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Demons & Humans [Pg-13: ML]


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Alina looked around her office patting her bow as two of her subordinates entered saying they killed another demon she smiled throwing a dagger it hit the demons name
?Good? she said smiling as the two men left. Alina sighed wanting some action her feathery antenna twitched lightly as she spun around she grabbed her bow and saw Kelvin at the window she held the arrow at his eyes Kelvin turned serpent whip lashing around him
?That?s not the way to treat your former boyfriend? he hissed
?I?ll kill you Kelvin I hate you demon? she said he stared at her hypnotizing her
?Put the bow down? he said she did so he set her down and turned human
?Now be a good girl and give your old boyfriend a kiss? he said she kissed him he snapped his fingers she snapped out of it
?Damn you? she grumbled spitting he chuckled.
?Sorry I can?t help it? he said smiling she slapped him he laughed.
?I could eat you right now no one would know? he hissed
?what do you want Kelvin? she said
?simple Ni, I just came to say your Organization is a load of crap against me you cant catch me so stop trying? he said she got mad her butterfly wings unfurled
?dam it leave? she said he smiled
?Bye? he said jumping out the window she sighed trying to tuck her wings back as she opened an all points bulletin to the entire DSS
[B] ATTENSION! I am upping bounty of the kill of the Seperpant demon Kelvin to $30,000 and moving him to the top of the DSS hit list! Take him down! [/B] it read as she sent it huffing mad her decided to recoup herself by flying she stepped from the window shill and took off and slay a few low level demons that helped her vent her rage as Kelvin went hunting for demons he had ate a large moth demon he licked the blood from his lips as he started back to the ocean where he lived he wondered if any new demons were in his territory he smirked at the thought and looked back at Alina?s office he wished she would open her heart to demons they weren?t as evil as her demon-hating mother had said. He sighed he really did love her, and wanted her love in return but kept his cocky attitude so to not seem like a wuss he knew they were out impressing each other and he liked some good sport.
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Lokin smiled as he finished his drink as the five members of the DSS surrounded him.

"Tough luck for you demon. Are you going to go quietly. We are going to imprison you so we can pry information from you" He drew his sword and stood directly behind him. "Come on get up"

Lokin stood from his barstool then spun in a circle, his cape flying up as a huge dia katanna appearred in his hand. He sliced open their throats in one wide arc. His sword disappeared into a dark void as he walked out leaving their bodies to rot in the human bar he had just raided and killed everyone in it. "Fifteen. Got to kill Thirty seven in order to beat my record in one day" The cloaked over him giving him the appearance of a twenty year old ordianry man as he walked down the street as he saw a 17 year old girl walking towards him. "Ahh a member of the DDS and what is your name may I ask?"

The girl stared back at him. "Nyx and yes I am a member of the DDS why do you ask?"

"Cause is you were DSS. I would kill you, but you are not an enemy. He changed back as he held a hand under her jaw and stared her in the eyes. "It would be better for you to stay that way and not ever get in my path or harm any demon." He continued on down the road as he concentrated his thoughts. "Kelvin. When will I get to meet the leader of the DSS?"
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Kelvin was swimming as he heard a familar voice in his head he swam down to the depth concentrating his thoghts
"Lokin, I told you before I wont tell you who she is I love her and you wont kill her as i said I'll tell you on my deathbed" he laughed "if your not that patient find her yourself but if you want I can help you find more DSS they swam to me like flies as he heard familar spalshin "in fact you have exactly 5 minutes 35 seconds and 06 milla-seconds to get to the 2 mile strech of the beach and 38 ft underwater before I decide to snack on some DSS divers
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Nyx walked into the bar Lokin had just exited. She set to work clearing away the bodies of the dead DSS members. The young girl knew the man who had just spoken to her in the street was a demon in disguise, and she knew he had slain these Demon Slayers. Nyx refused to show any sign of pain, but she hated to see [I]anyone[/I] killed. But she had chosen a side and she would stick to it.
She understood that peace would come after bloodshed. Demons and humans had a chance to coexist peacefully, and she would do everything she could to see it happen. After she finished clearing the bodies away, Nyx just prayed that she would never meet her twin this way.
"I really need a break," she sighed."Maybe I'll head to the beach."
The teen headed towards the sandy expanse, unaware that Kelvin was already there.
Erebrus felt an angry aura as he walked away from the Demon slaying headquarters. Alina must be upset, he thought. A sudden beeping alerted him to the small electronic communicator he used to stay in contact with other members. A message was displayed on the small screen. It said the demon Kelvin now topped their hit list. He did not care about the bounty, but he decided to go after the demon for two reasons. Alina lead the Slayers so he had to obey her orders, and killing demons distracted him from the fact that Nyx had been missing for two years. He grabbed the black spear with a silver blade that he used on every mission and went to look for Azuroth and Rob. [I]If this demon makes Alina so upset, it might be better to have some help,[/I] he thought.
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Lokin smiled as he heard Kelvin's message. "The beach." He turned around when he almost ran into Nyx again. "And where might you be going young lady."

