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This is the second wallpaper i've made, ever. I dont know if I like it or not, I think theres too much white, I tried to fill that up with some random pixel designs, but I dont think it all fits together =/

I dont like it but hell someone out there might.
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[size=1]nah, get rid of that pixel art, it looks better without it. Besides that, it's pretty neat. I like the fact that you thought of the taskbar, you made your name where it would be hidden.[/size]
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Since syk3 doesnt want clutter and so on, thought i'd better post my new wallpaper in here, I might aswell make this my wallpaper thread or something.

Anyway, its called Energy. use it of you want, I dont care, C & C would be nice though.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Nephroxide [/i]
[B]Since syk3 doesnt want clutter and so on, thought i'd better post my new wallpaper in here, I might aswell make this my wallpaper thread or something.

Anyway, its called Energy. use it of you want, I dont care, C & C would be nice though. [/B][/QUOTE]
Ai, yes thanks for bringing that up and doing that. ;)

Woah...this wallpaper is so different from anything I've ever seen. You can just look at it for so long with all of these different colors and such. Sort of a small wallpaper..but the effects you used are amazing. I just can't describe the feeling that this wallpaper gives off. The name is very fitting, and I aboslutely love how you placed it.

My rating: [b]Perfect[/b]
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[size=1]*adds to group of acid tripped wallpapers*

Man, you'd be able to work for [URL=http://www.pixelwit.com]pixelwit[/URL] if you kept making wallpapers like that. Didn't i tell you, just earlier today, you'd be good at making 'em? Look at the feedback your getting. [/size]
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Interesting..it's like you're watching water through purple stained glass. Very professional looking like always, reminds me a *little* of your last banner, though, if it had just been done in spots. The placing of the text could be better; the one in the corner shouldn't be touching the edges, and the 'indigoANTHRAX' is angled funny. Other than that, great.

My rating: [b]9/10[/b]
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1st one is most appealing -__o. The little orange hearts were a nice touch.

2nd one colors make it look unique but all the text/typo needs to be redone, and there's alot of black space in it =\.

3rd one... hmmm.... no one uses 640x480 anymore =P so it's really just too small ^_^'. And there's really no focal point so it's more or less a texture with some text, same thing with the second wall there's no focal point :P.

And don't ask why i'm posting here you know the answer *___*;.
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