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[color=green][size=1]I just realized something...more people have been killed protesting than in the war...dare I say it again[/size][/color]...[color=green][size=3][B]MORE PEOPLE HAVE BEEN KILLED PROTESTING THAN IN THE ACTUAL WAR[/B][/size][/color][color=green][size=1]...does that account for anything? Just wondering there.>.>[/size][/color]
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Lalith, thanks for writing down what these anti-war people either dont know, or are ignoring, or are un-willing to acknowledge.

Those are all facts that you have mentioned and are the exact reasons I support the removal of Saddam. (along with many other reasons.)

I just wanted to mention that you wrote about the international community saving people...

I wanted to remind you that pol pot killed 2 MILLION cambodians.

That is not saving anyone, that is FAILING to save people.

I also want to remind you of the slaughter of 30,000 people, specifically by machette in rowanda.

That was overlooked/ingnored by the U.N. (so keep these things in mind when we think of the international community acting to save, liberate or justify military actions.)

But since those subjects are not the subject of this thread...

I also want to ask if you know what killed those kurds in jalabjah?

Did you know it was not simply nerve gas?

It was a combination created by scientist of saddam that consisted of mustard gas, seron (sp?) and VX. (I believe...)

Also just for a side note, that village was murdered on march 16th, 15 years ago.

I hope these things are all taken into consideration by those of you opposing this war.

I also want to add that queen asuka was not advacating anarchy.

Anarchy is what allows bad governments into power.

Look at afghanistan and you should know that the taliban took over because the warring factions were creating "anarchy."

So with a single power larger than others, they created what they considered a national power/government.

This goes to show that even in anarchy there is a form of government in a sense... that form of government is called the strongest gang.

This is why we cannot allow anarchy... when the strongest are justifying anything they do by means of their own strength, the weak will always be oppressed.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by gokents [/i]
[B]Anarchy is what allows bad governments into power.

Look at afghanistan and you should know that the taliban took over because the warring factions were creating "anarchy."

So with a single power larger than others, they created what they considered a national power/government.

This goes to show that even in anarchy there is a form of government in a sense... that form of government is called the strongest gang.

This is why we cannot allow anarchy... when the strongest are justifying anything they do by means of their own strength, the weak will always be oppressed. [/B][/QUOTE]
When was the last time Bush sent aid to Afghanistan, by the way? Last I heard, after the Taliban were kicked out, anarchy ensued and the people currently are fighting amongst themselves. Meanwhile, there's practically a big fat "0" in Bush's budget to help Afghanistan next year.

[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Endymion [/i]
[B]ANYWAY, I have one critical question to ask. Since Saddam Hussein is such a horrible man toward his own people, why would the U.S. (knowing this) give the man chemical weapons during the 1980s? Or did he only start harming Iraqi citizens after he attacked Kuwait?[/B][/QUOTE]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Endymion [/i]
[B]When was the last time Bush sent aid to Afghanistan, by the way? Last I heard, after the Taliban were kicked out, anarchy ensued and the people currently are fighting amongst themselves. Meanwhile, there's practically a big fat "0" in Bush's budget to help Afghanistan next year. [/B][/QUOTE] That's where UN comes in. Also just to answer the statement "but the US says the UN is worthless.", those people are talking about the security council, the humanitarian side is actually quite good.
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*Reads one last time what lalith posted that had the strong content.*

That's sick and wrong. If I was in jail for assasination I'd take a shot to kill Saddam anyday.

Anyway I asked half the people I know who are against this war if they knew or were paying attention of the things some people like here ( because I showed most of them this thread) have said Suddam has done 99.9% said no. *Finishes useless sarcasm.*
So pretty much sooner Saddam is gone the better I will feel.
* Goes back to praying in his corner*
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The thing all you people (excluding Endymion) are forgetting is that Saddam has been in power for [b]24 years!![/b] naturally, he was a monster the entire time. Just up 'till 1991, he was OUR monster. I'm done ranting now.
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[size=1] [color=darkblue] Yes, Saddam attacked kuwait, launched scuds at Israel, used chmical weapons on Iranian just because he was losing, and torched oil fields because he was losing. Done nothing wrong? War not justified?

If you give him twelve years to disarm, and he doesn't, and you give him two days to leave Iraq and he doesn't, don't you think he won't change his mind?