"The beach if it is anything to you"

"Just where I was going" He scopped her up as he flew over the land dodging in and out of trees until they cleared away into teh beach. "Here you go" He set her down as he suddenly jumped up in the air and dove straight down into the water. 'Where are they, I can't breathe under water like you?"
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Nyx felt the pressence of the demon she saw earlier. They nearly ran into each other once again. They spoke briefly when she told him she was going to the beach. Much to her surprise, the tall demon picked her up and transported her to the beach. Nyx had not even introduced herself and he had already touched her twice! Most demons barely tolerated humans. She felt another demonic aura as Lokin put her down on the beach. He dove into the water leaving Nyx on the sand.
She felt unsure of what to do. There were Slayers beneath the water, but she could do nothig without diving gear. Under the black clothes she wore, Nyx carried the weapon she had been given by the DDS. Nyx pulled out the twin blue daggers she hid in her sleeves. Each blade was 10 inches long with a silver and blue handle. One dagger had the words [I]darkest night[/I] engraved into the blade and the other bore the words [I]darkness of the underworld.[/I]
Nyx waited for some one to surface. If she could help the demons she would, even if it meant fighting.
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[COLOR=DarkGreen][SIZE=1]Azuroth swiftly manuvered his way through the roof tops of the buildings, truley marvelizing the art of Ninjitsu. His long chained weapon was wrapped around his body to allow him to move without catching it on anything. He was hunting a demon right now, it was a middle class demon so it provided a small thrill for a chase but would soon be ended like all the others.

He could see the demon in his sight now, he unwrapped the chian from his entire body and swiftly jumped into the air. He grunted as he hurled the blade straight at the demons back. It painfully passed through it's back and exited through the front side. He landed and the demon stood with the blade through. The demons screamed with pain, Azuroth gave a firm and quick tug, the blade returning to Azuroth and slicing the demon in two.

He caught the blade as the two-halves fell two different ways, Azuroth jammed the tip of one blade into the roof and stretched out the long chain, the extra metal bars and several markings on them. Each marking represented a demon he had slain, from a simple look, it appeared to have been thousands of markings. But Azuroth and the others of the DSS knew how many he really had. He drew his katana from his back and cut another mark in. He replaced the blade into it's sheath.
"Thats 321. Thats not enough, I need to find higher ranking demons. The demons already know of me, now it is time to make them fear me."[/B] Azuroth said to himself as he pulled the handle out and wrapped the chain around his body again. He walked to the edge of the building and saw a very pleasnt view of the ocean. He then spotted and unusual person standing on the beach.

