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Malibu's Most Stupid

Zanarkand Abes

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I was in high anticipation for the new Jamie Kennedy movie, until I saw it. I thought I would be able to relate to him right? I mean he played a white boy acting black, and I sometimes act the same. I love rap and some of the baggy clothes. This was supposed to be funny, and in some places it was, but cpme on! This movie was pretty much just stupid. What do ya'll think?
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Yeah, I just seen it yesterday and I must say I was highly disappointed. This movie is only rivaled in stupidity by Kung-Pow. Two very awful movies. I mean the sad part is that people knew Kung-Pow was going to be a pretty mindless, and stupid movie. The commercials for it made that apparent, but some including myself still hoped it would be funny enough to pay to see. Sadly it was not.

But the commercials were deceiving for Malibu's Most Wanted. They made the movie look like it was going to be good, and I hardly found anything funny about it. Most of it wasn't funny. The movie was just full of mind numbing stupidity, and I wouldn't recommend anyone go to see it.
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[color=ff00cc] [size=1]Lol. My friend tried dragging me over to see this movie, but I saw 'Holes' instead.

I'm not planning whatsoever to see this movie. It looks really dumb, and nothing in the commercials make me want to see this movie.

I loathe Kung Pow, also. - .-;[/color] [/size]
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I read a review somewhere that this movie would probably be decent if it were only 30 minutes long. That's telling you something.

So I'm not planning to see this movie. This type of movie should've just stayed as a TV sketch... sorta like all of Saturday Night Live's movies.
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[color=blue][size=1]I saw the movie earlier today and it was quite disapointing. I didn't laugh the whole movie the parts I might have laughed at were shown on television over and over again or on his show. I feel the movie may ruin his whole hidden camera show at that, before he wasn't well known but now that he has a movie out more people are going to recognise him(much like what happend with the Tom Green show). The only thing I enjoyed about the whole movie was seeing the Matrix: Reloaded preview on the big screen.[/color][/size]
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I saw this movie with my friend and some of his friends, but honestly I never wanted to see it. For what it's worth, it was okay. It wasn't really my kind of movie, so I didn't really like it, but there were some funny parts. The movie was obviously targeted to a different audience from me, so in my eyes, yeah, it was pretty stupid.

There was one funny part, though. [spoiler]This was when the guy got on top of the car and started shooting everything, and got the other gang to leave. When he got down, the other dude asked him where he learned it, and Brad responded "Grand Theft Auto." The other guy was like, "Oh yeah, I got GameCast". "Game Cast? Well, there's GameCube and Dreamcast, which one do you have?" "I say I got GameCast!!" lol[/spoiler]

[color=green]You messed up on your spoiler tag, there. All patched up. :)

>.> How embarassing...lol -Syk3
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BlueGender [/i]
[B][color=blue][size=1]I feel the movie may ruin his whole hidden camera show at that, before he wasn't well known but now that he has a movie out more people are going to recognise him(much like what happend with the Tom Green show).[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE]
That already happened to him on one episode. Jamie and Melissa Joan Hart were X-ing this one girl into believing that she was helping Melissa Joan Hart out on her new talk show. When Jamie walked in the room as "Melissa's boyfriend, the producer" the girl automatically said "You're Jamie Kennedy!" They had to convince her that he wasn't really Jamie Kennedy and that he only looks like him, then get on with the prank. They had to show the prank the first time with that part editied out.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Syk3 [/i]

There was one funny part, though. [spoiler]This was when the guy got on top of the car and started shooting everything, and got the other gang to leave. When he got down, the other dude asked him where he learned it, and Brad responded "Grand Theft Auto." The other guy was like, "Oh yeah, I got GameCast". "Game Cast? Well, there's GameCube and Dreamcast, which one do you have?" "I say I got GameCast!!" lol[/spoiler]


That was my favorite part. Probably the best part of the movie.
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I didn't want to see this movie either; I wanted to see Bulletproof Monk, but my friend would have none of it.

Just as I expected, the movie was a complete waste of time and money. The appeal of this character on Jamie Kennedy's show, doesn't lie in the personality of the character himself, but in the reaction of [i]real[/i], unsuspecting people.