I would love to see him change his mind, I would love to see him go into exile, I hate war as much as the radical anti war movement, but have realised it is a necessary evil to weed out a dictator bent on ruling the world.

WMD= Weapons of mass destruction
Cartoon from [url=www.hallindseyoracle.com]Hal Lindesy's[/url] website, your source for how this war fits into bible prophecy for the end times.
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great political cartoon! Where did you find that?

[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by cloricus [/i]
[B]Wars brings death, if you don't like death don't support war, easy. :)

Eps - Putting the world in black and white. [/B][/QUOTE]

So God Likes Death?! o.O!!! Throughout the Bible God backed his people in war. He says there is a time for war, and a time for peace.
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Man do we really have to go to war? If you ask me this is a bunch of bull. I feel sorry for those who died. I am really scared though. New York is horrible. It is hard to try to get around the city. The news says that they want us to go on with our normal lives and not think about the war. If they want us to do this then why do they have to show us the war on the news most of the time. This is bad.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by G.D. Ryoko [/i]
[B]Man do we really have to go to war? If you ask me this is a bunch of bull. I feel sorry for those who died. I am really scared though. New York is horrible. It is hard to try to get around the city. The news says that they want us to go on with our normal lives and not think about the war. If they want us to do this then why do they have to show us the war on the news most of the time. This is bad. [/B][/QUOTE]
Quit being so selfish.

[quote]Thats because of the sanctions and embargoes that have been placed on Iraq by the U.S. and the U.N.[/quote]
Also because Sadam hordes all the food not allowing it to be distributed to the people.

[quote]Not true, off memory the list was very long. It includes -
Australia (People don't support)
Canada (People don't support)
England (People don't support)
For the People not supporting it, they didn't support stepping in when Hitler was invading either. And this applies directly to England too. France and Russia are against it because they have cushy oil deals with it, and Germany has been making money off of Iraq by selling them weapons and building them bunkers to withstand bombs.
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Good point TUN.

My grandfather was a member of the RAAF, a mechanic, and was offered plenty of times for an officer position, but her turned them all down because he didn't like the idea of being shot in the back. Also he recieved a coupla medals, but he's kept them hidden away...


My mother's side of the family is crazy. (This is the same grandfather that trained a tiger cub to guard his valuables. I've still got to find that photo...)

My other grandfather was an officer in the army and received a few medals too..but I also don't know much about the story..


I just find it amusing that the SAS is further in Iraq than any other team (the 'mad bad' people as my mother refers to them..) and have been pulling more stunts than anyone else knows about.

Whats more amusing is they got in a fire fight with some Iraqi military, killed one of the Iraqi soldiers and the rest dropped their weapons and ran away...

It just shows that Saddam's army really isn't as loyal to him as he claims.


BTW, I have some stories that could make your hair curl about the 'special treatment' Saddam gives to his people. But as you guys have already torn me away from my Proto Human essay, I'm not about to tell you.

James might tho, James did you watch that documentary on SBS a couple of nights back? Had stuff in it about the Iraqi opposition party 'n stuff..
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Harry [/i]
For the People not supporting it, they didn't support stepping in when Hitler was invading either. And this applies directly to England too. France and Russia are against it because they have cushy oil deals with it, and Germany has been making money off of Iraq by selling them weapons and building them bunkers to withstand bombs. [/B][/QUOTE]

I compare USA and England to germany and Itay in WW2. I mean, after iraq, whos next? Iran, North korea, Syria, France, Germany, Canada, china? his hole war buisness really sucks.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Primus [/i]
[B][color=darkred]I don't understand how anyone can be anti-war. I support the killing of everyone on Saddam's side. I do feel sorrow for the innocent people, but hell Iraq needs to go down.
[/color] [/B][/QUOTE]

Because we obviously think a different way. Ofcourse you're not gonna understand. I don't understand how people can be straight... it's just how you think, don't make it sound like you're belittling us.

[quote][b]You're wrong[/quote][/b]

Please explain yourself further in the future. That is considered SPAM.

