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High School Hell


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[QUOTE=Neuvoxraiha][i][COLOR=DarkOrchid][FONT=Times New Roman]?Creepy. What does the bitch do, go around ruining people?s lives??

?Sounds like something a monster would do.?[/FONT][/COLOR][/i][/QUOTE]

[SIZE=1]Good lines, simply but really that is all a monster does. We need to add Jamie into this somehow that fits her in as our daughter, maybe you get pregnant, it's super quick and Sella steals her away from us returning her as a young adult with nothing but vengeance on her mind... Or maybe something else.

BTW what are the sleeping arrangements like ? After the gay comment between Warlock and Neil I'm kinda curious.[/SIZE]
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[FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=DarkOrchid]?So are you a fighter too??

[i]Vicky was smiling in that foxy way that Will would eventually come to associate with her warrior instinct. I flicked my eyes in her direction and saw her envisioning a ki fight with him, with various explosions, and horrible screaming and death. I laughed inwardly and smiled sweetly at Gavin and Andrew both. They stood up, taking my cue for once and we went upstairs, leaving Vicky alone with Will. As I looked out the upstairs window, I noticed that it was dark outside...stupid winter weather. Then I saw the look on Andrew?s face and blanched.[/i]

?It?s dark. We should go out and have ourselves a fight or two. See what Will?s made of.?

?He looked a little shy for that. He won?t go for it.?

?I?ll bet Vicky will shove him right into it.?

[i]I rolled my eyes and looked, probably, a little worried.[/i]

?Yeah, right off a cliff and onto his head.?

[i]Gavin and Andrew both didn?t notice my sly response, but by then it was too late. I heard a shout, an ?you!? and then the front door was nearly kicked off its hinges. I was out the window in a shot, only to duck the slender beam of blue energy that nearly took off my ear. I whipped around and clenched both fists until my whole body covered itself in flame, my tattoos flaring up like they I had lava under my skin. Will jerked his body around, his hair flying back to reveal elongated elf-like ears and raised his palm, fingers straight up, to point at Vicky. I leaned back, hovering at least thirty feet above ground, laughing at the sheer excitement that near horrible injury brought. Andrew and Gavin both ducked out of the way and I smirked and spread a huge burst of wings, the air around me shivering with the heat. Andrew looped around behind the house and pointed a finger at me, attempting a sneak attack.

In kind, I jerked my body around, concentrating energy in my right leg and kicked the ki beam he aimed at me directly back into his vicinity. His ki and my fire magic blended to create a burning fireball. A huge explosion followed and I flashed Gavin a grin, gaining altitude to look down on Andrew?s slightly smoldering form. He coughed a little, looking moderately singed, his eyes red and teary. Pursing my lips, I shook a finger at him and raised my hands up to form a deflection shield around my body, reflecting the stray attacks that occasionally flew towards me from both Will and Vicky. Looking back, I noticed that Will was keeping his distance, flicking back every time Vicky got too close, afraid to throw a punch, and afraid of physical contact when I checked. He probably knew he wouldn?t last in a hand to hand five seconds with a Saiya-jin, almost as well as I did. Connor stood on air next to me, and leaned over my shoulder for a better look.[/i]

?I think he knows he can?t do any serious grappling against her.?

?Embarrassing huh? Well I manage, he has good long rage attacks.?

[i]Just as I said it, a huge blast of energy rocked my shield, which had extended to cover Connor too. I threw a hand up to reinforce, only to realize that Connor had drawn one of his weapon, and using it as focus, had thrown up an extension of the shield. I raised my eyebrow at him. While he didn?t often fight, he had very good defensive attacks that were almost impossible to penetrate. Of course we hadn?t ever tried it with a transformed Oozaru, but after Neil?s super happy fun time four years ago, we were completely over even thinking about it. I flicked my fingers at everyone present, except for Connor, who would?ve been out of range, and five tongues of fire flickered out around me. In a quick flurry they hurtled through the air, streaking so fast the smell of burning surrounded everyone. Andrew deflected his, giving up a very slight amount of skin on his fists. Gavin easily deflected mine with one of his own ki beams and I chuckled. Will had drawn up energy in his fist and knocked it aside, and Vicky whipped her body around to face me, and spread both her fingers for a bigger, and possibly unequivocal response. A opaque, shimmering red beam gathered around her palms and I threw up my own hands in an equal stance, bracing myself, flames flickering around my eyes and tattoos.

Just as she was about to release, Will concentrated energy in his hands and knocked her to one side, her attack going wildly out of control, nearly taking out myself and Connor in the process. Of course, Connor had been thinking ahead and just as the attack was about to impact, time slowed down and I had the time to float to one side. With his sword, he poked it gently and the ki dissipated harmlessly.

Two hours later, everyone had somewhat calmed down, and it was late. A hasty meal that should?ve been breakfast but passed itself off as dinner was distributed, thanks to Vicky?s innate ability to whip eggs into a froth in under five seconds and my ability to jump start a warmed griddle into smoking up. Will bedded down on the sofa, a blanket thrown at his head by the ever hospitable Vicky. I was falling asleep, sitting at the bathroom table, combing my tangled hair, and I leaned back. I figured Andrew and Gavin were already fast asleep in their bunk bed. The smaller room had gone to them after Connor and Neil won a game of rock paper scissors. Warlock had commandeered the basement the first day we moved in, and to be honest, nobody really minded. It was dark and dreary, and cave-like. Oh well, to each their own. I turned and crawled into bed, Vicky entering, and closing the door slowly behind her. After a scuffle, she usually went out like a light after the energy wore off. Eventually, everyone slept. I dreamed.

