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[color=#9933ff]Well not only am I watching the inaguration I'm also sitting at my computer near the window and watching the snow as it falls as it's been doing for the last four hours and cursing the fact that I have to go to work soon.

Watching these large flakes fall though has brought me to this thread idea. What is your favorite and least favorite types of weather. And seasons too I guess. Okay it's not a well thought out plan, but it's better than complaining about the weather eh?

As for myself, I like snow as long as I don't have to go out in it, which usually doesn't happen. I'm usually out in it. I've had to drive in the last 3 blizzards we've had in the past 2 years. But what I like is warm sun... which I don't get much of in Rochester and I'll get even less of in Seattle. :animecry: But it's a chance i have o take.

So everyone else?[/color]
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[FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"][COLOR="Indigo"]I'm a child of the summer, so I normally dig that kind of weather. I like nice, warm, sunny places. Although I must admit, I don't do well with humidity of any fashion. When you live in the desert like I do, coming home feeling sticky after being outside is pretty disgusting. I do also like rain, because it's a momentary reprieve from the sun around these parts. Don't get me wrong, I love the sun...but too much and I start to kinda not want it being around so often...or talking so much.;)

That being said, I don't really like cold weather. Snow, ice, frost, icy wind. Name any sort of cold weather, and I don't like it. I mean, yeah I'd be up for a snowball fight here and there, but I don't get the rationale behind people who actually LIKE being out in cold weather. I guess its the same rationale why people don't get why I like being out in warm or hot weather, but the thought eludes me. It's frickin miserable outside, and you're telling me "Nice weather eh? Don't you just love snow?"

No, Mr. Eskimo. No.[/COLOR][/FONT]
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I hate humid, muggy, mosquito infested weather. It makes my eyelids stick together and I feel just plain icky. Not to mention my hair blows up like a balloon. Have I mentioned that I can't stand being cold, though I get cold easily?

Now, what I do like is partially cloudy weather that is warm, but not blazing and I like slight breezes that don't chill me to the bone. But I also love thunderstorms with a passion! Hurray for thunder and lightning!
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Snow... is not my scene. It sticks to everything (clothes, hair, shoes) only to melt and get everything soggy. But I love the cold, and ice is nice so long as it's not covering the roads. Bad experiences there. I don't like hot, muggy days either. They make everything so sticky and gross. Unfortunately where I live, that's the kind of weather we get a lot.

My favorite type of weather is overcast, very windy, and cool with showers- what most people would consider a dreary day. But it seems to lighten my spirits. Love to run around in it and it's not bad to drive in.
And pouring rain/thunder storms come in a close second, but they're a pain to drive in, usually end in power outages, and not something I like to run through when I'm trying to get somewhere by foot. But if I'm home or somewhere I can dry off and be comfortable afterwards or just sit and watch, I'm game.
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[SIZE="1"]Ah the weather..and it sucks in Ohio right now.

I hate([I]despise[/I]) cold weather. Gloomy, snowy, cold days are so depressing. Which describes where I'm at right now perfectly. XD We've had frigid tempratures for days now, and its been snowing everyday aswell. Driving in it is such a hassle, and I hate having to bundle up so much just to walk outside. I hate coats, I want shorts weather!

I love spring time, and warm weather. I prefer running in the park apposed to running on the treadmill. I enjoy the sunshine, and warm breeze, the birds chirping, ah that sounds nice. I like summer aswell, however I prefer dry heat over humidity. I'm an Arizona baby, so I hate the humidity we get here in the summer.

I love thunderstorms aswell, especially when you can [I]smell[/I] the rain.[/SIZE]
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As Saiyan Princess stated the weather in Ohio is horrible, and I'm somebody who likes snow. The problem is the cold, Negative 5 with the windchill I believe.

I'm a storm man myself, give me big booms of thunder and torrents of rain. I think it may have something to do with the fact that I was terrified of storms as a child, but sometime during little league baseball ( I believe I was 12) we waited out a hellacious storm to play our championship game, and there was just something about that particularly bad storm that was just so relaxing that it took my fear completly away.

As far as hate I hate the weather in the middle east (no offense to anyone from those parts), I was over there in the summer and we peaked at around 132.....uggh. I always thought humidity was what got you....well it does but temps that hot aren't any better.
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[quote name='SaiyanPrincessX'][SIZE="1"]Ah the weather..and it sucks in Ohio right now.

[color=#9933ff]Ohio and I just don't get along. [I]Especially[/I] the weather. The first time I drove through there in 2002 on my way to Texas it poured on my way from South Cleveland and my car broke down twice on I-71.

