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Fastidious spelling snobs pushed over the edge


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I guess I shouldn't be surprised by this article: [URL="http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/28900351/"][U]Fastidious spelling snobs pushed over the edge[/U][/URL] I did get a good laugh out of it though. Not that improving grammar and spelling isn't important, but the instances where people let it get out of control, made me feel kind of sorry for them. I mean I can understand wanting something to be correct, but deliberately vandalizing a historic hand-painted sign in Grand Canyon National Park just to fix a typo? That's taking things a bit too far in my opinion.

Where do you guys think the line should be drawn? Correcting signs and other stuff is important, but personal blogs just seem like overkill in my opinion. Regardless, I'd recommend following the links in the article, some of them lead to some really fun stuff. Like this image here for the facebook group out to correct grammar infidels.

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[size=1]I correct signs so I can't comment. If I can reach them, that is. But I wouldn't correct someone's blog or personal spelling. It's only things like advertisements and shop signs that deserve to be changed if they're wrong because it makes me feel like I'm in a country of idiots. Also it's fun.

I'm going to be a little off-topic but I went through some articles on there and can I ask... why is 'research' and 'study' time being wasted on stuff like, "studies show if you touch it you're more likely to buy it blah blah" and "Kissing eases stress, studies show". O_o. I'm sure there's more important things to study... like... [i]cancer[/i].[/rant][/size]
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[FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"][COLOR="Indigo"]That's a tad bit unfair Rach, I don't judge people that badly. I've come to realize that people will choose to converse in the manner they choose, but I'm not so overzealous as to correct people's blogs or edit people's posts on a website because they don't bother to capitalize letters. I will find it funny when people try to use larger words and have absolutely no idea what the word means, but Microsoft Word told them that it was a synonym.

This one always gets me.

"I know I don't have good 'grammer'."

Obviously not.

(lols@ Sweat and Sour Chicken)[/COLOR][/FONT]
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[FONT="Comic Sans MS"]I theenk gramur an speling r vary importnt. Wifout dem, it wood be hard to reed stuf. I fynd it vurry annoyin wen peeple misspel evry wurd.

In all seriousness, I'm not a Grammar Nazi by any means. If someone makes one little typo, I'm perfectly willing to forgive it, unless of course it's a really, really funny typo. Like the other day when I accused Anomaly of "Laying" Grand Theft Auto.

However, I can't stand anything that is rife with spelling errors and grammatical fail. For example, my school's newspaper. Just about every time I get my hands on it, I read it out loud to the first person I can find, taking care to note all the fails. Seriously, it's gotten to the pointy where I can pick and choose my "favorite" journalists. I've been planning for weeks to take a red pen to one of those little things and hand it in for extra credit or something.[/FONT]
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Why couldn't they just inform a park official instead of vandalizing the sign...:confused:

Anyway, I must admit that I am very picky about grammar and spelling.:animeswea What really irritates me is that I find those kind of mistakes in many of my school textbooks...:animestun But the thing that puts me off the most is when people use "Me and so-and-so" incorrecty. EXAMPLE:

FAIL= "Me and Susan went to the mall!"
WIN= "Susan and I went to the mall!"

Get it straight, people!!!:animesigh
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[quote name='Korey][FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"][COLOR="Indigo"]That's a tad bit unfair Rach, I don't judge people that badly.[/COLOR][/FONT][/QUOTE]It was meant as a joke, but I edited it out just the same. [QUOTE=chibi-master']Why couldn't they just inform a park official instead of vandalizing the sign...[/quote]I kind of wonder if they actually did or not. I should look further into it since I only skimmed the article.
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[quote name='chibi-master']FAIL= "Me and Susan went to the mall!"
WIN= "Susan and I went to the mall!"

Get it straight, people!!!:animesigh[/QUOTE]

[size=1]I know. I do that, too, and people tend to get annoyed. They tell me that I don't know what I'm talking about so I explain it like this:

"Take out the other person's name and then tell me if the sentence makes sense."

It's amusing to watch.[/size]
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[COLOR=#35425e][SIZE=1][b]So a panda walks into a diner...[/b]

I'm a bit of a spelling nerd, something I've been bragging about since I found out that I was the only 1st grader in class who can spell "gymnasium" and "anesthesia." With grammar, I'm not as strict because as [b]Chabichou[/b] implied, it's all about whether it's acceptable or not.

But there are some mix-ups I can't tolerate even after chanting "the jewel is in the lotus" a thousand times:
I'm a tad more lenient with the last two (we don't hear apostrophes in spoken language now, do we?), but as for affect/effect... God, they only vaguely sound alike! One's a verb and one's a noun; takes just a minute to learn the difference.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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[FONT="Arial"]I know people like that. Most are fine, some are, as the article points out, so uptight that you wonder when they are going to snap. In my opinion, so long as the meaning is clear and it's not a homework assignment or something like a sign that helps you get around... I don't really give a damn. [/FONT]
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[color=deeppink]I generally only correct someone's grammar to annoy them. Other then that, I don't care. There's no such thing as an objective language anyway.

