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Well, pfft, I thought i'd save people who wanted to know a little about me the time to search for info on me. Not that theres a great demand anyway, but I was bored. So here it is, james made the little robot thing to the right, just so you know. :p
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[color=#808080]I agree that this is a cool idea. It kills two birds with one stone; you don't need some stupid massive long signature and you also have a banner. Very nice.

Oh and -- I didn't make the robot. The image that it was a part of is the one image that I [i]didn't[/i] create, out of all the images I was showing you.

The little robot thing (and the character in your avatar) are from Giftpia.

But anyway, I really like the banner. It's clever. And I think it shows that your style isn't becoming boring in the least. ~_^[/color]
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Heh, thanks, ad the robots cool anyway. :P

And as I explained to Zeh, I didnt have hardly enough room to add all the people on, so I added the people I first made friends with, seemed fair.
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I like it man, you have the right idea. It reminds me of the FFR license a lot...I made something similar to this, except with my picture and stuff. I even like the pixelated text in the corner; it adds something so that the background isn't totally plain, but doesn't make it a focus point.

My rating: [b]9/10[/b]

I actually decided to make my version of it, lol. As for the ob respect list, that was't in any particular order, and I couldn't fit everyone's name, so don't take offense if you don't see your name. ;)

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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Nephroxide [/i]
[B]Cool, you even matchd the font ^_^ :P nice to see im on teh respet list aswell. [/B][/QUOTE]
Yeah, I usually download whatever bitmap fonts I come across. I just went through the ones I had until I came across one that fit yours.

BTW, of course you're on the respect list. ;)
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i]
[B]In less than a week, I've found out that I'm neither "intelligent" or respected. Wonderful.


[color=black][size=1][font=rockwell] Same here, Tony. I like it, it's something new and fresh rather than your seemingly repetitive other graphics things that seem to look the same all of the time.[/color][/size][/font]
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