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Hells something or other


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I havent thought of a name for this piece yet, hence the lack of text, if anyone has some decent names then feel free to post them, anyway, what do you think? I madea blue remix sort of thing aswell, so i'll post that after someone replies. ( so I dont double post >>; )

Ratings, comments, whatever you want.... :P
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Dude. I can see something in there. [i]Seriously.[/i]

One moment it looks like some guy stretching his hands above his head, the next, it looks like some hell hound reaching out at you.

Dude. *stares with Juu* You should make a few more like this one.

The little white things look too pixelating to be in there...that's the only thing bothering me.

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I see a Gingerbread man who stretches his arm, while being burned by the fires of hell which have a lot more thingies in it like a big eye and so on.
Very nice :) 9/10 (just dont put pixel art into everything u make)
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[color=black][size=1][font=rockwell] It's okay. To tell you the truth, it really doesn't catch my eye or anything; and, also, it seems to me to look almost exactly like every other thing in close proximity to other things you've posted that're just effects like this. I'm getting tired of it. I guess your style's just losing its luster to me, I don't know.

It's just okay. I don't love it; I don't hate it.[/color][/size][/font]
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Guest Black Souled
This is going to sound funny to some, but IthinkI see a gundam in it!
Does any one else?

But it realy cool though!!
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Actually...(hurt me for saying this and you'll be sorry! :D)...I prefer [i]this[/i] one to some of your others. There's just something about the glowing effect, and...and...this is really hard to explain... >.<

Part of it is that you are sticking with a monochromatic scheme that...*words fade out again*...this [i]is[/i] hard to explain.

Lemme just say this is one of your best, to me.

Maybe the lack of white (and/or grey)? I dunno...I'm still doing some comparing, but that is the largest factor jumping out at me right now.
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[size=1][color=firebrick] Heh, that is quite a cool effect Neph, I like the way you can actually see things in it *blinds self trying to see the hell hound and man reaching to the sky that Ginny saw.

Very nice Neph, you're quite the graphics artist ;) [/size][/color]
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