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You today compared to you a year ago


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[FONT=Tahoma]A year ago I was miserable, lost a couple of very close friends, struggled with the possibility of a big move and held down an awesome apprenticeship at a local video store.

Today I'm happier, much thanks to the wonderful friends that have stuck with me. The big move has happened and, while I still wake up thinking I'm in the old house, it's been a fairly smooth ride. Can't really complain there. Though I totally would >.>

I'm an intern (*snickers*) at a local hotel, working with a mad awesome crew. So far they've taught me how to clean rooms, work the Breakfast shift and now the poor chefs are stuck with me for a few weeks. After that I'm getting to grips with the Reception.

Hopefully a year from now I'll be living in the house my parents are planning to build. That's all I really hope for. And not losing more friends. The only thing I ever want to lose again is fat :][/FONT]
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[font=arial]I'm very different now to what I was a year ago. For one thing, I've moved more in the last seven months than at any other time in my life pretty much. And for another, I'm living two whole states away (where I'd barely been out of my own state before). I'm also now working in a [i]completely[/i] different industry to what I was back then (from publishing to healthcare, a totally big leap!)

So the circumstances are different, things are different with my family (two family members died within the last year, as well). Life has gone in a completely different course than I thought it would.

On balance, it's been very positive though. I wouldn't have it any other way.[/font]
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[size=1]A year ago, I was starting public high school for the very first time, since I had been homeschooled for so long. I had been really, really scared of how it would turn out, but as it DOES turn out, I wound up liking public school, and now I wouldn't have it any other way (minus getting up early). So, now, here in a few weeks, I'll look forward to seeing my friends and the like at school. Even the otther, annoying kids. They kinda grew on me. XD

So, to boil it down, I was a shy, shy girl that mainly did computer and internet. Now I'm not so shy and...well, I'm still a big internet user, but then again, what teen in this day and age isn't? XD[/size]
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An interesting question. One year ago... Hm.

Well, a year ago things were certainly worse than they were today. I was heavily depressed, and for some stupid, stupid reason I'd stopped going to school. I didn't look after my health, didn't get much sleep. Heck, I really didn't do much of anything at all. I've had these sorts of problems for a long time, but last year it all just got too much for me and I lost control.

Today? Well, I'm still depressed, but much improved from a year ago. Back in school (well, kinda), and I'm taking care of myself more. Sure, not as much as I should, but I'm working on it. Though I could still use more sleep.

Oh, and I forgot! A year ago, I barely visited OtakuBoards anymore. Today, I... well, I still don't really visit OtakuBoards much anymore. But I'm willing to mend my ways!

And finally, I'm taller than a year ago. Important thing to add.
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In this year i have

lost my father

lost my one true love

lost a good friend

I lost a piece of my heart this year, and im never getting it back. I just want to wake up from this damn nightmare and be happy again without pretending. I just want to smile without grimacing.

Me compared to a year ago?

A year ago i still wanted to be alive.
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[COLOR=#656446][SIZE=1]^ Ah, I know it may not mean much (or anything at all) and you may have heard it a billion of times but things will work out. Heck, there's a good chance that they already have and they're just waiting for you to move on!

Erhm... Here we go:[/SIZE]

I was reaaally nice girl a year ago. Yep, I was a run-of-the-mill plain Ms. Nice Girl who never really got pissed at anyone the way I do now. Though I stood out, I was painfully shy (at least I like to think that I am, but then again, there's a good chance that I probably wasn't). I wasn't part of any student organization and life pretty much summed up to grades and, uh... nothing else.

Now I get into trouble more often. No, not deep **** trouble, more like grave trouble only people my type (diva) can get away with. My grades are slipping and there's a good chance that I won't graduate from college in time. BUT I am actively involved with a number of student organizations and the activities they churn out.

