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{New.life. & Zero.Fear.} New Siggys!!!

Hittokiri Zero

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[b][URL=http://www.ooforums.net/forums/showthread.php?threadid=62&perpage=15&pagenumber=1]Hey Hey Hey, HZ made two new sigs 2-day!!![/URL][/b]

Because my two new sigs have white borders I can't post him here cuz the white border won't come up dur! So that's a link to my two new sigs i'm using on another forum. Not really graphically challenging to make, more of fun sigs that I like just because there both gundamish, gundam seedish to be exact =D. And my avatar on those forums is also the main protagonist from Gundam Seed Kira Yamato. Well just compare the Aegis and Strike Gundam sigs. I personally like the Aegis one more but maybe it's just me =P.

(btw sigs are optimized for 1024x768 res, I have a feeling their gonna look horribly nasty in 800x600 :-P).
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Both sexalised. nothing much I can say, they look simple but .... well they arent as simple as they look, but they look nice, you have a nice way with font aswell, unlike me, the font retard. lol
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Yo no hablo ingles (> '_' )> <( 'o' <) (>^_^<)

This is not some horrible attempt to bump my topic up, honestly it's not!!!

Which one is better????????????????????????????????????

The second sig (strike gundam) was modeled after the 1st so I think that's why It didn't come out as great, I like the text positioning of the Aegis gundam sig a tad bit better to.
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Dude. If I was into Gundam, I'd be wearing these banners with anime show pride. You encapsulized both images well, and the effects only enhance it. Most, if not all the text, is easy to see and read. Kudos.

BTW, I prefer the second. Just 'cause. ^_^

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[color=#808080]Not bad; I like your choice of pictures.

The electrical effects are very appropriate, though pretty standard fare. But they certainly do suit the images, I'll give you that.

I also like your use of text. It's not the common "tiny text in the corner half faded" stuff that just about everyone else seems to be using these days. So, I think there's some originality there, which I like. Plus, I also like the futuristic tone of the banner. Typography can be [i]very[/i] effective in an image, if used well.

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[i]James-Kun said...[/i]
[quote]I like your choice of pictures.[/quote]

:therock: finding high quality pictures is my specialty. In Gundam Seed at the start of the series, there are 5 main gundams: Strike, Buster, Aegis, Blitz, and Duel. I have yet to find similar quality pics of the Blitz, Duel, and Buster gundam :P.

But i'm glad you people liked my sigs, different from the norm that's what I like about them. It gets kind of boring making your own background then applying a picture over it, so I thought i'd try something a tad different; hmmm... guess they came out well.
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