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Bleached....what? [M-LSV]


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Koske closed his door as his answering machine beeped. After several failed attempts he finally got it to work and litened to Shoma's message. "Finally, now I get to fight more" He opened his last beer as he got in his car and served down teh raod. After missing the street twice, he turned on knoske's street and parked in his yard, taking out the mailbox and running into a tree headon. "Insurance ain't gonna like this" He got out and sat on top of his car and finished off his last beer as Ayumu came around the corner and parked.

'What the heck did you do to my yard?"

"What" Koske looked up. "Hey" He slid off of his car faceplanting the ground. "Oww"

"Why are you here?"

"Got Shoma's message. You have any painkillers, my finger hurts" He wiped the blood running from his nose and held up his finger with a small cut on it. "I'm hungry"
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Casey walked feet dragging into his hotel room. The window was open and he could smell the fresh saltwater. He walked to the bed and went face first on to his bed. it was just then his cell phone started to go off. He rolled over onto his back and reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone "WHAT DO YOU WANNNNNT!" He yelled still a little hung over and in no mood for chit chating. It was Shoma "Listen, theres been a dicovery. The hallows have planned a raid, it can't wait til tomorrow. I've already called Ayumu, Koske, and Dusk. I know you and Koske are in no shape to fight, but Dusk and Ayumu can't handle this alone and Koske will barley be any help." Casey let out a loud moan "Alriiiight. I'll go." Casey hung up without another word and sat up in his bed. He looked to the window and went over to it, he then turned and went to the door and headed to the others. As he ran he could feel himself stumble a little "How am I gonna do this?" he utterd to himself regaining his balance and finally reached the lobby. It was empty, noone was working the desk. he ran out the front door and looked around. He changed to reaper mode and took off to get to the others. He recieved yet another ring,but it wasn't Shoma, it was his hollow radar and there was one heading to the beach and would arrive in the next 5 to 10 minutes. Casey stopped now faced with a problem. The others might need his help, but if he leaves the people here would be defenseless against the hollows attack. Casey took up his phone and revealed his situation. Shoma told him to stay at the beach and prepare for the attack until further notice, his first priority was to protect the people in the local hotels. This was bad, fighting with the others was going to be hard enough, but now he was fighting alone "This is gonna be.... difficult."
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At her apartment, she threw the keys on the nearby table and sprinted to the kitchen. If only she could remember where she had put them?Opening cabinet after cabinet, she finally started to find what she was looking for. [I]'Alright, I've got the Tabasco sauce?where's-oh yea!'[/I] She snapped her fingers in delight, the twirled around and rummaged through another cabinet for the Tequila portion of the recipe. In a moment two shot glasses were placed next to the ingredients, followed soon by a bottle of Advil. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Well, that's everything."[/COLOR]

Dusk was out the door again, heading off to meet the others. She had a funny feeling that somewhere along the line she'd run into one or both of the stupid drunks. Hence the glasses and stuff. After leaving the apartment, she had to walk past the Beach in order to get to Ayumu's.

In the distance, she saw Casey stumble his way down the slope, almost tumbling to the sand. Sighing, the girl grabbed her cape of a jacket closer around her as she picked up the pace a little. Catching up to him she said, [COLOR=DarkRed]"What are you doing here?" [/COLOR] She paused. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Besides looking like you're about to throw up."[/COLOR]

[COLOR=DarkRed]"A Hollow's gonna be here any minute,"[/COLOR] he said with such an attitude that Dusk almost just left him there drunk and all.
"Here,"[/COLOR] she sad pouring a half and half mix of Tequila and Tabasco sauce in one of the glasses and handing it to him. Casey looked at it weirdly. [COLOR=DarkRed]"What the hell is this?"[/COLOR]

[COLOR=DarkRed]"It'll clear your head like a shotgun. I suggest you drink it."[/COLOR] She was dead serious too, and grinned at the look on his face after downing it with a skeptical look. [I]'Kids?'[/I][COLOR=DarkRed] "And that, is exactly why I don't get drunk when drinking,"[/COLOR] Dusk finished.
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Casey couldn't get over the horrible taste in his mouth from that..... what ever the hell it was. But he sure did feel better, with that he glanced and nodded back to Dusk. It was only moments later that there friend arrived, larged, fanged and ugly as hell. Casey turned his head to Dusk "Looks like this is it." They both braced themselves and watched the hollow for it's first move. Casey noticed the Hollows leg twitch "Quick attack now." Casey charged in low swinging and knocking the Hollows leg and it fell to one knee. Dusk quickly capitalized and moved in for the kill shot to the head. With one powerful swing the Hollow let out a blood currdling scream and died. Casey took on a wierd look "Well that was easy." He said as Dusk suddenly looked more concerned. Casey turned to her "What." She turned to him "This was a distraction to keep us from the others." Casey nodded and they ran back up the sandy hill and began to speed off for Ayumus' place. Hollows generally aren't that smart, but it seemed to be to much to be a coincidence.
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Ayumu looked over his house and sighed,"Well. Another trip in which I may not be back." He smiled as he began to walk out the door.

