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God of War

I, Colossus

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Not much postage lately, figured I?d create a thread.

Basically God of War is (or so the media has dubbed it) Clash of the Titans meets Heavy Metal. This makes for a pretty badass looking combination. The game starts when the main character commits suicide by jumping off a cliff, re-calling the events of the past few weeks. I read that it had to with Pandora?s Box and killing the God of War (Ares), but whatever.

Gameplay wise you have 4 buttons. 2 attacks, a grab, and a block, pretty standard. But you can pull of some insane combos, I myself haven?t seen any, due to my horrible connection I cant really get to any of the media.

Sounds pretty neat to me, releases later this month. Anyone else planning to get it?
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I got the demo from Sony in the mail. If you're into Devil May Cry style games, you'd be into this too. It did feel farily repetitive even in just the short time I played it, though. I doubt the final game will have as much of a problem because of cutscenes, new areas and so forth. The story does involve killing Ares for whatever reason, which makes no sense to me, but whatever.

Game really is pretty damn good looking though. I was impressed with a lot of the modeling, particularly when you get to battle the various heads of the Hydra.
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[COLOR=DarkRed]It looks to be a pretty promising game... I hear it has a lot of puzles and what not. Much more than just a fighting kinda deal. Seems like it would be hard too. I saw a shot of one of the first bosses, and it was HUGE! I'm allways up for a challenge though... :D [/COLOR]
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[quote name='ThatOneOddDude']Battling those hydras looks to be a sweet experience. Personally, i think every aspect of this game looks very cool, but there is a single small problem. I saw something on G4 about the game, and aparently there will be the showing of topless girls...[/quote]

Where's the problem?
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  • 2 weeks later...
Possibly the BEST Mythological game I have seen yet. Devil May Cry could eat it's heart out once this game hits the shelves. The looks and feel of this game look amazing. The story to it seems fresh and fits well in the smoothness of it's main character. Not to meantion the almost seemingly unlimited actions you can do in this game, (killing, exploring, and shagging.) I am most deffinitly buying this game once it comes out. What are your thoughts on this game and would you consider to buy it?

[color=#4B0082]Merged with the other God of War thread. - [i]Desbreko[/i][/color]
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Guest Hybrid/
Yeah, God Of War is very awesome. I got the demo of GOW from EB Games and this is a very ccccccccoooooooooooooooooooolllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll game. I like all the ways you can kill enemys and use enviroments around you to kill them. I can't wait to play the full game of it. :D
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I of course being a Mythological freak whom enjoys it all bought this game without second thought. After that being said I have to say it was worth every penny. In my opinion it makes Devil May Cry, Cry. The smoothness of the button mashing is well placed the only flaw in the game however was the unfortunate length of it. It was made in three years yet I finished it in a day on Spartan. But still the addition of God mod plus the Extra's videos on it make it a great entertainment. Overall if you love Mytholigy you'll love this game. Also to remind you all no Spartan actually killed Ares. But it was still a well thought up story.
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The one question I have is, can you mold your character to your liking or do you have to play the same type of character everytime?

If you don't get what I'm saying, examples would be like...an speed based character or a strength based character.
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I beat it in one night, it was VERY awesome while it lasted. I reccomend that everybody hear that enjoys the action genre at least rent this. If you're worried about the basics, don't be. The moves are awesome, and the controls are the smoothest action setup since Ninja Gaiden. Also, lots of gore! You can't get enough of that in a game like this! Well, yes you can, but this one has a perfect amount! GoW also has a pretty good and solid storyline and a well developed main character. Check this out!
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  • 8 months later...
[b]Note:[/b] This was originally it's own thread, thank you for moving it. You know, I tried using the search feature and it didn't work... tried for god of, god of war, god war, lol, hrm... oh well.

Recently received this PS2 game for Christmas and I'm in love with it... actually, I'm almost done it with it! While certainly there are games for the Playstation game consoles I love, never before have I been so engrossed in a game (in fact friends will tell you, I very rarely finish any of the games I own). Between the stunning visuals and the excellent game play, I have to admit I'm hooked.