?Daughter...Sella?s been sighted. Your mom nearly went after her.?

?Is she headed this way, can you find her??

?I can?t sense her, but be on your guard. Tell your friends to keep a low profile. I?d ask you to change your appearances, but that?s impossible, I know.?

?Great... ...is everyone else fine??

?We?re both fine, everyone else is fine or moved. The town?s very quiet now that you?re gone. Nobody new has moved in for awhile.?

I sighed in my dream form. Dad had come into my thoughts to meet me while I slept. It was one of the most efficient ways for us to communicate. We both called the watery, ever shifting realm that we met in the Gatelands to Sleep, but I?m sure they had a proper name. Either way, it worked, don?t knock it. After a little more small talk, Dad?s dream image wavered and broke up and I knew he?d either woken up or broken it off. I departed, unconsciously, and woke up myself, realizing that it?d taken hours for us to finish speaking. Reassured that we?d be alright, I drifted off again.[/COLOR][/FONT][/i]
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[SIZE=1]Two posts in the space of like ten hours. Not to mention two awesome posts. I'm very much impressed.

I really like the character interaction, and Wills' introduction wasn't half bad, for an Englishman. ¬_¬ Although Gavin, yet again, makes a solid point about sleeping conditions. That whole 'Gay!' comment had me a little worried for a while.

Bravo once again D.[/SIZE]
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That whole 'Gay!' comment had me a little worried for a while.


[SIZE=1]You have to come out to the community [I]sometime[/I], Andrew. We all know you giggled like a schoolgirl at the comment.


Anyways, I have had trouble keeping up, not due to confusion, due to me being busy as hell for some odd reason. But from what I have kept up with I'm liking. Especially Will being introduced now, makes a pretty nifty bit methinks. I'm finding the diaologue the most entertaining part, mostly because I seem to be skipping words and have to go back and re-read - just not with the speech.

And yes I am adorable, aren't I? =D[/SIZE]
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[SIZE=1]Good chapter, wish I could write at that kind of speed. Sella seems to be just getting closer and closer, and I have the odd feeling the Irishman is going to be her first victim. Oh well.

One little thing honey... why does Gavin bunk with Andrew (No offence bro) ? Has he done something to annoy Raiha lately that they don't share a room despite a three year relationship ?[/SIZE]
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[font=times][COLOR=DarkOrchid]For several reasons, mostly selfish ones. If Raiha bunked with you and not Vicky, Vicky would get a room to herself. Also, during certain times of month, it's better to contain damage by locking two females in the same place at once. Furthermore, it just makes the dynamic of the house more volatile.

Hold your horses, they'll eventually have their fun.[/COLOR][/font]
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[QUOTE=Vicky][SIZE=1]You have to come out to the community [I]sometime[/I], Andrew. We all know you giggled like a schoolgirl at the comment.


[SIZE=1]¬_¬ These young'uns today have got some cheek I swear.[/SIZE]

[quote name='Gavin][Size=1']why does Gavin bunk with Andrew (No offence bro) ?[/SIZE][/quote]

[SIZE=1]What is this, pick on Andrew day or something?

¬_¬ Cheers man, none taken.[/SIZE]
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[i][FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=DarkOrchid]I probably should have paid more attention to what dad had been telling me while I was dreaming, but to be honest... In the Gatelands of Sleep, it?s really hard to pay attention for too long, even when it takes your entire night up. The next morning, I woke up in bed and reassured myself that the house was still standing, that Vicky was still alive, which she was, and that nothing was being destroyed in a five mile radius. With a gentle flick of my fingers, I noted that the wards I?d thrown up last night were still active, and that not even the guys last night were up yet. Dressing casually in a pair of loose and horrible looking jeans and a ratty tank top, I drifted lazily three inches off the ground, out the door and down the stairs. I could hear snoring coming from all directions, and headed for the kitchen, which was empty. For some reason I was feeling like something was wrong, but I could sense nothing with any of my rational faculties, and nothing with my empathy.

Will did throw off the readings a little with his added presence, but that was all. Absentmindedly, I opened the fridge door and reached for two eggs, holding them in my hands. With a slow and steady increase of heat that didn?t burn, but warmed my hands, the eggs instantly hardboiled themselves and I started cracking both on the tile counter. Vicky joined me while I was halfway through the first and salted the second one for herself. Then she turned and brought out the iron kettle we actually used for making massive amounts of warm cereal. The guys liked heavy breakfasts, and fortunately for them, we were up to the task, provided they remembered to do the shopping. Sure Neil and Andrew had whined like children about it for the first week, but after the food stopped coming, they wised up quickly. Apparently you have to buy food to get food. Shocker I know. Vicky leaned back against the counter, stirring with one hand and shoving messy hair out of her eyes with the other.[/i]

?Did you sleep good? I had nightmares.?

?Nightmares? That?s weird. Dad contacted me in the Gatelands again. Says Sella was spotted near our old home.?

