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How's your self-esteem?


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[b]I've noticed a lot of people on the OB saying things about being unpopular and how they are losers, etc... and it seems to me that there are plenty of self-esteem issues.[/b]

[b]So I was wondering:[/b]

[b][color=darkred]On a scale of one to ten, where would you rate your self-esteem, and why?[/color][/b]

[b]It really depends for me- when I'm on the downward spiral of my bipolar tendencies, (or when my PTSD is gettin' to me) I'd rate my self-esteem at about a 1 or 2... but when I'm on the up-side, it soars to around 8 or 9.[/b]

[b]Right at this moment, I'd say I'm swinging toward a downward spiral, so I give myself a 3 and falling... but I have begun to realise that it's not a stable opinion of myself and that it's the nature of my disorders... [/b]

[b]Within a few hours- or perhaps a few days, I'll enter another manic swing (or quit having flashbacks for a while) and think much better of myself... [/b]

[b]Relising that I have psychological issues that exacerbate my self-esteem issues doesn't necessarily make me feel any better when I'm despising myself, however...:animeangr though you'd think it should...[/b]

[b]So where are you at on the scale, and why?[/b]
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[color=#B0251E]This is a really relevant issue for me (and I'm sure for a lot of people here).

My self-esteem is like yours I think; it jumps around wildly. One moment I am very confident in myself and my abilities, the next moment I'm incredibly unsure of myself and I feel like a very small person.

I'm not entirely sure why this is (although I certainly have some ideas). Realistically I know I'm a reasonably intelligent and level-headed person; I have no real reason to lack confidence. But I often do.

In fact, sometimes this lack of confidence is so strong that I will deliberately avoid chasing someone I'm interested in (romantically speaking) because I [i]immediately[/i] think "they're too good for me". Of course, that's really kind of silly -- for one thing, I should let them make the choice and for another, I know I'm going to be a much better deal than a lot of people out there, lol. Especially when you consider what some people tolerate in relationships.

So, who knows. All I can say is, I [i]totally[/i] identify with people who suffer from very low self-esteem. It's not an easy thing to get over at times.[/color]
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I would say my self-esteem is mostly stable at times, I'd give myself a 6 at most. I honestly don't think I myself have serious swings at times, but I do know that this feeling can change on a whim. If I'm having a crappy day, and things are just not going right, I'll feel probably like a 3 or 4. Somewhere near the lower end of the spectrum. Though that could just as easily have been a rather good day and I could feel on top of the world, like a 8 or 9. It doesn't happen too often, but indeed I do have these days where I feel better or worse than normal.

I know I'm a good person and I know what I can do and what I'm good at. People telling me otherwise usually doesn't affect my self-esteem as it would other people. What I can stand, are the people who don't like me for no legitimate reason at all. You know, those ones that just say "Because" mainly. It could be because of looks, or my car, or the music I listen to, any of that. I don't respond well to those things.
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[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Ah yes, the age old question of self-esteem. I suppose I'd rate myself and a lovley, roundedly most unextraordinary..


Because I never feel great about myself, but I'm not about to complain. I suppose it could be seen as a low self-esteem however I just don't really care. Basically it's a "Okay, so I suck at that thing, fine. I can deal with it."

Even on my best days I don't have a great deal of confidence, I just have a tad more patience to deal with my short comings.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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[FONT=Georgia][SIZE=2][i] Owch, you hit right on the target. Actually I'm like you elfpirate, and James as well. Maybe I have bi-polar too, never thought about it before. One day I could rate myself a 10 and the next 1. It all depends on my mood and how I feel that day that really brings out my confidence or not. I definately act different around certain people, I'm shy around other shy people and outgoing around outgoing people. It's strange isn't it? I could never really figure that out. It's definately tough when your having a rough day, and it really can mess up relationships. I can definately have sympathy for those with low self-esteem. [/i][/SIZE][/FONT]
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[quote name='James][color=#b0251e'] Realistically I know I'm a reasonably intelligent and level-headed person; I have no real reason to lack confidence. But I often do.[/color][/quote]
[b]Me, too- minus the level-headed part... I often question how level-headed I really am... lol.[/b]

[b]It's a strange thing to be able to recognise that you're an intelligent, talented, likeable person... yet still harbor such an intense self-loathing and self-doubt... [/b]

[b]It seems that you shouldn't be able to feel that way when, intellectually, you know you probably have no reason to feel so horribly about yourself...[/b]
[b]but that's just not the way it works...:( [/b]
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[color=#9933ff]Do you really have Bi-polar tendancies, elfpirate? Not to be rude, I was just wondering, since sometimes I feel like I have Bipolar, too (it's not helping that it runs in my family, either. >_>). I know that teens and young adutls can go through rapid cycling a lot quicker than most people but mergh. :/

My self-esteem is terribly low. On bad days when I feel bipolar or just PMS-ish, probably a 2-3. On good days, 7-8. I think I've had a couple times where I felt I was a 9, but I don't ever feel really good about myself.

I mean, I'm good in math and playing the piano, and making banners, and writing stories (when I get around to them), but I'll never be the best. Never. There's always so many people that are ten times better than me at everything. God, I feel sick lately, whenever I play the piano, because I think about all the people in my [b]school[/b] let alone aroudn the world, that are a million times better than I am.