You know, when I usually go to buy video games action/strategies are the last games I look at. Why? Well, I dislike puzzle solving, I find it frustrating and bothersome, and typically while the graphics in titles like Prince of Persia are good, the levels are so hectic that after a few hours of trying the same level over and over again I begin to get bored. I mean, the storyline isn?t always that great in some of the other action/strategy titles anyway so why bother?

I have to admit that God of War is different. Sure it has magic powers, blazing weapons, and a kick butt main character? but this game is truly unique in every department!

God of War has the Prince of Persia elements in it and yet takes it one step further. Amazing music which sounds as though it was done by an orchestra specifically for God of War (which might be), stunning visuals, scenery and maps which are massive and seem to set the mood perfectly, and just a downright cool storyline makes this game stick out in my mind above and beyond other [i]similar[/i] titles. The action is just so fast paced and player-controlled (if that makes sense), that it seems to take all the best qualities of past action/strategy games and puts them into one amazing experience.

For those of you who are skeptical about it for seemingly the same reasons I was, this isn't your classic action/strategy type game. I know it?s rare in a game but trust me, there are so loveable many elements involved (yes, including puzzle solving) that any game player could really enjoy it!

That sort of thing. :)
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[quote name='Morpheus']I found god of war boring. The graphics were amazing, but nothing felt satisfying. After a few hours, I turned my PS2 off and sent it back to Gamefly. I felt no emotions while playing it.[/quote]Interestingly enough for me the emotional aspects of the game were felt early on as I could easily both connect to and enjoy the music and the scenery. I'm not sure what you got up to but as the game goes on much more about the main character's history was given. Did you get up to that part? I think over time this game really blossoms. But oh well, if you didn't like it after you played it for that long I doubt a few more hours could have pushed you to enjoy it.

It should also be noted that when I compare this game to other games I don't compare it to games which are emotionally engaging like certain RPGs. For an action/strategy based game the fact that it [i]does[/i] have such aspects means for me that it goes above and beyond some of the other titles in the genre. Maybe that doesn't sit well with some people, but in my opinion this game blends all those elements rather well.
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[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]I loved the combat-puzzle intergration. Even simple box pushing puzzles are intense while being sniped by bow-wielding undead.

The cut scenes are [I]amazing[/I]. They're so vivid and gruesome, full of blood and boobies. :animesmil The difficulty curve is nice and balanced, while the story plays out nicely with some good twists and good character development

I think my highest combo was 143. That was fun. Fun as hell.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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  • 6 months later...
[color=darkred]It's been over a year since God of War came out, but I only just bought the platinum version a few days ago, and after already beating it, I can only say that it is the best hack and slash that I've played since Soul Reaver first came out for the PlayStation.

The gameplay is extremely well polished. You'll hardly ever enter a room without running into any enemies, and despite how hectic the game can get at times, there are never any hints or spells of slowdowns and glitches. Controlling Kratos -- the main character -- couldn't be any more flexible, since you're given complete control over him. For instance, being able to change the direction in which you attack whilst in the middle of a combo. The controls are very user-friendly, and aren't difficult to get used to at all, which compliments this. I got to grips with them before encountering the first Hydra, which is pretty quick.

Another thing that's great about the game is the ability to grab, and the different types of grabs that you can perform on different enemies, where some give the opportunity to use Shenmue/Resident Evil 4 style QCE, but in a more fun way, like having to turn the analogue stick accordingly in order to rip off Medusa's head. And, this doesn't apply only to action sequences; there are situations where you have to spin the analogue stick to turn knobs and cranks and whatnot. It produces a much deeper level of interaction than the ordinary hack and slash.

The puzzles aren't terribly difficult, but only because I believe that the game was made to stay true to the hack and slash genre, and not drift into the puzzle area. The developers, in my opinion, wanted players to experience the innovation involved and enjoy it, rather than to get stuck at a dead end somewhere every now and then.