[quote][b]For the People not supporting it, they didn't support stepping in when Hitler was invading either. And this applies directly to England too. France and Russia are against it because they have cushy oil deals with it, and Germany has been making money off of Iraq by selling them weapons and building them bunkers to withstand bombs.[/b][/quote]

They didn't step in because they had JUST gotten out of WWI some 25 years earlier. Why would anyone want to jump right into another war that could go senselessly out of control like WWI did and end up killing Millions more, although WWII did end up killing millions more, however it wasn't as senseless as WWI. France has alot of debt to collect from Iraq. Since WWII, when Iraq was on our side might I add, and they feel that they may not get that money back if Saddam is removed from power. They probably won't. Then again, the US never got their 12 Billion from WWI but that ended up causing the Great Depression in some way or another. It's all a big giant circle and I suppose something had to be done. However a full out war... I dunno if thats ever really the answer... it may be the quick easy way, but thats what America is about eh? Quick and easy.
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Whoever says that God does not like death is mistaken. Have you actually read the bible!? Look what god did to the Egyptians, he killed every Egyptian family's first born son, and is even worse because it was the Pharoh and his army that tortured and killed the Israeli, not some poor kid who had no idea what was going on. And take a look at what he did to poor old Job. Just because Satan disputed the man's faith, he killed his stock, his family, destroyed his home and covered the man in boils, just to prove a point. O praise you, loving and merciful God.

And in case you haven't heard. Saddam Hussein has been firing SCUD Missiles to defend himself. Wait a minute, aren't SCUD's classed as weapons of mass destruction? Gee, and thought he didn't have any. Strange.

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I think all anti-war protesters are hippies. Or at least the only ones they show on the news are. I say we go in, capture Saddam, rebuild their government, give their country funding, and leave. I'm not for the whole assassination idea. Sure, he's a bad guy, but that's no justification to up and kill him in his sleep. Everyone's entitled to due process. It would be great to solve this thing with minimum violence, but if there is massive bloodshed that's okay, too. The reason war is horrible and violent is because we don't want people becoming to fond of it, now do we.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The Unholy Newt [/i]
[B]on. And take a look at what he did to poor old Job. Just because Satan disputed the man's faith, he killed his stock, his family, destroyed his home and covered the man in boils, just to prove a point.

And in case you haven't heard. Saddam Hussein has been firing SCUD Missiles to defend himself. Wait a minute, aren't SCUD's classed as weapons of mass destruction? Gee, and thought he didn't have any. Strange.


ok, point 1 in that statement is wrong. God Let satan put Job through that to test his faith.

Point 2, Scuds are only as accurate as the length of the missle. I could care less how destructive they are.
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Guest Chun- Li
I agree. That freak. Ooooo. I know a friend who's dad shot an iraqian. Imagine him burning in hell right now...... but still I too, for one is worried
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DuoMax [/i]
[B]I compare USA and England to germany and Itay in WW2. I mean, after iraq, whos next? Iran, North korea, Syria, France, Germany, Canada, china? his hole war buisness really sucks. [/B][/QUOTE]

That is just rediculus and it saddens me to see that the other independant thinkers here were not completly insulted by your comments.

You are truly showing not just your opinion, but an obvious ignorance to the truth of the situation.

I should also mention that those words are just about as polite as I can respond to such a rediculus statment. (I would really rather just use nasty terms and names to demean this persons intelligence:flaming:... I mean, fascist killing millions of innocents being compared to a liberating army that hasnt even had the chance to prove its honestly good intentions, which is the only reason people can even suggest the worst possible things to POSSIBLY occur...)

Have you all seen the footage of the Iraqi man beating a painting of saddam with his shoe?

Those are not what conquered people do.

That is what liberated people do.

I also want to mention that it is hipocritical for people to protest this war of liberation directed only to allow the people of Iraq to rule themselves...

Yet not a single one of you hipocrites says a word when 2,500 turks invade kurdistan to sieze control of kurkuck. (kurkuck is a major oil field area)

Talk about a war for Oil?! why dont you go yell that crap at the turks taking the land from the victims of saddam with hostility instead of whining about what you think might happen because of american efforts for liberation.