Of course, that's lost here. There's only so much you can drag out of a lame character that doesn't have the charm or complexity to make it in a sketch that lasts for more than about seven minutes.

I would have been more satisfied with an expanded version of Jamie Kennedy's television show (think Jackass), than I was with this. As it stands now, this movie wasn't even worth as much as the Hawaiian Punch candy I bought in the theater.
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If you want to experience heaven, you can, as I've said, just watch the regular show. You see, in this instance, you won't need fancy candy or soda to disguise the bad taste that the film leaves in your mouth.

As you probably know, since you've seen [i]Bringing Down the House[/i], there are films that are able to successfully play off black culture using a white comedian, without coming off as thoroughly unfunny.

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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i]
[B]I hate going to the damn theater... [/B][/QUOTE]

[color=ff00cc] [size=1]Omg. I love going to the theater!!! (Sony Metreon's seats are sooo good).
I always get curly fries or funnel cake and split it with my friends. o.o; Popcorn gets caught in my throat.

Lol. One of my friends just saw this movie a few hours ago, and he actually walked out in the first half, and went to see the last half of 'Holes' instead. oo;[/color] [/size]
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I don't like it...

I have a nice HDTV, a DVD player and a good sound system. I'm set. I'd rather lay around my house eating great food (in addition to popcorn if I wanted) and saying or doing whatever I want to.

I'll never understand why my friends want to go to the theater. You sit in a dark room staring at a big screen. If you talk, people get annoyed with you. I'm not into candy, and I can do without popcorn. Especially when you get those stupid kernels stuck on the back of your tongue or whatever, and you spend forever trying to get them off. I'd much rather watch a movie at my house.

This way, I don't pay $8+ to see a movie I'll most likely hate, while annoying fat people clang their bottles of Diet Snapple (as if that will help when you are also eating 5 boxes of candy, moron), dig around noisily in bags of wrapped candy and talk about their mundane lives for some reason.

These are the types of people who go on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? and tell lame stories that have [i]absolutely nothing[/i] to do with the question that was asked of them ("Which of these is not part of an atom?" "Well I was born in Indiana, so that's not it..." etc). Ugh.

When I saw Boat Trip (which was much better than you'd imagine), a lady seriously talked to her husband for 3 minutes (at least) about how something in it looked like the Grecian Islands. Then she talked about how nice the silverware and dishes were on the cruise. Of course, all of this was in a normal speaking voice. It couldn't be more obvious that her husband didn't give a crap either. What the hell? And of course, being a "nice guy," I can't tell an old lady to shut the hell up. But oh I would have [i]loved[/i] to. Really, I would.

I don't like the theater.

But, I [i]do[/i] like to complain obviously.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i]
[B]But, I [i]do[/i] like to complain obviously. [/B][/QUOTE]
[i]Obviously[/i]. lol

In any case, it seems like, to the movie theatre, you'd prefer:

a) Illegally downloading the movie :eek:


b) Waiting till the movie you want to see comes on DVD :therock:

Sure, watching a movie at home is fun, but in the movie theatre, you get to see it as early as possible, on a really big screen, great sound, and with previews of other movies you may be interested in. Besides, I can't say that I've had many experiences with people talking throughout the movie. o_O

The particular movie theatre that I went to for this movie was actually really big and had comfortable seats, so depending, seats are a plus too. ;) We were able to see it the day it came out, and the Matrix Reloaded preview was shown before the movie (even if you download it, it's not on the big screen with that kind of sound). You can't do that with DVDs.
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Movies hit DVD so fast now anyway, that it doesn't even matter. Half the time you get even more scenes, features and everything else.

Seeing a movie 3 months earlier doesn't exactly excite me. If you stay behind what's out in the theaters, you wind up having tons to watch anyway.

And I guess you have to live in a city like Chicago, where everyone thinks they are as important as god, to have to deal with people who talk throughout entire movies on a regular basis.

Anyway, the theater uses 5.1 sound. I have that. It won't be as loud, but who cares. Most of the time DVDs in progressive scan look better than what you'll see at the theater (unless that's digitally projected, which is rare). So I'd rather watch it on a 36" or 52" TV than sitting 50 feet behind some huge screen.

It's not my thing. I have better everything at home in my opinion.

And no, I don't download movies. Takes too long, they look like crap and so on.
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