?God if they?ve seen her, we?re in trouble. She?ll come for us.?

[i]We exchanged the usual glances and were about to say more when Connor teleported into the room with a puff of displaced air. I gave him a glance and set my lips while I began slicing apples for breakfast and Vicky kept stirring and deftly flipped several pieces of bread into our oversized toaster. Without skipping a beat, she used her tail to flick the bottom pantry door open and bring out the jam and preserves. I didn?t flinch, but it was always weird to see that useful extra appendage do all the work. Hell, I nearly felt outclassed. Connor sat down on one of the high bar stools and pulled down a glass from the overhead rack.[/i]

?Orange juice please.?

[i]I would?ve smirked like a bartender, but it was too early for that kind of humor. Instead, I poured him a tall glass of the pulpy stuff, grimacing at it?s consistency. I could never get into it, but for some reason the guys liked to drink it. I?m sure it made them feel like real men, but it just made me nauseated. Gavin was the next to show up and asked for the same thing. Then Andrew, and Will. Neil and Warlock were probably still dead to the world, but I wasn?t about to wake them up. I flicked toast onto the plates the boys held up and lobbed the tub of butter towards Andrew who caught it in one hand and the knife in the other. Lightning fast reflexes were a plus, although I always hoped that he?d miss and get a finger removed. Just for fun you realize. While the boys were shoveling down cream of wheat at the speed of sound, I leaned forward, holding a plate of fruit and toast.[/i]

?Just so you?re all in the loop. My dad saw Sella. He advised us to keep our heads down and do nothing exciting for the next few days until he gets in contact with me again.?

?That crazy bitch! She already ruined our chances of ever going back anyway.?

?What?s she going to do??

?I don?t think that?s exactly our problem right now.?

[i]We all stopped speaking at once and turned to look at Will. His eyes looked a little glazed over, and Vicky nudged him. His voice sounded hollow, and not at all like his own.[/i]

?Our problem is going to be what we?ll do when she does find this house.?

?I threw up plenty of guards and warning systems.?

?She?s more clever than we all give her credit. Hating her is one thing, but she?s smarter than us.?
Connor leaned back a little, pushing his empty bowl towards the sink. Then he turned and walked back up the stairs towards his room. I heard the door slam but none of us moved. Gavin hung his head over his food quietly, not speaking or offering any advice of his own. Andrew leaned against the corner over the kitchen bar and Will shook his head several times, as if he was clearing it. Vicky clattered a plate in the sink and we all jumped. Scaredy cats, the lot of us. Except Connor. He was just angry and I could tell. Every time he thought of Sella, he thought of his mom with her hands raised over her head, calling down the rage and fury of heaven to exorcise what she saw as a demon. I knew she meant well, but the mountain of trouble that had come afterwards wasn?t seeming like her sacrifice had done anything. I would?ve rolled my eyes, but that wouldn?t have sent the right message anyway. Instead I started stacking the dishes in the sink and signaled Gavin and Neil, who?d showed up halfway through, and they slunk towards the pile.[/i]

?That?s right. Do it slave.?[/COLOR][/FONT]
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[size=1][color=#8B008B]The story still makes me want to go watch DBZ. =P

Anyways, another great addition. I wonder what'll happen when Sella shows up: big showdown? Traumatic, life-changing terrors? Someone dying [specifically her]? But I'm guessing that you're not going to put her in until later. ^_~*

As the story progresses, the first person narration really does a lot for it. It accentuates the tone and mood, as well as gives a better character development for the characters introduced. Keep at it! ^_^[/size][/color]
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[QUOTE=Revelation][size=1][color=#8B008B]Anyways, another great addition. I wonder what'll happen when Sella shows up: big showdown? Traumatic, life-changing terrors? Someone dying [specifically her]? But I'm guessing that you're not going to put her in until later. ^_~*
[font=times][color=darkorchid]Well boysies and girlsies, I'm on my home computer away from my home computer, so you won't see more until Monday. But in the meantime, take this rare oppertunity to catch up, get excited about Dragonball Z, and critique my numerous plot holes.[/font][/color]
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[quote name='Neuvoxraiha][font=times][color=darkorchid]...and critique my numerous plot holes.[/font'][/color][/quote]

[SIZE=1]It's my understanding that one requires a plot before one can have plot holes, ya? ¬_¬

I kid, you know my opinion on this story and, if there are holes of plot, I haven't noticed them. If anything, my only concern is that the part about Highschool in the title is a little dated now that they're not actually in highschool.

I do look forward to a fresh chapter on Monday though. A nice treat for my birthday I should think.[/SIZE]
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[i][FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=DarkOrchid]With Gavin up to his elbows in soapy dishwater, I was free to grab a towel and swat his behind, rat tail style, and danced out of the way when he aimed a mule kick at me. With a quick whisk of my arms, I propelled myself up over the counter and towards the front door, where Vicky was already grabbing her purse and making her daring daylight escape. I followed close behind, my bag flying into my hand when I pointed one finger at it and shouted orders at the back of Neil?s head as he stumped towards the basement to lift weights or stare in the mirror or something else equally manly and retarded.[/i]

?Don?t lift the wards by powering up. Don?t go outside and start blasting away at the nearest bird. Don?t start sparring loud enough to wake the dead-?

