we have all the same interests. If Im playing a video game, chances are he'll be playing it with me.

As for what James said about going outside... ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Its dangerous out there! I could get bruised!

And when I say he talks me into letting me in, I mean he hits a point of interest. For instance, if theres a game that I just got that he's played before and he knows something I don't know, he'll be like, "I can help you on *insert*" and I'll be like, "whatever."
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I like to hang w/ my bro's because we have all the same interests. If Im playing a video game, chances are he'll be playing it with me.

As for what James said about going outside... ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Its dangerous out there! I could get bruised!

And when I say he talks me into letting me in, I mean he hits a point of interest. For instance, if theres a game that I just got that he's played before and he knows something I don't know, he'll be like, "I can help you on *insert*" and I'll be like, "whatever."[/QUOTE]

[color=#404142]Then what the hell are you doing here asking for help? You sure aren't listening to a damned thing anyone is saying/suggesting. If you want to contradict whatever your elders are saying to you, then we or anyone here can't do a thing. If anything is to happen, you have to be a big boy and do something about it yourself. Be a freakin' guy, quit being a pansy, and go outside. If you want our help, we'll give it our best. It's not like you're the only kid who goes through this.

Going outside dangerous? Yeah, everything is dangerous. That's part of growing up; the world isn't going to stay sugar-coated for you.

Jesus Christ, I've known 10-year olds who listen better and act more like their gender.[/color]
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I get like that ^-^ Allthoguh the people I hate so much it makes my skin crawl are certain members of my close Family. Sometimes the sound of their voices makes me want to kill them. But I am a little weird, and it isn't all the time I feel like this..
But when I do I just stay away from them. Try and keep them in seperate rooms, like what you would do if two dogs were fighting ^-^ :animeknow
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when i went to get a grink from the outside refregerator, this kid went in, and saw what was in there. he took particular interest in my katana, and was reaching for it when i walked back into the room. i yelled at him, drew my katana, and chased him from the room, wildly swinging my katana over my head. i caught up with him, slammed him against the wall, and put the tip of my katana to his throat, and said "if you ever come near to thinking about coming anywhere near my house again, you'll taste the steel of my katana".

[COLOR=Orange][SIZE=1]My God, this guy thinks he lives in an anime cartoon or something. Guess what? Life has moved on since Rurouni Kenshin! Go outside, but MAKE SURE TO NOTICE YOU AIN'T IN FEDUAL JAPAN![/SIZE][/COLOR]


As for what James said about going outside... ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Its dangerous out there! I could get bruised!

[COLOR=Orange][SIZE=1]My 2-year old baby sister has bigger balls than you. Not to mention she could probably kick your *** in a fight.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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Let me get this straight. You have a problem with this kid - you find him annoying and he frustrates you.

On the other hand, you're starving for someone to hang out with and you get bored, which is why you hang out with him.

Furthermore, your house is so messed up that people actually pick the locks on bathroom doors just to piss off the person inside - {WHAT THE HECK?!}.

Ok, first of all, you do need to grow up - what it sounds like to me is that you need a best friend, but you can't find one, so you hang out with your brothers and their friends. One of them annoys you, but you figure, "Hey, I can let him annoy me or I could be lonely... I'll let him annoy me." What this sounds like to me is that you're on OB looking for pity from us because your life sucks. Here's what I have to say to you. Find a friend and stop hanging out with children.

For what its worth, I do feel pity for you. Stop weeping about it and do something - confidence counts for EVERYTHING in the real world. So be confident in yourself and make yourself noticable. Think you're a nerd and people hate you for it? Not true - there are plenty of other nerds out there, and there are girls who like nerdy guys. My girlfriend, for example (and I may be biased, but I think she's pretty good-looking too). And, even if you do act nerdy/geeky... if you carry it with confidence and don't act like a mouse, people will respect you. And in college, they'll beg for your help when their computers get screwed up from spyware and crap.

So, basically, stop being a wimp and do something about your life.[/FONT]
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I have plenty of friends my age. They come over too, but they are often driven away by Zack who they share an equal annoyance towards. I usually can't go to my best friends fault because he is ALWAYS bowling. I am not a "nerd" and I don't want your pity. I pity the fool who pities me. You guys are making this much more than it actually is. Its not like I spend every second of my life hating this kid, I have a life thank you very much. The purpose of this thread is to ask if YOU are riddled with annoyance at someone. Kabapu may be a psycho, but at least he's one of the 5 people that are truly on topic. I dont care about how many friends nerds get because I am not a nerd. (Im a geek, we're much cooler).

This isn't a debate thread.
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[quote name='ThatOneOddDude']I have plenty of friends my age. They come over too, but they are often driven away by Zack who they share an equal annoyance towards. I usually can't go to my best friends fault because he is ALWAYS bowling. I am not a "nerd" and I don't want your pity. I pity the fool who pities me. You guys are making this much more than it actually is. Its not like I spend every second of my life hating this kid, I have a life thank you very much. The purpose of this thread is to ask if YOU are riddled with annoyance at someone..[/quote]

[color=#404142]Haha! Ha! Ha!...ha.

You have plenty of friends your age who are driven away because of this Zack. Then go with them. Always bowling? So, it's better than being stuck with Zack.

Pity? Hahahaha!! No one's giving you pity. You seem to be seeking it; but you most certainly aren't getting it.

Making much more of this than it actually is? C'mon, go read your posts. You have a life? Hm, doesn't sound like much to be sitting inside, and refusing to go outside.

And I've stated my story.[/color]
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[QUOTE=ThatOneOddDude]I have plenty of friends my age. They come over too, but they are often driven away by Zack who they share an equal annoyance towards. I usually can't go to my best friends fault because he is ALWAYS bowling. I am not a "nerd" and I don't want your pity. I pity the fool who pities me. You guys are making this much more than it actually is. Its not like I spend every second of my life hating this kid, I have a life thank you very much. The purpose of this thread is to ask if YOU are riddled with annoyance at someone. Kabapu may be a psycho, but at least he's one of the 5 people that are truly on topic. I dont care about how many friends nerds get because I am not a nerd. (Im a geek, we're much cooler).

[quote name='ThatOneOddDude']This isn't a debate thread.[/quote]

[quote name='ThatOneOddDude's Original Post']Can anyone help me with this?[/quote]

Not a debate... but you did ask for help. We are just stating why your approach and attitude is wrong.

Ok, and you want me to mention times when I'm riddled with annoyance at someone? How about examples of kiddies on OB who like to angst about their life? You ask for help and we give it, then you shove it back in our face? No wonder you don't have any real friends. You haven't learned basic social skills.

I love that you deny being a nerd but brag about being a geek. I hope you're joking around, since there is really no difference between the two.
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My brother showed up when I was 8, we were inseprate from eachother for a while, but soon we tend to get on eachothers nerve a lot and are not as close. But this could be because he's 8 and I'm almost 17. But it is good to be close to him, but it is also good to spend time apart, or you guys might get so tired of eachother, you'll be almost enemies for life (or less). This is just my opinion though because I've seen it happen, I'm not saying it will happen to you. Am I making any sense? Probably not. :animeswea Well anyway just make sure your thoughts don't turn into actions!
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