Urgh. I really do feel like I'm worthless sometimes, too. The feeling that I'm so insignificant, if I were to die tomorrow, no one would care. I'm probably the only one who thinks that way. >_>

*sigh* I hate having no self-esteem. It sucks.[/color]
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[QUOTE=MistressRoxie][color=#9933ff]Do you really have Bi-polar tendancies, elfpirate? [/color]
[color=#9933ff]My self-esteem is terribly low. I really do feel like I'm worthless sometimes, too. The feeling that I'm so insignificant, if I were to die tomorrow, no one would care. I'm probably the only one who thinks that way. >_>[/color][/QUOTE]
[b]Yeah, I'm Bipolar... AND I suffer from Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Sux!:animeangr [/b]

[b]Sometimes it's hard to tell which symptoms are from which disorder, too... since they both dramatically affect moods, sleep patterns, etc...[/b]

[b]You are definitely not the only person who thinks that way. In fact, I'd say that at least 75% of the people I know feel that way on a regular basis... including myself. [/b]

[b]And trust me- there are plenty of people who would care if you died... [/b]
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[COLOR=Indigo]Like its seems alot of people here, i have wild swings but for me it completely depends on who im with and what im doing. If im with my friends its a definate 10. i have no issues and i know im great and perfect (...) With my friends no one cares how you act, look, dress, as long as you use your brain. Whereas when im in a classroom with people i don't know or im on the streets, my self esteem goes down to around 3.

Fortunately I have the ability to boost my own self esteem whenever i need it, unless im really depressed. Ill just think about hanging out with my friends and my self esteem is back. So i guess im ok with self esteem..[/COLOR]
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[size=1]You know, for the most part, I think my self esteem is pretty good. I mean, taking into consideration how bad it was at one point it's pretty ******* good now. Everyone has their doubts. Am I pretty enough, smart enough, will I amount to anything, will this person remember me in a couple of days, do I mean anything at all to anyone at all. Everyone should have their doubts, it's human. While I'm constantly second guessing my choices and I'm constantly wondering if I'm worthy of the person I feel is more than worthy of me, I know on some weird level that I'm worth something. I'd give myself a seven, although most of the time it seems like an eleven :p[/size]
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i would have to give my self a 5 cuz i am really good at what i do, but the things im good at are worthless to this world and dont help anyone. so im good for nothin but great at it
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I can honestly say that I have never had low self esteem. I've always been a moderate optimist, and anyone that makes fun of me gets labeled as insecure and I laugh out loud in their presence on how rediculous they act. No one has ever had the power to put me down. If they say I'm fat, I just realize that I can't get [I]anything[/I] past them. Make every insult funny, and you'll be happy for the rest of your life.
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Ah, self-esteem. I suffer from Generalized Anxiety Disorder...which is just a fancy way of saying that I am a worrier. I worry about everything. I did go though a very bad bout of depression shortly after I had to "retire" from my career due to my Rheumatoid Arthritis. I am not embarrassed to say that I went to a therapist during that time and got on some medication. I knew it was more healthy for me to work through it then sit in a dark cloud of depression over something I couldn't control (ie autoimmune disease).

I currently rate my self-esteem at a middle of the road 5. I am not very happy about the RA which has, I should say the medication I have to take has, caused me to gain a bunch of weight. That has been a major blow to my self-esteem. Other than that I am pretty happy about who I am. I try my best to keep a positive attitude and look at the bright side. I am still a worrier and I am sure I always will be, but at least I am plugging along with my life and making the best of it.
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[QUOTE=elfpirate][b]Me, too- minus the level-headed part... I often question how level-headed I really am... lol.[/b]

[b]It's a strange thing to be able to recognise that you're an intelligent, talented, likeable person... yet still harbor such an intense self-loathing and self-doubt... [/b]

[b]It seems that you shouldn't be able to feel that way when, intellectually, you know you probably have no reason to feel so horribly about yourself...[/b]
[b]but that's just not the way it works...:( [/b][/QUOTE]

[color=#B0251E]Yeah, it's one of those things that really defies logic. When I actually try to analyze the source of it, I think I pretty much know what it's all about. So in that sense I can [i]usually[/i] just talk myself out of being too ridiculous. lol

I mean, I wouldn't say that I suffer from a clinical problem or anything like that. Well, I hope not anyway.

But there are definitely certain times where I can have a very strong sense of self-loathing. The main good thing is that it never lasts long. And luckily, I [i]do[/i] know what I'm good at and generally I am a reasonably confident person. It's funny how people who often appear very confident are actually trying very hard to overcome their own negative feelings.

In a way I suppose it only makes you stronger. If you can overcome strong self-doubt, then there are probably a lot of things you can overcome.[/color]
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[SIZE=1]I'd rate my self-esteem is around 6-7ish. I mean, I have confidence in myself most of the time, but I'm not overly confident about everything. Of course, there are those times when I become extremely determined and believe I can do anything, when my confidence boosts +2.

But when talking about looks, but self-esteem is around 5. I know I'm not ugly, but then again, I feel lesser when in a girl's presence I like. Strange, huh?[/SIZE]
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