[i]And by then Vicky had grabbed my ear and was half dragging, half yanking me towards school. [/i]

?Don?t talk the bastard to death, he knows what to do!?

?Ow! Watch the ear!?

[i]We both walked this time. Like scummy pedestrians, we used our feet for a change, which I won?t say was a bad thing, but it was a bit of a slog after growing used to flicking from one location to the next without breaking into a sweat. So call me spoiled. But I had an annoying feeling that Sella was going to reduce us all into the state where we?re afraid to use our powers and in huge trouble if we don?t throw up our defenses when she finally made her appearance. The feeling changed from just being annoying to altogether insane, and my stomach began a sinking dance of despair when I slammed my backpack on the floor at my first class and dropped my head on my desk. The backside of the teacher we?d always had was significantly different from how I remembered it, and when Will kicked my foot silently, I looked up and saw that the hair...blonde...was not the hair of the professor. It was in fact Sella.

She turned around with the smile of a crocodile, and my teeth set themselves and I could feel my jaw locking up so a smarmy comment wouldn?t come out. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Will doing the same, the muscles under his loose shirt becoming visible. My ears perked twice and I heard a steady stream of cursing coming from his direction, and I slowly withdrew my foot from the thong sandal I was wearing and bared my toes, pinching his ankle once sharply, nearly ripping the first layer of skin off. He jumped, his knees hitting the bottom of his desk and I pasted a bland smile on my face. It helped keep my hair from spontaneously combusting at the look in her eyes. As Sella spoke, writing on the whiteboard with one of those noxious smelling pens, I barely registered the nonsense coming out of her mouth. Instead I focused on remaining calm, not powering up into a haze of white and blue fire, and keeping an eye on Will, whose lips were twitching when nobody was watching him.

I lightly slapped a mental hand across his mind and focused my thoughts into a coherent stream of thinking.

?She?s as bold as brass that one. We?re screwed if she can follow us.?

?I?d like to hope she?s not [b]that[/b] powerful, but our luck would run out at this point, wouldn?t it??

?Oh Vicky is going to have a heart attack. And Connor is going to-?

Sella snapped a quick question at Will and he answered, on auto pilot, and she moved on to me. I answered, most likely sounding like a zombie, but let?s face it. I wasn?t going to give her the satisfaction of being allowed to unload both proverbial barrels on us and everyone around us. That and we were both particularly aware of the 25 other innocent students sitting near and around us. Will?s hair covered both his pointy ears, and my tattoos remained hidden under a long sleeved shirt, black pants, and gothic fingerless gloves. I?m sure it would?ve caused a bit of a public outcry if I incinerated the entire classroom under a sheet of rolling fire. That and it would?ve most likely spread and caused the whole campus to go up in smoke. I?m sure Vicky and a few other aliens here would?ve been just fine, but better not to find out later. Instead, the bell rang in 55 minutes and Will and I very nearly teleported ourselves into the food court where Vicky was lounging carelessly. We both stalked towards her table and dropped our bags next to hers, sitting like robots.[/i]

?You two look like you just saw Sella. What?s wrong??

?Tell me that you?re okay with skipping class for the next year or so.?

[i]Vicky?s face fell and she turned to look behind us. I can only assume she saw, or smelled Sella because the hand holding her sandwich became the hand holding a mushy mix of lunch meat and bread. Will leaned forward and spoke very softly to the pair of us.[/i]

?I say we don?t stop going to classes. That?d only give her another victory.?

?I say we go home after this and talk to the guys instead.?

[i]Both Will and Vicky nodded at my suggestion and we packed up and left.[/COLOR][/FONT][/i]
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[size=1][color=#8B008B]You can literally hear the fire crackling behind Raiha's eyes. I wonder what'll happen next: big fight? Tell me there's going to be a big fight. I'm always up for one.

In all seriousness though, this installment was more softer than the other ones. I wouldn't say it lacked anything really just had a different feel to it. Although, I think Sella came out a bit too quickly in my opinion. Maybe that's the surprise of it all though, yeah?

I'll be expecting fights and blood and chaos! Not anytime soon but hopefully you'll put it in. =P[/size][/color]
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...So nice to see that the Fire Saiya-jin has been reduced to dish duty, haha.

Certainly is unique. Old-school, even. Though more blood is required for this to be considered good, D'Ann.

I figured you, of all people, would understand that concept.
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[quote name='Neuvoxraiha][i][FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=DarkOrchid][i]as he stumped towards the basement to lift weights or stare in the mirror or something else equally manly and retarded.[/i][/COLOR][/FONT'][/i][/quote]

[SIZE=1]Did I ever tell you have much I love you and your one-liners ? Now add a few of your great combat scenes and this will become the best DBZ stories ever.[/SIZE]
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[FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=DarkOrchid][i]But we were too late. The house was on fire, we saw it as we were walking home. Nobody had called the fire department, which is what we get for having a mildly secluded house in the countryside. Instead, the only people who were noticing appeared to be us. With a whimper, Vicky leaped upwards, her body hardening over and her tail lashing out. Will and I followed, my fire nearly singing his arm. Streaking through the air like hawks, we circled over the house, dodging huge flames that must have been oil and all the other belongings we might have had going up in smoke.[/i]

?Neil! Gavin! Where are you??

