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Christmas Plans?


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Okay, by request of ChibiHorseWoman, the Christmas plans thread!

Now, what are you planning on doing for Christmas (or any other December-ish holidays, ex. Kwanza)? I personally have no plans at all really...:animeswea I assume that I'll be home eating and sleeping or doing holiday homework...and then mooching off my friends' answers for said holiday homework.:p So tell your plans, funny stories, etc. I'll post some of mine when I can think of some.
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[FONT="Garamond"]I get to go home! I'm so ridiculously stoked to see the famjam again. It'll be exactly two months since I moved out to Vancouver when I head home again. I haven't been this excited for the holidays since I was little =) I'm coming home on Christmas Eve on an afternoon flight and then hanging around the house with my parents/whatever other family coming into the city. I get to have REAL FOOD and see my puppies. What else... Boxing day eve I'm planning to go out and have dinner then go out dancing with a lot of my friends. Probably the remainder of my time at home will be spent with my parents and my best friend Jon, because he's allowed to sleep at my house so we will be inseparable for 2 full days. I head back out on the 28th so I have to jam a lot of visiting and eating into this short trip, haha.[/FONT]
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[SIZE="1"]What do I plan on doing for Christmas? Exactly the same thing I did on thanksgiving, for the most part. Lol. I'll probebly have the normal/traditional dinner here at my dad's then drive to my mom's the following day to have even more food, yet less traditional, heh. Of course I'll also be going to the Christmas service aswell.

Christmas has a more significant meaning than thanksgiving for me though so that makes it more special.[/SIZE]
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[color=#9933ff]I love when other Chibis on here listen to me... or at least make new threads I want to visit.

Christmas plans. Well for one I will be going to Church I just don't know if it's on Christmas eve where you have to get a ticket (yes I am being serious) to the 3:30 Mass or Christmas Day. The reason I say this is because I don't know if I work Christmas day or not yet. The RN is now doing the schedules so eh... yeah.

Christmas eve we'll have dinner at my parent's house then Christmas Day we'll have the get together at my mom's parents and open presents.

Christmas Day will also involve my daughter opening her gifts from 'Santa' I hope she likes the stuff I got her. Because I kinda went overboard and spent about 200$ or so. I dropped 56$ at the [B]Children's Place[/B] alone!

The Sunday before Christmas will be the Donnelly family Christmas which is friggin huge. My dad is one of seven children who are mostly married- or dating and they all have kids some of them are married or at least have kids. So it's crazy and we rent out a shelter at a local park. We also rent out a Santa and get it catered along with desserts, This year I have to make like 3 trays of Rice Krispee Treats and bring soda.

Hey, since we're on the subject can we do favorite Christmas memories here or should we do a new thread for that?

PS Anomoly watch out for those Boxing Day Stampedes. My boyfriend says people go crazy n the big cities on Boxing Day[/color]
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[quote name='ChibiHorsewoman'][color=#9933ff]
Hey, since we're on the subject can we do favorite Christmas memories here or should we do a new thread for that?[/color][/QUOTE]

I think that's a good idea. I'm no mod though.

And wow, tickets for a church? Is it to raise money or is it just a really big church, Chibi?

[quote name='Anomaly'][FONT="Garamond"] I get to have REAL FOOD and see my puppies.[/FONT][/QUOTE]

What kind of puppies do you have?

As for my Christmas plans, some of my family joined the navy recently, so they're getting leave to come join us. We haven't seen them in months (although it seems like years) so it will be great.

Besides that, we'll probably go to the mountains, pick out a Christmas tree, and then find a good place for fish and chips. (Don't ask, it's a tradition we started in the Bay Area.)
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I am really looking forward to the christmas holidays. I get to play more Pirates Online, chat with friends and I plan to have a Disney movie marathon at my house. I also going to have a pirates of the caribbean and fantasy movie marathon as well.

My friends and I decided since the middle of October to hold a sake and sushi party where we will eat a lot of high class sushi and drink very very high quality sake. Mmmm

I also got a lot of cool gifts for the folks that I am excited to see them open. Besides that, not much more to look forward too because I already got my christmas present a few months early: a laptop.

Of course I plan to go to church...unless McDonalds makes me work till late.
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[quote name='ChibiHorsewoman'][color=#9933ff]Hey, since we're on the subject can we do favorite Christmas memories here or should we do a new thread for that?[/color][/QUOTE]

Sure! I'm pretty sure that goes along with my earlier mention of sharing Christmas stories, right?

As for me, I might be going to my grandma's house for Christmas! If so, it'll be my grandma on my Dad's side of the family, so there are going to be A LOT of relatives! And food! And since it's in Arkansas, I'll be swimming through thick southern accents... As for favorite Christmas memories...when I was five, I was at my Grandma's (Dad's side) house for Christmas. We did the old "Find the Glass Pickle In the Tree" thing. I found the pickle and won a snowman thing which I still have. I love this memory for some reason...
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1. Go home
2. Take pictures
3. Sleep in and veg out
4. Go see family
5. Get my presents (or in the case of this year, steal them in a game we're playing)
6. Sleep in and veg out some more
7. Visit friends (hopefully)
8. Meet some new people ;) (hopefully x2)
10. Go back to college.

