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Short fused?


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[b]The idea for this thread came to me as I was watching my (beloved) brother throw an all-out tantrum over something completely trivial.[/b]

[b]Some people are just unable--or, perhaps, unwilling, to reign in their tempers... they're just naturally short-tempered and never grow out of their spontaneous rages.[/b]

[b]I used to be so short-fused that it was ridiculous...ie: kicking things, throwing things, punching through walls, etc... over things like not being able to find something that I needed... you know--really trivial crap that everyone deals with on an everyday basis.[/b]

[b]But I have (for the most part) grown out of such violent reactions and learned a bit more patience.[/b]

[b]I still have my days, though-- generally when I'm manic...[/b]

[b]I have to force myself to breathe deeply and calm down a lot of the time--resisting the urge to break something--or someone...[/b]

[b]So I'd say that my fuse is still really short, but that I manage it pretty well these days...(well, at least-- I'm not whipping the video game controller at the closest wall or anything anymore:animesmil ).[/b]

[b]What about the rest of you? Do you have a seemingly endless supply of patience (Panda comes to mind...) or does the grenade seem to go off before you've thrown the damned thing?[/b]
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[size=1]On a whole, I'm a relatively passive person. I don't like to fight.

The only times my fuses are shortened, are when I'm either extremely unrested (i.e. insomnia) or when I'm at work and not having a good day in the slightest.

When I'm unrested I get edgy, angry, argumentative, and very, very sarcastic.
This usually leads to drama in the household and at school.

At work, I daily have to deal with people unable to find Nuetral on their cars transmission. I can understand an accident every once in a while. Maybe it slipped into reverse. But when you go through a day where a good 10% of your customers have trouble finding nuetral, you begin to doubt the driving capabilities of the general populous.
It get's very annoying.

Dealing with things like that for hours at a time had given me a very good control over my temper. But it still does explode at times.[/size]
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[size=1]I manage to respond to a lot of the things that piss me off with just apathy. It takes me a while to really get mad enough to act out in fury. Usually I just walk away and listen to something loud. My mom has a way of really working my nerves though and she does it because she enjoys it which is even more enfuriating. But I've never gotten to the point where I break my own stuff, yea right. I love my stuff too much. The closest I've gotten to losing it is when I started to slam my arm into this desk. My mom wouldn't let me finish my homework because she wanted me to wash the dishes. I damaged my arm pretty badly, heh. Outside of my mother there's nothing that's really ever driven me to that point where I'm so blind with rage that I don't even feel the skin peeling off my arm. I love my mom but she's insane.

I'm patient enough for children and boyfriends and everything else. It's just my mom.[/size]
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[COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1]I used to travel to school [I]every day[/I] and have three or more idiotic guys give me the looks and whistle at me while I'm walking. I'd gladly give them a finger while smiling. I could be fuming and whining and cursing to myself because of some loud disturbing noise in the next room but would be so polite when asking them to quiet down. I'd suddenly scream sometimes in the middle of a crowd when I'm so mad then I'd stop and continue working. Other times I'd just shut up. Oh, and I broke a ruler once into tiny pieces while trying to control my fury.

I'm still waiting for that one little thing that will turn me into a yellow-eyed, black-winged [COLOR=Plum][B]half n00b[/B][/COLOR].[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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I consider myself a pretty easy going person. There are some "buttons" that can be pushed to shorten my fuse. Those buttons would include things like making false accusations against me. That really annoys me. Otherwise I pretty much have a "let it all pass by" attitude. If something starts to stress me I step back and take a look at the big picture.