It took him a few moments to figuer out who was standing on the beach, he growled under his breath.
"Demon lover. What a fool!"[/B] He then jumped of the edged and caught onto a fire escape from the same building, he then proceded to flip his way down several different metal bars or platforms until he reached the soft sand. He landed ever so silently, it was then his communicator buzzed. He took it out and saw that Alina had upped the bounty on Kelvin and moved him to the top of the list. Azuroth smiled.
"Its about damn time he was moved up to the top. He should have been top priority from his first apperance."[/B] Azuroth stuffed the communicator away and thought about Kelvin, nad how he had the scars on his back to prove he had gotten into a fight with the serpant and almost lost.

Azuroth proceded down the beach, moving toward the member of the DDS. He was going to make his presence known to the demon lover. He would make sure that this disgrace to the human race would know his motives and that he did not like where she stood.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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Kelvin sighed
"I'll make it easy for you Lokin" he said he swam swiftly bashing the oxyen tanks with his tail cracking them the divers had to come up for air he chuckled as he swam towards the shallows smelling the air in this form he was blind he smelled lokin and Azuroth he snorted remember a puncture scar on his flank he wondered if they would have a scuffle today he licked his chops then he smelt a odd scent he had never smelled a DDS agent or seen one so it was new to him he came close so his snout was right on the beach infront of Nyx he sniff and snorted trying to find out what the scent was
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Rob was sitting on a park bench, waiting patiently for that demon he knew would be coming. That hideous aura was looming, it was only a matter of time til there dark demon powers were drawn to the black blade, Tensa Zangetsu. Demons flew to this blade for the terrible power that was inside it. The wind began to swirl and grew thick with a black mist. Rob rose from his seat, the tips of his coat dragging along the ground, his sword in his right hand. At the end of the walk way, by the entrance to the park stood the single dark figure.

The very air around it proved it wasn't human. It was just another disgusting monster that tainted this world. In an instant the claws of this monster were upon him, clutching for the sword. In a single black flash he cut down the demon in a quick and easy stroke.

It was at this time his phone started to go off. He picked the phone from his waist "Rob Lobert speaking."

A young womans voice picked up on the other end "Good evening Rob. We have an assignemnt for you. This one should be fun. Think you can handle it?"

With a smirk on his face "Have I ever said no to a job?"

A light giggle came over the line "Of course. There was an incident at the bar at the north end of the city. Several members were killed. They were all D ranked, but still... Your mission is to find the one or ones responsible and kill them. If there are any DDS members amongst the ones responsible have them brought in for questioning."

Rob gave a light nod "Understood. I'm moving out."

Rob hung up the phone witha click and was off for the north end of the city. He went to the sidewalk and headed for the bar and whatever enemies might wait for him.
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"I said I'd wait for someone to surface," Nyx murmered,"but I didn't think it would be like this."
Kelvin's form moved closer to her as she watched the demon underwater. While he moved towards her she felt another person take her back, but this presence was human. She turned slightly and saw Azuroth coming up behind her. Members of the Demon Slayer Society hated people like her almost as much as they hated the demons themselves.
"Move too close and I will let my blades taste blood." She said this more to herself than to the Slayer. Nyx planned to let him move first. As long as he left her alone and did not try to kill any demons, she would not fight with him. "As if there is any chance of him leaving peacefully," she said bitterly.
Nyx turned to see both Azuroth and Kelvin. Even as she took a fighting stance, she knew it was impossible for her to stop them if they chose to fight.
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The bllod and bodues of the DSS divers filled the water, driving Lokin's senses crazy he surfeced and landed when he noticed Kelvin and the another DSS facing off. "Do they veren give up"

The DSS turned and looked from one ot the other. "Two demons and not the normal easy ones." He turend to the sea serpent. "Kelvin I suppose and who are you, you are not on the list"

Lokin laughed. "Well that sucks for me now doesn't it. Nyx you might want to get on out of here"


"Now!" He watched her leave as he eyed the man cautiously. "You know that attacks that have been plauging the cities espacially the other DSS headquarters"

"Yeah, what about them"