"I feel like hell. You have anything that will cure a hangover?" Koske asked fallowing Ayumu, and holding his head as the same time.

"No, but be ready. They are going to try and stop us no matter what. We have to be ready for anything." He reached around and pulled his sword out. He smiled as the thaught to himself, '[I]Seems like every time I use this, is gets lighter.[/I]'

"Koske, be quiet for a second." Ayumu looked around as the heard a loud, painful scream. A second later, a crystal blue aura formed in fron if them on the beach. Slowly a small dark hole formed, beckoning them to enter.

"WEll, what do you think? Should wait fot the others? Or go in and do as much damage as we can?" Koske said as he looked into the void.

"Lets go in. We have no time to wait." Ayumu said as they bothbegan to step through the vortex.
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Dusk and Casey were right behind Koske and Ayumu by a few feet. She tapped Ayumu on the shoulder. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Hey there. Weren't thinking of starting the party without us, right?"[/COLOR] she joked with one of her infamous fanged-looking grins that were anything but. [COLOR=DarkRed]"But Casey and I've got bad news."[/COLOR]

[COLOR=DarkRed]"How bad?" [/COLOR] Ayumu asked noting the change in her tone.[COLOR=DarkRed] "Those things are getting brains of sorts," [/COLOR] Dusk replied, to which Casey confirmed.[COLOR=DarkRed] "That last one we just got was too easy."

"Eh, they're just stupid. Man, I really need to get rid of this?"[/COLOR] Koske put in his two cents as he put a hand to his head for a moment.

[COLOR=DarkRed]"Oh, yea! Here."[/COLOR] Dusk handed Koske another of the same mixture she gave Casey to drink before. [COLOR=DarkRed]"What is it?"[/COLOR] He was just as distrusting of the glass as Casey.

[COLOR=DarkRed]"Tastes horrible, but it works. And fast,"[/COLOR] Casey told him.

Dusk didn't bother to watch for Koske's expression if he decided to drink it, but instead stood next to Ayumu. She glanced around at the quiet area while she asked, [COLOR=DarkRed]"Um?am I the only one with a really bad feeling? Like an ambush?"[/COLOR]
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Ayumu smiled as he looked around the area,"No, I think you have the right idea. There is definatly an ambush, but when and where is the question." He waited another minute then took another step closer as hallows began forming all around them.

"Ohh snap. Gues you two were right. What the hell are we supposed to do now? This is crazy." Koske said getting ready to attack the closest hallow..

"Whatever we do, we are outnumbered, five to one." Casey said as he and Koske went back to back.

"Ayumu, whats your opinion? Whatever it is, it needs to be quick." Duske said as she leaned agianst Ayumu's back.

"Well, I have one idea. Its crazy. It may even by what they want, but if we don't then we are gonna be killed." He said lookeng from hallow to hallow. He noticed that they werent normal either, they were higher class ones. Stronger than most have them had ever faced.

"This is making me sick. Their power, its strong as shit." Koske said as he swung at a hallow that had gotten to close, but missed.

"Lets go." Ayumu yelled as he jumped inot the void, pulling Dusk with him. [I]'I hopw Casey and Koske fallow.[/I] He thaught as everything went balck.
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Casey watched the two of them jump into the void. He turned to look at koske and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and pulled him into the void after Ayumu and Dusk. They went into this flash of light then everything went black for a second. When they finally came into the light it shocked his vision and he waited as his eyes readjusted to the light. He looked around and saw an open desert, the ground was scorched black and red vains running through it. It was a waste land. Casey turned to Koske "I think this is as close as any living human can come to hell." Koske nodded "Yeah I think your right." But what was even more upseting was that they couldn't see Dusk or Ayumu, it was like they had been cut off in the jump. Casey looked and around and called out to them with no luck "Dammit this must be those monsters plan. They spilt s up to divide our power. God Damn it." Casey screamed in rage. Koske and Him kept looking out on the baron wate land tatterd with charred remains, they were human remains, but why were they here. Casey didn't have time to think about it, it was time to find Dusk and Ayumu. Where ever they were he hoped that they hadn't been attacked yet, they were on the enemies home turf, they were at a disadvantage. Despite the burned look to the place, it was surprisingly cold, probably about 50 or 40 degrees farenheit. Casy looked to Koske and Koske said "Man it's freezing down here." Casey cocked his head to koske "Yeah, this gives a whole new meaning to hell freezing over." Koske chuckled "No kidding." Casey started to walk ahead, Koske shouted out to him "Hey where are you going?" Casey turned his head "Not a damn clue." Koske just shook his head "That's it, were dead."
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Dusk looked around the new surroundings, but was having trouble seeing too far ahead with the weird fog that had settled in the area suddenly, seemingly stirred up like dust with their arrival. That bothered her more than the cold. Her breath mixed with the fog, unable to tell the two apart. [I]'Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore,'[/I] she thought. This was bad. [COLOR=DarkRed]"We're sitting ducks. And I don't see Casey or Koske. I could have sworn they jumped through too,"[/COLOR] she mentioned.

