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Meh Banna


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[color=#808080]I like it. I like the font, too. Sometimes it's nice to stray from the angles and precise lines.

I don't know if I like the scanlines though. I'm just really sick of scanlines generally. So maybe try another way of adding that layered effect.

Overall though, very good. I'd give it 8/10.[/color]
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[color=ff00cc] [size=1]That's really neat, Chris! ^^
It's nice to see banners from you again. They're all really great to look at. ^^

I love the background, especially that starry figure in the center. The font is a little hard to see, and I think it would be a little better if it wasn't quite as transcluent.

9/10.[/color] [/size]
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Which proggy u use anyways? Oo

And the banner's great.
I readed wrong and thought I was gonna see a Kenjah banner, but when I looked it didnt look anything like his style (Aswell as the txt in the middle). And I looked at ur name and thought "since when does he come on again?" ;P
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lol kinetic people calling u chris here too?? anyway thats pretty good the font sucks though...when u have lots of effects not good to use a transperant (hope i spelled that right) font.oh and dark apocalyps he most likely used photoshop...
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its not that hard to find the airbrushing,it was most likely done in the first few steps of his gfc then he touched up on it at the end steps scan lines are fine but kinetic use the burn tool a little bit more on the top left corner and bottom right corner not too much though
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The only thing that looks even remotely like airbrushing is the center of the image -_o. And if that's what he means by airbrushing then he hasn't truly found out what airbrushing is. True that is one form of airbrushing, but it's only the first step...

Errr also -_o; most people don't airbrush at the beggining, they airbrush at the end to smooth the image out, or they airbrush while their making the gfx. So err yeah basically the only thing that looks like it could have been airbrushed is the center white glob part :-P oh well hopefully Kinetic will be back with an answer.

Also!!! Please say "gfx" not "gfc" lol GFC sounds more like KFC >___>!
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ill tell him to tell us the way he did i am at school w/ him just gotta go sneak down to the gym lmao.also saying gfx when ur talking about 1 graphic is not right.seing how gfx is graphics and gfc is graphic...and how gfc sounds like kfc ill never know...
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