"You really need better defesnes, so far out of the fifteen that I have destroyed, none were really that hard. Yeah each had their good fighters, but after absorbing their skills and tricks from the their mind and destroying their souls. They weren't really hard. New tricks are always fun to use. Makes the battle more interesting instead of hte same normal things over and over"
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Kelvin sighed
"you seem in a violent mood today Lokin" Kelvin said smiling ]
"so you can handke Azuroth get well aquainted with him I'll take that most Peculiar scent you call Nyx away" he said he sniffed close but he smelled a tad bit of fear he opened his eyes hypnotizing her
"Do not fear, Climb on I'll take you whereever you want on the beach" he said his body convulsing
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[COLOR=DarkGreen][SIZE=1]Azuroth saw as Kelvin started to move away from them and follow the DDS member, Azuroth took a step toward them when Lokin moved in front of him. Azuroth glared at him.
"Get out of my demon. You are not on my list yet, he is."[/B] Azuroth pointed to the serpant moving away with the DDs member. Azuroth was gonna kill them both, the demon because he is what he hated. And the DDS member because she assosiated with them, he felt no pity for the humans he had slain along with demons. He took another step towards the pair walking off. The demon pushed him back. Azuroth growled under his breath
"I said move, you matter nothing to me."

"If you want me to move then you'll have to fight."[/B] Azuroth looked over his opponent, the creatuer who had apparently taken out a several of their facilities, it mattered not to him. If they were not strong enough to beat a demon then they deserved death. Azuroth spread his legs and got into a stance. He drew the two katana's at his waist.
"Alright, fine. I'll fight you. But realize demon, that I am no ametuer like the fools you picked a fight with. I have 321 marks on my chain and I plan on adding more." [/B]The demon smiled and readied himself.
"When this fight is over human, I will be marking your death on that weapon." [/B]Azuroth smiled through the mask on his face.
"We will see."[/B] Azuroth waited for Lokin to strike first.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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The winds to the west began to waft with the scent of fresh blood and a powerful demon aura. It seemed that the battle in the bar was a much more triffle matter in the face of such an opponent. How could he resist taking such a powerful demons head. To the west was the beach, which meant it may be a serpeant of some kind, this could prove to be most entertaining.

Rob stood at the edge of the beach as he saw two demons standing about a single fellow DSS memeber. This hardly looked fair, but they were demons, what did demons know of honor in combat. The larger of the two stopped and turned to face Rob, his eyes fixed immidiatly on Tensa Zangestu (Heavenly Chains Slicing the Moon). The monsters eyes gleamed and he smiled wide at the sight. Rob brought Zangestu up to his face and looked to the nearly drooling monster "Has my friend got your attention. So, what's your name, friend?"

The demon beast smiled as it spread it's large, dragon like wings "The name's Lokin. Take it with you to the underworld."

Lokin charged at Rob, who stooped low and dragged the tip of the blade across the monster, Lokin's stomach. The Demon finished passing and landed just beyond him, red blood began to puddle just beneath him. Rob turned to face Lokin "And my name is Robert Lorbert. You can take that to whatever fire pit it is that your kind go when they pass."

Lokin's deep chuckle began to echo through "It's good to see your not all worthlessly weak. All the more fun for when I take your soul."

The beast prepped and charged again, striking straight down on to the ground. Rob jumped to his right and cleared the swing, which Lokin then followed through with another strike to chase after Rob. Rob gave a light sprint hop and landed on his heavy arm. With one quick swing, Rob struck Lokin on his right shoulder. He jumped off him and landed 15 feet behind him, as more blood began to run from him. Despite the blow Lokin continued to grin through and laugh "You just keep trying you DSS scum. You'll need more then a simple trick like that to beat me."

Rob smiled in retort "Alright then, I suppose we've both played enough games for now. Let's just do what we both came here to do."