[i]Vicky was circling lower, looking for survivors, as if a fire could kill off any one of our friends. Gavin was lying on the ground in one of the smaller fields, his body burned slightly, his eyes red and watering. Warlock and Gavin were both nearby, one les charred looking than the other. Connor wasn?t looking so good himself, more open burns on his body, his legs a mess of multiple cuts, and I placed a hand on them gently, willing my mind to press against his, block out the pain for him. His face stopped wrinkling up in agony and he attempted to sit up. I shoved him back down, gently of course and looked around. Andrew was a further distance away, clenching and unclenching his fists. Will looked over the damage. Vicky was slightly hysterical.[/i]

?Where is she!??

?Who? She couldn't have beat us home.?

[i]I looked up from Connor?s battered body. It looked like glass windows had exploded in the excitement. I extended my nails slightly and began to pluck them out. Vicky?s eyes were wide open and she looked completely homicidal. I knew she?d automatically assumed it was Sella?s doing, and a sinking feeling in my stomach warned me that she was probably right. I looked back down, picking up another shard of glass embedded in Connor?s calf. He didn?t wince, but his face looked slightly pale. The others looked alright however, thanks to Saiya-jin ability to harden their muscles over until trying to stab them was like trying to stab concrete. Gavin stood over the both of us, arms spread defensively. He spoke in a very low voice.[/i]

?None of us smelled the fire. There were explosions about five seconds after the smoke began to choke us. Every window went out, shrapnel got all of us, but Connor the worst. Warlock escaped through the basement entrance, it was the only place that was okay.?

?Accelerants then, windows don?t tend to explode in kitchen fires.?

?I wasn?t even cooking anything...but we all made like bandits when there was an opening.?

[i]Andrew looked aggrieved. And I couldn?t blame him. All this time we?d been secretly wondering how long it would?ve been before the house went up, but when it finally did, and it wasn?t his fault... Well, what to do? Neil briefly mentioned that the fire had started not fifteen minutes before we?d shown up but it didn?t matter. The house was a heaping pile of char and black. My parents were going to go insane when the insurance decided not to cover acts of ...criminal stuff? Sella was nowhere to be seen, but I could sense her, not coming closer, not getting further away, like she was watching us. Feeding off of our frustration, anger, and despair. I stood up, Connor?s legs completely glass free, and I stood him up as well, letting him lean over my shoulder, his other arm hanging onto Gavin?s shoulder to stabilize him. We both stared at the house, while Vicky, Neil, Andrew, and Warlock checked the rest. Will was kneeling on one knee, his hand touching the ashes that were slowly drifting across the ground, propelled by a light breeze. He brought a pinch of them to his nose and slowly inhaled the scent. His eyes widened, and for a moment, looked totally alien. The wind revealed both his ears, and he swiveled both back slightly, then forward again.[/i]

?She?s going to be here soon.?

?Won?t that be a treat.?

[i]Gavin?s voice was low as before, but tinged with a hint of excitement. The wish of every warrior like him; to fight and go down fighting, or come out on top and be even stronger than before. I looked up, my eyes narrowing under the sun?s glare, and judged the time to be roughly 5 in the afternoon. Connor?s legs slowly steadied themselves, and I let him go, grasping his shoulder to make sure. He nodded an affirmative and we both let him stand on his own. He turned back towards the house and began walking towards it.[/i]

?I need my swords.?

?If they survived, I?ll be impressed. If they didn?t melt, I?ll be even more impressed.?

[i]Andrew gave Connor a sarcastic look, which he ignored, continuing in his relentless movement towards the remains of what we?d made into our home.[/COLOR][/FONT][/i]
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[size=1][color=#8B008B]I wouldn't be surprised if Vicky's the first to blow when Sella gets onstage.

I honestly don't know what to expect in the next part. And the obvious culprit is Sella, no doubt, but something tells me otherwise. Maybe she has someone else doing her dirty work?

C'mon, D. Hurry up with it! I'm getting antsier by the moment; let's get on with the fight! Did you know I had to resort to watching IFL: Underground? Actually it's a quite nice show but that's not the point. The point is that we need blood and chaos! I'm sure everyone agrees with me.[/size][/color]
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[i][FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=DarkOrchid]Gavin followed quickly after Connor, and they entered the house. My eyes watered and I flicked out both colored contacts with some annoyance. Instantly, my vision sharpened further and I saw the smoke curling upwards, higher and higher until it disappeared into the blue void. I closed my eyes slowly, then flicked them open again. I began to turn slowly in a circle around myself, searching the sky and the ground below for anyone that looked remotely like Sella. Nothing. Instead I saw movement in the grass, about a mile and a half out away from us. I raised myself up and narrowed both eyes as Vicky and Neil both inhaled, smelling an enemy. I inhaled as well, but could only smell sulfur.

Will stood next to me, and we both crossed our arms, slowly raising power levels to a less negligible point. Bursting out of the grass, moving much quicker than we expected came seven monsters, roughly the size of very large dogs, spiked over the spines, and with huge hyena-like jaws.[/i]

?Don?t let them near the house!?