For instance. Let's say some angry guy driving down the road cuts me off, flips me off like I am doing something wrong when I am not. I am going to be upset about this since I did nothing wrong...but what power does this guy have over my life? None. Is getting mad about this loon going to make any difference about what has been done already? Nope. I chalk it up to him having a bad day (or life) and I just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Plus, my life is pretty good and OBVIOUSLY his life must be terrible. If my life was as awful as his I would probably be loony too! In other words, I am fine, it's everyone else with the problem. :animesmil
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I've learned to control my temper outside of home. Everyone (or most people) sees me as a pretty patient, and self-controlled guy. However, there are a few things people do that drive me insane. There is a line I draw somewhere, and when somebody crosses it, I lose it. If somebody takes my money without any reason for example (even a quarter...). Basically, if it violates my sense of morals and values, I get upset. I've gotten into many fights before over things some people may find trivial... Luckily I am quite reserved and patient most of the time.
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[SIZE=1] I would like to say I never lose my temper, but there are times when I just lose it over something so minuscule it seems ridiculous. Usually this happens when I've had a really tough week, and it just boils down to the point where I get really upset. I can be an aggressive person, but I also don't get mad easily unless provoked, but when I do, boy watch out. I guess it runs in my family because everyone in my family acts that way, its a habit. No I don't throw many fits, although sometimes punching your pillow when your angry can feel pretty darn good. [/SIZE]
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I have a rather short temper, especially when it comes to people who insult or hurt my friends. Otherwise, I'm a pretty good guy. But when someone lies to me or stabs me in the back, I can go beserk. I can control my anger rather well, but its hard to do when you have a stick in your hand and many breakable things in your house.
Another thing that makes me angry is being around whiny little kids (ages 2-10). I put a hole in the wall recently right beside the kids head when he was whining about being put in the corner...I have my dads temper, alright.

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[quote name='Venge']Another thing that makes me angry is being around whiny little kids (ages 2-10). I put a hole in the wall recently right beside the kids head when he was whining about being put in the corner...I have my dads temper, alright. >>Matt[/quote]
[b]It sounds like you don't have as much control o'er your temper as you think you do.;) [/b]

[b]You [i]do [/i] know that punching the wall right next to a child's head would be considered child abuse, right? That kind of thing can traumatize...[/b]

[b]Besides, the kid could be doing much worse things than whining...consider yourself lucky that whining is all you have to put up with.[/b]
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I use to be very short fused when I was in grade school, just about anything would set me off and I was a believer in revenge at that time. I got into so much trouble back then. Later as a teenager I found a good outlet in playing games like Doom in god mode. I would just take my anger out on the game. hehehe, I still like doing that. :animesmil

Now I'm pretty laid back. I still get quite angry but I rarely display my temper. I'm still into revenge a bit, but in a more controlled fashion. For example, my best friend was hurt by one of her teachers, and to make it simple the teacher did something unprofessional and ruined her grade and attendance so she wouldn't get the credit for her hard work. At this paticular school you get a money reward for perfect attendance. Since the teacher's actions were unprofessional I wrote a letter to the editor of a local newspaper and got it published. I'm good at being diplomatic when writing such letters. By diplomatic I mean I don't rant and rave I just present the facts and request they be known to others.

I also use to get upset over stupid drivers, espically since I feel I live in a area filled with people who haven't a clue how to drive. But I became a Comerical Truck Driver and there is absoutely no room for anger when you are driving a Semi-Truck. So I trained myself to not react to drivers when I am working. Though it helps to have a cell phone so you can report drivers who are a hazard to you and others. :animeswea

Ironically when I do lose my temper and chew someone out my friends all think it's funny. But then most of my friends are passive and never react like I do. I've always been the type to get angry, espically when someone I know is being treated unfairly.
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[quote name='anatema][size=1'] My mom has a way of really working my nerves though and she does it because she enjoys it which is even more enfuriating... It's just my mom.[/size][/quote]

Between my mother(andrea) and my father(art), my rage and frustration is taken care of. Both know exactly what to do or say to set me off. Usually, for art, existing is all it takes.
I used to get set off by everything, even so much as someone replying to a question that i happened to pose.. Oh! and stupid/slow drivers. Now I'd have to say that I am almost too passive. If someone at school or wherever insults me or whatever, I just go on with life. I don't stand up for myself. Between that and a few other things Andrea and Art think I am too apathetic and that I am "copping out" of everthing. That upsets me greatly. So i yell at them a lot... And if either or them yell back. well...
I also cannot stand children. They whine incessantly (so do I) and are so spoilt. Many parents that I see today at home or in stores give into children too easily and don't discipline well. That sets me off even further.. So I really don't control my temper unless the event directly effects me.
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My temper depends on how life is going. If everything's fine and dandy, then I'm fine. HOWEVER, if it's a rough patch (like right now) I usually bite my tongue and curse them inside my head...until I'm alone.