Rob set his left hand on the sword and drew it to the tip of the blade, as he brought the hand holding the blade to face level, the tip pointed straight at Lokin. The massive monsters body trembled with it's raw power and energy.
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Nyx felt stunned at the sudden change of events. Lokin forcefully ordered her off of the battlefield, and who was she to argue with a fully grown demon? Kelvin appeared before her and offered to take her away from the battle. At first she felt some fear looking at the impressive sea demon. Although she worked to help demons, she had still been taught to exercise caution. Some demons occasionally made young women into a meal. But when she looked into Kelvin's dark eyes, she felt strangely calm. Nyx allowed him to take her away from the battle. It did not take long, though, before she felt fear-- and oddly excitement-- rising in her chest again. As Kelvin took her down the beach, she saw her brother for the first time in two years. He was charging towards them with a black spear.
She tried to speak, but her mouth would not form words.[I]"Please don't let them kill each other!"[/I] she thought.

Erebrus had not seen Azuroth or Rob, so he went searching for Kelvin by himself. Strong auras led him to the beach. His communicator picked up the signals of his fellow Demon Slayers close by. He folowed the signal, but had no idea of what was waiting for him. The sea serpant he was supposed to be hunting carried his sister across the beach. Normally he kept free of emotion, but it had been so long since he had seen Nyx.
Rage filled Erebrus as he saw the filthy beast that dared to touch his younger twin. Every thought in his mind focused on slaying the demon. He ran towards Kelvin drawing his spear, prepared to fight. He had not heard from Nyx in two years, so he had no idea she was in the DDS.
"What in the seven hells are you doing with my sister?" he yelled.
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Kelvin swam over
"she is your sister DSS agent" he said e set her down
"Lokin and Azuroth are fighting she would have been injured I voulneteered to take her away feel free to have her back" Kelvin said as he led her to his brother snapping her out of hypnosis
"he snorted dont fight me I do not wish to fight DSS agent I hold u and your group in high respect" he said
"so if you wish to fight please let me know so we can do it with honor" he said he convulsed his body spiraled
"I had no intension of eating your sister" he said sniffing
"If you have any honro you wouldnt hit a blind creature" he said he quickly dived and took a breathe jumping out the water landing in coils putting his nose to the two siblings
"you both smell like Alina" he said
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Lokin smiled as Rob pointed his blade at him. Fine" He charged Rob only to be sent sliding across the ground by a kick from Azuroth. He stood back up as he dusted himself off. "So who is going to kill me first?"

Rob charged Lokin. "Sory Azuroth, he's mine"

Lokin jumped back from the swing and dodged the next one.

"So you can move. why didn;t you dodge the first times and spare yourself the bloodloss"

"Just testing you" A chain wrapped around his neck as Azuroth appeared behind him.

"Sorry Rob, he got in my way so he is going to pay"

Lokin saw Rob charging. "Perfect"

Azuroth sounded confused under his mask. "What?"

Lokin grabbed the cahin and flipped Azurith's move on him bringing him in the way of Rob's sword. Rob stopped a teh last second before his sword entered Azuroth's chest. Lokin grabbed the other end of the chain and bound Azuroth and Rob together with each blade going through each of their legs binding them together. "Pay more attention" He spinkicked them out into the water. "When you get out you ask for a rematch." He flew off following Kelvin's and Nyx's scent. "A human I actually like. Interesting. And those two slayers. I think I will let them live awhile." His wounds closed over like nothing had happened. "Ahh that's better"
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[COLOR=DarkGreen][SIZE=1]Azuroth let out a roar, he yanked the blade out and unwarpped himself. Then he ripped the blade from Rob's leg.
"You fool! You just had to interfer, didn't you? It would have been easier if one of us had goen at him. And now Kelvin is getting away with a human in hand. If you want the demon you take him. I'm going after Kelvin."[/B] Azuroth then sped off after Lokin and Kelvin, not letting the pain bother him or the warming sensation of the blood running down his leg.
"Where did Kelvin Slither off to? I'll catch him, and get the information I desire."[/B] He said to himself as he bolted through the sand. He spotted Erebrus with his spear drawn, standing there with Nyx. Kelvin was in a fighting position and Lokin was standing near by. Azuroth jumped into the air and slammed down Ereburs's spear into the sand, the spear tip digging firmly in the beach.
"Don't fight him. I need information from him."[/B] Ereburs looked at him.
"But Alina's orders are to kill him and ...."

