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Most Violent Anime


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Uh I just wanna know so I can avoid them at all cost... No seriously, in your opinion what is the most violent anime you have watched by violent I really mean gore and bloodshed and no, I am not looking forward Hentais
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[QUOTE=Sanada]Guess my choice is Elfen Lied. There's really a high amount of gore and flying bodyparts.
Although I don't quite like violent Anime, Elfen Lied was great.[/QUOTE]
I would have to agree; Elfen Lied is probably the most violent anime I've seen. Although uncut Gantz could probably give it a run for its money. Of course, describing Elfen Lied this way is sort of misleading, because the show actually features wonderful characters and an emotionally moving story. If anything, it is one of the few super-violent anime that I would encourage people who strongly dislike blood & gore to at least consider watching.

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Yeah ^^' You're right, I didn'tquite said it right. .
Elfen Lied isn't about violence, there are dark, deep themes in the anime that no media dares to expose, but Elfen Lied does. Ofcourse that happens with voilence, but that's only to show how cruel some things can be.
It what you said Dagger, even people who dislike blood & gore Anime, should consider this Anime, it's that good.
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[quote name='Tri-my-Gun']I dont have much anime but the ones i've seen that was alot of gore to me was probly Ninja Scroll and Akira. But one question, Elfen Lied, is that a anime series or a movie? :animesmil[/quote]

A bit offtopic, but Elfen Lied is a anime series of 13 Episodes ;)
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I haven't seen Elfen Lied.......come to think of it, I've never even heard of it. (But I will keep in mind to check it out next time I want to purchase an anime). Anyway, on to the topic at hand, I think the most violent anime I've seen has got to be Fist of the North Star. I don't know what Elfen Lied has in it but the movie and the series of Fist of the North Star has blood, guts, bodyparts and graphic images in every scene. It's like the creator of the anime was deeply troubled or had some aggression to let loose. I'm not saying that the creator is like that for real, but man, the way the characters would kill one another was something only you could imagine. Getting punched in various places and five seconds later your body explodes or getting sliced in pieces with some guys fingers. C'mon. I like though LOL
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Ninja Scroll is the most violent I've seen.

I can deal with a small amount of blood and gore but this one just seemed extremly violent, so much so that I can't remember anything about the storyline as I was too busy trying to not see the gory stuff!
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[quote name='Dagger']describing Elfen Lied this way is sort of misleading, because the show actually features wonderful characters and an emotionally moving story. If anything, it is one of the few super-violent anime that I would encourage people who strongly dislike blood & gore to at least consider watching. [/quote]

I agree completely, i really dislike series' with over-the-top amounts of blood and gore (i really had to force myself to get through Akira all those years ago, but im glad i did because in the end i loved that movie) Although Elfen Lied contains excessive amounts of blood and gore, i don't believe that any of it could be considered 'mindless gore' like you would find in other series' . I think that all of the violence in this series serves a purpose and greatly helps to convey a message by the end of the series. Like dagger said, i would highly recommend this series even if you're not a fan of violence. But then again, if you don't have the stomach for it... don't eat anything before watching it :animeswea
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[quote name='Aerain']Uh I just wanna know so I can avoid them at all cost... No seriously, in your opinion what is the most violent anime you have watched by violent I really mean gore and bloodshed and no, I am not looking forward Hentais[/quote]

the most violents animes ive seen has too be berserk and fist of the north star . theres so much violence in those two animes that im surprised they could keep up with the plot . : :animeswea
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Guest angst01
Gantz it the most goriest, bloodiest, disgusting, shivery and most adultish manga/anime ever.

But I still love it!


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Eheh. I have to agree with everyone. Uncut Gantz (even edited Gantz at times) is super-gory. I mean, a bathtub full of blood? :animestun
Samurai Shamploo is a pretty good series, but it has its moments. Maybe I'm super-sensitive, but I flinched while someone was breaking a man's fingers. O__o Samurai X is a bit on the gory side, but, I mean, assassin+sword=blood. I can't think of any others that would be even a bit gory. I'm too sensitive to gore. :animeswea Oh, but a lot of mystery series tend to be gory, like Detective Conan (Case Closed) and Ayasuri Sakon. Decapitation, anyone?
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Gantz has NOTHING on Berserk. At least 3 beople go up in a slew of blood every 5 minutes in some episodes. There is an EXTREME amount of ultra killingness. I once saw an AMV for it that showed another kill every second without repeating a single one. You even get to see Guts [spoiler]Take his sword and shove it through three people at once![/spolier] I still can't believe they crammed that much blood into a 26 episode series without it sucking.
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[COLOR=#004a6f]I haven't seen many animes, but Inuyasha is the bloodiest series I've seen, (I guess that makes me a child compared to the rest of you).

As for movies, I did watch part of Akira, and I didin't like it at all, there was way too much blood, alot more than I can stand. [spoiler]When those student riots broke out, the police didn't need to kill them to get them under control. It was so bloody![/spoiler]

Princess Mononoke was also a little gory. [spoiler]Ashitaka could rip off a man's head with a single arrow![/spoiler][/COLOR]
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[COLOR=DarkRed][B]Akira[/B] and [B]Ninja Scroll[/B] were certainly a bit high on the gore factor. However, i'm going to have to go with the concensus here, and say [B]Elfen Lied[/B]. Many people already explained much about it, so i dont feel i have much more to say...

Edit:I suppose [B]Hellsing[/B] as well, though the manga is much more gory and violent than the anime was (there was one part that, in anime form, would easily be as gory as the first episode of Elfen Lied. Possibly even worse). Another reason why i'm looking so much forward to the OVA![/COLOR]
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I've never seen many of the anime's you've people mentioned except Akira. Now, THAT one was rather gory. But the only anime that I know of that is really violent would be Dragonball Z. I know, it isn't was gory as some of these other shows, but their is a good 4-20 fights in one saga. And most last for quite a few episodes. It may not be as gory or as bloody, despite the fact that their IS a lot of blood, it is a rather violent show. (In my personal opinion)

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all the ones i was thinking of were said: ninja scroll, elfen lied, and gantz. well its true. those have some of the most graphic stuff ive ever seen. i dont really mind though. its nice to see a couple dark and disturbing anime now and then.
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[COLOR=Indigo]I'm suprised anyone didn't mention Fist of the North Star. (I didn't read the whole thread, though... correct me if I'm wrong)

I agree with the ones mantioned. Berserk needs to be on the list. [/COLOR]
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Fist of the North Star was pretty gory, but most of it was kind of semi-sensored. It would always have a colored background and some blood flying up. My cousin and I tend to watch the goriest anime and I would have to say Samurai X, Berserk (as I previously mentioned) and Spriggain. Spriggain is a movie which involves people getting sliced up by wire, a miniature war, a fat guy getting cut open with a machete then getting his gattling gun arm ripped of and fired at him, and a French guy who happens to know how to blow things up pretty well. Oh, did I mention the ten-year-old who can mangle things with his mind and the teanagers who strap dynamite to themselves and blow up? Also, Samurai X has some of the most gruesome deaths I have ever seen, and most of them Involve a Kill Bill amount of blood. And Berserk... well, doesn't the name say enough?
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