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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AJ2K1 4 Life [/i]
Since I wear both a top and undies,..do I click 'underwear', 'clothes', or 'bra and pants', in your polls? Hmmm? Do you see my problem now?[/b] [/B][/QUOTE]I think u should click on other.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AJ2K1 4 Life [/i]
Since I wear both a top and undies,..do I click 'underwear', 'clothes', or 'bra and pants', in your polls? Hmmm? Do you see my problem now?[/b] [/B][/QUOTE]yeah,put other.
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Guest Master O Beans
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i]
[B]Boxers and socks... hehe... I can't sleep without socks [/B][/QUOTE]

AH! Socks! I hate them! I would never (untrue, during the winter I sometimes do...but shhh...) wear socks to bed! I don't even wear them around the house! ...heh, but that's just me. Anyhoo, I sleep in a Old, old, old t-shirt, and boxers( which aren't old old old...they're new.)
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ice Dragon v2 [/i]
once winter season hits
im gonna turn on my fan
i intentionally keep the cold in
n i wear shorts n a tank
i dunno why but i have develope a high tolerance agaisnt the cold [/B][/QUOTE]

I always do that.... durring winter i always have my window open and the fan on.... ahh I LOVE THE COLD... gimme more!
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Guest Master O Beans
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i]

I always do that.... durring winter i always have my window open and the fan on.... ahh I LOVE THE COLD... gimme more! [/B][/QUOTE]

AH yes! Back at my old house (which had windows, I now live in my basement...no windows ...always dark:eek: ) I used to sleep with my windows open to...nothing is better than waking up in the morning to that cold, CRISP, air. I dunno, it just seems like in the fall and winter the air is better (smelling, feeling)...or something like that...perhaps I'm just a dork.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Master O Beans [/i]

AH yes! Back at my old house (which had windows, I now live in my basement...no windows ...always dark:eek: ) I used to sleep with my windows open to...nothing is better than waking up in the morning to that cold, CRISP, air. I dunno, it just seems like in the fall and winter the air is better (smelling, feeling)...or something like that...perhaps I'm just a dork. [/B][/QUOTE]

No, I quite agree with you. I'm glad I was born in the fall,... the weather just has a different feeling about it..... k, this is going off-topic a bit... :D
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