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Students post videos of brawls online


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I'm sure you all have heard of this before. Students recording fights so they can later post them on youtube for their fifteen minutes of fame. Or in an attempt to get more lasting fame than that. [URL="http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/29553666/"][U]Students post videos of brawls online[/U][/URL]

Now I know a lot of schools have moved to banning such videos that occur on campus, and I certainly agree with that. Fighting on campus is just plain stupid in my opinion. Though doing so elsewhere seems pretty stupid to me as well.

So what do all of you think? Are fights like this a problem where you live? Do you think they're stupid or would you be the one fighting or perhaps holding the camera recording it? I know if it was me, I'd be putting an end to the fight. It's not like you can't take up learning how to do boxing or some form of martial arts so brawling like that is just pointless in my opinion.
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[color=#9933ff][font=monotype corsiva][size=4]First off I think one of my co-workers would love to get in on this and try to do a video recorded fight with me, but that's just because she's got issues.And she's mad at me about saying her Coach bag was fake and that I didn't like her tailgating me.:animesigh

Second I'm with you Rach when you say that fighting is stupid and really what are these students trying to prove anyway? It will ruin them in the long run especially when potential employers look them up online and see what they were getting into when they were in high school. Seriously one of the best ways to lose a job and respect is for someone to find crap like that online where you were involved. Especially if you were the one fighting in the first place. If you were the one getting beat up, it could have the potential to work in your favor.

I got bullied in high school so I definately wouldn't be the one in on it or holding the camera. I'd be the one trying to break it up and saying something about it. It's just not right and who the hell do these people think they are that they can beat someone up and record it then be dumb enough to psot it on youtube.

As far as I know it's not an issue in my area. But considering how the violence is in some of the schools here and how in denial my local school district is about bullying in school it could be a problem and no one would know about it.[/color][/font][/size]
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[COLOR="DarkGreen"][FONT="Tahoma"][quote name='ChibiHorsewoman][color=#9933ff][font=monotype corsiva][size=4]Second I'm with you Rach when you say that fighting is stupid and really what are these students trying to prove anyway? It will ruin them in the long run especially when potential employers look them up online and see what they were getting into when they were in high school. Seriously one of the best ways to lose a job and respect is for someone to find crap like that online where you were involved. Especially if you were the one fighting in the first place. If you were the one getting beat up, it could have the potential to work in your favor.[/color][/font][/size][/QUOTE]I've seen a bit of this kind of stupidity at my school. If you're caught, they'll suspend you from school. It really is one of the dumbest things ever. Not only will you have problems like you mentioned if potential employers see it, but it makes you look really immature and stupid too. I know if I was considering hiring someone and I saw them doing stuff like that online... I'd end up hiring someone else instead. [QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman][color=#9933ff][font=monotype corsiva][size=4]I got bullied in high school so I definately wouldn't be the one in on it or holding the camera. I'd be the one trying to break it up and saying something about it. It's just not right and who the hell do these people think they are that they can beat someone up and record it then be dumb enough to psot it on youtube.[/color][/font'][/size][/quote]I'm the same (not the getting bullied part), I know I'd try to break a fight up or go and get someone to break it up. It's bad enough that they're even fighting but to post it online, that's even more petty. [/FONT][/COLOR]
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[COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Times New Roman"]Any smart person knows better than to have obvious PROOF of fighting on campus. DUH.

I prefer to fight off campus, in a dojo, where fighting belongs. Even so, I've been in fights before, not that it bothers me much. I have a mean right hook, and they usually don't last very long.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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[quote name='Raiha'][COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Times New Roman"]I prefer to fight off campus, in a dojo, where fighting belongs.[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE]

Heck yeah!:smirk:

I think I'd be the one jumping in and breaking up the fight by breaking peoples' faces while screaming about the idiocy of fighting on school grounds. Then I'd report them all to the principle. Yeah, I'm stupid that way... But I just can't see myself on the sidelines going "Hey, guys! C'mon now, break it up! What if a teacher or someone sees you, huh? You're going to get in trouble!" while they ignore me and continue fighting.

But yeah, I'd never fight on school grounds unless I had no other choice, no matter how much I may want to punch in that stupid idiot's face...:animeangr Ah...that might be off topic...
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[font=franklin gothic medium]A few radio stations here are suggesting that this phenomenon equates to a general increase in violence within society.