[i]I bent both knees, raising my arms to defend myself, a flare of fire bursting from my hair upwards into the sky. Will let the power of his aura surge around him, clashing against mine lightly, green and blue light slipping against each other. We both raised our hands back while Vicky dived on one of the beasts, grabbing its jaw in one hand and a paw in the other. She tightened her grip and I could hear the sinews cracking under her hands. With a scream, she powered up, slamming it down in the grass, shrieking so loud she drowned out the sound of Neil bashing one repeatedly against the nearest hard surface; in this case the ground. I narrowed my eyes again and focused on one of the dogs, loping towards me faster than I?d planned. I raised one hand over my head and called down a huge burst of fire to create a ring around my body, which he leapt through, singing his fur and catching in places.[/i]

?Come near my house, rub salt in the wounds, you?ll pay for that!?

[i]I could hear Vicky shouting at the tops of her lungs, spitting another monster with her arm, pushed clean through its chest. She ripped out its heart and flung it to the ground, while I leapt in a neat circle, depending on dance nimbleness to keep all my limbs attached. It jumped towards me, claws flung outward and I fell back, willing my entire body to be wreathed in flame, close to the skin. My tattoos nearly leapt off my body, steaming the air until it was nearly impossible to see. My arms flew out automatically and I caught its arms, ripping them apart. It yelped and fell to the ground, to be axe kicked by Will, who had also come through my ring of fire. I waved my arm over it and the flames died away to reveal a very bloody, but unscathed group of people. Vicky was still kicking the lifeless corpse of the third monster she?d taken out while Neil, Andrew, and Warlock had killed their own quite successfully. I turned and saw Connor and Gavin both returning from the ruined house, both carrying several flat, slim packages that were most likely unharmed swords.[/i]

?Oi! What?s with the dead things??

[i]Connor leaned over one with a snapped neck, courtesy of Andrew, and poked it lightly with one of his open swords. Vicky looked up from the spikes she was pulling out of her own dead things and smiled prettily.[/i]

?Just a few random aliens that arbitrarily decided to attack us out of the blue.?

?Yes yes, I?m sure they just spawned here by themselves.?

[i]Gavin had crossed his arms and frowned down at the one Will and I had destroyed and gingerly lifted one of its paws. I closed my eyes and passed my hand over the corpse, then flicked them open again. In an instant, I had powered down and the flames of my hair smoked out, the tattoos on my body crawling back into their hiding places within my pores.[/i]

?Not aliens. Constructs. These are chimeras someone slapped together in a test tube and released out into the field, most likely to find and eat us.?

?Gross! How can someone do that to these things!??

[i]Vicky stepped away, and I rolled my eyes at her. Apparently aliens were fine, but chimeras were another thing all together. Something about recombinant DNA/RNA and gene splicing grossed her out, and a couple other of us as well. Connor sheathed his main sword and hung onto the others while Neil and Andrew both began to tighten their wrist bands. I turned and looked up high in the sky, shielding my eyes with one hand, the sun glaring at us all from across the horizon. The sun was already lowering itself, I guessed the whole ordeal had taken us about half an hour. I turned to Gavin.[/i]

?So there?s nothing else salvageable in the house.?

?Nothing, absolutely nothing. We?re done with this place.?

?Damn, and I?m starving too.?

Warlock pulled a mournful face, his eyes downcast, his face pathetic almost.

?We just got attacked and all you can think about is my pot roast??

[i]I shoved him to one side and turned back. I didn?t sense anything, perhaps what I?d felt earlier was just Sella releasing those monsters into the world. Will stood next to me, sighing woefully. He looked like he was listening for something, mostly because every now and then his ears twitched slightly. He met my gaze and turned away quickly. Up till this moment, he hadn?t noticed that my pupils were completely gone. So much for the whites of the eyes.[/COLOR][/FONT][/i]
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[i][FONT="Times New Roman"][COLOR="DarkOrchid"]Turns out, the monsters were horrifyingly easy to throw us off guard. Or so I thought. But it turns out that nothing could?ve prepared us for Sella. Not training against Neil?s mother, not against mine, nor against Vicky?s or anyone else for that matter. Of course we?d come to appreciate things in the end but at that point, we all hated ourselves nearly as much as we hated Sella. Perhaps it was the fact that we weren?t prepared, or the fact that to beat her, we?d have to sacrifice ourselves. But big deal, who cares? We came up swinging.


Will and I backed up from the field to the steep hills that formed a near plateau. We both kept our backs to the stone and dust, while the others walked forward to form a loose chain of bodies over us. While we were useless when it came to attacking against her specifically, we weren?t so useless in defending our own bodies. Connor slowly drew his sword, and I let a loose wreath of flames cover my forehead.

Sella appeared like a hailstorm, a burst of yellow hair, a flash of her dark escrima sticks, a flash of her blue suit. Vicky, Andrew, and Warlock surged forward first, in a huge burst of Saiya-jin power, tails out, fists clenched, a wall of purebloods ready to defend. Gavin and Neil followed close behind while Will, Connor, and I assumed our own stances. Will and I had very similar positions, while Connor held his blade across his body, a slow surge of cold power flickering around his body. Sella clashed both her sticks together and slammed forward, a huge monstrous aura bursting over everyone, Vicky and the others taking the brunt of the blow.[/i]

?****, she?s ****ing insane!?