"I don't care what she wants, I need information first. Then you can do with him whatever in the name of the devil you want with him."[/B] Azuroth turned to face Kelvin, Lokin looked him up and down.
"I'm surprised, I was sure you would have had a limp because of that blade wound."

"Pain is the last thing on my mind right now. And besides, I owe you one."[/B] Azuroth retorted while maintaining his gaze on Kelvin.
"Now, tell me who murdered my parents 20 years ago. You are the only demon that would know."[/B] Ereburs grabbed him on the shoulder and turned him jerk him around.
"Thats all you wanted to know? Thats why you refused to kill him?"[/B] Erebrus exclaimned as his face showed his anger. Azuroth grabbed his throat and started to squeeze.[B]

"Do not raise your voice at me! I have searched for 20 years for the creatuer that slew my parents like pigs. And I will not let a little punk like you, or your demon loving friend over their to stop me! Got it?"[/B] Azuroth continued to squeeze until Erebrus nodded, he released and he took a deep breath. Azuroth turned back to Kelvin.
"Now tell me who did it!"[/B] Kelvin stood firm.
"No, I will not give up my brothers so you can slay them like the others."[/B] Azuroths face darkened.
"Fine, Then i'll force you to tell."[/B] He unwarpped the chain from his body and held the two blades in each hand, ready to strike at the demon.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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Erebrus could not comprehend what had just happened. Kelvin had given him his sister and actually spoken with manners. This had never happened to him before. All he had ever been taught was that demons were horrible creatuers, but Kelvin acted kindly.[I]"No," he thought. "Demons have to be evil! They hurt Nyx! It's all I have ever been taught."[/I] He made a move to strike Kelvin, but something blocked his spear. Azuroth had blocked his weapon. He spoke to the older slayer and turned back to Nyx. Even though Erebrus felt it was his right to slay the serpent, Azuroth's reasons for fighting Kelvin did not matter as much as Nyx at the moment.
"They aren't all bad, brother," she whispered. "Kelvin took me away from a battle. And Lokin didn't want me hurt, either. I cannot watch you all kill each other."
Nyx's reaction stunned Erebrus. He noticed the silver band around her neck that marked her as a DDS member. His sister had left to help [I]demons.[/I] She slid her knives back under her coat and gave her brother a quick hug. Nyx kept silent, but tears streamed down her face.
"You betrayed me to help demons?" he asked.
"I can't betray you, Erebrus. And I can't betray myself,either. Will you leave the DSS?"Erebrus shook his head. "Then we are forced to be enemies. Just know that I can never hurt you, brother." Nyx drew her blades again.
All emotion left Erebrus as he watched Nyx. "Since you joined the DDS, you have already hurt me, sister. I guess we will be enemies."
Neither twin could fight the other, but they could still choose sides in battle.
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Kelvin smiled at Azuroth
"I saw who did it and it wasnt me" he glared
"it was the same Oroborus that killed My wife and son" he said he body convulsed with rage
"that vile wretch Orgy" he said his his was manelvout "he dodges in and out of Utopia he knows I'll track him and kill him in an instant if I find him but if he'll ambush me in utopia" he said his convulstions grew bolder
"He killed your parents I watched....in utopia he killed my son so I broght my wife here with me but he....." he looked
"I cant go on" he said
"Azuroth I'll leave you a message later away from these people" he said his grey milky eyes glazed over he dived in the water
" I need to go see her" he said rushing threw the water he going to Alina she was on her favorite cliff
"Alina" he said coiling up she looked disgusted at him
"please dont I talked about Orgy" he said
"hate me as much as you want but I beg you,comfort me' Alina looked at him hugged him
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Lokin stared at Azuroth who in turn stared at him. Neither one made a single emove towards the other. "Your parents were killed too huh?"