Then I kick and scream and say many horrible words that shouldn't be heard than any other ears than my own! :animeswea Particularly since I live with my Uncle and his 3 small children this year. Oooh, that family knows how to push my buttons. :animeangr

If someone insults me, I just stand by and take it. I'm very much the "no conflict" kind of person. Personally, I don't give a rat's a** if they like me or not, but I always treat others with the respect that I'd like to receive. "You reap what you sow," right?
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I have a short temper I guess. If people really piss me off and there old enought to know there doin it I'll hurt them. Even if it's a little kid (well, not totally, if it's a kid under 10 I'll spank them. If it's over ten like say 12 I'll smack him up the head.) But if it's people as old or older then me and there really bothering me like throwing crap and picking on me I'll snap and beat the crap out of them. It teaches them to never bother me again. It works to. But I don't know if that considerd short fused....
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I myself have a very short temper, I will practically go off at the drop of a hat. It is usually caused by my sisters but I am not sure if they do by accident or on purpose. I actually nearly bite their head off when the person who pisses me off is older than 12. If they are younger than twelve then i just bite my tongue and try to hold it in.
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I like to avoid conflict. Most of the time, the little things don't iritate me, and when they do, you won't know it. (I try to keep the peace by hiding how I feel.) The big things...Well, it's strange actually. I've noticed that in the worst circumstances, instead of getting upset, I do the opposite. It's like I've magically tapped into a supply of endless patience and peace. Weird...

To make me angry, you really have to work at it. You have to annoy me almost every day. I have to believe that you have some major, uncommon personality flaw that keeps you from acting like I civilized human being. Work at it enough and my replies will start to get snappy, though I won't really unleash my unholy wrath. I will only explode when you have exhausted my very last oz. of patience.

I can count all my explosions on one hand. Yay me...
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When I was in middle school, I was an asshole, plain and simple. I'd get mad at things every five seconds, I'd yell, I'd curse, and I would just be a surly little bastard 24/7. Being a teenager will do that to you, I guess.

Now I don't really get angry as much, because I have a sense of humor about things. People could say whatever the hell they want about me, and I wouldn't flinch at all. I [i]do[/i] get sort of annoyed when someone starts making fun of my family ([i]especially[/i] when they don't know them), but not nearly as badly as I used to. Mostly it's just stupid kids saying "Dude your mom is a slut!!!!!"

Not really much to get worked up about at all; every time I hear something like that, I always think of Professor Farnsworth from Futurama: "Enough about your promiscuous mother, Hermes." Professor Farnsworth can help solve the greatest of life's problems.
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[SIZE=1]I guess I don't get mad that often. Only when people deserve to be blow up at. Posers and jerks are at the top of the list.

If you don't know me, I probably won't explode at you. But if I do, I'll be sure to pull all the stops in cursing, yelling, and driving home my point that you're a major b****. And sometimes little things tick me off. If I'm in a touchy mood, don't mess with me. I should read:

Contents under pressure! Handle with caution.[/b]

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[QUOTE=Retribution][size=1] I should read:[b]Warning!:[/b]
[b]Contents under pressure! Handle with caution.[/b]
[b]*heh*- that's funny- my warning label reads: [/b]

[b]Do not play in, on, or around or occupy this container for any purpose.[/b]
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I would say that I have a pretty short fuse but its in i guess a different sense. I can get into extended arguments with a great friend of mine that may have a major effect on the friendship itself and although of course itd work me pretty good i'd keep my cool through it all. Then you have these stupid little things thatll just set me off more out of frustration then shear anger. Example is when somebody says something so stupid that you wonder how they could've existed for the amount of time they have on this earth and still lack common sense specifically in one of my science classes (junior highschool) a girl asks "If I use soap does that make me fat?" (referring to the lipids/fats used in making soap) im sorry but stuff like that is irritating to me i must say with no intent to offend anybody....
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I do have a short fuse, then again I am trying to restrain roughly 15 years worth of repressed anger (first 3 years of life don't count.) and irritation, plus 4 years of "sexual frustration" (Translation: still virgin.) However, the only place I even come remotely close to going off is at work. There's just something about the stench of the elderly who should be in their grave and the people with the least amount of intelligence trying to pass a $10 as a $100 in drive-thru that makes my blood boil. I will not lash out towards them though, that's why I gotten a pair of my leather gloves modified (Metal plating across knuckles) and have started to bust up an already crumbling wall.

Catharsis is a wonderful thing.
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