[COLOR=DarkRed]"Divide an conquer."[/COLOR] Dusk nodded. [COLOR=DarkRed]"We've been herded like sheep."[/COLOR]

[COLOR=DarkRed]"As if we weren't already largely outnumbered,"[/COLOR] Ayumu muttered.

[COLOR=DarkRed]"I agree. I just hope the attacks sure to come aren't coordinated like teams?"[/COLOR] There was a small pause, not even a bit of wind to be heard in the silence. Dusk took a very hesitant step forward, testing the ground with her toes to make sure it was there since she couldn't quite see the ground.

[COLOR=DarkRed]"I hope the other guys are in a better situation?"[/COLOR]
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Ayumu looked around the wastland and sighed,"Well, this is a pretta lame place for a date wouldn't you say? Guess next time, you can pick it." He tried to smile, but couldn't get the emotion to come out, not in this place.

"In any case, what do you think we should do? I don't know if would be a good idea to go walking around here by ourselves." Dusk said as she looked around.

"No kidding, well lets just hope that a hallow doesnt come and try to kill us." He looked at Dusk then back in front of him as two Hallows came out of the ground.

"You just had to say something, didn't you?" He said to himself as he grabbed his sword.

"We each got one I guess." Dusk said as she got ready for the little battle.
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Casey marched through this sun scorched waste land wondering which way he was going. He looked bac to Koske "You wouldn't happen to have a compass on you, would you?" Koske shot him another look and sighed "Were gonna die." Casey "Shut up, we are not. Just follow my lead." "Like you know where were going." "Ohh and you do." They both went silent. It was shortly after that a cold chill shot down Caseys spine, he turned quickly to Koske but was cut off be fore he could speak "Yeah, I felt that." Casey pulled out his Wan-dou "They're surrounding us. We better brace ourselves, this going to be unpleasant." Casey looked to the right, then the left "I'll head to the left okay." "Sure." Casey jumped forward and swung to the ground as two hollows jumped into the air as his blade hit the surface. There were six of them, he could feel them now that he had gotten his adrenaline going. He took his stance and heard Koske already locked in combat. Casey charged ahead and started to pusk the two in front of him hack while to more were lying in wait some where, he couldn't quite tell where though.
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Dusk took a step to the left, staring down the Hollow that turned its head to follow her movements. She stood ready, waiting for it to make the first move. An upper limb charged at where she stood. Dusk jumped back a little, immediately countering to slash at the hooked arm. She missed. Moving out of the way again, she strived to make sure that her little confrontation wouldn't get in the way of Ayumu's fight.

How Dusk hated the way everything looked in this place, sort of difficult for her to concentrate completely. A howl from the other Hollow distracted her and before she could react, Dusk was smacked in the side and went flying. The first thing that met the ground was her back, and she rolled to a stop. Using her hands to push herself to get back on her feet, Dusk could faintly hear a yell, but it was jumbled to the pounding in her head. [COLOR=DarkRed]"I'm fine!"[/COLOR] she tried to call out, but coughed instead.

The thing rushed at her again, but Dusk didn?t try to dodge. 'Wait for it?wait?now!' One of the Hollow's arms embedded itself in the ground, as she jumped up and came at from a side angle, making sure her strike hit home.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Koske smiled as the first one rushed him and swung. "Wrong" He sliced the head off with one strike then turned to see four more standing over him. "Uhh, hi" four punches sent him across the ground. "Oww" One of the hallows lept into the air striahgt for him. "Schicabob" He impaled the haallow on his sword the swung at another only to have it blocked. Him and the hallow went back and froth acroos the area. "Will you die?"

"No but you will"

"No you will"

The hallow smiled. "No you will"

Koske smiled grinning his teeth. "No I will die first"

Hallow swung, " No I will die first" The hallow paused as Koske's sowrd went through its neck.

"If you say so" Koske saw James chopping them left and right as more appeared. "Is there no end?" He cut one in half. They were getting stronger and stronger with each one.
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