I think, though, that it isn't so much the overall violence that has increased - instead I'd just say that the violence is now far more publicised. And now, of course, kids can publicise it themselves, which is inherently dangerous.

I suspect that if kids in the 50's or 60's had access to YouTube, the end result may be pretty similar.[/font]
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[quote name='James']
[FONT=franklin gothic medium]I suspect that if kids in the 50's or 60's had access to YouTube, the end result may be pretty similar.[/FONT][/quote]

Such a true statement. People think the worlds going to hell...though not far fected, many things that the new generation does that is "evil" are things that were done before.

I blame YouTube itself for allowing things like this. How far will the videos they allow to post go before somebody puts a stop to it. "YouTube takes a strong moral stance against Pornography" but yet some poor kid getting the hell beat out of him is okay.
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[quote name='Drizzt Do'urden']Such a true statement. People think the worlds going to hell...though not far fected, many things that the new generation does that is "evil" are things that were done before.

I blame YouTube itself for allowing things like this. How far will the videos they allow to post go before somebody puts a stop to it. "YouTube takes a strong moral stance against Pornography" but yet some poor kid getting the hell beat out of him is okay.[/QUOTE]

[color=#9933ff][font=monotype corsiva][size=4]I have to agree with you there. And seriously what did the people in those eras have that we don't now? Race riots and lynchings which were broadcast on national and international TV. Seems some hstorians or whatever need to look again at history.

And I blame youtube as well. I wonder if we could start a petition to get this banned. Hey it';s a thought.[/color][/font][/size]
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[quote name='ChibiHorsewoman'][color=#9933ff][font=monotype corsiva][size=4]
And I blame youtube as well. I wonder if we could start a petition to get this banned. Hey it';s a thought.[/color][/font][/size][/QUOTE]

[font=franklin gothic medium]While I'm not generally a fan of censorship, I think any web site has to decide whether it will or won't moderate content.

If YouTube is going to take a moral stance against sexual content, then I don't see why they should simultaneously allow highly violent content. And really it's a slippery slope, because if you ban violence on YouTube then you could potentially ban a massive percentage of its content (is the slapstick jokey stuff considered violence, for instance?)

What annoys me really is the double-standard I think. I mean YouTube probably wouldn't allow video of, say, a viscious dog fight or something - so why allow videos of children getting into often serious brawls?

At least maybe an attempt should be made to rate videos, but I suppose that has its own pitfalls too.[/font]
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[COLOR="RoyalBlue"][FONT="Lucida Sans Unicode"][QUOTE=James][font=franklin gothic medium]What annoys me really is the double-standard I think. I mean YouTube probably wouldn't allow video of, say, a viscious dog fight or something - so why allow videos of children getting into often serious brawls?

At least maybe an attempt should be made to rate videos, but I suppose that has its own pitfalls too.[/font][/QUOTE]I don't think they encourage it. I didn't read through their complete terms of service, but the second page of the article did say this:[quote][FONT="Arial"]Scott Rubin, a spokesman for Google-owned YouTube, said users can flag videos for graphic or gratuitous violence. The company then reviews those videos for possible removal.

But Rubin said the large volume of content posted to the site ? 15 hours of video every minute ? does not allow the company to search for inappropriate material on its own.

"The flagging system works," he said. "Is it perfect? No, of course not. But it's a good system."[/FONT][/quote]It sounds more like a problem of having more material than they can keep up with. That's a lot of videos being uploaded. o_O It would be interesting to see just how much stuff that is flagged by users actually gets removed though.

Anyway, in general, I agree that violence isn't necessarily increasing, just our ability to find out about it is. Also, kids recording and posting videos like this... stupid, dumb and not bright at all. [/FONT][/COLOR]
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[quote name='SunfallE'][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]I don't think they encourage it. [/quote][/color]

[font=franklin gothic medium]No, I don't believe they encourage it.[/font]

[quote][color=royalblue]It sounds more like a problem of having more material than they can keep up with. That's a lot of videos being uploaded. o_O It would be interesting to see just how much stuff that is flagged by users actually gets removed though. [/quote][/color]

[font=franklin gothic medium]That would be a logical explanation, except for the fact that they seem to be able to keep up with sexual content pretty well. And I would guess that a lot of people probably try to upload that type of stuff regularly.