And I am still capable of being nice but it has become something I can't do (or stand) for a long time. >:3[/COLOR]
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i was more withdrawn. i didn't socialize as much. i wasn't as dedicated to much.

now, i'm more outgoing when it comes to meeting people, although i'm still single. also, i'm making more and more plans to actually hang out with my friends. and i've become completely dedicated to fencing and trying to make it to national tounaments.
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since my b-day is coming up on saturday, I guess I should compare myself now:

[B][U][I]One Year Ago[/B][/U][/I]:

- resided in Vegas
- blonde hair
- very quiet and timid
- small number of friends
- acting stupid half of the time
- normal health
- uptight and in a constant state of paranoia
- had no clue what fangirls were
- very forgiving
- played video games [B] ALOT[/B]
- fell into love too many times
- never played an instrument


residing in London -
dark red hair -
loud and likeable -
so many friends I cant keep count -
less of a perv and more of a gentleman -
now suffers from clinical dresspression and insomnia -
laid back -
now knows what a fangirl is, and avoids them at all costs -
more stoic -
spends more times at parties -
knows what unrequited love is and has given up on relationships -
now plays the accoustic and bass guitars and turntables - [/RIGHT]

that's all I can think of now.

- Fury
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Well, a year ago i was more shy and wasn't exactly the most social person. I was also self-conseous about myself and was afraid of change. I wasn't on the computer as much, was just part of 1 group of friends, wasn't into anime as much, and didn't even know what manga was.

Since then, i've become more social, outgoing, and became a lot busier. I'm still self conseous, but not as much as i was then. Now i think it's cool to try new things, well most of the time. I also have more friends and try and meet new people. I also feel like i connect better with my friends than with my family(is that wierd or what?) I'm gonna be going to high school as a freshman in 5 days. I'm also more rebelious :animeswea , nothing too out of hand though. I read manga and am more into anime. And of corse now i have an Otaku account :D
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[FONT=Arial][COLOR=DarkRed][CENTER]Let me see. A year ago, I was a freshmen in high school dating this real big time loser. I was very hyper when first starting high school. I had no common sense and would always get in trouble because I was so d*** loud! Not only that, but I didn't know how to let go. My ex and I would always break up and when he would ask to get back together, I would say yes even though we broke up like 14 times in 7 mouths. Seriously!

But this year, starting school as a sophmore, I have more common sense. I have a new boyfriend who is a lot sweeter and isn't such a jerk. I'm a lot silent now and more mature then I was last year. I'm a lot more careful with what I do and what I say and I don't take the word 'love' to likely either. :animeswea [/CENTER][/COLOR][/FONT]
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[COLOR=RoyalBlue]A year ago I was still working as a truck driver. If someone had told me that my life would change and I would no longer be driving along the west coast I wouldn?t have believed them. I suppose another thing that happened is my father survived having a serious surgery due to cancer that surprised the doctors as they didn?t expect him to survive. So he made some new records for the hospital by being the first person to be that sick and survive. So that made my life different in that it brought home the reality that someday either myself or my father is going to die and it just won?t be the same.

Other than that not much has changed in the last year. Well other than being asked to be a moderator here. Though I suppose if my job hadn?t changed that wouldn?t have happened as I wouldn?t be around enough as I was only home a few days a month and getting online was kind of a catch a minute when you finally have access sort of thing as not all truck stops have internet access that you can use.

So although I haven?t really changed personally, my surroundings and jobs have had a dramatic change. And since that includes still having my father around, it?s a change for the better. [/COLOR]
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[color=#b0000b][size=1]I'm pretty happy with my life right now. It's a different kind of "happy" than I felt last year, when I was a little giddy with my relationship, but it's still good.

This summer was more boring than last summer?having broken up with my boyfriend, there wasn't anyone I could call up to hang out with at any given time. But I did some cool stuff with friends, made a little money, and helped out around the house. It was a pretty worthwhile summer, if not something I'll look back on and say, "Oh [i]man![/i] Remember the summer of '06?"

I've been having some ups and downs with regards to the break-up, but I'm much more confident and assertive now that I'm no longer in that relationship. I'm [i]definitely[/i] happier than I was six months ago, or even nine months ago. My former boyfriend and I are still on the rocks, and I don't know if that will ever change. Hopefully it will, but I've learned that [b]when someone else is making you miserable, it's no longer your responsibility to make them happy.[/b] If only I'd known [i]that[/i] a year ago, things might have turned out differently.

Oh, well. Life goes on. =][/size][/color]
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