But it is [i]especially[/i] fun to correct a Grammar Nazi. Me and my friends do it all the time.[/color]
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[quote=Nerdsy][COLOR=deeppink]I generally only correct someone's grammar to annoy them. Other [B][COLOR=Red]then[/COLOR][/B] that, I don't care. There's no such thing as an objective language anyway.

But it is [I]especially[/I] fun to correct a Grammar Nazi. [B][COLOR=Red]Me and my friends[/COLOR][/B] do it all the time.[/COLOR][/quote]

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[quote name='Mr. Maul'][IMG]http://www.wayn.com/images/1x1transparent.gif[/IMG][/QUOTE]

[color=deeppink]I was hoping somebody would take the bait.

Consider yourself on my list of Grammar Nazis. Me and my friends are always looking for fresh meat. ; )[/color]
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[quote name='Korey'][FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"][COLOR="Indigo"](lols@ Sweat and Sour Chicken)[/COLOR][/FONT][/QUOTE]

[color=#9933ff][font=monotype corsiva][size=4]Yeah that just makes mi mowth water. :catgirl:

I'm a bit of a grammar Nazi. I get mad at my boyfriend (he's been on here are few times as SpyLR- you can tell his posts by the bad spelling and lack of capitalization) when we IM because he figures since it's not professional it doesn't matter. But it matters to me. I'm kinda crazy on it at times (althought my punctuation is lacking at times too) But I would never go so far as to deface a sign (I save my defacing for the light tower at the end of pier one at Charlotte beach just like everyone else in Rochester. And I use my best spelling)

I do think that bad spelling and grammar are annoying though. I go through people's stories on fanfiction.net and critique the grammar and spelling and word usage. Damn do some of them whine about me doing that![/color][/font][/size]
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[COLOR="DarkGreen"][FONT="Tahoma"]It's really easy for me. Since I make plenty of mistakes myself... I don't care that others do too. Though I do have to admit that I hate some of the mangled stuff you get in a chat environment. Seeing u instead of you and ur instead of your, bugs me. But since it's chat, I just say nothing. =P[/FONT][/COLOR]
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[quote name='Allamorph][FONT="Arial"']I think I might have figured out what this thread is about. Is this kinda close?[/FONT][/quote]Hahaha, I love that group. =P

Anyway, I found this fun little gem earlier today so...

I may be of the opinion that for some mistakes it's no big deal, but you can't help but laugh at something like that. Heh.
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[COLOR="Indigo"][FONT="Arial"]I'll admit that if something is really horrible, then it's just annoying. Not that I correct it, but if it's a personal blog, unless I really like the person, I'm more inclined to never bother with reading their updates. The way I see it is if the mistake is so obvious that even I can see it, it's bad. =P

For everyday mistakes, the more simple kind that don't really interfere with your ability to understand what the person is getting at, those I just ignore. I'm guilty of those mistakes too. [/FONT][/COLOR]
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[COLOR="RoyalBlue"][FONT="Lucida Sans Unicode"]Oh gosh, I just don't care really. Unless it's professional stuff. I mean if you go to the doctor's office and they have signs in there misspelled, you're not going to feel very confident in their ability to treat you. XD I ran into that just this week since I had to go in for my yearly check up. They had mixed up the forms of your/you're for one of the boards about insurance for tests. Looking at it reminded me of this thread.

Anyway, I make so many mistakes and would just die without spell check so I tend to ignore simple mixups. Though I have to admit that mangled posts are a bit annoying. I prefer it if someone at least puts the effort in. If that's the case a mistake or two is fine, but if it's something that is just littered with them... ugh. [/FONT][/COLOR]
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  • 2 weeks later...
[SIZE="1"]I make spelling and/or grammar mistakes frequently so I am not going to wag my finger at others who do so as well. I doubt I have the skills in English to correct mistakes anyway. :p
I like to think I've matured since I first discovered the 'internet language', at first it annoyed the heck outta me, but I let it go and rarely pay attention nowadays.
However, I do get frazzled by the constant butchering of small words, like 'ur' and 'u r l8te', ect. Tsk tsk
I don't see the point in those, unless maybe if you are in a hurry. Even then... :rolleyes:[/SIZE]
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[quote name='Korey'][FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]*Points to his Signature*Hush you. I've got proof of your maturity right here. [/font][/QUOTE]

[SIZE="1"]You would. > >;;

Oh, I know this isn't really a spelling issue, but I get aggravated at how much the word [I]like[/I] is thrown around. "like no wai!!" and "like, he like said we should date and so we are like dating now..." yadda yadda... ::*head desks*::
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[FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]It's a nervous habit of mine to put in fillers when I speak. It is really sort of off putting when someone is speaking though.

I blame the valley girls in California for that. The difference between us and them, though, is that they do it because they're not firing on all cylinders, if you know what I mean.

Every stereotype made of them is true. [/FONT]
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