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Warriors of Gaia

Guest Pyromaniac

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Guest Pyromaniac
Before you red this, understand it will take, like, half an hour, so if you have a short attention span, spare yerself some time and leave now.

In the year 3000, mankind has obliterated itself in a nuclear holocaust. To help restore Earth to it's natural state, the essence of the planet, Gaia, enpowered small groups of people with her magic. These people were known as Gaians. They held control over the nine elements: Fire, earth, wind, water, lightning, ice, psychic, light, and dark. Each of these clans had a champion, and they lead their people on the quest to restore the planet. But it was not to be. During the quest, the leader of the dark clan, Draconus, decided that he was the heir to the planet, and attacked his unsuspecting bretheren. Now, combining his evil sorcery with the shunned ways of technology, he has grown even more powerful than before. The only way to defeat Draconus, and end his reign of terror, is to venture to the nine elemental tempals, and retrieve thier gems. Then, and only then, can one forge them into the Omni sword, the only weapon in creation powerful enough to bring death to Draconus. And so the quest begins.......

To play, simply fill in the following and post it.

3.Items(not too powerful)
4.Signature attack

Once 3 people have joined, we can start.I will be posting the instructions to playing the game later on.
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Guest Pyromaniac
Whoops, forgot to post my character.

1. Burn Gliffis.
2.Fire(:flaming: ).
3. Sword of flames, iron shield, chain with hook.
4.Legend of the Phoenix.
5. Orphaned as a child, Burn was reared by the leader of the Fire Clan, Effigy. Burn immediatly took an interest in fire, and surprisingly, learned that he had Gaian powers. He recently learned that Draconus betrayed and murdered his father, who was in fact, leader of the Fire Clan before Effigy. This, coupled with his eagerness for battle, has caused him to leave the safety of the Clan's shelter, and to go on the quest for the Omni-Sword.
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Guest TenchiDaPimp'
1.Thunder Hou
3.staff of the gods, Trident of Neptune, Skills of the Highest Shoalin Priest
4.Strike of the Cobra
5.Traveling through time I have aquired skills from many people. The control of lightning was givin to me by my father Raiden God of Thunder.
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3.Sever Blade,Iron Shield,Spiked Gloves
4.Tornando Blade
5.Scythe is the leader of the Wind clan he is extremly fast and highly skilled with his weapon large but light sword that will cut thourgh you like the wind

hmm i think that should just about do it
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Guest Pyromaniac
Welcome TenchiDaPimp' and NanakiXIII. We will start the game once 1 more person joins, but ill post the rules now:

Much like the other RPGs on this board, we take turns deciding what happens.*Example* I would say " Burn, Thunder, and Sythe come face to face with a giant, talking butt. Burn throws a fireball, but..." & Nanaki would say "....The giant butt absorbs it and attacks them all at once." Actually, i expect the stories to be MUCH longer, & assure you, there will be no talking butt. Although, i will kick you out of the game if:

1.You accuse me of cheating.
2. You cheat.
3. You tick me off.
4. You don't reply for more than 4 days(pm me if you want to still be a member but have to leave for 4 days.).

In each temple, there is a gaurdian monster. When they are defeated, the gem is claimed. The gem transforms the weapon of a person of the same element.
* Example * Sword of Flames + Ruby of Fire = Broadsword of Fire.

There are many other options in the game, including visiting/staying in towns, having creatures as pets, non Gaian magic, and more. Just a reminder: One more person has to join to start the game.
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[COLOR=royalblue]Meet Laurii, the tiger girl...

Name: Laurii Morikawa

Element: Water/Earth

Item: Spirit Stone

Attacks: Deep surround and Earth Spirit

Description: Tall, brown hair, blue eyes, possesed by a tiger spirit, when she is angry, she can transform into a wild white tiger and destroy everything for miles.

Bio: Raised herself in the mountains, Laurii has great strength and intelligence. When she was born, a tiger's ghost invaded her body and made her who she is now...[/COLOR]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by NanakiXIII [/i]
[B][B]ok now where did he go and Raiha i take it you like tigers[/B] [/B][/QUOTE][COLOR=royalblue]What was your first clue? Besides the fact that it's my sign, I suppose I have no other reason to like them so much.[/COLOR]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by NanakiXIII [/i]
[B][B]in your sign sorry im stupid but what do u mean by that[/B] [/B][/QUOTE][COLOR=royalblue]Oh, Chinese Lunar Calander, the tiger is the celestial sign for anyone born in 1986.[/COLOR]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by NanakiXIII [/i]
[B][B]oh i see hmm thats cool would you know what my sign is in the Chinese Lunar Calender or whatever[/B] [/B][/QUOTE][COLOR=royalblue]What year were you born? LOL, I'm too lazy to check your profile.[/COLOR]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by NanakiXIII [/i]
[B][B]1987 lol, its not in my profile anyway[/B] [/B][/QUOTE][COLOR=royalblue]I'm checking, hang on a second...
ROTFLMAO!! *snicker* Oh well, I guess you should know anyways...you're a rabbit. They're the luckiest of all the signs, so I guess that's a good thing...[/COLOR]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by NanakiXIII [/i]
[B][B]ah i see chinese relatives huh are you chinese[/B] [/B][/QUOTE][COLOR=royalblue]Pretty much, yeah. It's okay, but I have really thick hair because of my mom. It resembles Melfina's, from Outlaw Star.[/COLOR]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by NanakiXIII [/i]
[B][B]whoops Raiha this is supposed ta be an RPG and uh well we weren't doin anythin but talkin bout Chinese Zodiac me thinks we should stop talkin bout that in here[/B] [/B][/QUOTE][COLOR=royalblue]Oh, yeah. :o. So, who's starting off here?[/COLOR]
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