So I'm not sure why there's such a discrepancy, except perhaps that overt sexual content is a bit clearer and easier to identify.

In any case, I also don't believe that YouTube really bears a great deal of responsibility (I only bring up their approach in reference to their own stated goals).

I really believe that those who upload the videos and who engage in the fights hold the ultimate responsibility. And I really hate to see the buck being passed in that sense - it isn't YouTube's fault that people are stupid and violent, for instance.[/font]
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[FONT="Arial"][quote name='James][font=franklin gothic medium']I really believe that those who upload the videos and who engage in the fights hold the ultimate responsibility. And I really hate to see the buck being passed in that sense - it isn't YouTube's fault that people are stupid and violent, for instance.[/font][/quote]That's how I see it. The ones ultimately responsible for this are the one's actually doing it. Youtube is merely a medium for hosting it. However, I do hope that when flagged, they're being removed. If they're not and the person later lands in trouble either with the law or at work, then I know I won't feel sorry for the person at all. If you're dumb enough to fight and then stupid enough to put it up where anyone can access it, sucks to be you.[/FONT]
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[quote name='James'][font=franklin gothic medium]While I'm not generally a fan of censorship, I think any web site has to decide whether it will or won't moderate content.

If YouTube is going to take a moral stance against sexual content, then I don't see why they should simultaneously allow highly violent content. And really it's a slippery slope, because if you ban violence on YouTube then you could potentially ban a massive percentage of its content (is the slapstick jokey stuff considered violence, for instance?)

What annoys me really is the double-standard I think. I mean YouTube probably wouldn't allow video of, say, a viscious dog fight or something - so why allow videos of children getting into often serious brawls?

At least maybe an attempt should be made to rate videos, but I suppose that has its own pitfalls too.[/font][/QUOTE]

[COLOR="Magenta"][B][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]i agree... but i realy like youtube the way it is...[/FONT][/B][/COLOR]
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[quote name='James][font=franklin gothic medium']I really believe that those who upload the videos and who engage in the fights hold the ultimate responsibility. And I really hate to see the buck being passed in that sense - it isn't YouTube's fault that people are stupid and violent, for instance.[/font][/quote]I agree, YouTube isn't the problem so much as it is the people fighting and posting the videos. Like Beth pointed out, right now YouTube has too much content being uploaded to fully monitor it. Plus, I don't know how feasible it would be to attempt to do so.

And since that's the case, you gotta love the irony of something like this: [URL="http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/chi-proviso-you-tube-12mar12,0,7818590.story"][U]3 students charged in connection with video of fight posted on YouTube[/U][/URL] As sad as it is that the kids are doing crap like that, it is fitting to see them get in trouble for it.
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[quote name='Rachmaninoff']I agree, YouTube isn't the problem so much as it is the people fighting and posting the videos.[/quote]

Why I do agree that the people fighting and posting are the main problem, i don't agree youtube shouldn't be at fault. If they claim not to have the personel to keep up with the videos, then they probably should work out a better system then allow people to just "vote them off the youtube".

Of course I could rant on and on about what I think they should do, but it wouldn't serve much purpose. Just that there are things a multi-billion dollar company can do in order to fix this problem themselves rather then allow a group of children rate other children's videos....
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[QUOTE=Drizzt Do'urden]Why I do agree that the people fighting and posting are the main problem, i don't agree youtube shouldn't be at fault. If they claim not to have the personel to keep up with the videos, then they probably should work out a better system then allow people to just "vote them off the youtube".

Of course I could rant on and on about what I think they should do, but it wouldn't serve much purpose. Just that there are things a multi-billion dollar company can do in order to fix this problem themselves rather then allow a group of children rate other children's videos....[/QUOTE]Well when I said feasible, I meant just that. I imagine it's a matter of cost, of just how much money it would take to have enough staff to keep up. You can only do so much before you end up being unable to afford running your site anymore.

Also, what things can they do? Ultimately the ones choosing to fight are the kids. I'm of the opinion that up to a point, people don't need the big brother approach of someone monitoring every little move they make.

There's really no need to restrict all the kids as you put it just because a small percentage of them are too stupid to behave.
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