With any luck, God of War II should come out during Q1 of next year, and I'm eager to see what else the developers will do to make it more interesting. It would be cool to see another level of depth added to it, such as having to manually take in red, blue, and green orbs in a Soul Reaver kind of way, or at least to make it compatible on a harder difficulty.

So, has anyone played this, then? If so, what are your thoughts? And are you looking forward to the sequel?[/color]
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[font=Palatino Linotype][size=3]Playing [b][i]God of War[/i][/b] was the greatest thing i've done in a long while. [b][i][color=royalblue](Besides playing KH I and II)[/color][/i][/b] The game is [b][i]extremely[/i][/b] well-designed and has a pretty sweet story to it also. I always played the game until I got to [b][i]4 [color=royalblue](or 5)[/color][/i][/b] cutscenes before I cut it off for the day; only to play the game again once I finished at school for the day. [b][i][color=royalblue](This was way before I joined OB)[/color][/i][/b] It took [b][i]forever[/i][/b] for me to beat [b][i][u]Ares[/u][/i][/b], though. But then again, I played the game in [b][i]God Mode.[/i][/b] Once you beat [b][i]God Mode[/i][/b], you can see all the [b][i]hidden & unlockable[/i][/b] things in the game. But, I beat the game at the hardest difficulty levels just so[b][i] I can claim[/i][/b] that I beat the game at its [b][i]hardest.[/i][/b] :animesmil [/size][/font]

[font=Palatino Linotype][size=3][/size][/font]
[font=Palatino Linotype][size=3][b][i]God of War[/i][/b] is one great game and i'm sure [b][i]GoW II[/i][/b] will problably be even better.[/size][/font]
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God of War is definitly a memorable game. The battle/combo system is fantastic and it flows smoothly and the many types of enemy combinations mixed with the venue or a specific condition (defeating the enemies in a certain amount of time before something happens) adds a lot of variety to kicking *** and taking names. It does have some very challenging parts to it, though overall the game is simple to get through. There could have been more boss battles and maybe a bit more story telling...but this is coming from an RPG fanatic. The character design (the mythological enemy creatures especially) is great and the cut scenes were nice and detailed.

Overall i'd say it doesn't really revolutionize anything, but it's an excellent addition to the action/adven genre. I'd say in my top 5 favorites. I will definitly buy GoW2 when it comes out, no questions asked.
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While the graphics were great (especially the animations), I never could get into God of War. It felt like it had no soul. The gameplay was repetitive even for a hack and slash. Press one button over and over to kill your enemies, and the bosses just add a "Press this Button!" mechanic. And the puzzles made me angry. Trying to push a box [I]slowly[/I] while dodging arrows is not fun. I'm glad I never bought the game. This game will go into my memory along with Halo and all of the other games that were hyped as being awesome and ended up being a really pretty, boring game.
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[color=darkred]Eh? I ran a search before making this thread and found nothing. That's weird. :animestun

But anyway, the thing about the game being repetitive is that it's a hack and slash, so you can't really expect anything groundbreaking. There's only room for a few good ideas that'd make the game more interesting to play, such as the QCE I mentioned. I think that the developers just wanted to make the game as fun as possible for the player, and in my opinion, they succeeded. One improvement that could be made though, is to lengthen the time in which it takes to level up the magic and weapons. I had everything maxed around the time I reached Hades, excluding Medusa's Gaze, because it's useless. So yeah, using the same magic over and over is pretty boring.

I thought the progressive story was awesome, too. Alongside the gameplay, it was a factor that urged me to continue playing each time so I could find out what exactly is going on, since you're pretty much left in the dark from the beginning of the game.[/color]
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[quote name='Bombu][color=darkred']Eh? I ran a search before making this thread and found nothing. That's weird. :animestun[/color][/quote][color=#4B0082]I keep the thread directory updated for a reason, you know. :p[/color]
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