Azuroth nodded. "As were yours I take?"

Lokin smiled as he drew his sword and watched Azuorth tense. Lokin set his sword on the ground in front of him then moved off to the side where he was out of reach. "Let's talk"

Azuroth heasitantly put his down then stood over by Lokin. "What do you want demon?"

"From the converstation, it sounded like you too have a grudge against this demon"

"He killed my parents, why did he kill yours as well?"

"With his own hands. "This demon was after my mom and he was angered that he could not have her, so he ratted out on my mom and dad, getting them each banned from their own tribes and labeled as outcasts. Forced to live alone, this got them killed so basically in a sense he killed them. Me I am an outcast as well and one of the reasons I am fighting is to try to earn my self a permenant place to live, which might not even happen after this is all over" He held out his hand. "I would like ot call a truce between us until both of our parents are avenged.

"How do I know you aren''t just trying to trick me?"

Lokin's swords suddenly appeared in his hand with Azuroth's chain wrapped around it. He dropped the chain on the ground at Azuroth's feet as he sliced his hand open with his sword then held it back out. "Bloodoath. I Lokin swear by a bloodoath that I will not harm you or anyone else directly related to you. Any other DSS members that I come into contact with will live unless they try to kill me. No more humans shall die by my hands until my parents are avenged" He kept his hand out seeing what Azuroth would do.
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"Lokin, I don't think you should trust that man!" Nyx exclaimed. " He is a Demon Slayer; they hate those who are different." She glanced at her brother. "They would kill you in a second if given the chance. They don't care..."
"I can take care of myself, Nyx," Lokin replied.
Erebrus stared at the half-wolf half-dragon. Lokin was not a primary target at the moment. Orders were all that mattered. Turning away from the other three he said,"Do what you want, Azuroth, but I will not tolerate those who betray our organization. I am not some child to be taken lightly; I am a Demon Slayer." Erebrus walked away, no longer caring if a fight or truce started.
"Goodbye, Aether," Nyx said. Her brother stiffened at the use of his surname but kept walking.
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[COLOR=DarkGreen][SIZE=1]Azuroth looked at the dripping demon hand in front of him. He listend a few words of Erebrus, how he called him a betrayer. But He could careless, Alina could come get him herself if she thought necessary. Azuroth started to undo the string around his glove.
"I know demons tend to have problems keeping promises."[/B] He finished intieing it and stuffed it in his sash, he then reached down and grabbed one of his blade. He cut open his palm, exposing the blood within.
"But, I do know demons do not break blood oaths. And as for my side of the bargin, I will not slay another demon unless in defense or after we find and finish the creatuer that slaughtered our families."[/B] Azuroth clasped his hand in his own, their blood mixing together. The Bloodoath had been struck, for once in Azuroths life, he was working with a demon.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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Kelvin sighed Alina hated him so but he had asked for a truce she had agreed not to slay him and to help him slay Orgy if he'd show all who wished to come the way to Utopia he agreed he cared little for other demons or for that place he just wanted revenge so he splahed in the water and headed for Lokin ALina on his back
"anyone who wants to kill Orgy get on" he said as Azuroth Lokin and Nyx came on leaving Erberus behinde
"when we get there be careful ORgy is like the head of the demon mafia" he said
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Lokin flew along beside Kelvin with Azuroth sitting o his back. He followed Kelvin, who was swiftly cutting through the water. "Azuroth, you do realize that since who are now with demons, your own organization may come after you. They might even send that guy Rob, you know the one I tied you up with" He could feel Azuroth's cold stare drilling into the back of his head. "Let's say I never said that" He got closer alongside to Kelvin, but making sure he didn't hit Alina with his wings. "So is this the chick you went out with, that is now head of the DSS. Strange a demon should lead it?"
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