[i]Vicky fell back with the others, her body wracked all over with pain and new lacerations all over. Her aura had faded behind her and was nearly gone altogether. Her clothes had nearly frayed off in important places, revealing the strips of cloth both she and I had taken the liberty of wrapping ourselves in every morning. Warlock?s face had nearly split open on one side, and blood was pouring from his cheek. Andrew looked like he?d slammed into a concrete wall, face first. Sella had shoved through the protective wall she?d tried to throw up and gripped her around the neck.[/i]

?So I?m insane am I? You don?t know the half of it.?

[i]Vicky?s head tilted back, flopping like a rag doll?s, and her eyes tilted in the back of her head. Too late to save herself, Warlock leapt past her, his fist slamming into Sella?s ear, knocking her back against the cliffs we?d been shoved into. Will and I split up, spiraling back, keeping up shields only strong enough to repel debris. My skin hardened over with my tattoos and I leapt back, trying to get a safer distance between myself and Sella. I saw Will doing the same, his aura covering his body like a sheet. She recovered and set her sights on Warlock, attempting to grab him the way she?d done to Vicky, only to nearly smash against him, propelled by a heavy blast of Neil and Gavin?s energy combined. He threw her over his head, whipping around to fire off six smaller bursts of ki, one after the other. Will sent a long range attack spiraling from his fingers to her. No dice.

Sella landed a good distance from us, totally unharmed. I cursed and slammed a fiery fist against the rock and stepped out of the way of the rocks that cascaded down. Will jumped back, closer to me and the others slumped back, all winded, all useless. Connor dropped to one knee. ?He?d been defending and attempting to slow down her movements so we?d have half a chance, but it appeared that his efforts weren?t working.[/i]

?She?s immune to everything we throw at her...this is ****ing pointless.?

?But she?s not even fully powered up, she?s only coming at us with a portion of her real power.?

?Don?t even talk like that.?

[i]Will was looking down at Warlock?s mutilated face, putting his hand on it to seal the damage as much as possible. I passed two fingers over the worst of Vicky?s cuts, stopping the bleeding and blocking out the agony of her bruised ribs. Neil, Gavin, and Andrew looked mostly unharmed, if totally out of breath. I could hear Sella?s laughter drifting down from above us, and I realized that while we had all though she was far enough away for us to relax a tiny bit, she wasn?t. She could teleport, and now she was throwing down a huge burst of energy, crackling, white, furious, burning as hot as my own fire. Will, Connor, and I reacted almost instantly. He thrust his sword upwards, point first to form a focus point while Will and I both flung energy and fire around it, creating an umbrella shield that nearly buckled under the strain of her power. I felt a hand grip my shoulder and turned to feel a burst of energy from Gavin. I would?ve blushed, but I was too busy keeping the flow of fire and magic coming.

Connor struggled to keep his grip firm and gritted both his teeth under the strain.[/i]

?Where does she get it from??

?Less talk, more shield!?

[i]I didn?t think he could hear me, but I yelled anyway, hoping it?d get through. Sella?s attack abruptly stopped, either because she?d decided to stop pouring energy on us like a mudslide or because our defensive abilities were not what she had planned on. She instead decided to do worse. Warlock turned his head up from where he was just in time to see Sella burst on top of him, her hands plunging through his body. A huge burst of blood, a widening of his eyes, and he was gone. Her hands soaked through to the shoulders, Sella laughed hysterically at us all, Vicky crying out a sharp sound of pain and anguish that quickly stifled itself. A harsh sob wrenched itself from my vocal chords as well and I felt the fire around me crackle and stop burning, as if I?d been doused in ice water. She staggered back, covered in arterial blood, her hair wild and her eyes worse still. Neil, Gavin, and Andrew all looked like they?d had their souls murdered within them. Will?s expression had shut itself off, and Vicky?s look of agony was a mirror image of my own.

I felt my heart pause, and then a burst of fire pour down from the sky to wash over me. My eyes snapped and pinpricks of black appeared in the centers, spreading out over the whites, engulfing them completely.[/i][/COLOR][/FONT]
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[size=1][color=#8B008B]Now this is what I'm talking about. I really wasn't expecting Sella to be this strong nor did I even see the part about her just drilling her hands through Warlock. It's a really great installment. I'm excited to see the more evil rage of Raiha.[/size][/color]
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[SIZE="1"]I guess now it's just a question of who goes SSJ and enters into a titantic batte with Sella, though I have a feeling it won't be in time to save poor 'Lock. I suppose we'll also find out if D'Ann is going to overrule Akira on his no female super Saiyans...[/SIZE]
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[FONT="Times New Roman"][COLOR="DarkOrchid"]?You.?

[i]I turned my head and pointed a finger that had become a talon at Sella, my hair throwing off a shower of sparks and smoke. I think I was screaming, I couldn?t tell, and I threw myself at her in a suicide attempt, my claws open wide, and she threw up her weapons. One was instantly shattered, minced with my claws, and the other I caught in my mouth. I know she was shocked, and if I had a mirror, I suppose I would?ve been too, but then I would?ve lost what I?d just gained. Sella jerked back, trying to free her supposedly good weapon, and I locked up my jaw like a pit bull. Normally I don?t notice things like a mouth full of fangs, or a tongue like a snake?s, but I guess I should?ve. Either way as soon as I felt the sinews in my mandibles tighten, her last blade exploded under my bite.

