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Peace on Earth, Goodwill Toward Men... Not.

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Hearing news like that is always sad. I see this in two ways. The first, I hope they were mentally insane or something like that, still tragic, but easier to understand.

The other, I hold to my religious beliefs, which means taking the cowards way out by committing suicide only resulted in them receiving judgment sooner than later.

Either way, I'll be praying for those who lost loved ones.
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=1][COLOR=seagreen]I'm with Ace on this one. WTF?! I saw this on the front page of the newspaper on one of my coworkers' desks this morning, and just stopped to stare (then immediately snatched the paper so I could read the article). [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=1][COLOR=#2e8b57]And who is actually buying this "some type of marital problem" bs? Honestly, if a marital problem means go shoot up a bunch of people who have nothing to do with it, then he obviously had some other issues, and someone dropped a ball here, as they don't show up out of nowhere. This is absolutely insane, and quite depressing on top of it all.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=1][COLOR=#2e8b57]Some eight-year-old girl is going to have Christmas ruined for the rest of her life. How unfair is that? I don't even know what to say to this...[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
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[quote name='Kenso'][FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=1][COLOR=#2e8b57]Some eight-year-old girl is going to have Christmas ruined for the rest of her life. How unfair is that? I don't even know what to say to this...[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE]

[COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Times New Roman"]Not necessarily. Some people are capable of getting over tragic situations, and others aren't. It's a little early to assume she'll be 'scarred for life' as so many are saying. On the other hand, she may end up a psychotic drug abuser or in destructive relationships to cope with the situation she never faced while still young.

So who knows?

Either way this is another example of what happens when people decide to abandon social morality in exchange for their own 'personal' beliefs that what happens to others because of them is somehow not something they can be held responsible for. And now he's dead, so the bereaved family's revenge is taken from them. Kinda like the final straw now isn't it. [/FONT][/COLOR]
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[quote name='Raiha']And now he's dead, so the bereaved family's revenge is taken from them. Kinda like the final straw now isn't it. [/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE]

Well that depends on which standpoint they take. If they take the religious approach then they will have their revenge for eternity. On the other hand revenge is sinful, turn the other cheek and all that jazz.....

This murder suicide stuff will never cease to amaze me. It's bad enough you're taking your own life whether you believe in eternal damnation or not, but to murder 'innocent' people in the process, yes I know nobody other than children are truley innocent.

If it was something a little deeper, killing a guy that was cheating with his wife or his wife was leaving him for, killing somebody he was cheating with so he could be remembered as "a loving husband" then, (though I can't understand or condone in the least), it makes sense.

I would have to agree with Aaryanna_mom and say that, even though it's pretty obvious, if he was mentally ill (insane probably being the better word) then his actions make sense by not making sense. I would almost rather find some logic in it, sort've makes the world seem dark but there's light in logic.
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One would hope he was insane, but it's more likely that he just had serious depression or other types of issues. I'm of the opinion that mentally he wasn't stable since lots of people have marital problems and don't snap in that fashion.

Also as harsh as it will sound, my only regret is that they didn't just turn the gun on themselves and leave others out of their stupidity. That's the part I don't get, why people will kill others before they turn around and kill themselves.
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[SIZE="1"]This is certainly a very disheartening thing to hear about in a time when people should be celebrating. Obviously one would hope that this was not something the man rationally intended to do and can be explained by some kind of extreme depression over his divorce from his wife or a mental disorder of some variety.

For the loved ones of the victims involved and those who survived themselves I hope they can one day put this horrible tragedy behind them and move on with their lives, especially the children who will have been so badly affected.[/SIZE]
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