It will be a very laid back Christmas this year. I'm more looking forward to New Year's though. I think I can manage the wait though
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[quote name='Nessaja']
What kind of puppies do you have?

[font=georgia]cute ones =X
Haha, one is a pure bred bichon frise who is actually quite chubs and was the "monster" of the litter. She has tons of personality and is so hilarious. She still goes to my room to look for me, the sweetie.

My other puppy is a poodle-cockerspaniel cross and she loves everybody and is so nice. She underwent surgery a couple weeks ago and I'm sad I wasn't around to coddle her afterwards D:[/font]
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[SIZE=1]This is gonna be an interesting holiday season for me, as all my friends are going to be back from university - we haven't all been in the same place since August, and there's a lot of them I haven't even seen since September. It's also the first Christmas I've had where I haven't been single, so for once I get to do all the couply things that go with the Christmas period.

As for Christmas plans, I generally go out with my friends a lot, then have the few days around Christmas (usually from the 23rd to the 27th) at home with the family, eating far too much, watching rubbish on TV, drinking a whole lot, the usual.

We usually have a New Year's party at my friend's house, but she is living in America for a few months now, so we're kinda stuck on where to go - we don't really want to go into town to celebrate as it'll be jam-packed, and no-one else really has a house big enough. I might end up just having a few people over for drinks and stuff, then spending some time with my girlfriend.

As cynical as I may be, I genuinely love Christmas. It's always great fun for me.
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[quote name='Nessaja']And wow, tickets for a church? Is it to raise money or is it just a really big church, Chibi?[/QUOTE]

[color=#9933ff]It's not a big church. And it's not to raise money. It's just that the 3:30 mass does a Christmas pagent for the kids so it's really popular and therefore really crowded. A few years ago I went to the Christmas eve mass and had to spend it sitting on the floor because the huge Italian families took all the ruddy seats!

So since last year the church has been sending out tickets and the first certain amount of people who send their tickets back get to go to the 3:30 mass

As for Christmas memories I have a good one from last year.

Last year I gave my brother 3 boxes of microwave kettle corn and a box of cookie crisp cereal all wrapped up. Then I handed him another box that I'd wrapped his shirt up it. He unwrapped it, but instead of a regular gift box I'd put his shirt into a [B][U]Victoria's Secret [/U][/B]gift box. My brother looked at me and said: Out of all the boxes in the world why did you have to use this one? My reply: Well John, I didn't have all the boxes in the world, I only had this one.

It sure beat the time I gave my ex husband a toque wrapped in an empty panty liner box. He had no comment on that one. In fact I think he was ticked off.:animeswea Shame really- but I'm glad we're divorced since he has no sense of humor[/color]
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[FONT="Arial"]I haven't made any set plans yet. Getting time off from my job isn't a simple matter. I already got Thanksgiving off so I imagine that I will be working on Christmas day. Getting the holiday off is usually a trade sort of deal. You get one, you don't get the other. Since someone has to work, we never close, ever. Someone has to be available 24/7.

I'll still do stuff with friends, but I doubt I'll have time to do stuff with my family, the same for New Years as well. My time off will be on the 29th and the 30th. Right in the middle of the two holidays. [/FONT]
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[quote name='ChibiHorsewoman'][color=#9933ff]Last year I gave my brother 3 boxes of microwave kettle corn and a box of cookie crisp cereal all wrapped up. Then I handed him another box that I'd wrapped his shirt up it. He unwrapped it, but instead of a regular gift box I'd put his shirt into a [B][U]Victoria's Secret [/U][/B]gift box. My brother looked at me and said: Out of all the boxes in the world why did you have to use this one? My reply: Well John, I didn't have all the boxes in the world, I only had this one.[/color][/QUOTE]

CHW, that was the most perfect, witty, hilarious exchange of dialogue I have ever had the pleasure of reading. (Translation= lol.)
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[quote name='chibi-master']CHW, that was the most perfect, witty, hilarious exchange of dialogue I have ever had the pleasure of reading. (Translation= lol.)[/QUOTE]

[color=#9933ff]Glad you liked it. Too bad this year all he gets is normal gift boxes. Now as for my cousin... I think he deserves the box this year hehehe:catgirl:[/color]
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I don't have any plans yet, I'm just trying to get through the rest of school and finals. Once that's over, I know I'm going to be sleeping, playing games, spending time with family and friends and so on. I'll probably have a better idea once it gets close to the actual week and people know for sure what they will be doing this year. Either way... I'll be glad for the break. I've been so busy lately. ^^
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