Then driving back up to New York from Texas in 2005 I hit a blizzard that didn't exist in Kentucky or New York! I hit an icy patch on I-71 again and went spinning with my daughter who was six months old at the time and ended up facing the wrong way right next to the median.

Yeah I will make it my life goal to never drive in Ohio again.

Now me I love the warm weather, but not too warm. Just warm enough where you can wear shorts and a t-shirt, but not sweat like a pig and get swamp *** (my brother's word not mine) I didn't do too well when I lived in Texas because their idea of a mild summer is only hitting 110F (approx 40C) or higher twice a week. Plus the humidity in central Texas can kill ya. When my dad was in the Air Force near San Antonio they'd suspend PT because it got too hot out. I probably wouldn't be too good in Pheonix eiether. I was there back in 2003 in May and they 'celebrated' their first day over 100. And this was in EARLY May!

Nope I love my warm weather, but I also love breathing.:animeswea

Another type of weather I like is thunder storms. One thing I did like about living in Texas was the fact that every other night in Summer we had huge thunder storms that the ones in New York couldn't hold a candle too. The lightening was so close the hair on my arms stood on end. It was great! Plus no tornados- wee.[/color]
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Ah, weather...

Being in a tropical country, the heat can get unbearable at times - speacially in summer.

I prefer a nice, cool weather. Not too hot, and not too cold that would make ice gather on my nose... Luckily, the coldest I have experienced so far have not gone below 20 degrees Celsius.

Humid, heat - I can't handle that too well...


Oh, forgot to mention that I don't like the rain that much... Getting soaked by rain is too troublesome...
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I love thunderstorms/hard rainfall the most. that is what I miss about Ilinois. Nothing better than a flash of lightning here and then some thunder. Then the heavy rythmn of rain beating against the car/window/roof.

What I hate is hot weather. It drives me up the wall. You get all sweaty, wearing hoodies and jeans are unbearable (which I wear year round.) Besides I get so hot at night I can't sleep. I am the kind of person that likes to caccoon herself in layers of blankets and snuggle in a foetal position all night. Mmmm
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[quote name='ChibiHorsewoman'][color=#9933ff]Another type of weather I like is thunder storms. One thing I did like about living in Texas was the fact that every other night in Summer we had huge thunder storms that the ones in New York couldn't hold a candle too. The lightening was so close the hair on my arms stood on end. It was great! Plus no tornados- wee.[/color][/QUOTE]
[COLOR="DarkGreen"]You're a thrill seeker, aren't ya? I couldn't live in Texas for nothing. (nor Nebraska, Ohklahoma, Kansas, and.... something's missing) It's bad enough the storms in Detroit can get crazy, but I hear that we have nothing when it comes storms compared to the storms in tornado alley..... The sheer thought of living there forces me to take my hat off to people that're already living there. (Bravest people in the world lives in those states.)

Anyway, as I've stated, Detroit can get some stupid weather. Keep bouncing between average temps, to below freezing. I'm a cold-type of person so it don't really bother me, but for the tempts to keep flucuating like it has been.... Well, I take that back because this year wasn't nearly as bad as last year and year before that... 60-70 degree's in the winter? That's freakishly scary type stuff right there because you know a tornado outbreak is bound to be on the way.

I also like rain, but I don't care much for thunderstorms mainly because we're always caught in them while we're out fishing or on the road... (What's the point of the news when they feed false info?) I like snow, but I hate it when I have to go shovel it lol.

I hate heat. Any type of humidity, and it gets uncomfortable for me to sleep, and the next day I'd be pissed because of little to no sleep.[/COLOR]
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The only thing snow is good for is snow days... Which I've had 2 1/2 of those since the winter semester started up at Oklahoma... I haven't seen this much snow since I lived in Kansas. (Over 10 years ago)

However, the downside is that because I hate the snow, I'm stuck inside all day doing nothing but homework!
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[color=deeppink]We just got his by two days of intermittent freezing rain and snow. It's terrible outside right now.

Most of the on-campus apartments are without power (though the dorms still have it, grrr them), and it could stay that way for up to a week. The ****** aparments leak out all the heat very rapidly, so after a day of being without electricity, everything is really freakin' cold. Everyone on campus is miserable.

ANd, since we aren't allowed candles, we have almost zero light source after 6. The library is the only place anything can really be done, which means it's packed.[/color]
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[quote name='chibi-master']ARGH!!! Thanks to a big snowstorm, my internet was K.O.'d for the last 2 days! Thus, I couldn't get on here, but I'm back! Darn internet-killing weather!:animeangr[/QUOTE]

[color=#9933ff]Blah I had to drive in that craptastic weather! Yeah! I was away from home yesturday from 6:15AM-9:30PM because I didn't want to waste my 3hrs of free time. I totally hate driving in that stuff![/color]
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