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Silly Teens, Nick is for Kids...


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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sacred Warrior [/i]
[B]Yea I guess you are right Shyguy. But, I mean look what they did to cartoon network. Not that I hate it or anything but now they got shows that have cuss words in them. I mean, would you have kids watching that. But, I love it. It has the best shows. [/B][/QUOTE]

[color=darkblue][size=1]Cartoon Network is a gray area. People assume that it is for kids based on the fact that they show cartoons. I wonder how many parents have actually sat down and watched some of the Adult Swim programming...

... Nick is a tv network for kids, so I feel that their shows should be for kids. Invader Zim is too weird for six year olds, but it isn't obscene or anything like that. Ugh, *walks off to watch Zoog Disney*[/color][/size]
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ANGRY BEAVERS! woooooo that show ROCKED! *starts singing* "I'm no stoopy-poopy beeeeaver..... EE-EEYAI! .... hug." Oi,.... the ONE show that was actually decent on that forsaken channel..... gone! *sighs*

And for everyone's information, I had a crush on Stick Stickly.

No, I didn't. Just joking.... Right. *walks out before the hole gets deeper....*
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Well, I don't think that the programming is so innapropiate. Hell, 70 years ago, you could be arrested for using swimsuits that showed more than arms and feet.

Oh, and they had an Angry Beavers marathon in May. It ruled.
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Juu the way you talk is from where your from, I love Rocket Power.

SpongeBob, Rugrats, Hey Arnold<---All the Nicktoons are alright

But back in the day was great, AlexMack, Clarisa, Are u afraid of the dark, Nick Arcade!!!!!!!, Salute your shorts, Hey dude!!!!!, all the old stuf!
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[COLOR=deeppink]I can't stand Nick nowadays... I can only watch Hey Arnold and Spongebob. I watched some Teen Nick shows. They were worse than the teen shows on NBC. And that is saying something, believe you me.

I miss all those fantastic game shows... And don't even get me started on what's happened to All That...

Gaw, I miss Pete and Pete... in my opinion, it's the best show in Nick's history. Even better than Guts (which I would have given the right side of my keyboard to be on). At least there's Noggin. Pete and Pete and Clarissa Explains it All reruns keep me going.

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Nick has been trying to cater to all "child" age groups since it's inception. Nick Jr., or some version of it has been on for god knows how long. Normal cartoons and gameshows always work for most age groups. And really, ever since Snick started several years ago they have been aiming at teens. Even before this they had a lot of shows with teen casts, like "Salute Your Shorts" and "Hey Dude!". Salute Your Shorts was cool I thought, but Hey Dude! was ALWAYS a teen drama. There is no denying it. There were plenty of others too. I don't see how that's much different from today.

All That fell apart. And I miss game shows... I think Double Dare came back, but it's nothing like it was.

Personally, I always loved Nicktoons... Rocco's Modern Life, Ren and Stimpy, AHHH! Real Monsters... I like Hey Arnold and LOVE Spongebob. That was my favorite cartoon since it came out, and all of a sudden he was popular.
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I remember when those shows used to come on. All That, Ahhh! Real Monsters!, The Secret World of Alex Mack, Are You Afraid of the Dark, Legends of the Hidden Temple. But especially The Angry Beavers. Those shows ruled. Daggit was so funny. I don't watch Nick anymore, though. Not since CN came to me. But it is kinda sad that they would show those kind of shows on Nickelodeon, even if it is on TeeNick.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i]
[B][color=royalblue]Anyway...I like Nick for two reasons: Ren & Stimpy and Invader Zim. ;)[/color] [/B][/QUOTE]

That says it all for me.

Personally, I avoid Nick at all costs. Except for Zim and Gir. Gir ownz j00. ^_^;;;

But ehh... All those shows with characters that are supposedly "real life shows" suck. At least in my not so humble opinion. The ones I avoid the most, however, are some that are discussed in this topic.

Rugrats, As Told By Genger, Rocket Power, all over the TeeNick shows, and pretty much everything else. Zim is the ONLY one I will willingly watch.

Other than that, Nickelodeon can burn for all I care.
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Guest Solid Snake
[color=teal]As I have more time to stay at home since school ended, I am doing a lot more television watching, and I can see what you mean about Nickelodeon. Although most shows are still geared toward a younger audience, there are some that are getting older, as if to follow the age of the average kid. I believe that it is their responsibility to simply keep the age limit lower for those kids, and if they grow out of it, then they should watch a different channel. This makes me believe that Nickelodeon is doing changes just for more ratings, which is a good idea, but bad outcome.

I also agree that some of the old shows were a lot better. One look at the new "All That" made me begging for the old one, and all of these cartoons make me want the old live-action ones. However, some of the cartoons, I find, are still pretty cool/funny. I always liked "Rocket Power" and "SpongeBob Square Pants" when I was younger, and, I don't know about you, but I still find time to watch them now, at 14. There are a few other like that, but only because of that age upgrade.

Nick is there to be a kid-friendly channel, but it is now taking it to more extreme lengths.[/color]

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  • 3 months later...
LONG LIVE RETRO NICK!!!! I miss these shows the most:
Nick Arcade
Legends of the Hidden Temple
You Can't do that on Television
Salute Your Shorts (my personal favorite)
Rocko's Modern Life
All That (old school version, not the stupidity on now)
and What Would You Do?

And btw, anyone remember the show "Roundhouse"? It was so weird it's not funny..I remember watching it and saying..."I'll turn the tube off now I think....:eek: "
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I have a few thoughts I want to share:
Aren't mature themes the reason fans argue against general audience series from Japan being cut down to "kids" shows? After all, so many of the people I've met have constantly argued how censors "kiddified" Pokemon.

"As told by Ginger" is a "teen" series, hence its appearance on Teen Nick, and "Hey Arnold" is definately not the first "kids" show to deal with children, 10+ year olds, having girlfriends/boyfriends. Themes like these are not new:
-Captain Planet one starred character with AIDS
-When Mr. Hooper, in Sesame Street, died, a storyline was written to explain the concept to Big Bird.
-Maria, also in Sesame Street, had her real life pregnancy written into the show.
-Wilma Flinstone was pregnant with Pebbles and actually had the baby in the show.
-G.I. Joe dealt with druglords.

Also remeber that Looney Tunes, Tiny Tunes, Animaniacs, Powerpuff Girls, and Freakazoid, shows long regarded as "kid" shows, are loaded with jokes and references that only adults would understand. Do you know how many Looney Tunes have been cut from TV for themes that, today, are considerd racists or un-PC?

My Point is that one mature theme in a cartoon is not going to be the end of America's morality, because there have been worse in other cartoons from the past and look at the state of cartoons today.

As for the topic: I've always loved Nickelodeon and have watched it fo years, almost all my life in fact. I haven't seen Nick on a regular basis recently butI do watch every so often. I'm a fan of Taina and Cousin Skeeter. "All That" isn't the sam now that Kenan, Kel, Josh and all the well-knowns are gone.
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