Full of burning resentment and rage, I threw both hands toward her, only to have them caught and squeezed at the wrists. I reversed my movement and flipped back, far enough to where I landed against the cliff?s sheer side, gripping with all my claws to stay put. Sella was chuckling at me, and I looked down to see Vicky holding Warlock?s still warm hand in hers. Andrew had knelt down and closed both of his friend?s eyes, even though he knew that they?d only open again later. I let go of my grip and tumbled down to land on all fours by Connor, Gavin, and Neil, abruptly devoid of energy again. Despite our grief, we all turned when we heard the sound of gathering energy, and I saw both Andrew and Vicky gasping for air. I almost rushed over, but remembered that I couldn?t speak anyway. The best I could manage was a harsh hissing sound. I did know what I wanted to say, but it didn?t matter. Connor held his sword point down and looked away, his eyes empty of feeling. Neil let out a laugh that sounded more like a bark. And I whipped my head around at his words.[/i]

?That raving ***** is as good as dead.?

[i]He saw my eyebrows flicker upwards in question and he pointed towards Vicky and Andrew both. I moaned once and flinched away. Surpassing their limits, changing their forms, and going beyond everything that had held them back and prevented them from this. Andrew was the first to go. I saw his eyes roll up in the back of his head, then snap back down a deep blue color, his hair bursting from normal brown to blindingly bright golden. Long and sharp, it cascaded down his shoulders to his impossibly huge biceps. His tail had changed too, and his body was surrounded by a flare of yellow and white. I felt his power change substantially, but then Vicky turned as well. Instead of bulking up the way Andrew had, her body became longer and lithe, like an Olympic swimmer. Her muscles became even more defined, but not as huge. Her hair poured down her back in a river of iridescent light, and her eyes flickered between bright green and orange. I could hear Andrew moan through gritted teeth, as his muscles reshaped themselves.[/i]

?It hurts...?

?I?d imagine having your entire body?s physical size radically altered would hurt...?

[i]I shook my mane at Will, my eyes showing a slight displeasure and we both turned back to see completed forms of both Vicky and Andrew. Their aura?s had nearly overlapped, and both stepped out across the field towards Sella. The first thing that happened was the smug expression on Sella?s face disappearing. The second was the sound of Vicky laughing in a voice hoarser and deeper than I recalled. Her hair tossed itself in the backlash from her own power and the smile on her face was going to make me laugh.[/i]

?How do you like them apples? Stupid woman.?

[i]The third was Sella changing her form. She shed her flesh mask and burst from the shell she?d been wearing over her true shape. I could see why she?d decided to wear the body of an attractive blonde. Worse than the alien queen from all those movies Neil and Gavin had geeked out on all those years, and definitely more sickening than the mutated lamia Connor had shown me in a swamp once... It was huge. Gross. It was like Sella couldn?t decide if she wanted to be serpentine or mammalian, but the overall effect was quite overwhelming. I kept my body in its feral state, at least that was what I had decided to call it. Neil and Gavin both seemed to be waiting for what she would do. It didn?t take long.

A huge tail slammed down, nearly crushing the place where Andrew and Vicky both had been standing seconds before. Both had disappeared and were nearly impossible to see, but not impossible to sense. They were both so strong that I could see them clearly without even trying to feel their strength. I knew that both were still outclassed by Sella, but neither had explored the upper limits of their new forms, and I didn?t bother probing them to find out. One of the other things I was noticing was that they were both moving so fast around her, striking with both hands and feet, that they were leaving after-images of their bodies that lingered just long enough for us to see. Gavin had crossed both his arms, and I could feel power contracting tightly around him, not expanding like it was around Neil.[/i]

?They?re impressive like this, to be sure. But I don?t know how long they can keep it up.?

[i]Turns out that didn?t matter. Sella?s true form was powerful, more powerful than them combined in their current state, but she wasn?t fast. Not nearly as fast as Andrew and she was massively outclassed by Vicky?s improved agility. The crazy girl had concentrated the elevated ki in her body to surround her hands and fists, and she was laying on the blows so heavily that she made both Andrew and Sella look like they were standing still. Sella?s mouth opened and she fired off a burst of ki attacks that both Andrew and Vicky easily avoided. In fact, Vicky did it so fast that she whipped her body around and reflected the attacks back on Sella, who dodged, but was still caught by them. Andrew burst upwards and spiraled both his hands downwards, releasing a huge flare of ki that engulfed Sella completely.

Laughter ripped its way through my throat, and Connor tapped my side with the flat of his blade. I couldn?t stop laughing, it was too funny. We were all ready to die anyway. Might as well see the humor in it all. I felt my aura flare around me in a circle, expanding outwards, upwards, and exploding so hot that it began to burn the field we were standing in. I knew Warlock would burn, but I couldn?t stop and I didn?t want to.

?I?ll burn your mangled soul right out of that body of yours.?

I felt Will?s mind brush against mine, even as I stalked on stiff legs towards the beleaguered Sella.[/i][/COLOR][/FONT]
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[SIZE="1"]Now that's a fight !! Poor 'Lock I had a feeling it was the big goodbye for him, still though we'll tear apart that ugly Cameron inspired ***** before the end, and after that an even greater horror, college exams...[/SIZE]
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