This is the sort of stuff that just reinforces my beliefs that only about 10% of the people so vocally oppossed to this war can make an intellectual debate that is worthy of my, or anyone elses time. (that 10% here is mostly limited to one individual, and he is always working on my last trans nerve.)
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[color=blue]Gokents, I have a question how come when we disagree with you, you call us unitelligent? Just because you disagree dosen't give you the right to call us unintelligent, stupid, idiotic, etc. That is not fair to people trying to express their opinions and is called [b]FLAMING[/b]!!! You can't just call us "ignorant" and expect us to automatically say "Oh! We were wrong the entire time! Lets flock to the other side!!" All you are doing is driving us even further from your viewpoint! You are just showing YOUR ignorance. How can you?:flaming:[/color]

[color=blue]EDIT: I'd just like to tell you all that we (war protesters) [b]DO NOT[/b] support Saddam! We think he is a horrible person! But we do not want war! I know he has done horrible things! We do not contest that!!! We do not want war! We think there is a better way of dealing with him! Before you ask "Well, how?" I will tell you this: Get to the people. Bombing his people will not get them to like you. Might I add that Bin Laden WANTS this war? It will mean thousands if not millions for new recruits for him! Thats all my ranting for now...[/color]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Chun- Li [/i]
[B]I agree. That freak. Ooooo. I know a friend who's dad shot an iraqian. Imagine him burning in hell right now...... but still I too, for one is worried [/B][/QUOTE]

[color=green][size=1]Lord almighty...please just save us! Are you just a complete and total idiot or what? Sorry for being rude, but your comment was rude as well! Your friend's dad shot an Iraqian..if thats even what they call themselves...and now they are dead, and you suddenly assume they will be in HELL!? IRAQIANS AREN'T EVIL!>< It's their corrupt government! Have you read one spec of these posts?! Have you watched the news?! I'm sorry but I just....*shakes head*you...should just be quiet here and now. I won't take that from anyone, people from Iraq aren't bad, ok? Don't just assume they are evil and when they die they go to hell! "Oh my gosh they died and now they are in hell bwahaha." Man you just make me sick--()[/size][/color]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Orien_Xel [/i]
[B][color=blue]Gokents, I have a question how come when we disagree with you, you call us unitelligent? Just because you disagree dosen't give you the right to call us unintelligent, stupid, idiotic, etc. That is not fair to people trying to express their opinions and is called [b]FLAMING[/b]!!! You can't just call us "ignorant" and expect us to automatically say "Oh! We were wrong the entire time! Lets flock to the other side!!" All you are doing is driving us even further from your viewpoint! You are just showing YOUR ignorance. How can you?[/color] [/B][/QUOTE]

I'd have to agree with you there. Any one else that is like that would do well to take this to heart. I've even done it.

Any back on topic.

Mei, if this person thinks that they are in hell, then let them think that. They might be. You never know nowadays. Unless you knew theyr soul, you can't say they did or didn't go to hell. Same goes for Chun-Li.
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I dont want you on my side...

Not if you would support the statment I qouted...

And frankly, you deserve flaming for say that america and britian are the equals of Nazi germany and fascist Italy.

You should be smart enough to condem such statments without changing your oppossing views... (compared to my own.)

Dont bother with the threats and questions of who is ignorant in this.

Think about that...

America=Nazi germany...

Nah, thats not intellectual, that is just silly.

I dont want to call you Orien specifically ignorant, nor any one else who is here besides one person... and until that specific person retracts their statment, I will continue to consider their opinion invalid.

Any honest person should be able to oppose this war with out such radical and unintelligent statments.

6,000,000 Jewish innocents.

Anyone supporting the qouted statment should be ashamed and, orien, by you trying to get on my case for directly challenging that statment and intelligence of that person, you should consider yourself as one who is supporting that rediculus statment.

Not at a single place in your post did you condem that statment. Instead you confront me for my opposition to it...

That is rediculus and so are any of you willing to take the side of anyone saying such immature things.

This isn't about dissagrement... this is about a specific statment.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Vegitto4 [/i]
[B]Mei, if this person thinks that they are in hell, then let them think that. They might be. You never know nowadays. Unless you knew theyr soul, you can't say they did or didn't go to hell. Same goes for Chun-Li. [/B][/QUOTE]

[color=green][size=1]Yeah I know she can think that and all, but I don't think it's right for them just to assume that they are like she did! I had to voice my little and rather annoyed opinion there. I'm not assuming that person isn't, but it isn't right for her to just suddenly think that they are! Its just not!><[/size][/color]
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