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velvet paws

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I've been having trouble sleeping for the last few weeks. I can't actually fall asleep until about 4am and then I have to be up again for 7.30am to get ready for school. It wasn't so bad because we recently had a week off, but the fact of the matter is I never get up again until 2pm+. No matter how many times my alarm goes off or a family member shouts me I just fall instantly back to sleep and remain dead to the world for ages. I've missed school because of it and it's my last 2 months before my final exams so I really need to go because I fell behind from bad attendance already :( I missed it again yesterday..didn't wake up until 3pm...so I'm attempting to stay up all night and then I should be able to catch the bus on time :) It's 7am already heh....only prob is my eyes are starting to get a little heavy..so I guess my brain wont be working great all day cause I'll be trying not to actually feel sleepy heh...but I realised one huge fault in my plan...I can drink Tea and Coco-cola now to keep me awake..but by the time school is over I will have been up for 25hours..then I have to go straight to my bf's to spend the evening with him :blush: :bawl: I just know I'm not going to be able to make it. I asked my mum to book me into the doctors but I don't know if he'll do anything.

So basically I just want to know if anyone else has this probs and what they did...or what you suggest I could do...or what medication if any I should ask the doctor for. Like I said it's my last 2 months of study before my exams and I'm already a little behind...and no matter what I do I'm not tired til 3am/4am+....
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Hmmm I spose...but I've already tried different styles of music...warm drinks...dark rooms...sittin up at my PC..watching TV..just lying there starring at the ceiling...not eating before bed...eating so much I'm stuffed before bed...writing out my feelings on paper...... *sigh*
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Well I'd tell you an easy way to get tired and go to sleep, however it can be considered rather digusting and not appropiate so I won't say anything. (despite the fact 90% of you already know what I'm talking about... or do you?)

But yeah, my ex could never sleep, he just took sleeping pills... in fact, alot of people take sleeping pills... sleeping disorders can be caused by alot of things... it can also be harmful to your health if this is to continue... If it doesn't settle down some, I'd consult a doctor.

But yeah, music (relaxing music such as some trance/goa, classical music, instrumentals, baroque music (which is clinically tested to be better for your health than rock music) and whatnot... whatever relaxes you and gets your mind from thinking too much)
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[SIZE=1]I used to have this trouble, I was told that I have an "active mind" and I am thinking all the time :p

You [i]could[/i] go and see a doctor, if you want, but if not just try any of TN's methods *points at his post*[/SIZE]
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[color=red][size=3]Actually, watching TV or playing on the computer only makes it worse. Bright lights like a screen will keep you awake. Me? I just imagine the one person I care about most in the world and it kinda comforts me. Sounds a little psychotic, but it really helps.[/color][/size]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by () [/i]
[B]Well, this happens to me after hols ALL the time. I stay up till 5 or so on the hols and then when I have to go to school I can't get no sleep... give it some time, thats what I do. [/B][/QUOTE]

[SIZE=1]Ahh, that's exactly the same with me, it really frustates me...[/SIZE]
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Guest maverick
the same thing happens to me but every day when I wake up
my eyes feel like there stuck with each other (wow now I know how puppy's feel there firts day:wigout: :D )
but then I remenber all the things my dad has giving me.
witch makes me think that I want to give him the same stuft he has given me. and that makes me wake up no matter what :sleep:
with the tought that I will join the marines and get my dad out of work. and school is goin to help me get there .
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I have a lot of trouble sleeping. Even after that thing that TN didn't mention I have trouble sleeping. If it gets so bad I can't stand it I might get up and exercise until I get tired but, other than that, I just lay there until I go to sleep.

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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i]
[B]Well I'd tell you an easy way to get tired and go to sleep, however it can be considered rather digusting and not appropiate so I won't say anything. (despite the fact 90% of you already know what I'm talking about... or do you?)[/B][/QUOTE]

I know it's bad, but yes, I understand that. O.o;;;;;;

Anyway, during the day, use up a lot of energy. Exercise a lot. Get into screaming/fist fights. It works for me. But then again, I'm naturally an easy sleeper. But I also fight sleep.....or so I'm told. But once I sleep, don't count on me getting up unless I want to. Wild horses can't drag me out of bed. A few hot chicks, yes, but not wild horses.....:D
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