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Is a man allowed to save his dog?

Braidless Baka

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Wow... I was just watching the news tonight and there was a [i]wierd[/i] thing on it...

Somewhere in america, there was a house that was burning to the ground. Bits of it were falling off and it looked really dangerous. Police had everyone behind a line and firefighters were still tackling the blaze.

And then a man out of the crowd broke through the police barrier, ran up to the back porch of the house and broke in through a back window. The man lived in the house and broke in to free his dog. He didn't even go into the house, and was hailed a hero for all of five minutes...

Then the police arrested him for endangering his own life and those of the firefighters O_O! The firefighters didn't even try to follow him onto the porch! So they either weren't going to follow him or they could see what he was trying to do and didn't think he needed following...

Should he have been arrested? *wonders*
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[size=1]I would of done the same for all of my cats. If he wanted to do it, who's the law to say he's not allowed to help HIS animal which HE was responsible for. I mean, an animal's life is just as valuable as a humans, isn't it? [/size]
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[b][size=1]I think it's reasonably fair that did so. When they have to go in there after the man, when he gets his legs burnt to a crisp so he can't walk; they're endangering lives that really don't need to be.

However, I would have done it for my cat, or anyone else in the house.[/b][/size]
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I dont think he should ahve been arrested. It is his own life, he can do what he wants.

I deffinately would have gone in to save my 2 dogs. I consider my dogs part of my family and I respect them very much. Hell, Id take a bullet for my dog, seriously!

If I was ever in a situation like that, Id just imagine what my dog must be feeling, weather hes hurt or scared to death, I hate thinking about it. My dogs are brother and sister and are going on 13 years old. I hope they live alot longer than that.
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[b][size=1]It might be his own life, but the people fighting the blaze will have to save it if he goes in and risks it. They can't just stand there and let him possibly die, can they? He's putting other lives at risk by running into that house and I know I would run in there, but I wouldn't necessarily be surprised if I was arrested.[/b][/size]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Tasis [/i]
[B][size=1]I would of done the same for all of my cats. If he wanted to do it, who's the law to say he's not allowed to help HIS animal which HE was responsible for. I mean, an animal's life is just as valuable as a humans, isn't it? [/size] [/B][/QUOTE]

[color=black][size=1][font=rockwell] Kind of contradictory there my dear Tasis. Humans are animals, too, as much as we'd like to think we're so higher above. We're animals--mammals to be more specific.

As for the man. I would've done the same thing if I was in his shoes.[/color][/size][/font]
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Elite brings up a good point, though--the man was potentially putting the firefighters at risk. He acted out of rash love, by running in without alerting them. Firefighters are more prepared for fires since they are trained; civilians are always asked to stay out of the way, for the good of the whole.

Not to say I wouldn't do it for my dog. I would try to save my Fred, if I could. (Let's just hope I'm never put to the test on that.)
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But my point I think is that he didn't even go into the house... they showed footage of it on TV, and he broke the patio doors in with some kind of bar, letting his dog free from the house... although, true, if he had had to go further into the house he probably would have done, but surely arresting him is a little extreme?
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[b][size=1]You said yourself that pieces were falling off the house. He could have easily been killed after a burnt section of his house collapsed on his head, and have easily taken firefighters (who could have been trying to help/pull him away) with him.[/b][/size]
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[color=crimson]But he wasnt. In the Justice system what if's are generally condemened. He should not be arrested for trying to save his dog[s], thats an obvious abuse of power. I'm sure that those brave, heroic police and firefighters were all geared up, ready to run in there like the heros they are payed to be. *rolls eyes*[/color]
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[size=1][color=darkblue]I saw the footage, and I think you're wrong. He took a bat to the window, went in, grabbed the dog and left via. the balcony. However I may be wrong. This was incredible stupid yet courageous. The sensible thing to do would have been to alert the forces in control of the blazing building, and maybe one of them would have gone in, as they are trained in the situation.
The man shouldn't be jailed, or even arrested, but he should have realised what his actions could have done. However, in situations of pure emotion, your actions seem to skip past your brain, and you barely realise what you're doing, you're just do it. It's happened to nearly every one of us,[/color][/size]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathKnight [/i]
[B][color=crimson]But he wasnt. In the Justice system what if's are generally condemened. He should not be arrested for trying to save his dog[s], thats an obvious abuse of power. I'm sure that those brave, heroic police and firefighters were all geared up, ready to run in there like the heros they are payed to be. *rolls eyes*[/color] [/B][/QUOTE]
He could've made a backdraft which would've screwed him, the dog, and the whole apartment complex.
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[color=darkblue]It's so utterly weird that this thread is here, because last night in Richmond, a man went back into his house, after rescuing his family, to save his dogs. He never made it back out.

So now those kids have to grow up without a father, and a wife lost her husband. The house was in a complete inferno when he did it. I see nothing wrong with trying to save a pet, but use common sense. Jeez.[/color]
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If my house was burning to nothing and I had a pet dog in there, I
wouldn't go in after it.

Chances are I'd go in there and kill myself while I'm at it.. and then the dog would make it out easily anyway. o_O

Sure, if I loved my pet enough to nearly kill myself to save it, I'd do exactly what the man did. But I don't. And I wouldn't.

The man must have loved his dog to the bone to do what he did.
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