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What is your favorite Squaresoft/Enix game?


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I'm new to the Otaku Boards so if this post has been done before, sry I didn't know. Anyways, what is your favorite Squaresoft/Enix game? For example:

+Final Fantasy VII

+Final Fantasy VIII

+Final Fantasy IX

+Final Fantasy X

+Final Fantasy X-2

+Kingdom Hearts

+Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories

+Final Fantasy I & II: Dawn of Souls

+Final Fantasy Tactics Advance

These are only some of the games to help you choose.
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This thread is fine, so long as you put [i]why[/i] it's your favorite Square-Enix game in the post.

Mine would undoubtably be [i]Chrono Trigger[/i]. I also rate it as the best RPG of all time, as well, and I doubt it shall be replaced by any other game soon. What can I say about the game? If you haven't played it then you must. I loved the music, I loved the characters, I loved the story, I loved the EX mode, it had good graphics for being only a SNES game, a good battle system - it's just such a good game, and you have to play it to find out or else you're missing out.
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I'm likely going to have a pretty good time reading responses to this thread as I'm sure 95% of them won't even mention a game that's from the Enix side of the company. I'm under the impression that we're allowed to mention games from before their merger, thanks to the appearance of some older games thus far.

I don't know what my single favorite game is from both of these companies, but my favorite series is likely Dragon Warrior. It's had some poorer games as time has gone on, but for the most part I think it's quality. Certainly is appeals to more of a "hardcore" or "traditional" audience than something such as Final Fantasy, but I tend to enjoy those types of RPGs more.

It's a shame we didn't get the SNES sequels in the series as they're really quite excellent (I've played the fan translations). We did get 7, at least, which I enjoyed despite its largely archaic appearance and really heavy reliance on the past. It did get a bit old and repetitive compared to even the earlier titles, though.

I'm greatly looking forward to the US release of 8. It's gorgeous and really sounds like its a nice progression of the series that still stays true to its roots.
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I'm going to be different again and name a game that was started when enix was a single company but finished when the two had become a joint company.

Star Ocean 3. This would have to be one of my favourite games as it has everything an RPG needs. A deep and involving storyline. A unique battle system which you rarely see these days as most use the FF style system. A Unique levelling system and in this case a rediculously high level cap. It also has a lot of playability. It is an awesome game.

Mind you I want to play Chrono Cross though it never got a PAL release.
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Guest Magun
i like FINAL FANTASY TACTICS ADVANCE i like other final fantasy games but this one is diffrent ans the name says its a tactics game with a cool storyline and hundreds of misions its soo cool especially since mty friend has it so we can link them up and see who's team is better :animesigh thats my favorte

update i remember my faveorite snes games i thought id update i like secret of manner and chrono trigger .i even have a anime episode of chrono trigger :catgirl:
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Well since there are so many I'm only going to list the first games I ever played by Squaresoft and Enix.

The first one I ever played by Squaresoft was The Secret of Mana-It was such a fun game to play. I espically loved how you kept getting more and more different spells to use. I also loved it because you could play with someone else. My brother and sister both loved to get together with me and play this game.

The next one was Secret of Evermore by Squaresoft-This too was alot of fun. The idea of being transported to another world and then for that world to have different ages of technology was facinating. I liked the spells in that one too. I loved how it ended too. *I won't spoil it for those of you who haven't played this game*

The first game I ever played by Enix was Illusion of Gaia-I liked this game so much that I still take it out and play it occasionally. I like how the main character transforms into different warriors and I love the music for this game. Some of the dungeons were really cool. Like the one in the air that you solve both the top and bottom side to continue. :D
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My fav Square games are FF8, Kingdom Hearts, & FF1&2 Dawn of Souls. FF8 is good cuz I like the story. Who cares if its a bland romantic? Kingdom Hearts had the best Real Time Battle since Star Ocean 2 (also good, but short). FF1&2 is good because I am 2 young to have played the original for very long.
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...wow. This has come as a great shock. I'm not old enough to be old school, but (from reading this) I have just realized that I have been a dedicated fan of Squaresoft/Enix all my gamming life. I loved Dragon Warrior and my brothers hated me for it "It's stupid" and such. And I got Dragon Warrior Monsters for GBC. And I've always loved the Final Fantasy series and the Chronos (Cross and Trigger). I love Kingdom Hearts (though Chain of Memories is [i]wierd[/i] I still like it). I loved Secret of Mana because I played it at my eldest brothers house some years back as a demo and finally bought it when I got the money. I wanted to play Star Ocean but I can't handle those pay-to-play games. I just don't get money. So I'll be ready to assassinate whoever gave that idea to Square if they don't make some Final Fantasy's that don't cost but for the game once. Out of all of those I knew only Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy were Square games... interesting... Am I allowed to be an old school Square fan now? :animesmil
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i have never had the pleasure to come across games lice chrono trigger/cross. or dragon warrior, or most any of the afforementioned games.

so sadly, i must stick with final fantasy.

final fantasy x-2 gets my vote. it had a deliciously different style of gameplay to ffx, plus the sphere grid costumes were awesome.

only porblem is that with only three characters, it takes about 100 hours off gameplay time, seing as how there's only 3 to level up to the maximum.
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Mine is definly Kingdom Hearts best Rpg for me since Final Fantasy VII gameplay great, music awsome, and chareters of final fantasy and disney people nice (glad they had cloud, Leon, Arris, and Sheporoth, hoppin if they have Tifa next time( :animestunKingdom Hearts II worth the wait the game looks sooo dame great if anyone played the first one play the GBA Kingdom Hearts chain of memories kill sometime and see some people that's gonna be on KH II and other reason girls love the game..........It's because of Sora :animeblus but also I like Star Ocean till the end of time, and both brave fencer, and samari warrior Musashi games damn those three games are soo good to me.
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My favourite game is hard to pick. I'd definitly be a tie between Chrono Trigger and Dragon Warrior Monsters.

Dragon Warrior Monsters was one of the first games I played. I remember when I was 11, I'd be playing Dragon Warrior Monsters all day trying to get the perfect team together and getting the monsters necessary to get the most powerful monster in the game. The breeding system was a great part of the game because if you didn't breed, you'd die out pretty quickly and the most powerful monsters are born through breeding.

Chrono Trigger was one of the best RPGs in my history of gaming. The characters were memorable, the enemy difficulty was just right, the battle system was great, and the graphics were great for an SNES game. It also had many different endings if you did different things during the story. This was simply a great RPG.
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